※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-02-26 22:32:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 日本普查 人口數減少一百萬
時間 Fri Feb 26 19:12:13 2016
Japan population shrinks by one million census confirms - BBC News
New census figures in Japan show the population has shrunk by nearly one million in the past five years - the first decline registered since 1920. ...
Japan population shrinks by one million census confirms
New census figures in Japan show the population has shrunk by nearly one
million in the past five years, in the first decline registered since 1920.
As of October last year the country has 127.1 million people, 0.7% fewer than
in the last census.
Demographers have long predicted a drop, citing Japan's falling birth rate
and a lack of immigration.
The rapidly ageing population has contributed to a stagnating economy and
worries of increasing health costs.
Sharp drop-offs
Japan now has 947,000 fewer people than when the last census was conducted in
2010, figures released by the internal affairs ministry show.
Only eight prefectures, including the capital Tokyo, saw a population
increase, national broadcaster NHK. reported.
The remaining 39 all saw declines, including Fukushima which saw the largest
drop of 115,000 people.
Fukushima, site of the doomed nuclear power station, was hit especially badly
by the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.
Japan has seen population growth for much of the past century, but this has
been slowing rapidly in recent decades. The last census showed the population
had completely stopped growing.
Friday's numbers mark the first time a decline has been recorded in the
Researchers are predicting a sharp drop-off in the working population and a
simultaneous rise in the number of elderly in coming decades.
According to government projections, by 2060 about 40% of its citizens will
be sixty-five or older, and the general population will be one-third smaller
than it is now.
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made it a priority to boost the birthrate from
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made it a priority to boost the birthrate from
1.4 children to 1.8 children per woman, including improving childcare and tax
incentives. Advanced economies usually require a rate of at least 2.1 for a
stable population.
如果台灣沒有越南情緣之類的 不知道現在是正成長還是負的
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Mq3CIur (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1456485138.A.E35.html
→ : 被減少1F 02/26 19:12
推 : 殯葬業股票直升2F 02/26 19:12
推 : VR做出H Game的時候日本就會滅亡了3F 02/26 19:13
→ : 靈骨塔推銷員狂喜4F 02/26 19:13
噓 : 日本女人多半犯賤不想生啊5F 02/26 19:13
..請注意用詞推 : VR做出H Game的時候日本就會滅亡了6F 02/26 19:13
推 : 資動部:再引入100萬外勞7F 02/26 19:14
推 : 讓我進去8F 02/26 19:16
推 : 台灣人口現在多少阿 ?9F 02/26 19:16
→ : 100萬人被埋在樹海10F 02/26 19:17
推 : 一次減少1%。 太恐怖了11F 02/26 19:17
以後要減少絕對不是1%2%的~推 : 太愛看動漫的結果12F 02/26 19:17
推 : 把男的隔離一個月 禁止接觸女性資訊 禁止偷偷尻槍13F 02/26 19:17
推 : 台灣立委發3000就解決了的事情14F 02/26 19:18
→ : 怎不開放台灣移民15F 02/26 19:18
→ : 然後高度體能訓練及求生 一個月後放出來他們會很飢渴16F 02/26 19:19
那麼搞剛 要做違反人權的事情怎麼不直接安排配種→ : 東亞這幾國都在養財團奴役社畜 有此戰果並不意外17F 02/26 19:20
推 : 光坐電車就歧視帶小孩的婦女了 誰會想要生啊18F 02/26 19:21
→ : 還好有村架純還會關心帶小孩的婦女叫她們一起上巴士!
→ : 還好有村架純還會關心帶小孩的婦女叫她們一起上巴士!
推 : 勞動人口降,老年人口升,可怕~20F 02/26 19:23
推 : 日本性產業及資訊這麼發達 配種應該也沒男人想生21F 02/26 19:23
推 : 給移嗎~?22F 02/26 19:24
推 : 我住大阪,路上感覺媽媽都很年輕,也很多人有小孩的感覺,23F 02/26 19:25
→ : 帶兩個的很普遍
→ : 帶兩個的很普遍
→ : 台灣更可怕 少子化比日本嚴重 還有國債要還25F 02/26 19:25
債務倒是還好 國家舉債還滿常見的→ : B大 日本房價會很高嗎?26F 02/26 19:25
→ : 我更擔心台灣 生育率比1.4還低27F 02/26 19:27
推 : 說犯賤的是有病嗎28F 02/26 19:28
推 : 男生想做愛有三種情況 1.生命處在高壓恐懼時29F 02/26 19:29
飽暖思淫慾 不是不想做 是不想養推 : 5樓想被桶想瘋了30F 02/26 19:30
→ : 2.睡好吃飽喝足沒事幹時 3.長期嚴酷禁慾獲得解放時31F 02/26 19:30
推 : 鬼島只會更嚴重吧 話說地獄朝鮮沒這問題嗎?32F 02/26 19:30
※ 編輯: ru04ul4 (, 02/26/2016 19:31:12推 : 台灣少子化比日本還嚴重33F 02/26 19:31
推 : 我女友在九州路上都育的到小羅利耶34F 02/26 19:32
→ : 日本人這麼排外 怎麼可能開放外國人移民條件降低...35F 02/26 19:32
推 : 日本開放 中國會先搶吧 3000萬剩男36F 02/26 19:33
→ : 地獄朝鮮也有這問題 生育率只比台灣高一點37F 02/26 19:34
推 : 老屁股一堆38F 02/26 19:34
→ : 中華大地震動 平原上一群3000萬剩男用跑的去搶姑娘39F 02/26 19:35
推 : 是八個縣。日本沒有八個州。40F 02/26 19:38
推 : 日本人口減少才是脫離景氣低迷關鍵41F 02/26 19:40
推 : 台灣都不怕 日本驚啥42F 02/26 19:40
推 : 你這樣講中國人會擁進去43F 02/26 19:42
推 : 日本女生倒是很願意接受歐美人士44F 02/26 19:47
→ : 應該會有政策出來再大量開放歐美人士可以更容易到日本
→ : 應該會有政策出來再大量開放歐美人士可以更容易到日本
推 : 羨慕46F 02/26 19:48
推 : 看看五樓 呵47F 02/26 19:50
推 : 這問題要解決很簡單,開始徵兵就好了48F 02/26 20:00
推 : 翻州好怪 日本是都道府縣49F 02/26 20:21
推 : 開放幹炮許可證提高生育率50F 02/26 20:32
→ : 九州~有九個州~51F 02/26 20:54
推 : 把色情網站掃光就好 禁止任何a片52F 02/26 21:42