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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-04-14 18:16:24
看板 Gossiping
作者 unique681 (tw)
標題 [問卦] 丟北韓的炸彈上面寫哪句英文好?
時間 Fri Apr 14 13:49:37 2017



寫了 thin man 跟  fat man



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Oy6BqM3 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1492148980.A.583.html
Metallicat: Make sure gun more1F 04/14 13:49
Jasonfm89: 咩2F 04/14 13:50
kent: may show gun more3F 04/14 13:50
a187: Fat boy吧4F 04/14 13:50
Zuleta: Kiss my ass5F 04/14 13:50
j123456669: who's your daddy6F 04/14 13:50


vinex518: China7F 04/14 13:50
※ 編輯: unique681 (, 04/14/2017 13:50:56
js52666: Bacon8F 04/14 13:50
SupCat: eat this9F 04/14 13:50
scum5566: 5566 is the best10F 04/14 13:50
kikikokouuu: Hello11F 04/14 13:50
RC8377: Pornhub12F 04/14 13:50
altecaux: pizza hot13F 04/14 13:50
gene7181998: trump14F 04/14 13:50
hsunting2000: Don't eat dogs15F 04/14 13:51
atlassys8: that man 和 fin man16F 04/14 13:51
ms0400281: Make North Korea great again17F 04/14 13:51
yulien2226: Fat king18F 04/14 13:52
a77942002: 川普 Trump トランプ   廣告時間~~19F 04/14 13:52
hsunting2000: Made in China20F 04/14 13:52
cz999888: I am the bone of my sword21F 04/14 13:52
howaman: Daddy coming !!22F 04/14 13:52
hhh99876: Peace MDFK 然後印山謬傑克森照片23F 04/14 13:52
hsunting2000: I love XXXXGAY24F 04/14 13:53
RockManX8: Made In China25F 04/14 13:53
elite31307: fuckorea26F 04/14 13:53
isaswa: HASAKI27F 04/14 13:53
pttmylove: GGininder28F 04/14 13:54
rayxg: Galaxy Note 729F 04/14 13:54
tonyparkerx: Super Fat pig30F 04/14 13:54
yellowboy: 免費的民主31F 04/14 13:55
Paravion: how do you turn this on32F 04/14 13:55
rgbff: You are fired33F 04/14 13:55
keither1009: Gift from uncle Sam34F 04/14 13:55
didi0909: Your dad trump come in35F 04/14 13:55
josh456: I am the King of the world36F 04/14 13:56
sendicmimic: 本商品有七天鑑賞期,若想退貨時請記得攜帶原包裝37F 04/14 13:56
pull0805: TW NO.138F 04/14 13:56
ilovekurumi: surprise mother fucker39F 04/14 13:56
sokalula: Apple banana cat dog40F 04/14 13:58
kirisame: Die,bitch41F 04/14 13:59
juicybottle: democracy42F 04/14 13:59
keither1009: Room service43F 04/14 13:59
iverson835: Hi! Baby ... I Love U ~啾咪!44F 04/14 14:00
trashsayings: Suck trump's dick,ching chang chung45F 04/14 14:00
P2: Sent from my Android 1847F 04/14 14:01
Nikon610: I got it from my daddy48F 04/14 14:01
heatsink: Samsung Note 749F 04/14 14:02
P2: to Android 1950F 04/14 14:02
wind93: Made In China51F 04/14 14:03
tokyoto: I'm your father52F 04/14 14:03
kgd2007: 是little boy53F 04/14 14:04
