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※ 本文為 ckpioneer.bbs. 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-04-15 00:05:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 a5b4c3d2e1 ()
標題 [爆卦] 肯亞剛跟中國拿一筆大錢
時間 Thu Apr 14 20:19:58 2016




"China ‘Abducts’ Taiwanese in Kenya"
China ‘Abducts’ Taiwanese in Kenya | The Diplomat
The forced deportation of Taiwanese citizens to China sparks fears about extraterritoriality. ...


Taiwanese of all stripes were aghast this week after eight Taiwanese
nationals were among a group of Chinese citizens forced onto a plane to China
last Friday. It is not known why Chinese authorities sought to have the
Taiwanese extradited to China; the eight had been cleared of charges of
telecommunications fraud by a court in in Kenya. The incident, which Taipei
has described as “illegal abduction” and “uncivilized action,” raises
serious questions about Chinese extraterritoriality and the “one China”

The eight nationals in question were among a total of 37 individuals — 23 of
them Taiwanese — who were acquitted of fraud in an April 5 Kenya High Court
decision and were given 21 days to leave Kenya. One of the eight is
reportedly a Taiwanese-American. The remaining 15 Taiwanese were put on a
plane to China on Tuesday, also in defiance of the court order. Chinese
officials in Kenya reportedly pressured Kenyan authorities to send the
Taiwanese nationals to China.

Taiwanese foreign ministry officials dispatched from South Africa (Taiwan has
no official diplomatic relations with and no representative office in Kenya)
have been denied access to the Taiwanese individuals, and reports indicate
that submachine gun-wielding Kenyan police used tear gas to subdue the
Taiwanese who resisted deportation. Kenyan authorities had also told the
Taiwanese that their government had bought them tickets to return home, which
turned out to be a lie (see an undated letter by detainees expressing fears
of being sent to China).

Kenya’s Interior Ministry maintains that the Taiwanese nationals entered
Kenya illegally and were to be extradited to China because this was the route
they had taken to enter the country. Taipei has called the act “a gross
violation of basic human rights.” Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry has reached out
to Kenyan parliamentarians and rights activists to provide assistance in
filing a lawsuit against Kenyan police.

According to an official from the Africa division at Taiwan’s Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, a total of 45 Taiwanese nationals based in Kenya have been
extradited to China in two unrelated cases.

At this point, it is difficult not to regard the move as a case of abduction
of foreign nationals by China with Kenyan complicity. While Beijing and
Nairobi began talks on an extradition treaty in August 2015, an extradition
treaty normally facilitates the return of a national to his or her country of
origin to face prosecution. The problem, of course, is that Taiwanese are
holders of a Republic of China (ROC) passport, not one from the People’s
Republic of China (PRC).

Beijing could have wiggled out of this one by pointing to the precedent set
by the U.S. in its efforts to combat international cyber crime, under the
premise that the activities of the alleged criminals were detrimental to China
’s security. One case, for example, involved the deportation in 2007 of
23-year-old Ovidiu-Ionut Nicola-Roman, a Romanian citizen, to the United
States under a Mutual Legal Assistance Protocol and extradition treaty
between the United States and Romania. Several other Romanian nationals
involved in the scheme were expected to be sent to the United States to face
prosecution. Ukrainian and Estonian nationals have also been extradited to
the United States under similar agreements. “Criminals who exploit the power
and convenience of the Internet do not recognize national borders; therefore
our efforts to prevent their attacks cannot end at our borders either,”
 Deputy Attorney General Mark R. Filip said at the time.

In 2009, Taiwan and China signed a joint crime-fighting agreement, which
arguably could have facilitated the exchange of information between the two
sides had the Taiwanese individuals been sent back to Taiwan.

But China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn’t refer to the U.S. precedent
or cross-strait agreements, and instead lauded Kenya’s decision, implying
that the extradition was the result of Nairobi’s adherence to the “one China
” policy. In other words, Beijing would rather be accused of abduction and
extraterritoriality — and would rather risk alienating the Taiwanese — than
to refer to a practical and arguably sensible precedent, set by the United
States, that would imply that Taiwanese are not Chinese citizens subject to
PRC laws.

Due to the complicity of various regimes that have developed close ties with
Beijing over the years, this latest incident also suggests that Taiwanese “
criminals” — a category that, under the PRC’s National Security Law, which
supposedly extends to Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan, could include “splittism
” and other loosely defined threats to national security — no longer have
assurances of due process when they travel abroad.

