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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-04-22 13:13:11
看板 Gossiping
作者 code5566 (OO保溫杯)
標題 [問卦] 英文面試的第一句話?
時間 Fri Apr 22 08:54:56 2016




Good morning my boss!



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1N6NPYIG (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1461286498.A.490.html
danorken: MAY1F 04/22 08:55
sumarai: allahu akbar2F 04/22 08:55
chu122408: This is a pen3F 04/22 08:55
super10000: May show gun more4F 04/22 08:55
hachime: May5F 04/22 08:56
cosmoz:             is.6F 04/22 08:56
ererer: KISS MY ASS7F 04/22 08:56
super10000: I'm your fathet8F 04/22 08:56
vyeight: Suck my fucking dick.9F 04/22 08:56
seuil: Make sure gun more10F 04/22 08:56
YahooTaiwan: My father is .11F 04/22 08:56
snow7482: 幼幼~去個烙~12F 04/22 08:56
galleon2000: How are you?  Fine thank you~13F 04/22 08:57
liaon98: Beh sio kan bo14F 04/22 08:57
HayamaAkito: U can't see me15F 04/22 08:57
pan60420: Yo wazzup16F 04/22 08:57
taotzu: Good day, Sir..  Thanks for the opportunity to join17F 04/22 08:57
tangsys: Good morning sir18F 04/22 08:57
rr78: fuck me19F 04/22 08:57
taotzu: interview today..20F 04/22 08:57
Aukid: Now you see me21F 04/22 08:57
pokerhow: John~~cena ~~~22F 04/22 08:57
ucieric: what's up~23F 04/22 08:57
vyeight: I will allow you to insert my anus if I pass this24F 04/22 08:57
vyeight: test.
neko0624: This is a pen26F 04/22 08:58
seuil: My asshole is clean27F 04/22 08:58
Spitfire168: Today is Apr..... I am very good at May . . . .28F 04/22 08:58
KGarnett05: may show gun more29F 04/22 08:58
tonyfenny321: good morning 大舅子30F 04/22 08:58
GhostIlander: A for apple31F 04/22 08:59
kfactor: ob'_'ov32F 04/22 09:00
freddy60907: may show gun more33F 04/22 09:00
ToTaiwan: How do you turn this on34F 04/22 09:00
nnnnn222: How do you turn this on?35F 04/22 09:00
OK8066889: My Dad is36F 04/22 09:00
h4k: Hi dude, sup man yo37F 04/22 09:01
vyeight: Excellent!  The concept that there is a line inside38F 04/22 09:01
vyeight: of every girl s ass!
arcanite: Hello sir! My father is MA he ling!40F 04/22 09:01
mongi: Mei show gan mo41F 04/22 09:01
ice76824: Who's your daddy42F 04/22 09:02
starfishkira: i gun gi le mo43F 04/22 09:02
zanguy: Dear all44F 04/22 09:03
tanya0601: This is a book.45F 04/22 09:03
mig: Hajimemasite46F 04/22 09:03
newwer: bitch I will fuck you up47F 04/22 09:03
maxablue: 認真回 外國上司不喜歡台灣那種客套拘謹 放鬆正常就好48F 04/22 09:03
bomber0529: For the king!49F 04/22 09:04
headiron: I am a good student,are you?50F 04/22 09:04
sky1686:         bao bao yo ku , dan bao bao bu sho , fuck you51F 04/22 09:04
ericsonzhen: make sure gun more52F 04/22 09:04
thindust: do you speak chinese?53F 04/22 09:04
untilnow:   看到是黑人的話先喊 :你哥54F 04/22 09:04
vilia0227: suck my ball55F 04/22 09:04
darling520: My father is 戰連56F 04/22 09:05
vvvccc2d: fuck you baby57F 04/22 09:05
railman: easy58F 04/22 09:05
s546654321: yo 尼哥59F 04/22 09:06
drift024: Hey bro!60F 04/22 09:06
metawopa: suuuuuper slammmmmm61F 04/22 09:06
wurara22: May show gun more?62F 04/22 09:06
Spitfire168:  i love my country ! this is not your home!63F 04/22 09:07
UnsraW: harder, harder, oh yeah....Fuck, oh fuck64F 04/22 09:07
andrew0719: Hello, my father is Chan Lien65F 04/22 09:07
belleaya: Say hello to my little friend66F 04/22 09:07
wurara22: 不要在黑人面前說那個67F 04/22 09:08
ECZEMA: 反正你不會上 說什麼都行68F 04/22 09:09
ifchen0: 阿拉花瓜69F 04/22 09:10
silencer: say yo what's up70F 04/22 09:10
nick1044: Good morning Mr._ .Thanks for giving me this chance71F 04/22 09:11
nick1044:  to introduce myself.
