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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2014-11-20 22:32:16
看板 Gossiping
作者 loveeve (eve)
標題 [新聞] 舒馬赫癱瘓坐輪椅
時間 Thu Nov 20 03:43:10 2014

F1 star Michael Schumacher 'paralysed and in a wheelchair', claims friend



由他的好朋友,以及前車手Philippe Streiff表示


Schumacher, a seven-time world champion, cannot speak and has memory
problems, Streiff claims.

Streiff, who is himself wheelchair-bound since a crash in Brazil during
pre-season tests in 1989 left him a quadriplegic, was speaking on French

The Frenchman, who is a good friend of Schumacher’s, said: “He is getting
better but everything is relative. It's very difficult. He can’t speak. Like
me, he is in a wheelchair paralysed. He has memory problems and speech

Streiff, 59, was seen visiting Schumacher when the German was in intensive
care in Grenoble Hospital, France.

Schumacher, 45, was transferred to Lausanne Hospital, Switzerland, in June
and he is now being cared for at his home on the shores of Lake Geneva.

Official news on Schumacher’s health has been scant.

On December 29, the ex-Ferrari star he suffered a freak ski accident in the
French Alps, leaving him brain damaged and fighting for his life.

Schumacher, a very competent skier, was holidaying with family and friends in
the resort of Meribel, where he owns a chalet.

He was skiing with his 14-year-old son on a red piste, which is classed for
intermediate skiers.

But shortly after 11am he left the piste and skied on to an off-piste area
located in between the red run and a blue run, for beginners to intermediates.

It was here that he struck a partially-covered rock. He was not skiing fast
but he lost control and catapulted 34 feet on to another rock.

He smashed his head on the bolder. The force of the collision shattered his
helmet. The footage recorded on a camera attached to his helmet was undamaged.

The film, which included audio, captured the crash in full horror and was
analysed by police who investigated the accident.

Two months later, on February 17, the head of the inquiry Prosecutor Patrick
Quincy closed the case. He announced that any criminal wrongdoing had been
ruled out.

He cleared the ski resort, stating that the piste had been marked correctly
and that Schumacher “deliberately” left the ski run.

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Michael Schumacher latest: F1 star 'paralysed and in a wheelchair', claims friend | World | News | Daily Express
FORMULA ONE legend Michael Schumacher is paralysed and in a wheelchair, according to his friend and former racing driver Philippe Streiff. ...


To boyo: 有人在八卦版罵你  [05/16/2011 00:42:32]
★boyo 今晚要戰翻他們 !更!  [05/16/2011 00:45:32]

