※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-01-29 09:59:24
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 我是自然組的 英文怎麼說
時間 Sat Jan 28 23:10:52 2017
聽說米國高中沒分組 你想修啥課就修啥課
作者 empireisme (empireisme) 看板 MenTalk
標題 [抒發] 覺得唸文組真的是原罪
時間 Sat Jun 4 02:13:03 2016
推 : 哈哈文組哈哈06/04 02:14
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1OZBI6rK (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1485616262.A.D54.html
推 : I am Nerd1F 01/28 23:11
推 : I want to fuck you2F 01/28 23:11
→ : 大支懶真奇妙3F 01/28 23:12
推 : I'm in 2nd series4F 01/28 23:12
推 : I am natural5F 01/28 23:12
→ : I am otaku6F 01/28 23:12
推 : I am 肥宅7F 01/28 23:12
推 : I am virgin8F 01/28 23:12
噓 : 政問掰9F 01/28 23:12
→ : self-igniting materials10F 01/28 23:13
推 : I am single11F 01/28 23:13
→ : I am a fucking nerd12F 01/28 23:13
推 : I'm not 8713F 01/28 23:13
→ : I am beautiful14F 01/28 23:13
推 : This is a pen15F 01/28 23:15
推 : I'm doing science16F 01/28 23:15
推 : bs17F 01/28 23:15
推 : I'm a stupid nerd18F 01/28 23:16
推 : I'm a tool man19F 01/28 23:16
推 : I'm costco20F 01/28 23:16
推 : The floor is so slippery and full of wax.21F 01/28 23:16
推 : Shut the fuck up22F 01/28 23:18
→ : I'm nature.23F 01/28 23:18
推 : The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.24F 01/28 23:18
→ : I am naked25F 01/28 23:18
推 : I am spontaneous combustion.26F 01/28 23:20
→ : Haha roc haha27F 01/28 23:20
推 : wou si ze than zu28F 01/28 23:21
推 : I’m type of three in junior high..29F 01/28 23:21
推 : 我是個簡單的男人30F 01/28 23:21
推 : I am gay31F 01/28 23:22
噓 : I is nature group English how talk?32F 01/28 23:22
推 : Toolbox33F 01/28 23:22
→ : i have a dick, i have a r20, dickr2034F 01/28 23:23
推 : I'm easy35F 01/28 23:23
→ : I'm stupid36F 01/28 23:23
推 : I am 內秋37F 01/28 23:23
推 : I is natural group der38F 01/28 23:24
→ : I'm nature team39F 01/28 23:24
推 : 看到一樓馬上笑噴40F 01/28 23:24
→ : 樓上文法錯誤,什麼I is 。是 me is41F 01/28 23:25
→ : 1樓完美翻譯42F 01/28 23:27
推 : I am tam nature43F 01/28 23:27
推 : 就science吧44F 01/28 23:28
→ : I'm homosexual45F 01/28 23:29
推 : I'm a recycler46F 01/28 23:29
推 : I do a recycling job47F 01/28 23:30
推 : Me is nature group48F 01/28 23:30
→ : STEM49F 01/28 23:34
推 : You want a blow job?50F 01/28 23:34
推 : 樓上亂說 正確因該是 i are51F 01/28 23:34
推 : I'm better52F 01/28 23:36
推 : I'm fat home geek53F 01/28 23:37
推 : Costco54F 01/28 23:38
推 : I have a penis55F 01/28 23:40
推 : The abalone is full of semen.56F 01/28 23:41
推 : Ich bin natürlich57F 01/28 23:44
→ : I am the nature group58F 01/28 23:44
※ 編輯: nikuman (, 01/28/2017 23:46:27推 : I don't have a rich dad so I have to study for a bette59F 01/28 23:46
→ : r life, and to that, what subject I major doesn't real
→ : ly matter.
→ : r life, and to that, what subject I major doesn't real
→ : ly matter.
推 : Wa shi tau ran zu62F 01/28 23:48
推 : Science bitch63F 01/28 23:49
推 : i'm not an idiot64F 01/28 23:49
推 : I major in natural science65F 01/28 23:52
推 : 窩是汁男煮66F 01/28 23:53
噓 : op is faggot67F 01/28 23:58
推 : I have a huge dick68F 01/29 00:00
→ : i'm sorry69F 01/29 00:03
推 : I am winner70F 01/29 00:06
→ : I'm not retarded71F 01/29 00:09
噓 : hello world72F 01/29 00:14
噓 : 紅明顯, STEM 專門指自然組的73F 01/29 00:19
→ : i have a bbc74F 01/29 00:27
推 : Read my name75F 01/29 00:28
推 : I am nature zu76F 01/29 00:31
推 : 英文說:你應該去問你老闆77F 01/29 00:36
推 : I rise on my own. (誤)78F 01/29 00:37
推 : I have a big cock79F 01/29 00:39
→ : my name is John Cena80F 01/29 00:44
推 : jiniandajiba81F 01/29 00:46
推 : Hello I am 肥宅82F 01/29 00:47
推 : I'm winner.83F 01/29 00:48
噓 : ”i am science major,” that's what i heard , you ma84F 01/29 01:22
→ : y google it.
→ : y google it.
→ : Ikea86F 01/29 01:27
→ : Im nature big87F 01/29 02:14
推 : 推文各種XDDDDD88F 01/29 02:40
推 : I'm not haha group. ha ha89F 01/29 03:10
噓 : 學店哪組都一樣啦90F 01/29 03:54
推 : I never have sex91F 01/29 04:56
推 : I very oil92F 01/29 07:43
推 : I am naturally high93F 01/29 08:14
推 : I am nigger94F 01/29 08:16
推 : i m not stupid95F 01/29 08:28
→ : I have a pan96F 01/29 08:37
推 : tbbt97F 01/29 09:15
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4597