tows0606: Shoe me the money73F 04/22 09:13
s531619: Sorry bro74F 04/22 09:14
planky: Yes,my lord.  Work,Work.75F 04/22 09:14
a124456tw: 這推文XD76F 04/22 09:15
Spitfire168: You play MODEL ?   do U love GunDam? XDDD77F 04/22 09:16
turtlefar1: Winter is coming !78F 04/22 09:17
loser113: 你來八卦版問?79F 04/22 09:18
vyeight: 收回all+to all:da~bo~you~80F 04/22 09:20
yyy855029: yo bitch i screw you81F 04/22 09:20
goal770711: mypanisbig82F 04/22 09:22
rhox: 說Hi然後自我介紹阿,還要我教83F 04/22 09:25
Saviolatoh: I wanna play a game. 啊來比說中文啊幹!84F 04/22 09:26
jatj: my boss... 笑死人了85F 04/22 09:28
jatj: 誰是你boss啊
joewu8267: i can be your bitch if you hire me...87F 04/22 09:29
ShibaMiyuki: you got a baby dick~88F 04/22 09:30
tetsu2008: How are you? Fine, thank you. And You?89F 04/22 09:30
if2: You're Fired90F 04/22 09:31
love12548: My lord 阿 還要我教91F 04/22 09:32
Saviolatoh: Pay me 22k and I am yours (脫衣)92F 04/22 09:33
momoisacow: Say my name !!93F 04/22 09:34
chloeslover: Do you like BBC94F 04/22 09:35
jjoe1qaztw: hey  butches and pussy95F 04/22 09:36
acadpp: 正妹:u can do anything whatever u want~96F 04/22 09:37
xximab: HASTALA VISTA97F 04/22 09:37
jjoe1qaztw: 乾  不要幫我自動選字98F 04/22 09:37
lolucky531: Fuck my ass99F 04/22 09:45
Saviolatoh: 端底萬燒森耐喊熱耐底耐達樂 底屋?100F 04/22 09:46
s9341097: En Taro Tassadar啊101F 04/22 09:48
antiaris: My father is ...102F 04/22 09:48
GentIe: English? no no no (邊搖手...)103F 04/22 09:49
gn02603360: Sup bro104F 04/22 09:50
chang505: hey pussy105F 04/22 09:51
shermanqoo: a bird can fly high106F 04/22 09:52
ffej8797: a for apple b for ball107F 04/22 09:53
noreg0393933: Hey, you.108F 04/22 09:57
kiliman: 2F會讓阿豆仔主管奪門而出 (記得邊喊邊丟背包)109F 04/22 09:58
marsper: How ya doing!110F 04/22 09:59
sasawill: How do you turn this on111F 04/22 09:59
maltum: For King and Country! For Boss and Company!112F 04/22 10:00
zopomodo: hey,nigger113F 04/22 10:00
ccjj8: hallo my dad is .....114F 04/22 10:00
abelyi100: Hakuna Matata115F 04/22 10:01
magicgod: 我一定會做好.做滿116F 04/22 10:02
chad60711: wuzzup, bro?117F 04/22 10:03
cc02040326: good morning bitch!! wanna have sex with me?118F 04/22 10:04
kenny8899: Chen bei Chen bei Zai Chen bei119F 04/22 10:05
a0916615795: may120F 04/22 10:06
KevinJay: yo 尼哥121F 04/22 10:08
yukime46: Pollo o pavone122F 04/22 10:10
gsuper: Good day, how may I serve you?123F 04/22 10:13
pyps50202: Hi 我是臺灣總統124F 04/22 10:14
