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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-28 17:53:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 OLM (歐買尬得)
標題 [問卦] Radiohead哪首最經典?
時間 Sat Jan 28 16:11:02 2017

1.My iron lung
2.Paranoid Android
3.High and Dry
5.Let Down
6.there there
8.No Surprises


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OZ58OUT (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1485591064.A.79D.html
Hateson: creep1F 01/28 16:11
LaLaYeh: creep2F 01/28 16:11
ArSaBuLu: 2+2=5不是唯一解3F 01/28 16:11
moonrain: Creep4F 01/28 16:11
Raskolnikov: Creep是描述阿宅的歌5F 01/28 16:11
etiennechiu: Karma Police6F 01/28 16:11
souvlaki: Yellow7F 01/28 16:12
pahom: 5 88F 01/28 16:12
YahooTaiwan: 只知道 creep9F 01/28 16:12
lamune: Paranoid Android 還用問嗎10F 01/28 16:12
yukihira: Yellow+111F 01/28 16:13
a2768387: Creep好聽12F 01/28 16:13
IMISSA: karma police13F 01/28 16:13
andyco: 說yellow的是反串嗎14F 01/28 16:13
jasonliu0105: Song 215F 01/28 16:14
karevin07: high and dry16F 01/28 16:14
hankower: Sweet Child o'mind17F 01/28 16:14
johnnywanwan: 我難過18F 01/28 16:14
lordwithme: 2,819F 01/28 16:14
cupidon: 1234都不錯creep應該是最耳熟能詳20F 01/28 16:14
gemini2010: flower21F 01/28 16:15
moonrain: Fix you 比 yellow 好聽22F 01/28 16:15
CompileUltra: 0^ - ^0 creep 就是你唷23F 01/28 16:15
azopper: Creep24F 01/28 16:15
DEANJACL: creep25F 01/28 16:15
MINUKU: Let Down26F 01/28 16:15
lturtsamuel: karma police27F 01/28 16:15
klarc: 我一直聽不懂電台司令的歌 不覺得好聽 也無法理解意涵28F 01/28 16:15
MasCat: but I'm creep~~29F 01/28 16:16
historyway: 一群假電台頭迷,當然是supersonic阿30F 01/28 16:16
yeeroyuy: CREEP31F 01/28 16:17
gn02118620: Let Down32F 01/28 16:17
one60314: 最近超愛high and dry33F 01/28 16:17
lturtsamuel: 改變主意 paranoid android好了34F 01/28 16:17
alextu870719: 20字?35F 01/28 16:17
mrmowmow: 音樂界村上春樹36F 01/28 16:18
kuzu: Creep37F 01/28 16:18
one60314: don't look back in anger跟 raining blood38F 01/28 16:18
demitri: creep, paranoid android, Pyramid song, There there39F 01/28 16:18
demitri: Karma Police
wayne64001: 9453最好聽41F 01/28 16:19
workhero: Radio ga ga42F 01/28 16:20
demitri: OK Computer那張最劃時代 但之前的歌比較好記43F 01/28 16:20
souvlaki: 冷門推薦:Disco200044F 01/28 16:20
MachoMan217: High and dry45F 01/28 16:20
hansone123: Iron lung46F 01/28 16:21
muserFW: Paranoid Android47F 01/28 16:22
f51: catch me if you can48F 01/28 16:22
yasai: 粗陰那首49F 01/28 16:22
QueenofSM: motion picture 什麼的50F 01/28 16:23
mac76983848: wolf51F 01/28 16:23
Julian9x9x9: 千本櫻52F 01/28 16:24
souvlaki: Soundtrack辣53F 01/28 16:24
Chieen: 推last flowers54F 01/28 16:25
Doraemi: 455F 01/28 16:25
Fiona102: 這篇必須推 推文竟然沒出現我難過56F 01/28 16:25
souvlaki: 明明就有57F 01/28 16:26
aquaticplant: turtlehead58F 01/28 16:26
demitri: 都忘了2+2=559F 01/28 16:26
reppoc: 掰60F 01/28 16:27
james441: Creep啊,電台頭恨這首那麼多年,還是得承認他最屌也就61F 01/28 16:28
james441: 這樣
oct63227: Give up the ghost63F 01/28 16:30
james441: Ok computer之後其實都是垃圾,只是大家想說是湯姆才買64F 01/28 16:30
WindSucker: suck65F 01/28 16:30
james441: 帳,然後自己聽啥根本不知道66F 01/28 16:30
rukawajay: 推文為啥有綠洲的歌XD67F 01/28 16:32
fatcall: Lurgee68F 01/28 16:34
ms0487468: Fake plastic trees69F 01/28 16:35
Sawyer80: iron lung..no surprise...都不錯70F 01/28 16:37
Sawyer80: 我自己喜歡lotus flower
Nikon610: Yellow 快笑死 雖然感覺是故意的72F 01/28 16:38
stoneshih: 經典絕對是creep73F 01/28 16:41
stoneshih: 這首才是決定他們這團命運的唯一歌曲
aoebigbin: 那裡那裡75F 01/28 16:42
laplacian: 276F 01/28 16:44
zxasqw0246: prove yourself77F 01/28 16:44
popyuning: 你是故意不列creep的對吧78F 01/28 16:45
ElrosHsun: 假塑膠樹沒有之一79F 01/28 16:45
MeloKing: Sugar吧 常聽到80F 01/28 16:46
sense10: Beautiful Ones81F 01/28 16:52
Souseasou3: Creep唯一82F 01/28 16:54
evilviolent: house of card83F 01/28 16:54
sunrisetw: creep84F 01/28 16:55
YYYs: song 2才是吧=_=85F 01/28 16:56
nowucme: high and dry 根本不應該存在86F 01/28 16:56
RyanBaste: 明明就slide away87F 01/28 16:57
oliverwind: Fake plastic trees88F 01/28 16:58
Luvsic: song 2 最近汽車廣告又有 歷久彌新89F 01/28 16:58
daniel890503: 8 the trickster也讚讚90F 01/28 17:00
pottokao: Despredo91F 01/28 17:01
moclov: Song 2和song bird92F 01/28 17:01
SOWATER: 話說song2和電台頭有啥關係呢93F 01/28 17:02
apteekki: 都愛 都聽94F 01/28 17:02
paradoxmani: Let Down95F 01/28 17:03
paradoxmani: Song 2
runKMTrun: kid a97F 01/28 17:04
messigoal10: High and dry98F 01/28 17:12
dirubest: ㄏㄏjust比較對我胃口99F 01/28 17:19
BCKEDWARD: Fake Plastic Trees100F 01/28 17:22
alanismei: Creep101F 01/28 17:27
chochosan: Talk show host102F 01/28 17:33
ccufcc: Bad company103F 01/28 17:37
gomenba: kid a整張專輯104F 01/28 17:38
devin0329: 沒有Karma Police105F 01/28 17:41
chan0930: Sweet child o mine106F 01/28 17:41
Radiohead - Present Tense: Jonny, Thom & a CR78 - YouTube
Director: Paul Thomas Anderson Recording produced and mixed by Nigel Godrich Producers: Sara Murphy, Albert Chi, Erica Frauman Editors: Leslie Jones, Andy Ju...

Argos: 說聽不懂的可以來聽聽新專輯的歌看看阿 我覺得比以前溫暖108F 01/28 17:50

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