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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-09-04 10:12:50
看板 Gossiping
作者 ilovedandan (阿匹婆爆破大隊)
標題 [新聞] 波多野結衣上CNN啦!
時間 Thu Sep  3 22:47:27 2015

Controversial metro cards featuring porn star Yui Hatano sell out in Taiwan

By Karla Cripps, CNN
Updated 0551 GMT (1251 HKT) September 3, 2015

(CNN)A cautionary tale for public transport officials around the world who
might be considering using adult film stars to spice up their marketing plans.


A set of sexy pre-paid swipe cards featuring Japanese adult video star Yui
Hatano has proven to be both popular and controversial in Taipei.

The drama all started August 26, when Taiwanese card producer EasyCard
announced that it had teamed up with the popular actress for a limited
edition set of the stored value cards, used to pay for rides on the city's
metro and buses and small convenience store purchases.

According to the Taipei Times, the move drew much criticism from the public,
particularly among parents, educators and women's advocacy groups.
根據Taipei Times,整起事件引起父母、教師、婦女團體極大的反抗聲浪

Some critics -- including Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, whose government holds 40%
of the swipe card company -- complained that the cards would be available at
major convenience store chains, making them easily accessible to children.

In a statement posted on its website, EasyCard apologized for the controversy
and said the cards would only be sold via a phone line.

In response to the public outcry, Hatano issued a statement in Japanese and

"Just because I'm an adult video star, does that mean I can't participate in
charity activities and contribute to society? Can't I use action to repay the
love for me from Taiwan?"
波多野結衣回應整起事件: 只因為我是AV女優,只因為我是AV女優,就不能參加有善意

Online images of the set show two versions of the stored value cards -- an
"Angel" and a "Demon."

There is no nudity in either image, one of which features Hatano wearing
white, the other black.

Cards sold out in four hours

Controversy aside, it would appear some have no problems carrying around
Hatano's image in their wallets.

On September 1, EasyCard announced the 15,000 available cards had already

sold out by 4:18 a.m. local time, just four hours after phone lines opened.

All of the proceeds from the cards, priced at NT$250, are being donated to
charity, said the company.

According to English-language news site Focus Taiwan, a "Purchase Yui Hatano
EasyCards" Facebook campaign drew approximately 47,000 members.

Many fans complained the phone line was constantly busy.

"This was the first time I wanted to contribute to charity this much, but not
even a single phone call got through," said one fan, as quoted by Focus

來源: http://edition.cnn.com/2015/09/03/travel/taiwan-porn-star-metro-cards/
Porn star metro cards ignite controversy in Taiwan - CNN.com
Public opinion is divided over a set of sexy new Taipei metro cards featuring Japanese porn actress Yui Hatano. ...


 作者  garlos (綠豆開心果)                                       看板  Beauty
 標題  [神人] 中正園遊會馬尾可愛女生                                          
 時間  Sun Apr 29 01:07:54 2012                                              
特徵 : 綁馬尾, 輪廓深, 目測158, 超可愛
watashiD:綁馬尾, 輪廓深, 目測185   ->莫那魯道04/29 01:15