mike0lee2006: Guten Tag125F 04/22 10:15
rebai: 老外:哩勒恭塞洨,踢阿魔,下一位126F 04/22 10:15
atana: 碗比碟森127F 04/22 10:16
qbw: YO!HU BRO!My father is Hok Ling Ma128F 04/22 10:16
mbor: I'm Fuerdai129F 04/22 10:20
a7860446: may show gun more130F 04/22 10:22
WindSucker: shutdown131F 04/22 10:26
billybbb: 你說中文嗎?132F 04/22 10:26
ganlinLABA: Hey my name is Nathaniel, and I like to dance.133F 04/22 10:27
cknavel: Say my name134F 04/22 10:34
akokai: I'm chink135F 04/22 10:39
bq103011: How much one night136F 04/22 10:40
cher1: My英文is菜 ~137F 04/22 10:45
maymaywooed: want some peanut butter cock sandwich?138F 04/22 10:54
MasCat: 啊挖塔克塔拉~!139F 04/22 11:05
i86327: Taiwan#1 fuckboy fuckboy140F 04/22 11:10
d13186: An apple a day,keeps the doctor away.141F 04/22 11:15
blueway1014: 二樓很可愛XD,笑壞我,一邊說要一邊放下背包嗎?142F 04/22 11:18
AFM: 嘔啦~143F 04/22 11:29
OoHBKoO: ching chong ling long ting tong144F 04/22 11:40
doglegbow: 我準備好了145F 04/22 11:43
bladeX: Taiwan number 1!146F 04/22 11:49
bladeX: Taking machine gun
bladeX: Fire in the hall!
avrilrock: yo wassup149F 04/22 11:57
assassin5561: Kobrlikeshit150F 04/22 12:16
weu0713: good morning ,nigga151F 04/22 12:19
Beetch: Yes, My lord152F 04/22 12:24
jasonyu1011: Over my dead body153F 04/22 12:24
roysheu: May show gun more154F 04/22 12:40
missdoughnut: hi, I am bagajohn, and you?155F 04/22 12:42

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 9618 
※ 本文也出現在看板: PttHot
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2016-04-22 10:20:15 (台灣)
  04-22 10:20 TW
阿豆啦 都喜歡波波 OL 甲甲 
第一句話 今晚打老虎
2樓 時間: 2016-04-22 10:27:54 (台灣)
  04-22 10:27 TW
hey fuckboy
3樓 時間: 2016-04-22 10:43:10 (台灣)
  04-22 10:43 TW
hey fuck face~
4樓 時間: 2016-04-22 11:59:24 (台灣)
  04-22 11:59 TW
hey mother fucker~
5樓 時間: 2016-04-22 12:17:28 (台灣)
  04-22 12:17 TW
一堆沒禮貌的傢伙, 應該是 Can you speak Chinese?
6樓 時間: 2016-04-22 16:16:35 (台灣)
  04-22 16:16 TW
make sure gun more
7樓 時間: 2016-04-22 19:55:36 (台灣)
  04-22 19:55 TW
I will be back.
8樓 時間: 2016-04-23 16:24:59 (台灣)
  04-23 16:24 TW
推SPEAK Chinese
9樓 時間: 2016-04-23 18:11:05 (台灣)
  04-23 18:11 TW
第一句話都是主管先說的  不要太北爛幼稚  老實點就OK了
10樓 時間: 2016-04-23 20:47:16 (台灣)
  04-23 20:47 TW
Hi My father is......
11樓 時間: 2016-04-24 13:26:34 (台灣)
  04-24 13:26 TW
Good morning sir就好了吧
12樓 時間: 2016-04-24 18:06:55 (台灣)
  04-24 18:06 TW
認真回~How do you do~
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