According to Reuters, on April 8 — the same day the Taiwanese were loaded on
the plane to China — Kenya announced it would receive a new loan of $600
million from China to help Nairobi address its budget deficit.

In February 2011, the Philippines deported 14 Taiwanese involved in an
investment scam to China alongside 10 Chinese nationals, sparking anger in
Taipei. Manila refused to apologize for the incident. A later crackdown in
October 2015 resulted in the deportation of 42 Taiwanese nationals back to
Taiwan at a time of high tensions between the Philippines and China over
parts of the South China Sea.

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N3uhniO (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1460636401.A.B18.html
suhaw: 然後他(們)就死掉了1F 04/14 20:20
lloop: 賣人換錢?2F 04/14 20:20
Mahoutsukai: So what? 能怎麼阻止他們??3F 04/14 20:20
amury: 被當商品賣了4F 04/14 20:20
kisaku1980: 挖 值不少錢欸5F 04/14 20:20
gohrs: 太扯了6F 04/14 20:20
james732: 六百萬美金就可以賤賣台灣人的命QQ7F 04/14 20:21
DASHOCK: 賣了8F 04/14 20:21
shinshong: 不意外啦9F 04/14 20:21
dearjohn: 哈哈哈www10F 04/14 20:21
j55888819: 我們把馬英九送過去會有錢可拿嗎?11F 04/14 20:21
j68345517: 平均一個人多少?12F 04/14 20:21
kennyoct19: 國與國間的人口販賣!?13F 04/14 20:21
yoyosunmoon: 今天林俊憲質詢時有提到這新聞14F 04/14 20:21
GreatHong: 落後國家很需要金援啊15F 04/14 20:21
jma306:   國際外交  錢就是外交力量之一16F 04/14 20:21
karasumi: 滿滿的黑幕?17F 04/14 20:22
vitalis: 販賣人口?18F 04/14 20:22
arnold3: 是哪位外交家站出來說就是19F 04/14 20:22
cpc21478: 600萬美金就可以換世界各地抓台灣人的權利 便宜20F 04/14 20:22
BJkiN: 意外嗎?比雞歪中國會輸你?小菜一碟而已好嗎?=_=21F 04/14 20:22
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:23:17
jma306: 台灣外交最會撒錢  就是李登輝了22F 04/14 20:22
mynumber55: 好爽喔 買空賣空23F 04/14 20:22
arnold3: 不然我說肯亞人重了中國的樂透都行24F 04/14 20:22
kairi5217: 這裡有一群台灣人很便宜 需要的話 打這個電話25F 04/14 20:22
arsian: 打擊犯罪呢 流氓國家真高尚26F 04/14 20:23
s902131: 臺灣人有600萬鎂該偷笑了啦 摸摸自己懶趴27F 04/14 20:23
s902131: 有沒有這個價
otsuka123: 難怪 抓到了 支那不意外29F 04/14 20:23
kirbycopy: 其實最不爽的是中國自己都說肯亞是"支持一中"了 台灣還30F 04/14 20:23
Leeng: wow~31F 04/14 20:23
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:24:34
ruo01332000: $600 million不是6億嗎?32F 04/14 20:23
fallen1: 支持全家洗錢的偉大習領導 支那賤畜不意外33F 04/14 20:24
kirbycopy: 一堆人扯些有的沒的法理 正義之類的 根本亂扯34F 04/14 20:24
air33456: 拿人錢辦事有什麼不對35F 04/14 20:24
fifi0828: 給一大筆錢也要把這批人綁走 到底這批人惹了什麼禍36F 04/14 20:24
Leeng: 600 million   自己算吧37F 04/14 20:24
mmc109815038: 看來  這些台灣人被肯亞大價錢賣掉了 XDDDDDD38F 04/14 20:24
