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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-08-22 22:33:58
看板 Gossiping
作者 InDer5566 (在這5566)
標題 [爆卦] 托福承認「中國台灣」
時間 Wed Aug 22 20:12:01 2018

ETS kowtows to Beijing by posting 'Taiwan, China' on TOEFL site

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) -- Taiwanese students preparing to take the Test of Engli
sh as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) became incensed when they discovered Educatio
nal Testing Service (ETS) had kowtowed to Beijing's bullying by changing its l
isting of Taiwan to "Taiwan, China" on its corporate website, leading to angry
 letters and threats to switch to its rival.

Students at English cram schools in Taiwan in recent days discovered that the
TOEFL registration page for the US-based, supposedly "nonprofit" testing servi
ce ETS had suddenly changed its listing for "Taiwan" to "Taiwan, China." By Th
ursday of last week, Taiwanese netizens on the popular online forum PTT posted
 a screen capture of the change to the TOEFL registration page.

On Saturday (Aug. 18), an enraged Taiwanese posted to PTT an email he had sent
 to ETS complaining that both the registration page and their own personal add
ress had been suddenly been changed to "Taiwan, China." The student reminded E
TS of the fact that Taiwan has never actually been ruled by Communist China an
d that the U.S. should "stand for common values, which are democracy and human

The student also reminded the "nonprofit" global conglomerate, which has been
accused of being a monopoly, that it should not be "begging for higher revenue
 from such an unfair market." He lamented that if the name is not changed back
 to simply "Taiwan" he said that he will be frustrated taking the TOEFL test w
hich "should represent inspiring 'American Values.'"

"I have done some TOEFL registrations via your official website. However, I am
 surprised to see that recently the website changed the location of 'Taiwan' t
o 'Taiwan, China', including my personal address. As a citizen living in democ
ratic and independent country, I am proud that we have our own government in T
aiwan and have never been ruled by China, communist party. As a leader of all
democratic countries, should the USA stand for common values, which are democr
acy and human rights, instead of begging for higher revenue from such an unfai
r market, which has manipulated the rest of the world for decades? I sincerely
 request you to change the description of location back to 'Taiwan' only. Or,
I will be very frustrated along with complex emotions regarding TOEFL tests th
at should represent inspiring 'American Values.'"

Screen capture of ETS TOEFEL registration page. (Taiwan News)

Today (Aug. 22) another, much longer letter directed at ETS was posted on PTT.
 A person who claimed to represent over 5,000 students preparing to take the T
OEFL requested that the corporation change the name back to "Taiwan" or "Taiwa
n, R.O.C." as is printed on their passports.

The author of the letter argued that the name change due is contrary to ETS's
stated mission to "advance quality and equity in education for all people worl
dwide." The student explained that having "Taiwan, China" on their transcript
would diminish from the diversity of backgrounds it professes and deprives the
m the opportunity to be distinguishable from Chinese students applying for uni
versities and graduate schools.

The writer then warned that if ETS refuses to correct the name, Taiwanese stud
ents could retaliate by taking the rival International English Language Testin
g System (IETLS) test instead, as the website still lists Taiwan as a separate
 country and on its transcript.

The following is the full text of the letter emailed to the ETS headquarters a
ddress etsinfo@ets.org and the ETS spokesperson's address tewing@ets.org sent
today (Aug. 22):

We are more than 5,000 students who plan to/are taking TOEFL this year. A few
days ago, we noticed that on the ETS website, “Taiwan ” has been changed to
“Taiwan, China” in both the nationality column upon registering for a test a
nd in the address section. We find this change really disappointing and firmly
 believe that this is against the values ETS strives to protect. Therefore, we
, the test-takers from Taiwan, strongly urge ETS to change the nationality bac
k to “Taiwan” only, or to “Taiwan, R.O.C” as that is what is shown on our

While we appreciate the effort ETS has spent on improving testing, teaching an
d learning, we think it is essential that the nonprofit ETS fights back on thr
eats or temptations to alter the pre- existing “Taiwan” nationality, for the
 action steers away from ETS’ mission to “advance quality and equity in educ
ation for all people worldwide”. We the Taiwanese test-takers firmly believe
that with “Taiwan, China” shown on our transcript, ETS not only denies the d
iverse student background it acknowledges and respects, but deprives the Taiwa
nese students of the chance to be seen as different from the Chinese students
by universities and graduate schools we wish to apply for. Born and raised in
Taiwan, we find our life stories very different from the Chinese applicants an
d consider it essential to emphasize the diversity we can bring to the foreign
 institutions we are applying for, and thus, we strongly urge ETS to change ou
r nationality back to “ Taiwan” only.

