※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-02-03 17:13:29
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 兩起亞裔長者在美遭攻擊事件
時間 Fri Feb 3 10:12:36 2017
該女逃離時邊喊著white power
Korean Grandma Allegedly Assaulted by Woman Screaming 'White Power' in L.A.
UPDATE [2-2-17 4:50 p.m. PST]: The attacker has been identified as 27-year-old
Los Angeles resident Patty Garcia who, on Feb. 1 at 2:40 p.m., assaulted the
83-year-old victim (whose name was not released) at the corner of 3rd and
Western in downtown L.A. Garcia is now being held on $50,000 bail for felony
battery (Booking# 4897282) according to Officer Drake Madison of the LAPD
Media Relations.
Officer Madison also made it clear that the case is currently not being
investigated as a hate crime and any details surrounding the attacker yelling
"white power" after hitting the victim are not included in the current official
report and may still be subject to the ongoing investigation into the incident.
The Asian community is up in arms after one woman posted a photo of an elderly
Korean woman on the street next to a splatter of blood who was allegedly, for
no apparent reason, hit in the head by a Caucasian woman who screamed "white
power" and attempted to run off.
In a lengthy post on Facebook (that has since been removed), a user identified
as Linda Lee criticized the U.S. President (without using the name Trump) for
encouraging a culture of “hatred and negativity” in the country. The post was
a response to the violent incident she witnessed on the streets of Los Angeles
on February 1.
Together with the photo attached to the post, Lee narrated what happened and
expressed her opinion on the matter.
Lee reported that an old Korean lady was hit in the face by a Caucasian female
who shouted "white power!" as she ran off. Her companion, identified as Chong
Lee, followed the assailant, called the police, and waited until the attacker
was arrested by LAPD officers of the Olympic division.
"She walked by the korean grandma, yelled, 'White power!' and ran off. Thank
goodness Chong followed the female for 6 blocks while calling the police and
stayed with her until he saw her get arrested.”
In the same post, Lee revealed her fears about the safety of her very own
grandmother who has been legally living in America with a U.S. passport for
more than 30 years.
"She's very independent and insists that she continues to live in their
apartment by herself because she doesn’t want to burden any of us to take care
of her. It scares me that this situation can easily happen to my grandma while
she's waiting for the bus or walking to/from the bus stop to her home or work,"
Lee said.
Tension around scenarios like this have only become more prevalent after Donald
Trump won the presidential election. Every speech about deportation and
division only creates a sense of entitlement for groups of angry and fearful
people ready to take down those they deem "un-American."
Trump's recent declaration of a visa ban for seven predominantly Islamic
countries along with other changes in U.S. immigration policies have further
fueled the uproar ignited last year.
"It angers me that people think that he allows them to feel powerful and bully
others who are 'different' from themselves," Lee emphasized. "Please don't
spread the hate and ignorance displayed by someone who truly doesn't deserve
the power he has come into."
The elderly woman sustained a one-inch cut on her forehead but will survive.
The original poster, Linda Lee, hit back at critics of the story who called it
"fake news" saying:
"For those of you who think this is fake news, it's absolutely real. Just
because you can't find any official news reports of it doesn't mean it didn't
happen. I have absolutely no reason to create a fake story. I posted this to
voice my opinion about how our country is going through really difficult times.”
Korean Grandma Allegedly Assaulted by Woman Screaming ‘White Power’ in L.A.
