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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2016-08-20 23:37:24
看板 Gossiping
作者 czqs2000 (青山)
標題 [新聞] 審計發現美軍偽造了數萬億美元的賬務
時間 Sat Aug 20 18:18:05 2016



The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions o
f dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its
books are balanced.


The Defense Department’s Inspector General, in a June report, said the Army
 made $2.8 trillion in wrongful adjustments to accounting entries in one qua
rter alone in 2015, and $6.5 trillion for the year. Yet the Army lacked rece
ipts and invoices to support those numbers or simply made them up.


As a result, the Army’s financial statements for 2015 were “materially mis
stated,” the report concluded. The “forced” adjustments rendered the stat
ements useless because “DoD and Army managers could not rely on the data in
 their accounting systems when making management and resource decisions.”


Disclosure of the Army’s manipulation of numbers is the latest example of t
he severe accounting problems plaguing the Defense Department for decades.


The report affirms a 2013 Reuters series revealing how the Defense Departmen
t falsified accounting on a large scale as it scrambled to close its books.
As a result, there has been no way to know how the Defense Department – far
 and away the biggest chunk of Congress’ annual budget – spends the public
’s money.


The new report focused on the Army’s General Fund, the bigger of its two ma
in accounts, with assets of $282.6 billion in 2015. The Army lost or didn’t
 keep required data, and much of the data it had was inaccurate, the IG said


“Where is the money going? Nobody knows,” said Franklin Spinney, a retired
 military analyst for the Pentagon and critic of Defense Department planning

“這些錢去哪了?現在沒人知道”,五角大樓一位退役的軍事情報員Franklin Spinney

The significance of the accounting problem goes beyond mere concern for bala
ncing books, Spinney said. Both presidential candidates have called for incr
easing defense spending amid current global tension.


The Army account’s errors will likely carry consequences for the entire Def
ense Department.


Congress set a September 30, 2017 deadline for the department to be prepared
 to undergo an audit. The Army accounting problems raise doubts about whethe
r it can meet the deadline – a black mark for Defense, as every other feder
al agency undergoes an audit annually.


For years, the Inspector General – the Defense Department’s official audit
or – has inserted a disclaimer on all military annual reports. The accounti
ng is so unreliable that “the basic financial statements may have undetecte
d misstatements that are both material and pervasive.”


In an e-mailed statement, a spokesman said the Army “remains committed to a
sserting audit readiness” by the deadline and is taking steps to root out t
he problems.


The spokesman downplayed the significance of the improper changes, which he
said net out to $62.4 billion. “Though there is a high number of adjustment
s, we believe the financial statement information is more accurate than impl
ied in this report,” he said.


Jack Armstrong, a former Defense Inspector General official in charge of aud
iting the Army General Fund, said the same type of unjustified changes to Ar
my financial statements already were being made when he retired in 2010.

前國防部檢查官Jack Armstrong表示,在他退役的2010年的時候,決算報告就已經有問

The Army issues two types of reports – a budget report and a financial one.
 The budget one was completed first. Armstrong said he believes fudged numbe
rs were inserted into the financial report to make the numbers match.


“They don’t know what the heck the balances should be,” Armstrong said.


Some employees of the Defense Finance and Accounting Services (DFAS), which
handles a wide range of Defense Department accounting services, referred sar
donically to preparation of the Army’s year-end statements as “the grand p
lug,” Armstrong said. “Plug” is accounting jargon for inserting made-up n


At first glance adjustments totaling trillions may seem impossible. The amou
nts dwarf the Defense Department’s entire budget. Making changes to one acc
ount also require making changes to multiple levels of sub-accounts, however
 That created a domino effect where, essentially, falsifications kept falli
ng down the line. In many instances this daisy-chain was repeated multiple t
imes for the same accounting item.


The IG report also blamed DFAS, saying it too made unjustified changes to nu
mbers. For example, two DFAS computer systems showed different values of sup
plies for missiles and ammunition, the report noted – but rather than solvi
ng the disparity, DFAS personnel inserted a false “correction” to make the
 numbers match.


DFAS also could not make accurate year-end Army financial statements because
 more than 16,000 financial data files had vanished from its computer system
 Faulty computer programming and employees’ inability to detect the flaw w
ere at fault, the IG said.


DFAS is studying the report “and has no comment at this time,” a spokesman


4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
U.S. Army fudged its accounts by trillions of dollars, auditor finds | Reuters
The United States Army’s finances are so jumbled it had to make trillions of dollars of improper accounting adjustments to create an illusion that its ...



