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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-07-22 13:42:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 Homura (德意志國防貓)
標題 [問卦] 美劇最霸氣的台詞?
時間 Fri Jul 21 23:13:23 2017






有迷有卦 QQ

Walter: say my name.

Other guy: my name

Walter: you're goddamn right



                     =. .=              http://i.imgur.com/SeEC2jX.jpg

貓貓仰臥起坐 <3

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1PSXeMsP (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1500650006.A.D99.html
Zuleta: 咩1F 07/21 23:13
tony84590: winter is coming2F 07/21 23:14
ePaper: 趕羚羊3F 07/21 23:15
dlam002: I'll be back4F 07/21 23:15
cy4750: 樓下東巴5F 07/21 23:15
Rsreturn: tonight gonna be a legendary6F 07/21 23:15
darkerjack: Bazinga!7F 07/21 23:16
The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head. - YouTube
Head exploding scene. Season 4 episode 8. The Mountain crushes Prince Oberyn's head like a melon. For entertainment Purposes only, no copyright intended.

looop: 屎蛋爸:Niggar!(指)9F 07/21 23:16
Strasburg: How are u doing10F 07/21 23:16
CCY0927: Save the cheerleader, save the world!11F 07/21 23:17
k312240204: Hijo de puta!!!12F 07/21 23:17
Ives20130: U know nothing13F 07/21 23:17
imkaikai: You know nothing14F 07/21 23:17
vinousred: legen,wait for it,dary15F 07/21 23:17
samug: 一定要推hold the door的啊!16F 07/21 23:18
luciffar: YO~~~BITCH17F 07/21 23:19
pytzog: Oh!so big!18F 07/21 23:20
KarlTowns: u jump ,I jump19F 07/21 23:20
pikakami: Where are my DRAGONS!!!!!!20F 07/21 23:20
scarofwind: hodor!21F 07/21 23:22
michael0711: I'm mother of the dragons.22F 07/21 23:22
minnie4227: we need to cook23F 07/21 23:22
lanx105: Biatch24F 07/21 23:22
zebra101: Bazinga25F 07/21 23:23
Refauth: 今天要複習工程數學和電子學。26F 07/21 23:23
shayy: Joey doesn't share food27F 07/21 23:24
hclstarkid: who is the daddy28F 07/21 23:24
goodricky04: Where are my dragons29F 07/21 23:24
cchua: I'm not in danger l'm the danger!30F 07/21 23:24
rndsulgye: Bazinga!!!!!31F 07/21 23:25
ymx3xc: winter is cumming32F 07/21 23:25
ynd: Everybody lie33F 07/21 23:26
sunnyyoung: 沙克埋迪克34F 07/21 23:27
ms0400281: how u doing35F 07/21 23:27
duo110: say my name36F 07/21 23:27
wellwest: 阿多37F 07/21 23:28
Tachiman: When you play the game of thrones, you win or you di38F 07/21 23:28
Tachiman: e, there's no middle ground.
philbyillusi: if you don't love yourself, how the hell you're40F 07/21 23:29
philbyillusi: gonna love somebody else? Can I get an Amen up
philbyillusi: here?
gonzagri: 龍山temple station,左側開門43F 07/21 23:30
explorer136: Where Are My Dragons44F 07/21 23:31
wubai1119: Go fxck yourself45F 07/21 23:31
casper6013: yo bitch46F 07/21 23:34
ywbBetter: You are a coward! Storybrooke47F 07/21 23:36
cookieli: Pick me choose me  love me48F 07/21 23:36
spadenet: Netflix and chill?49F 07/21 23:37
johnruby: Wub Lub Dub Dub50F 07/21 23:38
mudee: I'm not in danger l'm the danger!51F 07/21 23:39
wade768: Next station, 將開縣 and memorial hall station.52F 07/21 23:40
as222as222a: over my dead body53F 07/21 23:40
chnecklace: we can talk54F 07/21 23:42
a856445: I'm the one who knocks55F 07/21 23:46
CactusFlower: Winter is coming56F 07/21 23:52
positMIT: modafucker jian yang!!!!!!!!!!!!!57F 07/21 23:53
winerya: Put the gun down!!58F 07/21 23:59
a80055power: Bitch please59F 07/21 23:59
mc9669: My nigga60F 07/22 00:08
ilovebeagle: I'm the one who knocks61F 07/22 00:08
