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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-15 10:07:02
看板 Gossiping
作者 gg7965977 (吸血鬼的茶包)
標題 [問卦]送給即將旅外留學的朋友 發錢 每10樓 100P
時間 Wed Jun 14 20:15:04 2017


剛剛發過結果被洗下去 現在追加獎勵

每10樓 100P 最好的我再給500P

方向是鼓勵彼此的一段話 最好是英文 因為我們現在都用英文溝通

小弟今年要畢業了 今年四月我遇到了改變我糜爛生活的朋友

因為她 我的生活變得更有目標 我也會繼續保持下去

所以我想要寫一張卡片給她 表達我的感謝之意

最後也會留一句話給她 鼓勵彼此繼續保持下去

可以是個單字 也可以是一段話 就麻煩各位!

 作者  iam168888888 (射精)                                     看板  Baseball
 標題  [新聞] 陽耀勳練投65球 最想驅韓                                        
 時間  Fri Feb 15 12:58:09 2013                                              

a9421269:問題是資格賽就算爆滿收入還不是要繳給大聯盟,台灣也只02/15 13:15
dkl1027:能自慰02/15 13:15

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PGIZD7_ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1497442509.A.1FF.html
x5937300: 好 推1F 06/14 20:15
※ 編輯: gg7965977 (, 06/14/2017 20:15:40
ArSaBuLu: COSTCO2F 06/14 20:15
howhow0759: 推3F 06/14 20:15
hspnvzte: 推4F 06/14 20:15
ptt80357: 推5F 06/14 20:15
x5937300: 推6F 06/14 20:15
DarkIllusion: may show gun more7F 06/14 20:15
poopoo86213: 推8F 06/14 20:16
happybrother: 推9F 06/14 20:16
whathefuc: 祝你一路好走10F 06/14 20:16
FAYeeeeeeee: May show gun more.11F 06/14 20:16
ph70616: 推12F 06/14 20:16
x5937300: 推13F 06/14 20:16
Justinqqqq: 推14F 06/14 20:16
happybrother: 推15F 06/14 20:16
BBbibi: 推16F 06/14 20:16
ph70616: 推17F 06/14 20:16
xyzgod999: 推18F 06/14 20:16
beypola: 推19F 06/14 20:16
ph70616: 推20F 06/14 20:16
kpop: 推21F 06/14 20:16
ritazero26: 推22F 06/14 20:16
petodog: Goodbye my love23F 06/14 20:16
Devil4444: 推喔24F 06/14 20:16
zero128: 推25F 06/14 20:16
romeie06: 退26F 06/14 20:16
a07504205: 歸宿27F 06/14 20:16
akway: say goodbye~~~ say goodbye~~~~28F 06/14 20:16
zn9725: I love u29F 06/14 20:16
DarvishYu11: 把握當下30F 06/14 20:16
tchialen: push me31F 06/14 20:17
QueenYi: Bon Voyage!32F 06/14 20:17
DENNISJHENG: 推33F 06/14 20:17
asd2260123: 好34F 06/14 20:17
wadehsu: 推推35F 06/14 20:17
gzkis: 推36F 06/14 20:17
itungchen: 推37F 06/14 20:17
petodog: 推38F 06/14 20:17
hspnvzte: Wish we can get better together in the future.39F 06/14 20:17
Bobk1114: 推40F 06/14 20:17
yuanchaung: Best wishes41F 06/14 20:17
reocheng: 推42F 06/14 20:17
randy101021: 推43F 06/14 20:17
Gikber: 推44F 06/14 20:17
zildbacs: 推45F 06/14 20:17
raybob: 推46F 06/14 20:17
TatsuyaShiba: I Love All47F 06/14 20:17
hiimjack: 錢48F 06/14 20:17
jezz9740: 推49F 06/14 20:17
ptt0219: 錢50F 06/14 20:17
qoo921: 推51F 06/14 20:17
ptt80357: Storms make trees take deeper roots.52F 06/14 20:17
ho2002: 推53F 06/14 20:17
mydick30cm: <------mydick30cm54F 06/14 20:17
melody891213: 推55F 06/14 20:17
aaaop915: 推56F 06/14 20:17
Siferia6398: 推57F 06/14 20:17
tte09567: 推58F 06/14 20:17
cpc21478: 推59F 06/14 20:18
Sinreigensou: 推60F 06/14 20:18
catking007: 推61F 06/14 20:18
Xinz: 安心上路!62F 06/14 20:18
victorars: Time to say goodbye63F 06/14 20:18
petodog: 推64F 06/14 20:18
bluesky0513: 推65F 06/14 20:18
ted01234567: marry me !!66F 06/14 20:18
Kay731: 加油!!67F 06/14 20:18
tofu0315: 加油錢錢68F 06/14 20:18
s8510785107: 推69F 06/14 20:18
zero6060808: 推推70F 06/14 20:18
freener: 好71F 06/14 20:18
zaq266: 推72F 06/14 20:18
ksgter: 推73F 06/14 20:18
hspnvzte: 補推,原PO加油74F 06/14 20:18