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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Oa-SOmi (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1486087960.A.C2C.html
※ 編輯: twowugs (, 02/03/2017 10:18:09
→ : 美國日常1F 02/03 10:13
推 : 白色力量 白色恐怖萬歲2F 02/03 10:13
推 : 川粉:左膠還在崩潰3F 02/03 10:13
推 : 開始了嗎 種族淨化4F 02/03 10:13
推 : 很好啊 愛移民去美國就風險自負5F 02/03 10:13
推 : white power 柯P不出來說清楚嗎6F 02/03 10:13
推 : 21世紀三K黨7F 02/03 10:14
推 : 推玩Pokemon的毅力8F 02/03 10:14
推 : 米國白色恐怖9F 02/03 10:14
推 : 美國自由真好(?11F 02/03 10:14
→ : 靠 車裡也可以槍擊喔....12F 02/03 10:14
推 : 美國白色力量13F 02/03 10:14
推 : 柯文哲還不負責?14F 02/03 10:14
推 : 幸好我沒打算去美國玩,現在要去美國真的要小心,種族15F 02/03 10:15
→ : 歧視會越來越激化
→ : 歧視會越來越激化
推 : white power~~~~17F 02/03 10:15
推 : 白色力量 柯文哲請道歉18F 02/03 10:15
推 : CNN?19F 02/03 10:16
推 : 正義美國是不會有錯的XD20F 02/03 10:16
噓 : 說很好的是什麼心態?21F 02/03 10:16
推 : 等3月19日的崑崙派鐵拳俠出山了22F 02/03 10:17
推 : 中國鐵定成為最大贏家23F 02/03 10:17
推 : 美國9.2崩潰很久了24F 02/03 10:17
推 : 奉川神之命25F 02/03 10:18
推 : white power ranger!!!26F 02/03 10:19
推 : 川粉好可怕27F 02/03 10:19
推 : 白色力量!看來美國也知道柯p28F 02/03 10:19
推 : white power ranger!!!29F 02/03 10:20
推 : 黃猴川粉:看左膠崩潰就是爽!30F 02/03 10:20
推 : 美國白色9.2不會攻擊台灣無腦生媽寶覺青的 不信趕快去美國試31F 02/03 10:22
推 : 美帝來了32F 02/03 10:23
推 : 加州喔,那一定是吸粉反串的33F 02/03 10:23
推 : 希粉反串34F 02/03 10:23
推 : 90.8 :是白色正義,川普,讚 !35F 02/03 10:24
推 : 敢在LA打亞洲人真不簡單 不怕會被堵起來嗎36F 02/03 10:24
推 : White trash power37F 02/03 10:26
推 : ching chong 就是欠扁38F 02/03 10:27
噓 : 希粉反串吧39F 02/03 10:27
推 : 90.8: 打美國9.2是保護世界和平,打擊伊斯蘭的表現40F 02/03 10:28
推 : 被打的是中國人 干台灣人屁事41F 02/03 10:29
→ : 在LA打韓國人可能才比較危險 打中國人台灣人較安全
→ : 在LA打韓國人可能才比較危險 打中國人台灣人較安全
→ : 說個笑話 老外分的出你是來自臺灣還是中國44F 02/03 10:30
→ : 是在川普上任才開始,美國馬那8年,法拉盛華人被無差別砍45F 02/03 10:31
→ : 怎麼沒聽你出來喊?????黑人馬會顧到華人????如果會,選前
→ : 就不會有一堆華人支持川普了
→ : 黑人馬任內,黑人被警察槍殺的案件有多少,他有出來說什麼??
→ : 膚色正確什麼都是對的???
→ : 怎麼沒聽你出來喊?????黑人馬會顧到華人????如果會,選前
→ : 就不會有一堆華人支持川普了
→ : 黑人馬任內,黑人被警察槍殺的案件有多少,他有出來說什麼??
→ : 膚色正確什麼都是對的???
推 : 懷疑是自由派激進左膠在反串50F 02/03 10:33
→ : 還刻意喊white power
→ : 還刻意喊white power
→ : 因為日本車,在底特律亞洲人就很容易被攻擊了52F 02/03 10:34
→ : 不要說華人,亞洲人對他們來說都是一個樣子的
→ : 對了,紐約也是希粉大本營喲!!!!
→ : 不要說華人,亞洲人對他們來說都是一個樣子的
→ : 對了,紐約也是希粉大本營喲!!!!
