※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-05-14 00:09:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 越想越不對的英文怎麼翻譯?
時間 Sun May 13 20:39:44 2018
最近好多推文 越想越不對,
I think it's strange ?
It's not correct ?
→ :127歲是要怎樣經歷三個世紀? 記者不知道一世紀是幾年嗎08/27 13:07
→ :一樓不知18xx~201308/27 13:08
→ :你要做簽名檔就拿去啊 我不反對 但這又不好笑08/27 13:11
→ :你要做也做好笑一點的 = =
→ :是有那麼好笑嗎 = = 看到別人這樣推我也不會覺得好笑
→ :沒生氣啊 剛吃完飯正在用牙籤~ 等等要去見一個正妹 goo.gl/PRWmhq原文
→ :你要做也做好笑一點的 = =
→ :是有那麼好笑嗎 = = 看到別人這樣推我也不會覺得好笑
→ :沒生氣啊 剛吃完飯正在用牙籤~ 等等要去見一個正妹 goo.gl/PRWmhq原文
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1Q-38Jfn (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1526215187.A.A71.html
推 : 後悔的意思吧1F 05/13 20:40
推 : what?2F 05/13 20:40
推 : yai xin yai boo dwai3F 05/13 20:41
推 : #metootwgirl4F 05/13 20:41
→ : regret5F 05/13 20:41
→ : Think of something strange6F 05/13 20:41
→ : i su u7F 05/13 20:41
→ : 打一堆問號驚嘆號就好"???!!!!"8F 05/13 20:42
推 : the more I think, the stanger it IS9F 05/13 20:42
→ : gradually find something wrong and regret10F 05/13 20:42
推 : wait a minute11F 05/13 20:42
推 : I didn't think it through.12F 05/13 20:43
推 : WTF!?13F 05/13 20:43
推 : 這種複雜的防衛機制豈是文字能表達的14F 05/13 20:43
推 : give me money15F 05/13 20:43
推 : show me the money16F 05/13 20:44
推 : gotcha!17F 05/13 20:45
推 : it's kind of weired.18F 05/13 20:45
推 : hold on....oh my god damn!!!19F 05/13 20:45
推 : 考えるほど、変に感じるわ20F 05/13 20:45
推 : It may be not correct that more than I thought 我隨便翻21F 05/13 20:45
→ : 的
→ : 的
推 : Girl’s buffet24F 05/13 20:45
推 : maybe we can check it again......I feel somethin25F 05/13 20:46
→ : g wrong.
→ : g wrong.
推 : think twice阿27F 05/13 20:46
→ : Microscft28F 05/13 20:46
推 : something wrong29F 05/13 20:46
推 : I am the bone of my sword.30F 05/13 20:47
→ : I am so tired. please don't touch me.(ry31F 05/13 20:47
推 : Girl always right32F 05/13 20:47
推 : --------The dick is not my love-------33F 05/13 20:48
推 : the more i think, the more i think it's wrong34F 05/13 20:48
推 : There must be something wrong35F 05/13 20:48
推 : profit opportunity好像也行36F 05/13 20:48
推 : XibowzidasaB37F 05/13 20:48
推 : give me money38F 05/13 20:48
推 : vietnam think wrong39F 05/13 20:49
推 : metoo40F 05/13 20:49
推 : Moon think moon not roght 選我正解42F 05/13 20:49
推 : think more ,wrong more43F 05/13 20:50
推 : female pig44F 05/13 20:50
推 : give me the money or I sue you45F 05/13 20:51
推 : Uh......hold on second ! It's weird....46F 05/13 20:51
推 : more think more incorrect47F 05/13 20:51
推 : i don’t feel right48F 05/13 20:53
推 : I think and think again49F 05/13 20:53
推 : how do you turn this on50F 05/13 20:53
噓 : 一堆菜逼八乖乖當免費翻譯機51F 05/13 20:54
推 : Money or sexy otherwise I will sue you52F 05/13 20:54
推 : 吉斯廣液咩~樓上也來一下53F 05/13 20:54
推 : LU SHOW LU MU DIO54F 05/13 20:55
推 :
推 :
推 : I want to earn money56F 05/13 20:55
噓 : May Show Gan More57F 05/13 20:55
→ : more think more don't right58F 05/13 20:56
推 : Show me the money59F 05/13 20:56
→ : ????????!!!!!!!!!!60F 05/13 20:57
→ : IKEA61F 05/13 20:57
推 : Hold......are you jizz inside !?62F 05/13 20:58
→ : How can this turn on63F 05/13 20:58
推 : It's a mistake.64F 05/13 20:59
→ : Wryyyyy...I don't want be human anymore JOJO!65F 05/13 20:59