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Lw5s4a4 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1441291652.A.904.html
q2203649: 快推,不然人家以為我們看不懂1F 09/03 22:48
makimakimaki: 台灣之光還是日本之光2F 09/03 22:48
Pony5566: 沒翻譯會被刪3F 09/03 22:48
tank44444: 日本之光4F 09/03 22:48
Xinz: 女權:這樣我要怎麼教孩子~5F 09/03 22:48
xzcb2008: 看不懂啦幹6F 09/03 22:48
nobeldd: 台日友好之光7F 09/03 22:48
Wolverine56: 原來如此,和我的想法差不多8F 09/03 22:48
xzcb2008: 繁體中文2字掰掰9F 09/03 22:48
nicejelly: 結衣總算邁向國際了(淚目10F 09/03 22:48
killerchi: 你以爲我看不懂嗎11F 09/03 22:48
DontGoCMI: 紅到外國 風都吹這麼遠了阿 YoYo卡廣告超成功12F 09/03 22:48
※ 編輯: ilovedandan (, 09/03/2015 22:58:10
chao0210: 靠腰我竟然看的懂英文13F 09/03 22:49
qsef5: 英文paper看夠多了14F 09/03 22:49
nobeldd: 如果CNN主播手上也一套就玄了15F 09/03 22:49
t95912: 快打中文不然會被退16F 09/03 22:49
alfredgod: 看不懂啦17F 09/03 22:49
secret1414: 很多藝人都是從台灣紅回日本18F 09/03 22:49
E6300: 後悔選柯文哲19F 09/03 22:49
bobobola: 這新聞英文難度明明就還好20F 09/03 22:49
DontGoCMI: EasyCard 柯文哲都打響名號了21F 09/03 22:49
ymx3xc: 台日友好之光22F 09/03 22:50
bobobola: 這裡不是一堆號稱多益990 還需要翻譯喔23F 09/03 22:50
Szss: 有紀錄的女優24F 09/03 22:50
DontGoCMI: Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je \選總統/ \選總統/ \選總統/25F 09/03 22:50
zz71: 反觀....26F 09/03 22:51
victoryman: 其實還好 就平鋪的把事情敘訴完而已 沒什麼評論27F 09/03 22:51
sevenny: 台灣之光 波多野結衣  無誤!!!28F 09/03 22:51
akuser: 台日友好29F 09/03 22:52
squallhung: 負女團體不去抗議嗎30F 09/03 22:52
kanoki: 海水退潮囉31F 09/03 22:52
mike0327: 去看一下中時怎麼翻譯這篇新聞的32F 09/03 22:52
ssd123698745: 就很客觀的把所有現象寫出來,沒有風向33F 09/03 22:53
hyuchi0202: 看不懂啦34F 09/03 22:53
Szss: 老外覺得這件事有意義就記錄下來35F 09/03 22:53
dragonne: 這篇外國新聞很客觀的把事實講出來,反觀...36F 09/03 22:53
scatology: 可以翻譯一下嗎 我英文0分37F 09/03 22:54
Justisaac: 啥都沒講 陳述事實~38F 09/03 22:54
shark2013: 滿中立客觀的39F 09/03 22:54
steven211: 台灣之光40F 09/03 22:54
divinity5566: 快推不然會被認為看不懂41F 09/03 22:54
Justisaac: 不過有引用本人的話~42F 09/03 22:54
ssd123698745: 就說決定賣卡,然後有爭議很多人抗議,但也有人支持43F 09/03 22:54
ymx3xc: 不過波多野結衣因這次事件,全球知名度真的賺翻了!!!44F 09/03 22:55
ssd123698745: 最後電話被打爆4小時賣完,訪問一個人說哭哭買不到45F 09/03 22:55
ranar: 就只有陳述經過而已,很中性的報導...46F 09/03 22:55
loveswim: 鍵盤990以上一堆 真的貼來就又該該叫XDDD47F 09/03 22:55
visualsense: CNN這麼關注台灣喔48F 09/03 22:55
shark2013: 引用的那段話好像在板上看過49F 09/03 22:55
ssd123698745: 還是台媒各種帶風向比較精彩R50F 09/03 22:56
zu00405479: 沒有中文20字會被桶唷51F 09/03 22:56
haonwwf: 謝謝 波多52F 09/03 22:56
gaduoray: 其實就把事實講出來而已53F 09/03 22:56
Szss: 這個社會議題拿來考大學生剛好54F 09/03 22:56
Szss: 到底是自由派還是保守派 很清楚啦
squallhung: 有本人的話,差不多是成人明星不能為社會做貢獻嗎?56F 09/03 22:56
Homeparty: 其實用的字不難57F 09/03 22:57
r124906623: 看不懂啦翻譯一下好嗎?58F 09/03 22:58
※ 編輯: ilovedandan (, 09/03/2015 23:04:39
kenjordan: 明年學測會考這篇喔59F 09/03 22:59
archon: it would appear some have no problems carrying...60F 09/03 22:59
archon: 這句是在說:對一些人而言,皮夾裡放波多野 ok der... 吧
SHIU0315: 全球知名度真是賺翻了 希望能有順利轉型的一天62F 09/03 23:00
MinJun5566: 台灣之光63F 09/03 23:01
feliz5566: 寫的比較像軼聞 大家飯後笑一笑64F 09/03 23:01
victoryman: 這篇寫的就如同你我的認知一般65F 09/03 23:01
xxKWANxx: 旅台就是神66F 09/03 23:02
pths313: 還以為被連爺爺的新聞洗光光了 還會報喔?67F 09/03 23:02
pths313: 喔幹~抱歉 這是cnn Q_Q
squallhung: 最後一句很酸,宅宅也有想公益的一天69F 09/03 23:03
iamxup6: 可以拿來當閱讀測驗70F 09/03 23:03
jehow: 沒評論 沒風向  波多野結依蠻爽的吧 知名度上升71F 09/03 23:03
deatheo: 台灣之光72F 09/03 23:03
DontGoCMI: TVBS的新聞 報導方式一比 ....呵呵73F 09/03 23:03
archon: 遠在地球對面的CNN,報導專業度屌打台媒74F 09/03 23:04
kageo101: 統媒不光是沒有人才 連基本英文都沒人會嗎?75F 09/03 23:04
HowWhy99: 事實就是如此 波多賺到了更多的知名度76F 09/03 23:05
ask5566: 讓國際記住台灣   噁心的印象77F 09/03 23:05