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CYL009: 審計部出來解釋1F 08/20 18:18
a103232: 學支那 真沒品2F 08/20 18:18
karoshi: 柯P不用負責ㄇ3F 08/20 18:18
urdie: 國軍不意外            咦?4F 08/20 18:19
typecommand: 請換算營養午餐單位好嗎?這樣我才看得懂5F 08/20 18:19
lolpklol0975: 印鈔票啦6F 08/20 18:19
railman: 大概是支付52區外星人薪水?7F 08/20 18:19
urdie: 民主國家還查的到  專制囯家誰查了就準備被自殺8F 08/20 18:19
sharb: 拿去研究外星人了啦9F 08/20 18:19
berice152233: 嫩!!應該來台灣學習做假資料的技巧10F 08/20 18:19
lcic: 鋼鐵人量產中11F 08/20 18:19
cerberi: hail Hydra12F 08/20 18:19
versailles94: 吱吱還笑中國,猛舔美國LP13F 08/20 18:20
Justisaac: 想也知道是付給外星人的保護費啊,當然不能說~14F 08/20 18:20
Ives20130: 美軍要做假資料不會先來台灣受訓膩15F 08/20 18:20
bj45566: 真有錢… 有錢就是任性16F 08/20 18:20
orzmaster: 奇怪,我記得翻成中文也有兆這個單位可以用17F 08/20 18:20
deepdish: 國防布不意外18F 08/20 18:20
meredith001: 帝國軍你敢嘴 養外星人怎麼報帳啦19F 08/20 18:20
goetze: 發展外星科技啦20F 08/20 18:20
jior: 這後面幾個零啊21F 08/20 18:21
asyan: 照電影劇情都拿去研究外星科技了22F 08/20 18:21
moccabranco: 是不能偷偷研發不能說的項目喔23F 08/20 18:22
sysop5566: 國軍表示欣慰24F 08/20 18:22
akway: 電影不是演過了?虛報預算發展外星科技啊25F 08/20 18:22
Cishang: 可以先去看看53區放了哪些玩具26F 08/20 18:22
stoxin: x-files27F 08/20 18:22
TheDragonBug: 那他們中國的帳目在哪  ?28F 08/20 18:23
mobilx: 人家ID4不是都演過了,美國佬真落伍連電影也不看29F 08/20 18:24
Yanrei: 鬼島表示30F 08/20 18:24
rave760422: 都用在管制外星人了吧31F 08/20 18:25
clover1211: 審計部北七嗎 你以為過去幾年都沒發生外星人入侵嗎32F 08/20 18:26
not5566: 果然還是獨裁國家比較好對吧33F 08/20 18:27
a2b183good: 國軍領先20年34F 08/20 18:27
PePePeace: 建ark還是Jaeger35F 08/20 18:28
shinshong: 26見獵心喜,數字單位搞對再來吧36F 08/20 18:29
PolarGG: 這樣會"被"消失嗎?37F 08/20 18:29
elflin1024: 獨裁國家想查的人都被自殺了38F 08/20 18:30
udm: 不是拿去支援IMF了嗎?還拍了五集電影籌措資金XD39F 08/20 18:30
wolfking623: 八成拿去做剛彈40F 08/20 18:31
urdie: 支那囯家大概不能理解為什麼國外老會出現這種新聞 自己囯家41F 08/20 18:31
urdie: 都不會有重大政府弊案出現
arcanite: 呵呵 專制國家更清白 你還查不到勒43F 08/20 18:32
scores: 復仇者聯盟的隱藏資金啊44F 08/20 18:32
versace: 像支那之類的流氓國家連作假帳都不用,當然滯台支那人的45F 08/20 18:33
versace: 是無法理解的^__^
idlewolf: 一大堆流向神盾局了吧 看那飛船都不知幾億才造得出來47F 08/20 18:35
yuuko: 因為在中國老早被和諧了,人人往美國跑48F 08/20 18:35
netio: 上繳給外星人的授權費啦 不然那來的外星科技?49F 08/20 18:35
acolam: 錢都拿去跟外星人點科技樹了 當然一堆對不起來50F 08/20 18:36
alkahest: 那是MIB的費用51F 08/20 18:36
jerrylin: ㄚ是不能有特支費喔52F 08/20 18:37
ikachann: 你以為包養外星人不用錢喔 當然帳目上不能寫啊53F 08/20 18:37
hw1: 那是給外星人的佣金54F 08/20 18:38
