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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-14 22:42:54
看板 Gossiping
作者 ComeThrough (☁)
標題 [問卦] 史上最強吉他solo是哪首歌?
時間 Sun May 14 01:16:57 2017


Eagles-Hotel California 加州旅館(中英歌詞字幕) - YouTube
之前都是翻譯stand-up comedy,來翻點不同的東西。前陣子Eagles(老鷹合唱團)的吉他手Glenn Frey逝世(1948-2016),他們的許多經典歌曲又被拿出來討論,其中當然不乏這首搖滾界的經典:"Hotel California"「加州旅館」。 Hotel California是1976年推出...


還是Pink Floyd的Comfortably Numb

THE BEST - Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb - PULSE - HD High Definition Widescreen - YouTube SEE IN FULLSCREEN !!! AND WIDESCREEN !!! - A live performance from October 20, 1994, PULSE records the great psychedelic band Pink Floyd rocking out like onl...





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noreg0393933: 大東啊1F 05/14 01:17
KK22440000: 汪東城2F 05/14 01:17
johnwu: 我的甜小孩3F 05/14 01:17
savetheworld: 大東4F 05/14 01:17
QBey: God Knows5F 05/14 01:17
savetheworld: The best6F 05/14 01:17
hongzero: poker face7F 05/14 01:17
kris4588: November rain8F 05/14 01:17
Vindicare: canon rock9F 05/14 01:17
happy052187: Sweet child o mine10F 05/14 01:17
mvpdirk712: Estranged11F 05/14 01:17
jcto04: Stairway to Heaven12F 05/14 01:19
fastmonster: poker face13F 05/14 01:20
Wwww4452: 汪大東-poker face14F 05/14 01:20
zacsoso: purple haze15F 05/14 01:23
b11223456789: Stairway to Heaven和Hotel California16F 05/14 01:23
juzowa: 搭搭搭 吉他之神汪東城17F 05/14 01:24
zacsoso: 錯了不是solo18F 05/14 01:24
m810415: Lynyrd Skynyrd 的Free bird19F 05/14 01:26
DarkChilles: 大東-poker face20F 05/14 01:27
DarkChilles: 他效果器音色調得很棒,幾乎無法超越
joshua88811: Poker face22F 05/14 01:28
libkite: 加州旅館 甜小孩 十一月的雨 愛情的盡頭23F 05/14 01:30
wu0h96: November rain24F 05/14 01:30
holydc: Black Shout25F 05/14 01:31
greedypeople: 除了陽痿馬姆斯汀跟史蒂夫敗以外  都是垃圾27F 05/14 01:35
jjrdk: Jimi Hendrix-All along the watchtower28F 05/14 01:36
LacrimosaMus: 推樓上29F 05/14 01:40
starwillow: stairway to heaven30F 05/14 01:40
DragonForce - Through The Fire And Flames (Video) - YouTube
New album 'Maximum Overload' out now! Order from: US:  Europe:  Maximum Overload World Tou...

YESGOTO: 汪神啊32F 05/14 01:43
alanismei: November Rain solo很細膩,揪心33F 05/14 01:45
ssabjm: 自由34F 05/14 01:45
FW190Pilot: 這篇當成歌單,超棒35F 05/14 01:46
s0970761970: 汪大東36F 05/14 01:48
Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing (Alchemy Live) - YouTube
The most eagerly anticipated release from Dire Straits -- their seminal live concert recording 'Alchemy Live' restored to pristine high definition visual cla...

ImCasual: 去YT找SOLO比賽 每個都被汪神屌打38F 05/14 01:51
andy1230268: 問東城哥39F 05/14 01:51
isisss: poker face40F 05/14 01:51
cynthiajul: 意圖使人推汪東城-Poker Face41F 05/14 01:52
asd25: poker face42F 05/14 01:53
savetheworld: 除了大東 還是大東阿43F 05/14 01:55
dieorrun: free bird44F 05/14 02:05
gary910729: 只推大東45F 05/14 02:12
Butcherdon: 去看steve vai強X吉他46F 05/14 02:16
nuclear: Poker face47F 05/14 02:18
j205617686: 絕對是 micheal angelo的48F 05/14 02:26
j205617686: https://youtu.be/hb5QaCfm7bg
Speed Kills by Michael Angelo Batio - YouTube
 - This program has been completely revised in October of 2014. Check it out! Readers of Guitar World Magazine chos...

Impossible Germany (Live) - Wilco [HD] - YouTube
from the Ashes Of American Flags DVD :) Guitar solo!

sanwan: 最強表示要有速度,dragonforce推薦51F 05/14 02:30
Suhr Artist Andy Wood performs “Reach” from his latest recording Caught Between the Truth and a Lie at the 2016 Suhr Factory Party. Band Andy Wood - Lead Gui...