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:24:52
isscc2014: Highlight 高調推39F 04/14 20:24
mmc109815038: 肯亞這個非洲國家太有樂趣了  XDDDD40F 04/14 20:24
st9061204: .........這就是所謂的實力嗎?41F 04/14 20:24
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:25:11
fifi0828: 這根本不是單純司法案件啊 不要再屁什麼詐欺了42F 04/14 20:24
cul287: 就說是綁架台灣人了43F 04/14 20:24
kageo101: 然後他就死掉了44F 04/14 20:24
Ipadhotwater: 當作商品賣掉了45F 04/14 20:25
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:26:10
saiulbb: 你LAG好久 之前就有新聞了46F 04/14 20:25
turbomons: 兩國公然販賣人口 聯合國兩公約是不是該被當笑話47F 04/14 20:25
msekili: 超貴XDDDD48F 04/14 20:25
KUGA: 無聊 這社會本來就是 有錢屌就大 !49F 04/14 20:25
grandwar: 在外國作生意的小心囉50F 04/14 20:25
Chenflying: 那些台灣人騙了支那人至少8千萬美金 值了51F 04/14 20:25
tyifgee: 哇靠 那群人到底是52F 04/14 20:25
anoreader: 不意外 外交鐵則 利益利益利益 正義那些是騙魯蛇國家53F 04/14 20:25
planky: 然後他就死掉了54F 04/14 20:25
ben811018: 沒想到台灣詐欺犯這麼值錢55F 04/14 20:25
nitvx: 好划算的交易56F 04/14 20:25
gabin2000: 靠北,變販賣人口了啊57F 04/14 20:26
inspire0201: 等等,所以那些人這麼值錢喔?????58F 04/14 20:26
DASHOCK: 梅是兒  梅是兒59F 04/14 20:26
fetoyeh: 這是貸款喔 XD60F 04/14 20:26
CP543: 台灣人滿值錢的嘛 那羅in shit拿多少?61F 04/14 20:26
kingfrece: 賺到惹62F 04/14 20:26
fifi0828: 肯亞為了錢錢立刻配合63F 04/14 20:27
pojohn: 中國打不贏  肯亞應該打得贏 了吧!!64F 04/14 20:27
otsuka123: 非洲人 肚子餓餓 拿到錢 誰管你國際法65F 04/14 20:27
a1070013: 古阿明說過了,有錢人的小孩,什麼都比較會66F 04/14 20:27
kronos: 600Million 是六億才對吧....?67F 04/14 20:27
nitvx: 這國家在兩國之間拿盡好處 台灣藥學一下 美中間要怎麼生存68F 04/14 20:27
no2muta: 也太貴吧XDDD雖說是貸款69F 04/14 20:27
sy031653: 這些人說不定會跟法輪功一樣,器官被扒光光?70F 04/14 20:28
lovelebron24: 幹鬼島人命賤71F 04/14 20:28
fifi0828: 問題是都說是罪犯為啥還要花錢買72F 04/14 20:28
mayfifth: 馬英九:一切都在掌握中73F 04/14 20:28
cat5672: 肯亞及中國表示:純屬巧合 兩件事沒有關聯74F 04/14 20:28
fifi0828: 說你罪犯根本煙霧彈啊75F 04/14 20:28
Mmxmmx: 有兩億我早就回家了76F 04/14 20:28
RedCarRet: KMT快出來抗議沒拿到回扣啦77F 04/14 20:29
mmc109815038: 借給非洲國家的貸款  通常要不回來  等同於直接給錢78F 04/14 20:29
misaki1088: $$$$79F 04/14 20:29
dufflin: 人人都有價碼 肯亞拿到這樣 那雪螺呢 馬統呢80F 04/14 20:29
molittlesky: 然後他們就拿到600萬了81F 04/14 20:29
s595857: 賣馬19 意者密 南門交易82F 04/14 20:29
Anikk: 6億美金!買這一群騙子!肯亞大賺83F 04/14 20:29
ImBBCALL: 賺翻84F 04/14 20:29
mmc109815038: 到頭來  錢才是硬實力呀  XDDDD85F 04/14 20:29
nitvx: 賣他國的人民 還賣的價格這麼好86F 04/14 20:29
fifi0828: 中國為了搞這一齣真的急了87F 04/14 20:30
rainxo6p: 挖 肯亞這下拿了面子又賺錢....88F 04/14 20:30
momoisacow: 賣罪犯換GDP 犯罪經濟學89F 04/14 20:30
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:30:59