tllpp: 掰75F 06/14 20:18
a620699999: 推76F 06/14 20:19
amy3563867: 綠77F 06/14 20:19
a0979530270: 推 加油78F 06/14 20:19
bo9527: no pain no gainXD79F 06/14 20:19
qoo921: 加油80F 06/14 20:19
abram:  推81F 06/14 20:19
higreater: 0.0 推 加油啦82F 06/14 20:19
ilikebrandy: 錢拿來83F 06/14 20:19
fnwiyili: 推84F 06/14 20:19
smb1013: 推85F 06/14 20:19
ybz612: HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON86F 06/14 20:19
otaku11: 推87F 06/14 20:19
vagr8: By only hard work can one success.88F 06/14 20:19
httc: 推89F 06/14 20:19
bosgap52034: 推90F 06/14 20:19
charliechao: 推91F 06/14 20:19
misaka10032: 推92F 06/14 20:20
EmeraldAZ: 推93F 06/14 20:20
SkySwimmer: 回來我們就結婚94F 06/14 20:20
ptt80357: 推95F 06/14 20:20
kiyomaro: 推96F 06/14 20:20
Keven: 推97F 06/14 20:20
EmeraldAZ: 好98F 06/14 20:20
IronMan555: 推99F 06/14 20:20
gap6060: +u100F 06/14 20:20
anthony13015: 推101F 06/14 20:20
nopainnogain: cl3102F 06/14 20:20
kilof: 錢103F 06/14 20:20
Zauber: PUSH104F 06/14 20:21
DarvishYu11: just do it105F 06/14 20:21
anthony13015: God bless you106F 06/14 20:21
sandemo: 錢107F 06/14 20:21
gigi030507: fuck u is my goal108F 06/14 20:21
Tattos: 錢109F 06/14 20:21
victoryman: 推110F 06/14 20:21
ligonsa: keep going111F 06/14 20:21
dearbarry: 推112F 06/14 20:21
kochio: 推113F 06/14 20:21
jmos123: $114F 06/14 20:21
aadsl: i love you115F 06/14 20:21
cloudy759420: 錢116F 06/14 20:21
ZMittermeyer: 又是妹子嗎 男人真單純117F 06/14 20:21
是妹子阿 會不會交往我沒想那麼多 很感謝倒是真的
※ 編輯: gg7965977 (, 06/14/2017 20:22:46
ds0121: 推118F 06/14 20:22
freeyo: 推119F 06/14 20:22
Ayanami5566: 推120F 06/14 20:22
a8824031: 咩121F 06/14 20:22
jimmycho: 推122F 06/14 20:22
aaaming: 腿123F 06/14 20:22
@ 以上紅底標記10位,每人100P(稅前)發送完成!   by AutoGiveP 2.08
MinaseNayuki: ㄆㄆ124F 06/14 20:22
IsadQQ56: 耶125F 06/14 20:23
yangbingwei: 推126F 06/14 20:23
alex90236: 巴巴127F 06/14 20:23
autoupdate: Uccu128F 06/14 20:23
lien79523: 0.0129F 06/14 20:23
ryan0714123: 推130F 06/14 20:23
simpson083: 推131F 06/14 20:23
wei310461: 推132F 06/14 20:23
xoxosoul: 推133F 06/14 20:23
Rattlesnake: 阻止八卦不良風氣  不要用錢買爆134F 06/14 20:24
alphabear: never give up135F 06/14 20:24
tpenig: go go power ranger136F 06/14 20:24
jokerleo815: 感謝之情永誌難忘137F 06/14 20:24
toudanlong: 錢138F 06/14 20:24
exporn: 推139F 06/14 20:25
peter02as: 鞥喔喔喔喔140F 06/14 20:25
johnnykao530: You complete me141F 06/14 20:25
sepn: 加油啊142F 06/14 20:25
alphabear: 不忘中出143F 06/14 20:25
gosh5566: may show gun more144F 06/14 20:26
xiefengan: Let's show them we are better.145F 06/14 20:26
mmaa:146F 06/14 20:26
antigidu: make it count147F 06/14 20:26
hhhhh848688: 推148F 06/14 20:26
k03004748549: congraz149F 06/14 20:27
jujuliehung: 推150F 06/14 20:27
rainytiya: May the odds be ever in your favor!151F 06/14 20:28
ar0sdtmi: 今晚的月色真美152F 06/14 20:28
forever54398: 推153F 06/14 20:28
F22pilot: 推154F 06/14 20:29
silentmoment: 推155F 06/14 20:29
lmu0837: I am your father156F 06/14 20:29
jieen0604: 推157F 06/14 20:30
twTesla: push158F 06/14 20:30
f0286853851: 推159F 06/14 20:31
x8066397: 推160F 06/14 20:31
studentkeich: 加油161F 06/14 20:32
j3748365: ROC is the only China.162F 06/14 20:32
Pcinereus: show them our guns163F 06/14 20:32
toplin: 今天的風甚為喧囂啊164F 06/14 20:32
peter211183: 推165F 06/14 20:33
