※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2015-11-14 08:53:27
e看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 巴黎恐攻目前罹難人數恐達60人
時間 Sat Nov 14 07:10:06 2015
1.媒體來源:http://goo.gl/2rW52R (CNN)
Paris attacks: At least 118 die in shootings, explosions - CNN.com
At least 118 people were killed in shootings, hostage situation and explosions in central Paris late Friday, according to French officials. ...
Paris attacks: 60 reported killed, hostage situation ongoing
(CNN)Dozens of people are reported dead after a series of what appear to be
coordinated attacks across Paris late Friday. CNN will update this story as
information comes in:
[Latest developments, posted at 5:55 p.m. ET]
‧ "This is an attack not just on Paris, not just on the people on France,
but an attack on all humanity and the universal values we share," President
Barack Obama said at the White House. He called the attacks an "outrageous
attempt to terrorize innocent civilians."
‧ At least 60 people have died in the attacks, CNN affiliate BFMTV reported.
‧ At least six shootings took place in Paris and three explosions took place
at the Stade de France in Saint-Denis late Friday, CNN affiliate BFMTV said.
Two or three gunmen entered the Bataclan concert hall while opening fire on
law enforcement, BFMTV reported. A source earlier told CNN there were six to
eight hostage takers, citing a person they were talking to inside the venue.
‧ Paris police tell CNN there were three attacks. Attackers reportedly used
AK-47 automatic weapons.
‧ CNN's Jim Bittermann, who is based in Paris, reports a producer who is at
the Bataclan tells him that police are firing at a rooftop position near the
‧ President Francois Hollande was evacuated at halftime of the
France-Germany soccer match.
‧ Hollande, Prime Minister Manuel Valls and Interior Minister Bernard
Cazeneuve are holding a crisis meeting at the Interior Ministry to address
the attacks in Paris and the explosions in Saint-Denis, according to BFMTV.
法國總理Manuel Valls以及內政部長Bernard Cazeneuve正在內政部招開緊急會議
‧ Counterterrorism officials around the United States have convened secure
conference calls to try to gather information and to assess whether there is
any indication of threats in the U.S, according to two U.S. counterterrorism
officials. There is nothing to indicate any threat to U.S. cities so far.
Immediate suspicion for the events in Paris falls to so-called returnees --
people who have traveled to Syria and Iraq and have returned, the officials
[Original story, published 4:48 p.m. ET]
At least 18 people were killed in shootings in central Paris late Friday, CNN
affiliate BFMTV reported.
Multiple attacks in Paris
6 photos: Multiple attacks in Paris
The network reported there was a hostage situation at one of the three sites
where shootings took place. BFMTV said the ongoing hostage situation was at a
theater named Bataclan.
There was a lockdown at the Stade de France due to possible explosions,
according to French media. President Francois Hollande was at the stadium,
watching France playing world champions Germany in a friendly soccer match,
but he left to go to the Interior Ministry.
Stade de France足球場因為可能的爆炸攻擊目前也已經封館,而在法國對上德國的比賽在
此進行時,總統 Francois Hollande也在場,但隨後他安全的回到了內政部
Police were outside the scene of one of the shootings, a restaurant in the
10th District.
Lylia Melkonian, a reporter for France 2, told CNN the neighborhood has many
restaurants that were packed with patrons. Melkonian said authorities were
evacuating the area.
A witness told BFMTV that firefighters were on the scene to treat the injured.
In early January of this year, two gunmen attacked the Paris offices of the
French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, killing 12 and wounding 11.
Said and Cherif Kouachi wanted to punish the magazine for the publication of
cartoons that they believed mocked the Prophet Mohammed. The Kouachi brothers
two days later were shot and killed in a standoff with police in
Amedy Coulibaly, an associate of Said and Cherif Kouachi, attacked a Jewish
grocery store in Paris, taking more than a dozen people hostage and killing
four. Coulibaly had killed a policewoman the day before, on January 8.
Coulibaly was killed when police stormed the kosher market.
CNN's Evan Perez, Jim Bittermann, Josh Berlinger and Pierre Meilhan
contributed to this report.