Blumenkranz: 6E喔90F 04/14 20:30
mmc109815038: 古非洲確實有抓外族人當奴隸賣掉的傳統91F 04/14 20:30
wsx26997785: 肯亞就中國養的阿  非洲都是92F 04/14 20:30
serval623: 381萬人也很高興呀!普天同慶祖國懲罰鬼島騙子93F 04/14 20:30
cynric717: 推94F 04/14 20:31
youthyeh: 想知道馬19拿中共多少錢95F 04/14 20:31
qazwsx0128: 好吧 那我們拿六兆出來吧  我先嚕一下96F 04/14 20:31
mmc109815038: 這些錢  肯亞民眾拿不到的  ^^97F 04/14 20:31
wsx26997785: ============> 中共說詐騙6億美金 原來是給肯亞阿98F 04/14 20:31
funkD: 6E 爽歪歪耶99F 04/14 20:32
legendd: 黑100F 04/14 20:32
sarada: 對阿共而言錢不是問題 花點錢就能達到施壓收買目的 超划算101F 04/14 20:32
DarkerDuck: 買器官要錢,對中國來講天經地義啊102F 04/14 20:32
bassblacktea: 幹好多錢103F 04/14 20:32
ying0502: 幹,對肯亞根本無本生意104F 04/14 20:32
fifi0828: 中國人的民脂民膏原來是這樣花的105F 04/14 20:32
silentence: 381也需要被Abduct去中國106F 04/14 20:32
mercurycgt68: 不知某部長分到多少?107F 04/14 20:32
ppp111683: 法務部賺多少??108F 04/14 20:33
mmc109815038: YOOOO~~~~~ 肯亞哪管台灣詐騙犯的死活!!109F 04/14 20:33
cul287:  人人有6億都能參加慈善撲克王大賽110F 04/14 20:33
fifi0828: 肯亞:歡迎台灣人多多來玩唷(數鈔票)111F 04/14 20:33
alonzohorse: 看來某垃圾部長也分紅?112F 04/14 20:33
※ 編輯: a5b4c3d2e1 (, 04/14/2016 20:37:33
Ipadhotwater: 反正人民絕對是拿不到的CC113F 04/14 20:34
mmc109815038: 如果我有六億美元  我就去哥倫比亞大學唸博士114F 04/14 20:34
linccccc: 然後他就死掉了115F 04/14 20:34
xx60824xx: 他媽的 法務部分多少阿116F 04/14 20:34
snio2427: 高117F 04/14 20:35
firecrest: Oh shit118F 04/14 20:35
mmc109815038: 法務部分不到的  ~~~~~  法務部分到的是官 不是錢119F 04/14 20:35
sarada: 中國在非洲拓展勢力很久了 外媒好幾年就在做專題分析 反觀120F 04/14 20:35
violin3316: 垃圾國家121F 04/14 20:35
beryll: 總統 外交部 法務部 的帳戶不查?122F 04/14 20:36
Heyward: 高調123F 04/14 20:36
mmc109815038: 非洲目前沒有正常國家  ^^124F 04/14 20:36
dummysystem0: 多那~多那~要被賣掉嘍~125F 04/14 20:36
HuckleberryF: 綁架當然要付點錢給出力的國家,沒看到頭都套黑布126F 04/14 20:36
rottenapple: 有看到重點嗎?肯亞要錢,中國要什麼?文中有分析,127F 04/14 20:37
rottenapple: 中國不以美國的慣例來解釋合理化,而是要避免讓台灣
rottenapple: 變成有主權的政治實體,這才是花錢的目的
ckpioneer: ..................130F 04/14 20:37
ckpioneer: 幹
qooisgood: 九二共識 一中各婊 謝謝132F 04/14 20:37
isscc2014: 多點人注意到啊~~133F 04/14 20:37
elle: 金錢外交還說的過去 但肯亞應該要交代 邦交=綁架?134F 04/14 20:38
jur1512: 有錢任性135F 04/14 20:38
isaa: 非洲老鴇136F 04/14 20:38
luckyBF: 超爽der137F 04/14 20:39
Niubert: 馬英九跟羅淫血應該可以賣87億138F 04/14 20:39
Cookie165: 高調139F 04/14 20:39
evens: 不要再買肯亞的咖啡豆了,抵制140F 04/14 20:40
youthyeh: 肯亞:謝謝惠顧,下次有來旅遊的台灣人再裝起來給您~141F 04/14 20:40
hikki430: 真以為是只有那幾十人的命而已嗎....傻傻der142F 04/14 20:41
evens: 肯亞的礦石和銅也是大宗143F 04/14 20:41
weimr: 高調144F 04/14 20:41
mmc109815038: 肯亞抓外族人當奴隸賣掉  還賣了高價!!!!145F 04/14 20:41