AlbertEinste: Let America great again !!!54F 04/14 14:04
fin806: Trump55F 04/14 14:04
machiusheng: make america great again56F 04/14 14:06
ryrp: thin man 沒炸過吧 用的是little boy57F 04/14 14:06
llgod: [url]http://i.imgur.com/5Nub1z9.jpg[/url]58F 04/14 14:06
st2913sbck: For note 759F 04/14 14:07
shiftsmart: 姆咪60F 04/14 14:07
tonyparkerx: Super fat pig61F 04/14 14:08
Nicehb: Say my name62F 04/14 14:08
borhaur: welcome to the japari park63F 04/14 14:10
DDD: Say my name65F 04/14 14:11
CILOHAKROW: Best Wishes From Trump® grab them by the pussy66F 04/14 14:12
esho: Hasta la vista, baby67F 04/14 14:14
CherryVoe: low man68F 04/14 14:18
bostonred: sent from Trump, the President of the United States69F 04/14 14:19
happ: 中國叫我射的70F 04/14 14:20
james0146: Greeting from USA!!71F 04/14 14:21
zz2895341: Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti72F 04/14 14:21
joker7788996: surprise mdfk73F 04/14 14:22
chloeslover: here comes papa's big load74F 04/14 14:23
abd86731: Love and Peace75F 04/14 14:23
yichenglee: catch!76F 04/14 14:24
BlueBlueLuu: lol77F 04/14 14:24
tokyoto: King the little fat78F 04/14 14:25
giancarlo82: from trump with love!79F 04/14 14:25
yun86923: Knock knock80F 04/14 14:26
J0825N: hail Hydra81F 04/14 14:26
HBK: #whosurdaddy82F 04/14 14:27
seraph01: Hail Hydra83F 04/14 14:28
tim8333: fucking fat boy84F 04/14 14:30
wryyyyyyyy: suprise mother fucker85F 04/14 14:30
xx24685042: how do you turn this on86F 04/14 14:31
pondaha: you are fired87F 04/14 14:31
Badestass: nacy so hot88F 04/14 14:33
WY627: 西巴金正恩89F 04/14 14:33
windbomb: fuck kim out90F 04/14 14:34
jazz19860929: say hello to my little friend91F 04/14 14:34
Cetuximab: Fat boy92F 04/14 14:36
jdklas: 1.我本來不想用這招的  2.你有支付寶嗎?93F 04/14 14:40
etiennechiu: 才不是fat man當初是寫fat boy95F 04/14 14:41
etiennechiu: 講錯,是little boy
windalso: Note797F 04/14 14:43
chiguang: I told you98F 04/14 14:43
FertilizerN: Special delivery from Democracy99F 04/14 14:46
wateright: 投資一定有風險,基金投資有賺有賠申購前應詳閱公開說100F 04/14 14:46
wateright: 明書
financial911: 是小男孩littleboy吧?102F 04/14 14:47
x06x06xj4: Love and peace103F 04/14 14:48
bbc0217: Democracy104F 04/14 14:49
financial911: you are fired!105F 04/14 14:49
wayi0421: Trump send his regards106F 04/14 14:51
jacky01023: tactical nuke incoming107F 04/14 14:52
zhalao: U mom is fat108F 04/14 14:55
jack0216: youarefired109F 04/14 14:56
cuba391156: IU is mine110F 04/14 14:57
cruelgentle:                        from  Ma the Bumbler111F 04/14 14:59
seraph01: Say hello to my little friend!112F 04/14 14:59
seraph01: Yippee-ki-yay, Motherfucker!
