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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-05-22 11:55:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 ronny1020 (ronny)
標題 [問卦] 知道哪首西洋老歌感覺有年紀了?
時間 Sat May 21 21:37:06 2016


Billy Joel - Piano Man
Billy Joel - Piano Man - YouTube
In 1973, Billy Joel released his legendary 'Piano Man' album. Listen to Billy Joel perform the title track 'Piano Man'.


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twpost: 經典是不分年紀的1F 05/21 21:37
johnwu: 很多年輕人也有聽老歌啊 又不準2F 05/21 21:37
akila08539: YESTERAY3F 05/21 21:37
ssaw5166: happy birthday to you4F 05/21 21:37
gear5817390: 推文沒我難過我肛壞五樓5F 05/21 21:37
zz5887: Right here waiting6F 05/21 21:38
em4: LET IT BE7F 05/21 21:38
AllenHuang: 現在還是有人在聽啊8F 05/21 21:38
gear5817390: 欸欸,誰快救我阿9F 05/21 21:38
monstermimic: 推一樓10F 05/21 21:38
sony00158: 康忙巴比雷死狗巴比11F 05/21 21:38
ssaw5166: 我難到12F 05/21 21:38
ianian45: air supply13F 05/21 21:38
I'd Really Love To See--附翻譯字幕 You Tonight - YouTube
1.我將MTV音樂影片嵌入英文歌詞及中文翻譯,以利大家練歌,每首歌都是精選中的收藏極品(至少我是如此認為),我的英文程度差強人意,如果翻譯的不好,請多多包涵! 2.我唱英文歌很久了,從未真正嘹解歌詞中的意義,這次抽時間整理翻譯,同時分享給大家!希望大家喜歡! 3.相信這種英文MTV模式很少見到吧!而且影片版本我都...

alex55555: hallelujah15F 05/21 21:38
lesnaree2: 知道不經典的老歌才會曝露年齡16F 05/21 21:39
farqall2: Im all out of love17F 05/21 21:39
peter080808: 經典是不分年齡的18F 05/21 21:39
skbshawn: Oh my Barbie girl19F 05/21 21:39
IkariD: Cheri Cheri Lady20F 05/21 21:39
hokksapp: I am sad.21F 05/21 21:39
shadowless: 以前的歌真的好聽 現在的跟噪音沒兩樣22F 05/21 21:39
xxx60133: It Never Rains In Southern California23F 05/21 21:40
lucifiel1618: mister sandman24F 05/21 21:40
nebbiabards: Hey jude25F 05/21 21:40
a95942: air supply26F 05/21 21:40
sylviehsiang: Why does the sun go on shining.....?27F 05/21 21:40
arnold3: abba28F 05/21 21:40
KingKingCold: Try to Remember 鋼鐵人的媽媽瑪利亞跟美國隊長的媽29F 05/21 21:40
KingKingCold: 媽莎拉組成的女子團體"瑪莎"的首張單曲
Chian3675: Thriller31F 05/21 21:40
vul3xj6: always coca cola32F 05/21 21:41
peter080808: 90年代真的是流行樂最黃金的年代 不分西洋還是華語33F 05/21 21:41
ljuber: say yes my boy  be my love~~ be my love34F 05/21 21:41
Yoe41: 推五樓35F 05/21 21:41
njnjy: 木匠兄妹36F 05/21 21:41
Music Software Savings from Plugin Boutique ( V.1) - YouTube
Save BIG on audio plugins at Plugin Boutique. Visit our site to view all of our current music software offers.

peter080808: 反而是2010年後這個世代的流行樂真的是爛到不行38F 05/21 21:42
gh34163: 經典老歌知道不是應該?39F 05/21 21:42
ZXCWS: Paradise40F 05/21 21:42
Say yes my boy (1965) - YouTube
Emy Jackson And The Smashmen Emy Jackson (エミー・ジャクソン) was born in Essex, England as Emy Eaton. As a teenager in Yokohama she still couldn't read Japanese well...

alex55555: Ed shreen也是2010後的阿43F 05/21 21:42
glacialfire: how do i live44F 05/21 21:42
ljuber: 我第一首會唱的英文老歌 say yes my boy45F 05/21 21:42
Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me (Official HQ) - YouTube
Clearer music video of Kiss Me Kiss me out of the bearded barley Nightly, beside the green, green grass Swing, swing, swing the spinning step You wear those ...

glacialfire: hotel california47F 05/21 21:43
KingKingCold: 不要忘了甲甲名曲:48F 05/21 21:43
peter080808: 看看現在的歌壇霸主是誰 真的讓人很想嘆氣49F 05/21 21:43
The Weather Girls - It's Raining Men - YouTube
The Weather Girls' official music video for 'It's Raining Men'. Click to listen to The Weather Girls on Spotify:

njnjy: Sixpence None The Richer - Kiss Me51F 05/21 21:43
info2000: pistol pack'ing mama52F 05/21 21:44
Noopsfilm: West end girls53F 05/21 21:44
njnjy: Kansas - Dust in the Wind54F 05/21 21:44
ldsdodo: Take On Me55F 05/21 21:45
karoshi: Elvis Presley-A Little Less Conversation56F 05/21 21:45
Kansas - Dust in the Wind (Official Video) - YouTube
Kansas' official music video for 'Dust In The Wind'. Click to listen to Kansas on Spotify:  As featured on The Esse...

