※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-06-04 02:28:53
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [爆卦] Evernote把台灣當作中國一省了
時間 Sun Jun 3 21:47:26 2018
原本Evernote在google play下載都是預設國際版
你現在只要從google play商店下載的,都是直接連到中國
Evernote – Organizer, Planner, Notebook & Journal - Apps on Google Play Let Evernote change the way you organize your personal and professional projects. Evernote is the only organizer and planner notebook app you need in your life: take notes, create to-do lists, add images, scan documents with your camera, take handwritten notes, make sketches and more! Edit, share and collaborate on your notes automatically between your phone, tablet, and computer."Use Evernote as the place you put everything … Don’t ask yourself which device it’s on—it’s in Evernote" – The New York Times
“When it comes to taking all manner of notes and getting work done, Evernote is an indispensable tool.” – PC Mag
Evernote gives you the tools you need to keep your work effortlessly organized:
• Write, collect and capture ideas as searchable notes, notebooks, memos, checklists and to-do lists. It’s the only planner you need.
• Take notes in a variety of formats, including: text, sketches, photos, audio, video, PDFs, web clippings and more
• Use camera capture to easily scan and comment on pieces of paper, including printed documents, business cards, handwriting and sketches
• Attach Microsoft Office docs, PDFs and photos
• Organize your receipts, bills and invoices
• Use Evernote as a digital notepad and easy-to-format word processor for all your thoughts and memos as they come
Evernote gives you the ability to sync and comment on content across all devices:
• Sync everything automatically across any computer, phone or tablet
• Start your task working on one device and continue on another without ever missing a beat
Evernote gives you the tools to share and collaborate productively with others:
• Create, share and discuss with the people who help get your work done, all in one app
• Get inspired and brainstorm creative ideas by working collaboratively
• Make personal checklists to keep your thoughts organized
• Set reminders to keep on top of activities and write to-do lists
• Gather, capture and store every thought you need to stay productive
• Plan events such as holidays, weddings or parties• Use it as a planner to organize your life.• Write notes and memos on the go with the easy-to-use notepad.
• Create agendas, write memos and craft presentations. Use it as your ultimate planner at work.
• Annotate documents with comments and thoughts during team meetings, then share with colleagues
• Get your projects underway faster and maximize productivity by letting multiple participants access and work on different aspects alongside each other
• Keep up with lecture notes so you don’t miss a vital thought
• Clip and highlight articles from the web for academic research
• Plan and collaborate for better academic group work
• Discuss and annotate notes and drafts
Access Evernote easier and faster using the Home screen widget
Also available from Evernote:
EVERNOTE PREMIUM - The ultimate workspace.
• 10 GB of new uploads each month• Unlimited number of devices
• Access your notes and notebooks offline
• Save emails to Evernote
• Search inside Office docs and attachments
• Annotate PDFs
• Scan and digitize business cards
• Show notes as presentations, instantly
$7.99 monthly, $69.99 annually
Price may vary by location. Subscriptions will be charged to your credit card through your Google account. Your subscription will automatically renew unless cancelled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. You will not be able to cancel the subscription once activated. Manage your subscriptions in Account Settings.