chaogene: John Sena~~114F 04/14 15:02
butt1106: 刻 金正男115F 04/14 15:08
butt1106: 的英文名
ibook0102: how do you turn this on117F 04/14 15:11
fangachien: 94879417118F 04/14 15:12
alcatrazlin: Yippee ki ya motherfucker119F 04/14 15:13
duke333999: 明明就fat man和little boy120F 04/14 15:14
schumi7401: GG smiga121F 04/14 15:21
TRUNKSX: Bye, Fat122F 04/14 15:23
llwopp: Who is your daddy?123F 04/14 15:23
s1026156: VI VON ZULUL124F 04/14 15:25
EMSwei: Made In China125F 04/14 15:26
gbasam: hello,/J\ pan126F 04/14 15:27
pillliq: pertty tiny127F 04/14 15:28
m810415: Say hello to my lil friend128F 04/14 15:30
Refauth: Daddy's Cumming129F 04/14 15:34
asiakid: NUCLEAR LAUNCH DETECTED130F 04/14 15:42
Headache99: We all live in America131F 04/14 15:42
KlausaLiao: 五分鐘工商服務132F 04/14 15:43
jrshiun: kimchi!!!!134F 04/14 15:46
icerain3173: Asian girls are easy135F 04/14 15:52
tommylin48: 不要生氣~136F 04/14 16:01
h965715: democracy delivery137F 04/14 16:01
voyevda: 開門查水表138F 04/14 16:06
esc0721: U can't see me139F 04/14 16:09
WalterWhite: Say my name141F 04/14 16:18
Wi11iam: MUMI MUMI XIN BON BON142F 04/14 16:24
neweb:  http://i.imgur.com/iZkoHCy.jpg143F 04/14 16:27
lovelebron24: YOU ARE FIRED!!!!!!!!!144F 04/14 16:27
OneChao: little boy啦145F 04/14 16:29
noitcidda: I AM THE ONE WHO KNOCKS!146F 04/14 16:31
usoko: Democracy147F 04/14 16:34
talrusha: Hello World !148F 04/14 16:34
rismy1213: 炸死你這胖子149F 04/14 16:40
serding: Screw you guys. I'm going home ~ ~150F 04/14 16:44
dnkofe: Fire in the hole151F 04/14 16:44
wolfganghsu: holisi sumida152F 04/14 16:49
parkerlived:  ●你真不怕台灣有北韓間諜 北韓網軍很強 查的到你●153F 04/14 16:50
me0110228: Pork set154F 04/14 16:53
jesuswassap: 體悟心靈祥和155F 04/14 16:58
parkblack: suck it156F 04/14 17:00
oyaji5566: God bless you157F 04/14 17:04
AsheGnar: Ching chang chong you yellow midgets~158F 04/14 17:14
elanor0409: A Lannister always pays his debts.159F 04/14 17:19
freshego: Hello world160F 04/14 17:25
lyu0001: Open North Korea asshole161F 04/14 17:30
krobenb: We're back.162F 04/14 17:40
riotssky: Show me the money163F 04/14 17:41
zoepeng: Made in China164F 04/14 17:48
aaa989796twt: Sent tree pay165F 04/14 18:01

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4462 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b yasa 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2017-04-14 14:53:03 (台灣)
  04-14 14:53 TW
fat boy, goodbye
04-14 16:08 TW
3樓 時間: 2017-04-14 16:11:16 (台灣)
  04-14 16:11 TW
4樓 時間: 2017-04-14 16:12:44 (台灣)
  04-14 16:12 TW
M.I.C  附上吸精瓶圖片
5樓 時間: 2017-04-14 16:47:26 (台灣)
  04-14 16:47 TW
6樓 時間: 2017-04-14 20:34:16 (台灣)
  04-14 20:34 TW
Sent tree pay   <<<  這個好笑。
7樓 時間: 2017-04-14 21:27:23 (台灣)
  04-14 21:27 TW
Make N.K greater again
8樓 時間: 2017-04-14 21:50:54 (台灣)
  04-14 21:50 TW
9樓 時間: 2017-04-14 22:41:41 (台灣)
  04-14 22:41 TW
대만인 영어 잘 썩은
10樓 時間: 2017-04-15 02:57:59 (台灣)
  04-15 02:57 TW
11樓 時間: 2017-04-15 03:32:39 (台灣)
  04-15 03:32 TW
Yippee ki-yay Mother Fucker
12樓 時間: 2017-04-15 07:17:04 (台灣)
  04-15 07:17 TW
Have fun
13樓 時間: 2017-04-15 11:39:14 (台灣)
  04-15 11:39 TW
ching chang chong
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