推 : 美國要毀滅了耶耶耶55F 02/03 10:36
→ : 繼續保持,加油加油56F 02/03 10:36
→ : 這就美國日常...哪天一整年都沒有再出來爆吧57F 02/03 10:36
推 : 就算是在那裡住了上百年的華裔人家一樣歧視你58F 02/03 10:37
噓 : 一定是希粉在反串,川粉人最NICE了59F 02/03 10:37
→ : 台灣也一堆歧視外勞的 先關心自己身邊的事情吧60F 02/03 10:38
噓 : 支那賤畜就是欠打61F 02/03 10:38
→ : 希拉蕊都公開歧視川粉了,口說平等內心歧視的假掰人62F 02/03 10:39
推 : Pokemon道場那個是警衛不爽輸給阿公吧63F 02/03 10:39
推 : 好哦,打死我那個劈腿的前女友跟她的姘頭吧,打死她們!64F 02/03 10:42
噓 : 白皮豬滾回歐洲 Yellow Power!!65F 02/03 10:46
推 : 川寶:66F 02/03 10:49
推 : 日本人無害通過67F 02/03 10:49
推 : 美國日常啊 殺尼哥和黃種人68F 02/03 10:54
推 : 坐看米國大亂,股市跌死他,瑞士法郎才是王道阿69F 02/03 10:55
→ : 川普讓美國white agian!!!!!70F 02/03 10:57
→ : 有點扯,新聞是真的嗎?71F 02/03 10:58
→ : 槍擊5次?這麼狠72F 02/03 11:01
→ : 川普把美國強的的黑暗面翻出來惹73F 02/03 11:06
→ : 之前有左膠造假穆斯林被揍的記錄74F 02/03 11:26
推 : 白皮膚的都該肛75F 02/03 11:26
→ : 全球亞洲人有夠倒楣都是被中國人的壞形象害的76F 02/03 11:28
推 : 台灣應該比照辦理禁米國移入的華僑77F 02/03 11:32
推 : 擺明希粉反串阿78F 02/03 11:34
推 : 最好在台北邊緣和台灣海峽中線79F 02/03 11:36
→ : 築圍牆和長城
→ : 築圍牆和長城
推 : 支那共匪賤畜死不足惜多多益善81F 02/03 11:43
推 : 川粉還真是努力合理化這種殺戮 的確不是第一起 但從川普上82F 02/03 11:45
→ : 台之後 這種情況已經快速蔓延到各種族群受害了
→ : 更可悲一堆川粉就是白人想殺想歧視的對象 斯德哥爾摩現象?
→ : 台之後 這種情況已經快速蔓延到各種族群受害了
→ : 更可悲一堆川粉就是白人想殺想歧視的對象 斯德哥爾摩現象?
→ : white power聽起來超中二........85F 02/03 12:01
推 : 真白色正義力量?!86F 02/03 12:08
推 : 你要不要去水管查看看,誰比較暴力87F 02/03 12:09
→ : 川粉言語暴力,希粉可是各種行動暴力:放火燒車燒人頭髮暴打
→ : 白人很爛,尼哥就很好????呵呵
→ : 還有尼哥創作饒舌歌鼓動搶華人。
→ : 更別說希拉蕊電郵門,根本早就該被抓去關了。顏色正確護體
→ : 川粉言語暴力,希粉可是各種行動暴力:放火燒車燒人頭髮暴打
→ : 白人很爛,尼哥就很好????呵呵
→ : 還有尼哥創作饒舌歌鼓動搶華人。
→ : 更別說希拉蕊電郵門,根本早就該被抓去關了。顏色正確護體
推 : 9.2恭迎92F 02/03 12:27
推 : Race WAR! Race WAR!93F 02/03 12:49
※ 編輯: twowugs (, 02/03/2017 13:06:39推 : white power 有夠中二的...94F 02/03 13:20
推 : 這些人一定是恐怖分子 阿幹是白人95F 02/03 13:33
→ : 台獨鄉民表示羨慕第二個?96F 02/03 13:37
推 : 一定是中國間諜做的97F 02/03 14:00
推 : 美國這樣也不是一天兩天了,白人垃圾超多98F 02/03 14:08
噓 : 支那賤畜就是欠殺 希望台灣可以開放殺外省豬99F 02/03 14:12
噓 : 美國最美麗的風景100F 02/03 14:22
推 : White power 科科 美國不能住人了101F 02/03 14:28
推 : 白人阿 也只敢挑亞洲人下手102F 02/03 14:45
→ : 看就知道希粉反串,哪有人會特別講White power103F 02/03 15:24
推 : 鄉民:哎呀我們台灣跟中國不一樣 不會有事的啦~~~~~104F 02/03 16:12
推 : White power是啥鬼105F 02/03 16:15
推 : 這是美國民主的選擇,都別該106F 02/03 16:32
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4024