MRsoso: 把國民黨給他們 我願做一年白工146F 04/14 20:44
lmf770410: ...................耖147F 04/14 20:44
sagakey: 然後去到中國,這八個人又可以變成錢了。148F 04/14 20:45
fifi0828: 中國:6億鎂花了以後就可以隨時綁架台灣人 划算划算149F 04/14 20:45
rant: 更!150F 04/14 20:45
bt022: 高調151F 04/14 20:45
joyc06u6: 難怪152F 04/14 20:46
StudyLong: 幹153F 04/14 20:46
ab32110: @@154F 04/14 20:47
Moratti: 幹155F 04/14 20:47
cliff2102: 賣黑奴?156F 04/14 20:48
legendd:157F 04/14 20:48
miseru: 羅瑩雪不知收了多少158F 04/14 20:48
lucyrice: 高調159F 04/14 20:48
ccam: 幹太扯160F 04/14 20:49
cy4v: 幹161F 04/14 20:50
sagakey: 一回家看到L.I.S的講話差點把螢幕砸掉162F 04/14 20:50
chloeslover: 中共本來就深耕非洲很久了 台灣哪有本錢跟共匪比錢163F 04/14 20:51
Junticks: 他媽的法你老母,錢才是真理是吧164F 04/14 20:51
chokore: 靠北 結果LIS也沒拿到還舔成這樣165F 04/14 20:55
zeze: 高調166F 04/14 20:56
evelyn055: 幹167F 04/14 20:56
yoluofgiprts: 沒有很意外168F 04/14 20:57
gaddafi: 抓幾十個臺灣人送給支巴國 就有六億美元 真的是太好賺了169F 04/14 20:59
weRfamily: 見錢眼開170F 04/14 20:59
curranmath: 落後國家之間的交流171F 04/14 21:02
lucy8722: ==172F 04/14 21:02
maxSr: 幹,真垃圾,高調!!173F 04/14 21:02
yankee50103: 用其他國詐騙犯換那麼多錢好啊  蠢吱當每個人都跟他174F 04/14 21:03
yankee50103: 們一樣腦袋壞去
FannWang: 中國這招真聰明176F 04/14 21:04
kis28519: 6億搞不好台灣有出一半177F 04/14 21:05
cream4260: 唉,真的是有錢是大爺178F 04/14 21:05
wingsfly: 肯亞這垃圾國家就別去了~179F 04/14 21:06
Syd: 六億美金  如果是真的那絕對不是什麼詐欺犯,下飛機還蓋黑布..180F 04/14 21:07
micky5521: 此片正解181F 04/14 21:09
z83420123: 英九打包給你  不用錢182F 04/14 21:10
Tamama56: 有掛有推183F 04/14 21:10
rottenapple: 所以中國根本就不是當司法事件在處理,是用錢來矮化184F 04/14 21:11
rottenapple: 臺灣國際地位,只是台灣還有官員對國內在說是防止犯
rottenapple: 罪,跟92共識那個騙局的手法是一樣的,裡應外合
lovejamwu: 欸欸~~其他非洲國家要跟進了嗎~~~187F 04/14 21:12
chihchuan: 幹,有掛有推,爛國家肯亞188F 04/14 21:12
dufflin: 肯亞拿錢辦事 有情有義 雪螺呢 馬桶呢 行情多少 講一下吧189F 04/14 21:12
cerwvk: 這... 我想說沒鬼有人信?190F 04/14 21:13
lyc456: 然後就死掉了 偽幣吧哈哈191F 04/14 21:13
SeTeVen: 這種國家算了吧192F 04/14 21:16
getfull: 舔共賣台廢物們拿幾億呀zz193F 04/14 21:17
gwenwoo:  狗冥黨、NCC、交通部圖利噓噓東!!~by國道收費員自救會194F 04/14 21:17
freddy60907: 笑了 爛國家XD195F 04/14 21:17
mko00kimo: 支那又多一隻狗了196F 04/14 21:19
yjlee0829: ..197F 04/14 21:19
corexxx: 擄人勒贖集團198F 04/14 21:22
eric791112: 哦哦原來中國為了這幾個詐欺嫌疑犯願意花六億啊199F 04/14 21:23
eemail: 二戰大家都拿美援200F 04/14 21:26
st2913sbck: 國際強盜201F 04/14 21:29
bantw: 推202F 04/14 21:29
revive25: WOW 好巧喔203F 04/14 21:29
kkkk0923: 這是政治動作,以後親中共的國家都能用這次的事件的判決204F 04/14 21:33
kkkk0923: 把台灣人遣返回中國,即使他們自已的國家法院都判無罪也
ienari: 這昨天正晶就講了啊206F 04/14 21:34
Sousake: 偽佛教徒羅瑩雪: 然後支那人就超爽der207F 04/14 21:34