charles9201: Lets cooking62F 07/22 00:13
yulo: 當然是龍后的自介詞 每次報完名要三十秒63F 07/22 00:17
linchen1121: You know nothing64F 07/22 00:19
MoseHas: Say my name應該是最霸氣的一句65F 07/22 00:21
zeng50: Say my name66F 07/22 00:24
jocabyu: 當然是say my name阿....沒有之一67F 07/22 00:26
Kelvinchen: 囧snow,you know nothing.68F 07/22 00:31
ruokcnn: 瑟熙嗆小指頭那段 力量才是力量 power is power69F 07/22 00:32
ohyeahyaya: Say my name70F 07/22 00:37
Felix30810: House: Life is pain71F 07/22 00:39
equalivant: Winter is coming72F 07/22 00:40
masala: Penny Penny Penny73F 07/22 00:44
notneme159: for the night is dark and full of terrors74F 07/22 00:44
MRfridge: I'm the one who knocks75F 07/22 00:50
zero12395: Bazinga!76F 07/22 00:59
Insatiable: Joey doesn't share food!77F 07/22 01:01
amy3563867: Challenge Accepted78F 07/22 01:03
sromys: it's raaaaaaaaaw79F 07/22 01:05
ambitious: what's your name80F 07/22 01:05
selvester: You r so lucky that I'm a coward.81F 07/22 01:07
gg889g8: Say my name82F 07/22 01:16
fatetwister: everything on the world is about the sex except t83F 07/22 01:18
fatetwister: he sex, sex is about the power
likisee: Bazinga!85F 07/22 01:21
eggwraprice: You know nothing86F 07/22 01:22
high949: Everybody Lies87F 07/22 01:29
eric840421: Say my name88F 07/22 01:30
helloyou: Indeed a wise choice89F 07/22 01:44
jerry3418: Everyone not us is our enemy90F 07/22 01:56
jerry3418: 這句真的霸氣到讓人顫抖
jerry3418: 也種下中二喬心中的種子QQ
ray130340: How u doing~~~93F 07/22 01:57
ray130340: That's bullshit
iampro: it will cut.95F 07/22 01:58
iverson88: Better call Saul96F 07/22 01:59
wwvvkai: my watch is ended97F 07/22 02:05
lzkai: Wub Lub Dub Dub98F 07/22 02:06
Howard61313: 估辣可99F 07/22 02:15
Rafale: Hodor100F 07/22 03:18
Yao910336: you know nothing101F 07/22 03:25
sunnybeank: Shame shame shame102F 07/22 03:39
crimson11: The night is dark and full of terrors103F 07/22 03:58
Joey4506: Hasta la vista baby104F 07/22 04:02
fukku100: I'm well mannered, but I'm not nice.105F 07/22 04:16
SAsong319: Manners market man106F 07/22 04:54
onigirigood: 讓子彈飛一會兒107F 07/22 05:40
gunfighter: surprise motherfucker108F 07/22 07:05
chris40610: We are the walking dead109F 07/22 07:23
Sawyer80: I'm the danger.110F 07/22 07:31
a11250: Hold door hold door111F 07/22 08:00
myth0422: god damnn112F 07/22 08:47
behero: Say my name.113F 07/22 08:48
TitanEric: We are not in danger, I am the danger.115F 07/22 10:30
tammywang0v0: 七樓,哈哈哈116F 07/22 10:57
killer113: how do you turn this on117F 07/22 10:57
allen710522: Everything's gonna be okay然後就死了118F 07/22 11:08
catv: winter is coming119F 07/22 11:16
catv: 凡人皆有一死
Justine1937: Joey doesn't share food!121F 07/22 11:28
soar1983: Holddoor122F 07/22 12:06
noitcidda: I AM THE DANGER123F 07/22 12:23
a4683123: legen... waiy for it ........dary124F 07/22 12:53
SHIU0315: You know nothing125F 07/22 13:11
roy0075430: Carl papa126F 07/22 13:34

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 4071 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b win2000ps2 說讚!
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Say my name  沒記錯應該是絕命毒師?
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Hold the door .....Hold door....hoodoo .....
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O MY God
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Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.
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