DragonForce - Heroes of Our Time (HD Official Video) - YouTube The 51st Grammy Awards nominated performance and opening track of the chart topping album 'Ultra Beatdown'. Top 20 national album charts in the UK, USA, Cana...

babyMclaren: 喔喔喔54F 05/14 02:51
sanwan: 大概2分左右有solo55F 05/14 02:51
xlovemashx: Sweet child o mine56F 05/14 02:59
takeKaNa: 撲克臉by 大東汪57F 05/14 03:13
jingea: highway star58F 05/14 03:14
butaewb: 推個prince59F 05/14 03:36
butaewb: srv版本的little wing,聽到哭
kevin8752: 不得不推大東61F 05/14 03:50
Ardt4113C: Lynyrd Skynyrd- Free Bird62F 05/14 04:00
alonous: 推大東撲克臉63F 05/14 04:50
jojomickey2: 加州旅館、Sweet child mine 、Stairway to heaven64F 05/14 06:43
superflyy: pink floyd    - another brick in the wall65F 05/14 07:22
yanguikao: free bird66F 05/14 08:02
Refauth: 當然是小蜜蜂啊67F 05/14 08:35
superflyy: keyboard 最佳solo :the doors riders on the storm68F 05/14 08:37
everettofu: 大東69F 05/14 08:41
burberry5566: November rain!!!70F 05/14 09:08
harrishu: 當然是大東哥啊71F 05/14 09:18
[Backup] 20130525 娛樂百分百 汪東城電吉他solo Poker Face - YouTube 由於原片變了私人影片的關係 , 我怕我再也不能在 YouTube 觀看我最愛的Rocker , 所以小弟自行 UPLOAD 了 上來 ROCKER!!!!!! YOU ROCK !!!!!!!!

caesst85149: 大黃蜂的飛行73F 05/14 11:07
asurpig: 汪東城真的很強 推poker face74F 05/14 11:20
Syd: 十一月雨75F 05/14 11:30
Misfits: Tornado of souls76F 05/14 11:56
vinousred: 近十年的是DREAM THEATER-BEST OF TIMES最後三分鐘77F 05/14 11:57
max5566: 汪東城真的讓我廢到笑XDDDD78F 05/14 12:21
desir: 卡農79F 05/14 12:41
Eagles - Hotel California with English lyrics & Persian translation by Ehsan Najafi - YouTube هتل کالیفرنیا به همراه ترجمه فارسی و زیرنویس انگلیسی توسط احسان نجفی

vodkalime607: Hotel California 這個版本比較好聽 但大家都老了XD81F 05/14 12:54
vodkalime607: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-0E2oFhPwQ
White Lion - When The Children Cry [HD] - YouTube
White Lion - When The Children Cry (Official Music Video) HD Widescreen

vodkalime607: 白獅這首前奏,害我會計課都蹺了,為了練習XD83F 05/14 12:57
jason1992999: Stairway to heaven84F 05/14 13:23
jackie0712: TINA https://youtu.be/XpASSx0ecTU85F 05/14 13:51
Dragon Force - Through the Fire and Flames - Tina S Cover - YouTube Through the fire and flames ( Dragon Force ) played by Tina S ( 15 y.o ), played on her Vigier Excalibur Custom Facebook :

mobetap: Guthrie Govan86F 05/14 14:15
toypoodle007: for the love of god87F 05/14 14:26
ao6qup3: sweet child o' mine一票,強不是只有快而已88F 05/14 15:19
ao6qup3: 經典不敗!
Cream - Crossroads (Farewell Concert - Extended Edition) (5 of 11) - YouTube Cream - Crossroads live at Royal Albert Hall, London. November 26th, 1968 5 of 11 "Farewell Concert" is the live recording of the Cream's final concert at th...

weigo20: Sweet child o mine,Estranged91F 05/14 16:24
ohlaohla1218: free bird讚92F 05/14 17:28
peeper5566: 汪東城害我快笑死93F 05/14 18:07
Beetch: 汪東哥 Poker Face94F 05/14 19:35
gobbynya: Estranged95F 05/14 20:30
aqua25113: 吉他之神 汪東城96F 05/14 21:46
Drzowy: Cowgirl in the sand97F 05/14 22:05

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1樓 時間: 2017-05-14 14:53:20 (台灣)
  05-14 14:53 TW
2樓 時間: 2017-05-14 15:30:29 (台灣)
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3樓 時間: 2017-05-14 15:33:38 (台灣)
  05-14 15:33 TW
4樓 時間: 2017-05-14 15:38:45 (台灣)
  05-14 15:38 TW
free bird
5樓 時間: 2017-05-15 01:05:10 (台灣)
  05-15 01:05 TW
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