kkkk0923: 能把人送去中國給中共的法院審判208F 04/14 21:35
pili30155: 法務部就配合中國嘛 不然去中國開會幹嘛209F 04/14 21:36
germing: 兩億赤貧中国民眾:210F 04/14 21:37
fifi0828: 詐欺犯有需要花這麼多錢買?擺明花錢搞政治事件 打壓台211F 04/14 21:38
hie4949: 媽的中國網民在嘴砲前先管管你們政府怎麼花錢吧212F 04/14 21:40
joyc06u6: 原來如此213F 04/14 21:41
KageZ: 如果可以把KMT賣掉…就算只值60元我也願意214F 04/14 21:41
a0916615795: 高調215F 04/14 21:42
candy2624360: 6E爽喔216F 04/14 21:43
a1len: 6E是買你2300萬人啊...傻傻的217F 04/14 21:44
insominia: 這消息來源是?218F 04/14 21:45
iamflash: 買人應該不用六億美元219F 04/14 21:47
iamflash: 應該是其他理由 比如工程 援助
iamflash: 只是剛好在風頭上 所以引起聯想
samz: 只有我覺得這個新聞很扯嗎?222F 04/14 21:51
gypsophila99: 推223F 04/14 21:58
marsper: 不得不推樓上allen大,這6E真的是買2300萬人224F 04/14 22:00
milkteafood: 買賣225F 04/14 22:05
k98671532000: 天啊226F 04/14 22:05
peter510251: 本國外國媒體的差距啊227F 04/14 22:09
isalin: 高調228F 04/14 22:10
isalin: 中國:用這筆貸款來欺負下台灣主權 值得啦!
isalin: 外媒看得很清楚 不像台灣有些人....
etymology: 9.2醒了沒231F 04/14 22:17
OoJudyoO: 真是呵呵232F 04/14 22:19
silentence: 6億買個機會  強化兩岸同屬一中  真是划算齁233F 04/14 22:19
circus1228: 垃圾國不意外234F 04/14 22:20
kaky: #1N3Vwfjo (Gossiping) 鄉民看不懂中文?14號爆掛13號新聞...235F 04/14 22:23
lilyriza: 這根本是政治操作 法統的最後一步236F 04/14 22:31
chiying: 幹237F 04/14 22:32
otis000: 用錢打通關 中國人螂性無誤238F 04/14 22:38
jason741230: 痾...所以你覺得有可能一講完要送去中國就馬上給錢?239F 04/14 22:43
WWIII: 台灣人原來那麼值錢啊 原諒你了240F 04/14 22:43
jason741230: 聯想得太遠了吧,那錢應該是本來就會給的...241F 04/14 22:43
wolfzr280: 紅明顯,是60億好嗎?242F 04/14 22:50
olivierC: 爆243F 04/14 22:57
ncshue84: 台灣可以出1000億阿 反正人權無價 大家就多繳點稅244F 04/14 22:58
ship1228: 是6億  OK?245F 04/14 22:59
doranako: 這些人還真值錢,中國花錢到底要幹嘛246F 04/14 22:59
drugwitch: 真好賺欸,以後大家都抓臺灣人賣給中國ㄛ247F 04/14 23:01
ncshue84: 當台灣沒錢?馬上開個募款專號一定幕到好幾百億248F 04/14 23:02

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( ̄︶ ̄)b u9785878, m78a30, Ecli 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:03:20 (台灣)
-1 04-14 21:03 TW
2樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:03:37 (台灣)
+1 04-14 21:03 TW
3樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:05:00 (台灣)
-1 04-14 21:05 TW
4樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:13:52 (日本)
  04-14 21:13 JP
5樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:38:45 (台灣)
+1 04-14 21:38 TW
4/08一群台灣人被裝機上中國的同一天,肯亞從中國到手六億美金的貸款 XD
6樓 時間: 2016-04-14 21:54:31 (台灣)
-1 04-14 21:54 TW
7樓 時間: 2016-04-15 14:20:45 (加拿大)
-1 04-15 14:20 CA
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