CrackedVoice: careless whisper58F 05/21 21:45
honey0417: Yesterday Once More59F 05/21 21:45
Siddhartha: ABBA60F 05/21 21:46
giveme520: Dream dream dream61F 05/21 21:46
seattle20: The final countdown62F 05/21 21:47
heat0204: Drake的歌還不錯啊 不致於嘆氣吧63F 05/21 21:47
oblivionion: Adele Hello64F 05/21 21:47
godchildtw: Whiter Shade Of Pale65F 05/21 21:47
konner: 男孩特區 西城男孩 通通變阿伯了。我變30歲大叔66F 05/21 21:48
Earth, Wind & Fire - Boogie Wonderland - YouTube
Click to subscribe:  Listen to Earth, Wind & Fire on Spotify:

Imhuang: Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round The Oldak Tree68F 05/21 21:49
freewash: Endless Love, L.O.V.E., La vie en rose69F 05/21 21:49
Imhuang: Old Oak70F 05/21 21:49
Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven - YouTube
Eric Clapton - Tears In Heaven, sing along here's the lyrics. Would you know my name If I saw you in heaven Will it be the same If I saw you in heaven I must...

damngargoyle: Frank Sinatra72F 05/21 21:51
CS5566: MY LOVE73F 05/21 21:51
Mike Oldfield - Moonlight Shadow ft. Maggie Reilly - YouTube
Music video by Mike Oldfield performing Moonlight Shadow. (C) 1983 Mercury Records Limited

Imhuang: Just the way you are,要指名比利喬的75F 05/21 21:52
neepa: Can't take my eyes off you76F 05/21 21:52
njnjy: Maggie Reilly  這個英國歌手很棒77F 05/21 21:53
WarrenJ: Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World78F 05/21 21:54
xxx60133: Leo Rojas - El Condor Pasa79F 05/21 21:56
save: All Out Of Love80F 05/21 21:57
xxx60133: Top of the world81F 05/21 21:57
akway: let it be82F 05/21 21:58
Boyzone: 我的歌83F 05/21 21:58
KobeEatShit: audio wave 有個台灣ABC有翻唱 好像叫黃立行84F 05/21 22:02
freewash: 厚德路加州85F 05/21 22:07
dieorrun: STAND BY ME86F 05/21 22:08
makoto1982: yellow ribbon選我正解87F 05/21 22:15
aios: always88F 05/21 22:18
RsssRb: GJ!89F 05/21 22:23
brendatsaiii: Modern Talking 現在還有人聽嗎90F 05/21 22:23
Luluemiko: 九月91F 05/21 22:25
budalearning: 分不清楚了吧  因為音樂變少  很多人都喜歡老歌92F 05/21 22:26
dororo1:93F 05/21 22:28
ra2yuri: Never gonna give you up~94F 05/21 22:28
PePePeace: 亂問一通 就是夠經典才會傳唱 這樣怎麼分年紀95F 05/21 22:31
leiyuu122: bye bye bye96F 05/21 22:32
joffeter: black sabbath97F 05/21 22:33
Tears For Fears - Everybody Wants To Rule The World - YouTube Music video by Tears For Fears performing Everybody Wants To Rule The World. (C) 1985 Mercury Records Limited

Pet Shop Boys - Being Boring - YouTube
Music video by Pet Shop Boys performing Being Boring (2003 Digital Remaster).

Paul Young - Everytime You Go Away - YouTube
Paul Young's official music video for 'Everytime You Go Away'. Click to listen to Paul Young on Spotify:  A...

Duran Duran - Come Undone - YouTube
Music video by Duran Duran performing Come Undone. Taken from the album 'Duran Duran Buy the greatest hits from Duran Duran on iTunes here:

Posaune: 這是要怎麼分年紀102F 05/21 22:48
KNVSEOC: white rabbit103F 05/21 22:50
kaet: sixteen tons104F 05/21 22:58
kaet: How can I ease the pain 小朋友應該不容易知道
usereminem: Nothing gonna change my love for you106F 05/21 23:13
lovelebron24: Let it be107F 05/21 23:26
dogmax: 釣魚用名曲 https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ108F 05/21 23:31
Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up - YouTube
Music video by Rick Astley performing Never Gonna Give You Up. YouTube view counts pre-VEVO: 2,573,462 (C) 1987 PWL

pikochu: O mio babbino caro109F 05/21 23:41
Shakin' Stevens - Because I Love You - YouTube
Shakin' Stevens' official music video for 'Because I Love You'. Click to listen to Shakin' Stevens on Spotify:  As...

More Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer - YouTube
One of the most requested song of its time. Personally, I think this is a classic. It is overwhelming to see so many people share my view. Please note this v...

s9994540: Can't take my eyes off you112F 05/22 01:06
davidity: ABBA   The Winner Takes It All113F 05/22 01:23
lovedora723: hero114F 05/22 01:24
jajoy: How deep is your love115F 05/22 08:28
HowLeeHi: When a man loves a woman116F 05/22 09:11

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Blowing in the wind...當時是用卡帶聽的,不全然是英語,中間還穿插類似拉丁語的副歌...怎樣搜尋都沒找到過....
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