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章網址: http://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1416426193.A.45B.html
atypia: 他還是蠻強的 植物人能康復回來1F 11/20 03:44
EVA96: 跟阿扁哪個比較慘2F 11/20 03:44
shin70188: 剛出為了看世足賽才醒來(誤)3F 11/20 03:47
yyc2008: 與其這樣 不如當初就死掉 成為傳奇4F 11/20 03:47
jojoStar: 樓上.........5F 11/20 03:47
potionx: 最差也就是未來的輪椅冠軍車手  路還是很廣6F 11/20 03:49
kugga: 他不用死掉就已經是傳奇7F 11/20 03:49
teller526: 怎麼有人嘴巴就是那麼臭8F 11/20 03:50
gdf920dd: 看到舒馬克就想到這張9F 11/20 03:53
gdf920dd: http://i.imgur.com/rSwQnjm.jpg
peterchen33: 中肯 英雄命運總是多舛 不若某樓宅在家裡死掉還遺臭11F 11/20 03:54
peterchen33: 萬年
haoto: 這麼晚上來自介幹嘛13F 11/20 03:55
jojoStar: 在車神面前  穎神也要變小朋友14F 11/20 03:55
pedestrianA: 酸民早點睡吧15F 11/20 03:58
blmp1234: 輪椅也是有輪16F 11/20 04:04
E1E1E: 一代車神17F 11/20 04:04
capitalofz: 空有財富和名聲 健康才是最重要的18F 11/20 04:05
l2272: 不知道花了多少錢才能回來 一般人早放棄治療了19F 11/20 04:05
FORECORD: 不要臭嘴了20F 11/20 04:06
yyc2008: 不是嘴臭 是真心覺得 如果他神智清楚 知道自己癱瘓 生不21F 11/20 04:15
yyc2008: 如死 更何況失憶 我當然希望他趕快好 可是好得了嗎?
momomom: 說不定他很想活著23F 11/20 04:17
jojoStar: 你又不是他 最好知道他想要什麼 生命不是你想的那麼廉價24F 11/20 04:18
SRNOB: 他是偉大的車神 集人類最前端科技的精華車駕馭者25F 11/20 04:20
SRNOB: 大改勁戰LED閃死人的中二屁孩 才要酸連我阿罵都比你快
elqqaapple: yyc200827F 11/20 04:23
Choco1107: 唉……28F 11/20 04:24
mindsteam: 同樣癱瘓坐輪椅的史蒂芬霍金曾說「只要活著就有希望」.29F 11/20 04:25
mindsteam:                               ^過
georgeya007: yyc2008  可憐31F 11/20 04:28
BF109Pilot: 我不認為yyc2008說的完全不對32F 11/20 04:29
sillymon: 空有財富名聲??? 你真的知道他為啥會癱瘓嗎 跟健康有個33F 11/20 04:30
sillymon: 屁關係 這種空話比yyc2008還要沒有意義
julia66: 車神可以得到的醫療水準和一般人不同 放棄太可惜了35F 11/20 04:31
sillymon: 是希望有錢有名後就躲在家裡嗎36F 11/20 04:32
Cervelo1995: yyc2008 說的也許沒錯...只是大家不肯面對這種現實37F 11/20 04:34
by0413: 你是舒馬赫 知道他寧肯死也不肯這樣活者?38F 11/20 04:35
sillymon: 這種現實的等級跟「人類汙染環境 所以一出生就自殺最環39F 11/20 04:35
sillymon: 保了」一樣...
arcss: 正確的前提是舒馬赫像馬拉度納一樣不自愛,舒馬赫顯然不能41F 11/20 04:36
jojoStar: 霍金大學時代就被醫生說活不過五年........但他沒有放棄42F 11/20 04:36
juunuon: 他早就是傳奇了好嗎43F 11/20 04:37
arcss: 這樣類比,一個傳奇不會因為老了或成績退步而被唾棄44F 11/20 04:38
sidney81716: 看到鄉民各種人生觀,頗妙,毋須批評啦!45F 11/20 04:38
jojoStar: 馬英九:如果當完市長後就被豬撞死  早就是個傳奇了(誤46F 11/20 04:38
gg889g8: 能活其實就很神奇了47F 11/20 04:38
gg889g8: 有些人是不願這樣活著 有些人是怎樣都要活著有一點希望
gg889g8: 答案只有當事人明白
ian81131: = = 奇怪大家都是當事人樣50F 11/20 04:51
ian81131: 噓的很無聊 就像問魚快不快樂一樣
zxcbrian: 這種話本來就不是他能說的,做人基本道理...52F 11/20 04:52
