※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-05-24 18:34:55
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] 英國獨立報: 台灣挺同婚、亞洲國家第一
時間 Wed May 24 17:34:06 2017
獨立報標題:Taiwan court rules in favour of same sex marriage in historic firs
t for an Asian country
Taiwan's constitutional court has ruled that same-sex couples have the right t
o legally marry, in the first such ruling to be handed down in an Asian countr
The court on Wednesday said the current civil code that does not permit same-s
ex marriages was a violation of two articles of the constitution of the Republ
ic of China, Taiwan's official name.
It says authorities must either enact or amend relevant laws within two years,
failing which same-sex couples could have their marriages recognised by submi
tting a document.
Both the ruling and major opposition parties support legalisation of same-sex
marriage, as do a majority of the public and President Tsai Ing-wen.
Gays and lesbians in Taiwan have formed an effective lobby in recent years, wi
th an annual Gay Pride march drawing tens of thousands.
華郵標題:In ‘milestone’ decision, Taiwan court rules in favor of same-sex m
In ‘milestone’ decision, Taiwan court rules in favor of same-sex marriage - The Washington Post
Taiwan set to become first country in Asia to legalize gay marriage. ...
BEIJING — A court in Taipei ruled in favor of allowing gay marriage on Wednes
day, paving the way for Taiwan to become the first country in Asia to legalize
same-sex unions and cementing its status as a beacon for LGBT rights.
Taiwan’s top court found that the country’s Civil Code, which states that on
ly a man and a woman can agree to marry, violated constitutional guarantees on
the right to marry and the right to equality. It gave the government two year
s to implement the ruling.
The decision is a victory for Taiwan’s gender and sexual minorities, who have
fought for decades for equal rights and marriage equality, inspiring similar
struggles across Asia and around the world.
Wayne Lin, Chairperson of Taiwan Tongzhi Hotline Association, an influential N
GO, called it a “milestone.”
雪梨晨鋒報標題:Taiwan set to become first Asian country to legalise same sex
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1P9LEGUo (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1495618448.A.7B2.html
→ : 五樓崩潰漏尿1F 05/24 17:34
→ : 你欠桶喔? 翻譯都不會膩2F 05/24 17:34
推 : 中國:你不修我就森773F 05/24 17:34
推 : 推個 應該不久就會改成place了 QQ4F 05/24 17:34
推 : 東亞第一潮國5F 05/24 17:34
→ : 沒有誤解啊 兩黨本來就都支持同婚 是某些人要帶風向7F 05/24 17:35
推 : 中國表示我們台灣省進步,中國是亞洲第一先進國家8F 05/24 17:35
推 : 快推不然別人以為我看不懂英文9F 05/24 17:35
推 : 中國 :看到國家就森7710F 05/24 17:35
→ : 康嗯去 ~~~~11F 05/24 17:36
→ : 會聽到玻璃聲嗎12F 05/24 17:36
推 : 9.2還不快去幫你家主子檢舉14F 05/24 17:36
推 : 推15F 05/24 17:36
推 : 亞洲第一個甲甲國16F 05/24 17:36
推 : Country17F 05/24 17:36
→ : 黃安要回台灣看健保 沒空檢舉18F 05/24 17:36
→ : Gaytry19F 05/24 17:36
推 : 馬英九要跟周美青離婚了,金溥聰抱得美人歸20F 05/24 17:37
推 : 亞洲第一潮國XD21F 05/24 17:37
推 : country ya22F 05/24 17:37
推 : 國民黨是支持沒錯喔 反對的是傳統派(國+民都有)23F 05/24 17:38
→ : 未看先猜等等編輯文章24F 05/24 17:38
推 : 我感覺到有十幾億的玻璃要爆炸惹25F 05/24 17:38
推 : 台灣難波萬26F 05/24 17:38
噓 :27F 05/24 17:38
→ : 反正老外民間都知道我們跟支那不同國 官方壓力不怪他28F 05/24 17:39
推 : 國民黨支持的少太多了....29F 05/24 17:39
推 : ☺30F 05/24 17:40
→ : 反同:落後國家31F 05/24 17:40
→ : Country又不一定指國家Nation32F 05/24 17:41
推 : 東方神秘力量醞釀中33F 05/24 17:41
推 : 推國家34F 05/24 17:41
→ : BBC 不是有在教英文嗎35F 05/24 17:41
※ 編輯: kcbill (, 05/24/2017 17:50:33噓 : ==================== 中華民國第9487次滅亡 ===========36F 05/24 17:45
推 : 台灣之光37F 05/24 17:46
推 : 好多人崩潰惹38F 05/24 17:46
推 :39F 05/24 17:47
→ : failing which40F 05/24 17:47
推 : 準備掃玻璃囉41F 05/24 17:50
推 : 遙遠的東方有一巨嬰,人家說country它森7742F 05/24 17:50
推 : 準備變island43F 05/24 17:50
→ : 能見度要來了嗎44F 05/24 17:51
→ : 阿所以要不要挺台灣進WHA啊45F 05/24 17:52
→ : 亞洲潮國46F 05/24 17:52
※ 編輯: kcbill (, 05/24/2017 17:55:57→ : 這是值得驕傲的事嗎?47F 05/24 17:53
→ : 想想為何亞洲絕大多數國家不挺同婚吧
→ : 想想為何亞洲絕大多數國家不挺同婚吧
推 : 等等東方神秘力量要出現啦49F 05/24 17:54
推 : 北京個頭啦50F 05/24 17:55
推 : 支那要崩潰了51F 05/24 17:57
推 : 主要想看外媒會不會吞下去52F 05/24 17:58
→ : 東方閃電崩潰53F 05/24 17:58
推 : 看哪家外媒稱最久XDD54F 05/24 18:01
真的XD 記者下意識很自然就是country了推 : TAIWAN NO. ONE!!!!55F 05/24 18:01
推 : 華剩頓抄北京報導?!56F 05/24 18:01
駐北京的記者從北京發出外電的意思啦推 : 這樣中國算是同志婚姻合法國家嗎 好奇57F 05/24 18:05
※ 編輯: kcbill (, 05/24/2017 18:13:30推 : 推58F 05/24 18:10
推 : Country ....大陸還有9.2要崩潰惹 XDDDDD59F 05/24 18:14
※ 編輯: kcbill (, 05/24/2017 18:14:26推 : 棒棒! 下個輪到近親婚加油了60F 05/24 18:16
推 : 支那崩潰61F 05/24 18:16
推 : XD62F 05/24 18:17
→ : 路透是寫 台灣,中國叛變的一省 XDDD63F 05/24 18:19
推 : 這算是台灣主權獨立的最佳宣傳吧!64F 05/24 18:19
→ : Taiwan,which China regards as a renegade province65F 05/24 18:21
推 : Asian country=亞洲鄉村66F 05/24 18:21
推 : 挺台獨又要被封殺啦67F 05/24 18:30
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1909
作者 kcbill 的最新發文:
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