yankee50103: 這用字程度有500以上的都看得懂 不用90078F 09/03 23:06
saedn: 買不到 OAQ 太過份了!!  限量是難過的79F 09/03 23:06
archon: 15000套到底是誰評估的?國小數學老師請假嗎?80F 09/03 23:07
sscck5: 問五六大概是看完中文翻譯才有辦法講話81F 09/03 23:07
squallhung: 有人崩潰了82F 09/03 23:07
HowWhy99: 誰 快把每一篇英文的貼給波多看  XDD83F 09/03 23:08
※ 編輯: ilovedandan (, 09/03/2015 23:10:00
se2422: 上BBC 跟 CNN也不錯了84F 09/03 23:10
h90257: 上下交相賊85F 09/03 23:11
ej2000: 華郵 路透 BBC 英國衛報 每日郵報  [url]http://goo.gl/WVsAo6[/url]86F 09/03 23:11
houting: 新聞本來就是該陳述發生了什麼事情 而不是憑觀點加油添醋87F 09/03 23:12
ej2000:                ========> 台灣吱光 <==========88F 09/03 23:12
Junticks: 忠實的嘴臉實在是慘不忍睹……89F 09/03 23:12
gn02118620: porn star yeahhhhhhhh90F 09/03 23:13
ej2000: 華郵:Sex sells.    goo.gl/c7MbC3          統媒不意外xD91F 09/03 23:15
fooldie: 感恩波多野,讚嘆波多野,讓台灣躍上世界舞台!!92F 09/03 23:15
Wii: 教訓XDDD93F 09/03 23:15
ej2000:                    補統媒截圖:[url]http://goo.gl/c7MbC3[/url]94F 09/03 23:15
papercutt: 父母 老師 婦女 這三個團體太恐怖啦95F 09/03 23:17
squallhung: sex sell的水準極低,秀下限嗎 XDDD96F 09/03 23:17
roktzzt: 還迎來台發展97F 09/03 23:17
mikepopkimo: 可憐歹丸變成日本低賤文化的代言人98F 09/03 23:18
patato2: 其實這還好 因為類似的爭議美國更常出現99F 09/03 23:18
DontGoCMI: 中立的報導 然後看不懂英文就一直噓低賤???100F 09/03 23:20
Epimenides: 「這是我第一次想要貢獻於公益活動」 XDDDDDDDDDDDDDD101F 09/03 23:20
archon: 老美看到圖都笑了,AV Star 竟然穿這麼多102F 09/03 23:21
squallhung: 嘖嘖,嫌人低賤,好高尚103F 09/03 23:21
isalin: 明明就不是所有的婦女團體都反對 去看看反對的團體的背景104F 09/03 23:33
holydevil:  哈105F 09/03 23:34
mineco504: 波多野賺翻了 這些新聞幾百萬都買不到吧xd106F 09/03 23:38
liouemp: 中時的人不死光 台灣不會好!!!107F 09/03 23:38
cyshowen: 日本假如低賤文化~ 台灣不就沒文化~108F 09/03 23:39
NaiveRed: 婦團  -> 台灣之_109F 09/03 23:39
nfsong: porn star110F 09/03 23:42
gonna01: 幹這才叫新聞  反觀台媒111F 09/03 23:42
fan1900: 這篇可以當英文閱讀測驗了112F 09/03 23:49
industrialld: 抓到了,cnn也支持物化女性,快遣責113F 09/03 23:49
tonytonyjan: 這是我第一次看到 PTT 上出現平鋪直述的報導114F 09/03 23:51
mojingri: porn star就是要限制入境啊,君子們還在睡?115F 09/03 23:58
hk416: 翻譯的真差116F 09/03 23:59
抱歉... 小弟多益才450分  翻最好就這樣了><
※ 編輯: ilovedandan (, 09/04/2015 00:02:15
sarada: 報導一開頭就說這是cautionary tale警世案例 可見評價...117F 09/04 00:09
sarada: 外電報導都以結衣為主題焦點 北市和uu卡公司淪為配角 慘
asdf1234567: 看不懂啦119F 09/04 00:58
nardus: 689.2:【逢柯必反】,這是精神,是信念.是信仰,不容褻瀆120F 09/04 01:07
nardus: 不容質疑
Carrarese: 有翻有推122F 09/04 01:30
Casimir: 天使卡應該找正牌的志玲姊姊 才是 真-天使 vs 惡魔123F 09/04 02:42
imjanicefu: CNN上可以找到全世界的新聞 不要自我感覺良好124F 09/04 04:08
newgpx: 哇靠 你是沒看MTV嗎? 歌詞你沒看喔? 限量是殘酷的啦...125F 09/04 07:52
HappyboyEric: 台日友好之光126F 09/04 08:18
OLM: cautionary tale:A story told in folklore to warn its127F 09/04 08:38
OLM: hearer of a certain danger.
OLM: AV粉快去組anti-CNN粉絲團讓全世界知道CNN歧視AV女優
bird0603136: 翻得還不錯130F 09/04 10:00
ckai1983: 三萬張吧  一萬五千套131F 09/04 10:10

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 7200 
※ 本文也出現在看板: PttHot
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b rickey1270 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2015-09-04 00:31:33 (台灣)
  09-04 00:31 TW
2樓 時間: 2015-09-04 01:08:38 (加拿大)
  09-04 01:08 CA
Story highlights:
1.The limited edition set of the stored value cards seem wildly popular
2.But they've also drawn criticism from the public, particularly among parents
3.EasyCard apologized and said the cards would only be sold via a phone line
3樓 時間: 2015-09-04 08:06:15 (台灣)
  09-04 08:06 TW
4樓 時間: 2015-11-23 10:02:09 (台灣)
     (編輯過) TW
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