ibalk: 外星人是真的,神盾局是真的55F 08/20 18:38
dufflin: 都不太出兵了 還能搞這種 狂56F 08/20 18:39
fku5566: 國軍表示:作假帳是跟美軍學的  欣慰57F 08/20 18:39
WLR: 看來拿去做黑科技了58F 08/20 18:42
scores: 前陣子那個上帝之杖59F 08/20 18:43
lili300: 不偽造帳目要怎麼撥錢給不能曝光的秘密組織啦60F 08/20 18:44
rock0807: 其實台灣可以成為高裝檢技術輸出國61F 08/20 18:47
sherlockt: 軍事有關的都嘛來黑的,誰鳥你審計部62F 08/20 18:52
teremy: 不然黑科技怎麼出現的.......63F 08/20 18:53
EfiwymsiAros: 不意外64F 08/20 18:55
aitela: 萬億是啥小用詞?65F 08/20 18:58
MacOSX10: 募兵制不意外w66F 08/20 18:58
ssaw5166: 不能說的秘密67F 08/20 18:59
web946719: 國軍領先世界68F 08/20 18:59
ge99764: 萬億是殺小69F 08/20 18:59
Ghostchaos: 數萬億是多少?70F 08/20 19:01
dive6: 電腦審計佔24分71F 08/20 19:01
DKer: 萬億是不認識兆嗎?72F 08/20 19:02
fku5566: 萬億那部分很明顯是照26用語翻.......73F 08/20 19:04
fku5566: 因為這篇原po就是26
dasfas46546: 預算可能給MIB惹75F 08/20 19:07
mynewid: 國軍不意外76F 08/20 19:09
fuhshuenn: 抱歉。 兆很難用嗎?77F 08/20 19:14
sisn: 萬億?78F 08/20 19:26
ypc1994: 紙老虎不敢打 當初的強權崩潰了嗎79F 08/20 19:37
yeahhhhh: 猴 ~~~80F 08/20 19:39
dryada23548: 萬億白花油?81F 08/20 19:43
cca1109: 爽啊研發科技打爆支那82F 08/20 19:46
cocabell: 萬億白花油w83F 08/20 19:47
gm0081: 美國有很多不能說的黑機關,大概是拿這些錢去養了。84F 08/20 19:47
gm0081: 像MIB,十三號倉庫,圖書館之類的。
carlos159357: @@”全世界都知道維持神盾局、51區很燒錢啦,政府真86F 08/20 19:52
carlos159357: 的不用太掩飾,世人可以理解的
horse2819: 美軍果然輸我們88F 08/20 19:52
love24h7days: 量產浩克?89F 08/20 20:15
Jerrynet: 萬億是三小?90F 08/20 20:31
aa384756: 萬億是三小 有兆不會用嗎91F 08/20 20:36
toyamaK52: 國軍怎麼不學學美國...                     這是美國?92F 08/20 20:39
ironkyoater: 帳目是假的,但是火力裝備是真的93F 08/20 20:42
small91051: 原來國軍領先美軍20年啊94F 08/20 20:46
kay00503: 美國也有審計部?95F 08/20 21:18
kbpoop: 跟鬼島有87%像96F 08/20 21:35
sam88264: 萬億你妹 有兆這單位不用?97F 08/20 21:36
r94632014: 沒這些錢哪來的51區98F 08/20 21:39
error123: 聽說美軍私底下偷偷研發....99F 08/20 21:55
vlin6688: 設政戰部監督費用報銷100F 08/20 22:03
smiercch: accounting-會計,auditor-審計人員,F/S-財務報表,101F 08/20 22:04
CALLING: 不然你以為電磁炮哪來的?102F 08/20 22:04
smiercch: 這篇新聞裡的專有名詞翻譯幾乎錯一大堆耶...103F 08/20 22:04
aghgna: 隱藏的財務都用在秘密武器和黑科技研發 不能做明帳目啊104F 08/20 22:28
genesiss: 被神盾局(九頭蛇)A走啦 不然哪來的錢做戰艦105F 08/20 22:36
andy2011: 美軍台軍都是假帳軍106F 08/20 22:49
wa88: 林萬億: 誰找我?107F 08/20 22:54
kinomon: 萬億看得懂就好108F 08/20 22:55
PLAYGGGG: 鬼島國軍可以開課囉109F 08/20 23:03
Gwendaline: 26人啊 當然不知道有兆110F 08/20 23:21

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