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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1528033649.A.CD7.html
→ : 我是台灣人 名正言順台灣國 我支持正名制憲入聯1F 06/03 21:47
→ : 我是台灣人 名正言順台灣國 我支持正名制憲入聯
→ : 我是台灣人 名正言順台灣國 我支持正名制憲入聯
→ : 綠色毛毛象3F 06/03 21:48
推 : 你都說國內版了,我還要回你什麼?4F 06/03 21:48
推 : 仇中魯宅:9.25毛又在造謠了 = =5F 06/03 21:48
推 : EVERNOTE這麼爛還有人用喔6F 06/03 21:48
→ : 厲害了,你的國7F 06/03 21:48
推 : 國內板Zzzzz 中國版ㄅ8F 06/03 21:48
推 : 早不用象鼻綠了9F 06/03 21:48
推 : 他只有剛開始出來的時候好用 後來就呵呵10F 06/03 21:49
推 : 國內版?為何不放台灣國內要放到中國去呢?11F 06/03 21:50
推 : 覺青上啊,快去抗議,快叫蔡英文宣佈獨立12F 06/03 21:51
推 : onenote繼續躺著用13F 06/03 21:51
推 : 繼續用14F 06/03 21:53
推 : 也才一個..還有成千外國企業都taiwan不過不說了等下又被15F 06/03 21:53
→ : 賤畜9.2舉報
→ : 賤畜9.2舉報
推 : 所以可以跳到哪裡 有人要推薦嗎17F 06/03 21:57
推 : 哈哈 快出來跳腳覺青 快出來18F 06/03 22:01
推 : 靠北 所以現在不能登出或重灌的意思囉?19F 06/03 22:02
沒錯,所以我手機到現在還沒重登,恐怖推 : 還好我都用onenote20F 06/03 22:03
→ : Google Keep 路過....21F 06/03 22:03
→ : OneNote爛到爆,想說1803更新他也跟著更新回去用一個禮22F 06/03 22:03
→ : 拜還是覺得爛爛的之後跳回來Evernote
→ : 那現在還有什麼玩意兒能用嗎?求求你推薦一個
我也在找替代品,我Evernote也用了四五年了...尷尬→ : 拜還是覺得爛爛的之後跳回來Evernote
→ : 那現在還有什麼玩意兒能用嗎?求求你推薦一個
※ 編輯: gv390 (, 06/03/2018 22:04:35
→ : 真的沒選擇,只能拿日本VPS架VPN來用惹25F 06/03 22:04
→ : 幹 我必裝的軟體欸26F 06/03 22:05
推 : 看來資料要趕快備份出來27F 06/03 22:08
→ : 自己架一個nas,然後用內建的軟體,肥宅我用ds note28F 06/03 22:08
→ : 習慣就好29F 06/03 22:08
→ : 我已經沒在用了,屎30F 06/03 22:15
推 : 我是三星手機 所以三星有同步軟體,之後有人推薦Googl31F 06/03 22:15
→ : e Keep
→ : e Keep
推 : 高調33F 06/03 22:16
推 : 改孤狗keep吧34F 06/03 22:18
→ : http://i.imgur.com/puCGDv4.jpg35F 06/03 22:18
推 : 真的變成印象筆記了36F 06/03 22:29
推 : google keep很好用~37F 06/03 22:32
推 : 還好沒付費 居然沒有用google帳號登入的選項了 無言38F 06/03 22:36
→ : onenote 屌打39F 06/03 22:41
推 : 重點是改了不通知40F 06/03 22:41
推 : google keep似乎沒有收集資料的功能?41F 06/03 22:42
噓 : 早就沒在用,越改越爛42F 06/03 22:46
推 : 垃圾支那國43F 06/03 22:47
推 : 有骨氣一點,不要用44F 06/03 22:53
推 : OneNote根本屌打45F 06/03 22:55
推 : keep主要還是當便條紙用吧 功能沒evernote這麼齊46F 06/03 23:00
推 : 主力onenote+1,不過evernote的tag還是有好用的地方47F 06/03 23:00
推 : OneNote桌面版很奇怪48F 06/03 23:04
→ : 行列開始是以我滑鼠點哪為主
→ : 一般都固定的,不會亂跳,看起來都不工整
→ : 行列開始是以我滑鼠點哪為主
→ : 一般都固定的,不會亂跳,看起來都不工整
推 : 還有啦 是灰色的字可以按,我昨天找好久51F 06/03 23:17
→ : Evernote只有加密筆記這個我比較喜歡
→ : Evernote只有加密筆記這個我比較喜歡
→ : 不意外 可是我覺得愈來愈難用了53F 06/03 23:25
推 : 幹54F 06/03 23:38
→ : 今年不會再續約了55F 06/03 23:43
推 : 準備跳船56F 06/03 23:48
推 : 不要用play下載,用chrome網頁去登入57F 06/03 23:50
推 : 看來只能讓他離開台灣了!!58F 06/04 00:29
推 : 可以退錢吧? 如果現在還有訂的話59F 06/04 00:45
推 : onenote 或 zoho notebook 不過後者比較少用 都免費60F 06/04 01:18
推 : 我也用很久 改用keep試試61F 06/04 01:21
推 : 開始轉用Onenote 不過兩者資料分層不同方式 要適應62F 06/04 01:29
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: -1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1352