推 : #me too66F 05/13 21:00
推 : groot67F 05/13 21:00
推 : DPP68F 05/13 21:07
推 : WTF!?I will sue you.69F 05/13 21:08
推 : It's something wrong70F 05/13 21:08
推 : Za Waruto71F 05/13 21:09
→ : the more I think about it the weirder(?) it gets72F 05/13 21:09
推 : show me the money73F 05/13 21:10
推 : I corrected my mistake74F 05/13 21:13
噓 : yellow…?75F 05/13 21:13
推 : moon thing moon no yes76F 05/13 21:14
噓 : me too!77F 05/13 21:16
推 : something is wrong78F 05/13 21:17
推 : The more I think, the more confused I am.79F 05/13 21:17
推 : 只有____會說這句80F 05/13 21:21
→ : cross thinking cross not correct81F 05/13 21:21
推 : It‘s getting weird82F 05/13 21:23
推 : money money money $$$$83F 05/13 21:28
推 : something is funny84F 05/13 21:30
推 : All your base are belong to us85F 05/13 21:33
推 : Something must be wrong.86F 05/13 21:33
推 : Ummmm......????!!!!!87F 05/13 21:36
推 : Money is not enough88F 05/13 21:36
推 : think more.feel strange89F 05/13 21:36
推 : me too90F 05/13 21:37
→ : how to you turn this on91F 05/13 21:41
推 : ikea92F 05/13 21:43
推 : It seems to be wrong93F 05/13 21:45
推 : who's your daddy94F 05/13 21:48
推 : he didn't pay me95F 05/13 21:49
推 : 對外國人不需要好嗎,台男限定96F 05/13 21:51
推 : NO MONEY, NO RIGHT HOLE!97F 05/13 21:53
推 : 沒錯 這個外國人很難遇到98F 05/13 21:55
→ : hail hydra99F 05/13 21:57
推 : 這個在外國沒有的觀念 (譬如 孝順 ) 是沒辦法翻譯的100F 05/13 22:01
推 : 推四樓102F 05/13 22:07
推 : how do you turn this on103F 05/13 22:12
噓 : I have big cock104F 05/13 22:21
推 : feel something wrong105F 05/13 22:25
推 : I sensed a disturbance in the Force. (誤)106F 05/13 22:27
→ : I need money107F 05/13 22:31
噓 : Regret after second thought108F 05/13 22:32
推 : Vietnam think Vietnam no rights109F 05/13 22:36
→ : I want some money from a dump110F 05/13 22:40
推 : the more I think, the more I feel something's wrong111F 05/13 22:41
推 : Oh Shit112F 05/13 22:44
推 : You are not my type113F 05/13 22:44
推 : the further i think about it, the more peculiar114F 05/13 22:46
噓 : Mr. Stark, I don't feel so good115F 05/13 22:46
→ : yue xiang yue bu dui116F 05/13 22:46
→ : it seems117F 05/13 22:47
推 : as i dwell deeper on this thought,
→ : the more obscure it becomes
推 : it makes less sense the more i think about it
推 : as i dwell deeper on this thought,
→ : the more obscure it becomes
推 : it makes less sense the more i think about it
→ : #metoo121F 05/13 22:54
推 : girl fucked by aboy122F 05/13 22:54
推 : more thought on the matter diminished its initia123F 05/13 22:56
推 : initial logic
推 : initial logic
→ : 摸性可摸硬可瑞125F 05/13 23:06
推 : I will tell U126F 05/13 23:08
推 : 越想越不對= #me too127F 05/13 23:11
推 : something wrong after fucking and thinking128F 05/13 23:12
推 : greed is good 999999129F 05/13 23:13
推 : This is not kfc130F 05/13 23:14
推 : Something is wrong~131F 05/13 23:17
推 : hol' up132F 05/13 23:20
推 : It feel doesn’t right133F 05/13 23:22
噓 : I want your money134F 05/13 23:27
推 : suddenly feel something is wrong135F 05/13 23:27
推 : I was Kobed.136F 05/13 23:28
→ : 助動詞放動詞後面? 厲害137F 05/13 23:31
推 : Mr. Stark, I don't feel right.138F 05/13 23:54
推 : think it again, and you don't have to139F 05/13 23:55
→ : commit suicide.
→ : commit suicide.
推 : Think twice, sue once.141F 05/13 23:58