ian81131: 他為什麼不能說?53F 11/20 04:53
ian81131: 做人基本道理那個?
zxcbrian: 巴不得別人死似的,你覺得勒?55F 11/20 04:54
ian81131: = =有巴不得喔 看不出來56F 11/20 04:54
ian81131: 只是他個人看法
ian81131: 這樣說也有錯
ian81131: 反正說這麼多 都只是揣測而已
teller526: 大半夜的還可以看人出來秀下限 真有趣阿60F 11/20 04:57
F35B: 我覺得任何人都沒資格下定論別人的生死,如果我是舒馬赫,我61F 11/20 04:59
F35B: 會寧願這樣活下去。
F35B: 活著,代表無限可能。死掉,就投降了。
Drunken5566: 大概是小賈粉絲,yes!yes!yes!64F 11/20 05:01
mrschiu: 他賺了這麼多錢不花光再死掉實在太可惜但他實在太有錢…65F 11/20 05:02
mrschiu: 天堂不能等他這麼久於是幫他量身打造加速通關…
momomom: 又不是本人是要怎麼判定他想活還是想死?67F 11/20 05:09
xelnaga: 別人想怎麼活 乾你屁事68F 11/20 05:11
Narsilion: 種種經歷只會讓舒馬克在歷史上的故事更顯精采69F 11/20 05:15
Lans1002: 如果是我我會放棄治療接受死亡70F 11/20 05:20
beving: 他要重回賽場應是不可能了 不過若能持續康復到一定程度 私71F 11/20 05:22
beving: 以為那又是另一段傳奇故事惹
jyekid: 真強 還能這樣73F 11/20 05:55
quicknick: 受傷前就已是退休生活,本來就不會回賽道;不管現在如何74F 11/20 06:36
quicknick: 都不會影響他的歷史定位
quicknick: 另一位Jules也很遺憾,才正要發光發熱就...
nomorepipe: QQ大舒加油...77F 11/20 07:03
Loki1230: 科78F 11/20 07:24
eva19452002: 活著,代表無限可能?79F 11/20 07:24
ronray7799: 輪椅賽車手XD 有搞頭 可以考慮 我是認真的80F 11/20 07:39
wubai1119: 只是從躺著變坐著,有比較好嗎?81F 11/20 07:45
dearjohn: 車神的結局,為什麼閃電霹靂車某人不是這樣的結局Q_Q82F 11/20 07:53
faintyfay: 有吧,至少他從要靠維生機器,慢慢的有在生活了83F 11/20 07:55
horsetail: 永遠的車神84F 11/20 07:56
cmcmcmcm2: 呵呵 某人可憐85F 11/20 08:01
steven211: 這種活法不是每個人都能接受86F 11/20 08:10
MIKEmike07: ......好難過87F 11/20 08:16
ienari: 活著就有希望!88F 11/20 08:16
pooh688:轉錄至看板 FORMULA1                                     11/20 08:17
aimgel: 堂堂的車神變成這樣.....................89F 11/20 08:28
zmimoboy: 念你是一代宗師.....90F 11/20 08:44
jojochen: 挖靠 醒來了?? 之前有醫生跟我說他不會醒來了91F 11/20 08:48
adangle: 下半輩子都不能動,不如早點歸天92F 11/20 08:56
dreamersin: 他這樣還能活著就很厲害了93F 11/20 08:56
akway: 重點是活著 已經是奇蹟了94F 11/20 08:58
nana09105: 推文秀下限 有夠可憐要這樣得到注意95F 11/20 09:00
dorydoze: 痾~有成就的人就不能苟延殘喘活下去嗎?這種潔癖還挺96F 11/20 09:11
dorydoze: 變態的
creepy: 他是純種戰士 這只是他的第一步啦 很有希望恢復自主生活98F 11/20 10:01
max006: 同意傳奇論點99F 11/20 10:19
jayliu1230: 沒事別滑雪 騎馬 打籃球100F 11/20 10:33
doglegbow: 希望早日康復,但是我心中的車神是Senna101F 11/20 10:33
ev331: 又不是針對個人 針對狀況 不要洗別人腦102F 11/20 11:03
ev331: 不同意就整別人 爛貨啊
MrDisgrace: QQ 早日康復104F 11/20 11:55
renji1231: QQ  希望早日康復105F 11/20 12:16
utaka: 早日康復106F 11/20 19:45
loup: 舒米加油啊!!QQ107F 11/20 20:53

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