NemesisNeko: 推166F 06/14 20:33
campoland: 推167F 06/14 20:33
Blizzard123: 推168F 06/14 20:36
a1624a: gogogo169F 06/14 20:36
karen0405: 推170F 06/14 20:36
jacky0625: June171F 06/14 20:36
larryboy: 推172F 06/14 20:36
Dust2080: 推173F 06/14 20:37
beautybonnie: 加油啊174F 06/14 20:38
obdv: you reap what you sow~~175F 06/14 20:40
kkkk666: whatever anything happen  I will behind you be your b176F 06/14 20:41
kkkk666: est friend
ipadpro2: 推178F 06/14 20:41
hsm926: you make me completely179F 06/14 20:43
eric01060784: 愛你喔180F 06/14 20:43
BioMachine: 推181F 06/14 20:44
wayi19980922: 推182F 06/14 20:45
lillian65320: All our dreams can come true, if we have the cou183F 06/14 20:45
lillian65320: rage to pursue them.
f19961122: 推185F 06/14 20:45
nick066699: +U186F 06/14 20:46
gotmail0221: You are the apple of my eye187F 06/14 20:46
dnkofe: 推188F 06/14 20:46
new12668: 推189F 06/14 20:47
harrybbs: wish you a bright future190F 06/14 20:48
dnkofe: No pain no gain191F 06/14 20:48
imsinged: 再見192F 06/14 20:49
感謝大家! 我選這句 我等等就開始發錢
Storms make trees take deeper roots
※ 編輯: gg7965977 (, 06/14/2017 20:51:18
Teeaa: 好193F 06/14 20:51
slayptter: 錢錢194F 06/14 20:53
top1683: 推195F 06/14 20:53
xzsawq21: Good luck196F 06/14 20:54
daa0207: 推197F 06/14 20:54
makoto123666: 推198F 06/14 20:56
brefey: 有噴有機會199F 06/14 20:57
※ 編輯: gg7965977 (, 06/14/2017 20:57:36
vivianpart: 推200F 06/14 20:57
azinhj: It's not the goodbye that hurts, but the flashbacks th201F 06/14 20:58
azinhj: at follow.
ppc: mei show gan mo203F 06/14 20:59
ZaneLin: 推204F 06/14 20:59
ms0280017: 推 一路順風205F 06/14 21:01
yoyotime: 推206F 06/14 21:02
swanc: 推207F 06/14 21:03
phenixsun: 推推!加油!208F 06/14 21:04
SEELA: How do you turn this on.209F 06/14 21:04
NaturalLaw: 加油!210F 06/14 21:09
hdotistyle: 加油211F 06/14 21:12
tongiwo: 推212F 06/14 21:12
jrr661: 推213F 06/14 21:17
asd22144: 推214F 06/14 21:17
benludn: You only live once , if you do it right,once is enoug215F 06/14 21:18
benludn: h.
pp65788: 有緣相見217F 06/14 21:20
amudi: 推218F 06/14 21:20
pp65788: 推219F 06/14 21:20
Miralles: don't just masterbate, you can do better!220F 06/14 21:28
st49012004: 推221F 06/14 21:33
a2001555: 推222F 06/14 21:38
BigBananaBoy: U reap what u sow223F 06/14 21:41
anndi1026: Don't come back224F 06/14 21:44
iefa20022002: 推225F 06/14 21:47
gobeoc604558: 推226F 06/14 21:48
collagen: 推227F 06/14 21:50
bingreen: 一定是妹子!228F 06/14 21:51
mmsw: 推229F 06/14 21:51
esc5433: 推230F 06/14 21:52
mardi33r: 推231F 06/14 22:00
nerv072: 推232F 06/14 22:09
yo1234: 錢233F 06/14 22:10
jgh030726: 推234F 06/14 22:20
asdkindkind7: 推235F 06/14 22:33
ts00660621: 衝出地平線236F 06/14 22:33
ben100rk: 推237F 06/14 22:53
QQ1973: 推238F 06/14 22:58
nitro: Whatever doesn't kill you make you stronger.239F 06/14 23:49
CalStan: one apple a day keep the doctor away240F 06/14 23:50
abcd991276: is it good to drink241F 06/15 00:00
skydesign: PUSH242F 06/15 00:02
kiru000: 喔243F 06/15 00:15
YoKaDa: viva la vida244F 06/15 01:10
helloyou: 推245F 06/15 01:10
masala: CCR246F 06/15 02:10
zxc50385: 推247F 06/15 02:56
zxcfghuio: 推248F 06/15 03:09
imaclone:  Carry on!249F 06/15 07:51

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 474 
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