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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-06-28 12:12:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 HornyDraco (好色跩哥)
標題 [新聞] 伊拉克ISIS成員自殺攻擊數名ISIS高層
時間 Wed Jun 28 08:16:55 2017

Iran front page

ISIS Terrorist Blows Himself Up to Kill His Own Leaders

On Sunday (June 25), an ISIS suicide attacker, wearing an explosive belt, deto
nated himself among a number of the terrorist groups’ leaders who had convene
d in the Iraqi town of al-Qa’im, located 350 kilometres west of Ramadi, near
the Syrian border.

Some of the ISIS elements and leaders were either killed or injured in the exp
losion, a security official of al-Anbar Province in western Iraq, told the Ira
qi TV channel孭lsumaria News.

He added the self-detonation was a consequence of the numerous defeats the ISI
S has suffered in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, while operations will also
 be launched soon to liberate the western regions of al-Anbar Province from th
e terrorist group.

Since three years ago, Iraqi towns of al-Qa’im, Rawa and Anah have been under
 the ISIS control. This comes as Iraqi forces are preparing to recapture these


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ISIS Terrorist Blows Himself Up to Kill His Own Leaders
A number of ISIS leaders and elements have been killed and wounded by one of their own suicide attackers who blew himself up amid a gathering of the g ...



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michellehot: 網內互打 伊斯蘭日常1F 06/28 08:17
signm: ???2F 06/28 08:18
jma306:   爭上位3F 06/28 08:19
mj2124: 臥底4F 06/28 08:19
darkbrigher: 這啥??? 什葉派混進去了嗎5F 06/28 08:19
chose: 臥底6F 06/28 08:19
chose: is秀下限
kinghtt: 炸彈客:向大家展示最新的自殺炸彈,穿好後只要按下按鈕8F 06/28 08:20
wild2012: 這應該是 復仇者 進去就是打算報仇來的 應該向他致敬9F 06/28 08:21
ji3s06eji4: 覺醒ISIS10F 06/28 08:21
Raogo: 大概是家裡被ISIS弄破碎的人吧11F 06/28 08:21
kyne7315: CIA的反擊,以牙還牙12F 06/28 08:23
tcancer: 跟MBer有著驚人的相似性,大爆炸是目的而不僅僅是手段13F 06/28 08:23
ibanes: IS也流行覺青?14F 06/28 08:24
w426: 可能是底下體恤幹部很辛苦送他們去享用72處女15F 06/28 08:24
akway: 內亂16F 06/28 08:27
RV: 可能齋戒月還要上工覺得不爽吧17F 06/28 08:28
akway: 義大利二戰輸前 老墨也是被自己人解決18F 06/28 08:28
MW1220: 酸覺青的人,一定覺得ISIS也在推一例一休。19F 06/28 08:30
truffaut: 一例一休齋戒月又不能打砲20F 06/28 08:30
greensaru: TK??21F 06/28 08:31
ariot: 炸人者人恆炸之22F 06/28 08:33
seal998: 跟二戰德軍末期一樣啊XD23F 06/28 08:33
togmogo: 復仇者24F 06/28 08:34
Phater: 不小心把實彈當成訓練用彈,有人要被禁假了25F 06/28 08:35
ccucwc: 國內互打免錢26F 06/28 08:37
rainbow321: 應該是報復的吧27F 06/28 08:37
daniel3658: ISIS覺青: 都是你們這些老人占了高位 吱吱!!28F 06/28 08:38
davidbright: ...29F 06/28 08:38
QQron: ISIS版9.230F 06/28 08:38
vocaloid02: 報仇血恨31F 06/28 08:39
logitech2004: 差不多了嗎?33F 06/28 08:41
dendrimer: 現世報34F 06/28 08:42
dirubest: instant karma35F 06/28 08:43
naker: 突然醒悟不能為虎作倀36F 06/28 08:43
icrticrt1682: 應該是主降派吧37F 06/28 08:45
robby368: 間諜?38F 06/28 08:46
TRUNKSX: 應該是員工不爽慣老闆才發生的 ISIS也有慣老闆(高層)39F 06/28 08:48
mmaa: 向他致敬40F 06/28 08:48
biaw: 抓到炸彈魔了41F 06/28 08:52
fragmentwing: 只是想自爆而已吧42F 06/28 08:53
WeGoYuSheng: Karma's a bitch.43F 06/28 08:53
Moratti: 搶天堂的處女44F 06/28 08:53
hw1: 華爾其行動45F 06/28 08:54
liusean: ??46F 06/28 08:57
silentence: 讓他們嘗嘗經歷恐攻的恐懼  真爽47F 06/28 08:57
bryan21xxx: 慣老闆被逆襲惹48F 06/28 08:59
etiennechiu: 家人被殺吧,故意進去當臥底吧49F 06/28 08:59
etiennechiu: 或是想試驗新開發的炸彈好不好用
etiennechiu: 或是想盡孝心,送高層提早上天堂去享用處女
tetsu2008: 任務了解,排除開始52F 06/28 09:12
modulation: RIP53F 06/28 09:15
JHEWEI: 錯按炸彈的的炸彈客要被斬首惹 啊原來他已經死了54F 06/28 09:18
huabandd: 網內互打免費~~~~55F 06/28 09:20
waitingB: 沒有用支付寶付人家薪水害的56F 06/28 09:25
joyce1590: 小弟幹掉大哥逆57F 06/28 09:29
saisai60: 自爆58F 06/28 09:35
toshbio: 完美示範了如何一秒上天堂(^_-)59F 06/28 09:35
rapnose: 所以最後Sith就奉行Darth Bane的二人制啦。60F 06/28 09:43
rapnose: 一師一徒,能夠將原力黑暗面發揮到最強大,屌虐99%的
rapnose: Jedi。
rapnose: 只是因為勾心鬥角,所以師父或徒弟通常會再偷收徒弟。
dean1990: 自食惡果 哈哈64F 06/28 09:48
alphabear: rip65F 06/28 09:49
xzero000: 孭66F 06/28 10:04
clay00303: 起風喇67F 06/28 10:06
parkblack: 致敬68F 06/28 10:06
chivalry70: 深臥69F 06/28 10:13
meng0426: 搞不好是哪個阿呆按到 之前不是有火箭筒射自己人的70F 06/28 10:19
jerrylin: XD71F 06/28 10:33
eterbless: 應該是被逼加入的人72F 06/28 10:35
winnie30891: 這拿來拍電影會很勵志感人73F 06/28 10:37
fit8590: 阿拉花瓜74F 06/28 10:43
chichung: 幹得好 你可以上天堂了75F 06/28 10:45
modkk: 終於做點好事了,這才是聖戰76F 06/28 11:19
rockkung: 恐怖組織自己被恐怖攻擊了XD77F 06/28 11:28
jaywall: 各位同志,今天由菜天兵為我們最示範新研發的自殺炸彈背78F 06/28 11:42
jaywall: 心,操作簡單,威力更大,像這樣把開關藏在手中,按下去
jaywall: 之後……幹!誰叫你真的按?
babyMclaren: 可以上天堂幹72處女嘍81F 06/28 11:50
cococooo: 猜可能親友遇害 找機會加入在自爆82F 06/28 11:57
dieaway: 以眼還眼啊83F 06/28 12:09

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