在今年的一月,兩名槍手攻擊法國的Charlie Hebdo雜誌社,並造成12死11傷的慘劇,
Amedy Coulibaly,一名Kouachi兄弟的黨羽攻擊了猶太雜貨店並挾持十數個人質,其中人質
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Paris attacks: At least 118 die in shootings, explosions - CNN.com
At least 118 people were killed in shootings, hostage situation and explosions in central Paris late Friday, according to French officials. ...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1MHctGrv (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1447456208.A.D79.html
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:12:01
臉書連結不喜誤入,https://goo.gl/CnHLCr 比賽場中也可明顯聽到爆炸聲
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:28:18
BBC Breaking News
@BBCBreakingParis attacks: Video appears to show moment explosions heard at Stade de France http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-34815972 … http://snpy.tv/1Y9WY9s
→ : 你沒有吃翻譯年糕1F 11/14 07:11
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:15:49→ : 等一下啦很急欸><2F 11/14 07:16
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:26:21推 : 翻譯蒟蒻呢QQ3F 11/14 07:17
推 : Said and Cherif Kouachi4F 11/14 07:17
推 : 是故意要針對法國總統的?5F 11/14 07:18
推 : 原PO加油XD6F 11/14 07:19
推 : 對全人類的宣戰w7F 11/14 07:19
噓 : 怎麼不派當初追殺拉法葉相關人的特勤去反恐?8F 11/14 07:20
推 : 是德國對法國足球比賽9F 11/14 07:20
推 : 是對德國的球賽唷!10F 11/14 07:20
推 : 荷蘭X 德國O 你翻到何蘭德了11F 11/14 07:20
推 : 原po辛苦了!!!12F 11/14 07:20
→ : 恐攻地點有羅浮宮/戲院/餐廳/足球場13F 11/14 07:21
→ : 還有地點接近上次被攻擊的出版社
→ : 還有地點接近上次被攻擊的出版社
→ : 跟我想的一樣16F 11/14 07:23
推 : 現在人群躲進法蘭西球場 聽說法德球員也還在球場內17F 11/14 07:25
推 : 比賽應該有人錄影 晚點找找youtube18F 11/14 07:26
推 : 歐蘭德不是荷蘭19F 11/14 07:26
噓 : 台媒現在? 已經看Cnn快一小了 台媒還在播報歡樂的節20F 11/14 07:26
臉書連結不喜誤入,https://goo.gl/CnHLCr 比賽場中也可明顯聽到爆炸聲
推 : 可能留在球場內還比較安全?不過都深夜了...靠,國家隊...21F 11/14 07:26
推 : @@22F 11/14 07:27
推 : 台媒翻譯師還沒上班 等等啦23F 11/14 07:27
推 : 把一大群人聚集一起比較好保護24F 11/14 07:28
推 : 現在除了氣象主播應該都還沒上班 新聞都是預錄重播25F 11/14 07:28
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:33:42→ : 哪裡有羅浮宮... 哪裡看到的26F 11/14 07:29
推 : 爆炸的應該是自殺攻擊
推 : 爆炸的應該是自殺攻擊
推 : AFP twitter:總共七個地方被攻擊28F 11/14 07:32
推 : 不要把法國總理名字翻成荷蘭....29F 11/14 07:33
推 : 地點離羅浮宮很近30F 11/14 07:33
→ : Paris Stadium的爆炸確認是自殺攻擊31F 11/14 07:34
→ : 我說的荷蘭應該是真的荷蘭>_<小弟努力中,有錯煩請糾正~32F 11/14 07:35
推 : 荷蘭XDD33F 11/14 07:35
推 : 恐怖 幹 美國快把isis轟炸光光34F 11/14 07:36
推 : 荷蘭XDDDDDDD35F 11/14 07:37
推 : 法國總統宣布 進入緊急狀態 並關閉國界。36F 11/14 07:37
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:38:09推 : ...XDDD 他是說嫌犯剛從敘利亞和伊拉克返國吧37F 11/14 07:38
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 07:52:21推 : 巴黎警方開始攻堅演奏廳38F 11/14 07:38
推 : 是法國對德國39F 11/14 07:39
→ : 廳內目擊者指出,犯案者向人群開火前大喊"Allahu akbar"40F 11/14 07:39
→ : 原PO別鬧了...是法德的比賽 法國主場41F 11/14 07:39
→ : 所以總統Hollande緊急離開 把所有荷蘭都刪掉吧...
→ : 所以總統Hollande緊急離開 把所有荷蘭都刪掉吧...
→ : 法國一年之內已經被兩次恐攻了43F 11/14 07:40
→ : tb026685原po辛苦了,這種文章不好翻,因為它會即時不斷新44F 11/14 07:41
推 : WTF......45F 11/14 07:41
推 : 不要緊 Hollande是總統名字何蘭德 跟荷蘭沒關係46F 11/14 07:41
→ : 增內容,容易讓譯者暈頭轉向,加油!(不過荷蘭XD47F 11/14 07:42
推 : 好嚴重48F 11/14 07:43
推 : .................49F 11/14 07:46
@BBCBreakingParis attacks: Video appears to show moment explosions heard at Stade de France http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/world-europe-34815972 … http://snpy.tv/1Y9WY9s
推 : 我人在法國隔壁,現在完全睡不著XD51F 11/14 07:58
推 : 德國?52F 11/14 07:58
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 08:05:08推 : 謝謝翻譯 記者等著抄你這篇呢53F 11/14 08:04
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 08:08:29推 : 嗯啊德西,前天看到科隆巴黎特價車票還心動了下...54F 11/14 08:07
推 : Gta55F 11/14 08:12
推 : 對不起我搞錯氣氛 肅穆56F 11/14 08:14
推 : 謝謝翻譯57F 11/14 08:20
※ 編輯: tb026685 (, 11/14/2015 08:25:00推 : 感謝翻譯58F 11/14 08:25
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