For the past years, most of the Taiwanese test-takers prefer TOEFL to IETLS. H
owever, the sudden change of “Taiwan” to “Taiwan, China” seems to us antit
hetical to the values that ETS as a nonprofit should protect and also steers a
way from what form the cornerstones of both U.S. and Taiwan’s democracy. This
 change then has to deal with the full force of the Taiwanese test-takers and
perhaps even the foreign institutions we wish to apply for. More than 5,000 of
 the Taiwanese test-takers this year and in the years to come might change our
 minds to take IELTS instead, as IELTS still lists “Taiwan” as a nation on i
ts website and on its transcript. We have also started writing to schools we w
ish to apply for, complaining about this change and asking the admission commi
ttees to value IETLS scores more. To avoid this action turning into a movement
, once again, we suggest ETS to change “ Taiwan, China” back to “Taiwan” o

All in all, we don’t see ETS’ concerns and action being legitimate in this c
ase, and we not only urge ETS to put “Taiwan ” back on its website, but ask
for an explanation to why this action has been taken. We strongly feel that on
ly by listing “ Taiwan” as a nation on the ETS website, can ETS live up to i
ts mission to “advance quality and equity in education for all people worldwi
de”, and can it win continuous support from the Taiwanese test-takers as well
 as the schools from around the world.
Because of its nonprofit status, ETS is not subject to taxes on its worldwide

ETS kowtows to Beijing by posting 'T... | Taiwan News
Taiwanese students infuriated by Educational Testing Service's listing of 'Taiwan, China' on its TOEFL website, threaten to switch to IETLS.Taiwanese  ...



一人一信罵翻ET$吧! 爛貨




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1RVLCKgx (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1534939924.A.ABB.html
waakye: 嗯哼1F 台灣 08/22 20:12
whathefuc: 國際考試很多都是阿 沒得選2F 台灣 08/22 20:12
hsh5566: 好啦 快抵制托福阿3F 台灣 08/22 20:13

Neverfor: 884F 台灣 08/22 20:13
xzcb2008: =_=無恥 拒考 幹您娘5F 台灣 08/22 20:13
※ 編輯: InDer5566 (, 08/22/2018 20:14:30
Daz2005i: 蔡英文:是我們自己挑起問題的6F 台灣 08/22 20:13
Neverfor: 中字滿30??7F 台灣 08/22 20:13
ericisfish: 888F 台灣 08/22 20:13
Benbenyale: 垃圾 好險沒考9F 台灣 08/22 20:14
set852064: 吱障7.77快來抵制喲XDDD10F 台灣 08/22 20:14
※ 編輯: InDer5566 (, 08/22/2018 20:17:32
mouz: 這考試又沒鑑別力...不如考全民英檢11F 台灣 08/22 20:15
littleaoc: 不考了干12F 台灣 08/22 20:15
jkl15261526: 還好我要考的沒改13F 台灣 08/22 20:20
bucketface: 覺青一邊罵無恥 一邊報名考試14F 台灣 08/22 20:21
ualileigod: 國外待過的沒考的必要但是準備出國的15F 台灣 08/22 20:22
gowaa: 你有夠lag... 這前幾天就吵過了16F 台灣 08/22 20:22


ualileigod: 呢XD17F 台灣 08/22 20:22
saisai34: 要抵制托福嗎?18F 台灣 08/22 20:23
※ 編輯: InDer5566 (, 08/22/2018 20:23:40
k2902914: 奇怪。自己國家被矮化,還有這麼多人記19F 台灣 08/22 20:23
k2902914: 得嘲諷覺得很好笑?

這很嚴重, 覺得不嚴重的智商有多低?
※ 編輯: InDer5566 (, 08/22/2018 20:25:08
reski: 其實很多國外大學的申請系統好幾年前就改21F 美國 08/22 20:24
reski: 中國台灣了
energyaxd: 好 我拒考啦23F 台灣 08/22 20:25
DoubleA: 不想被稱中國,為什麼不趕緊修憲改國號?24F 台灣 08/22 20:31
gundam0079: 改考雅思25F 台灣 08/22 20:33
ysc1213: 不然考全民英檢阿26F 台灣 08/22 20:35
ss455032: 水啦我們就是中國的知道就好27F 台灣 08/22 20:38
ramirez: 打倒萬惡ETS!28F 台灣 08/22 20:40
acs81046: 台灣本來就不是國家29F 台灣 08/22 20:46
ewjfd: 台灣目前是島 尚待建國 並不是國家30F 台灣 08/22 20:49
nqj: 蔡政府:中國台灣只是簡稱,OKder31F 台灣 08/22 20:51
YSimpson: 好險裡面寫什麼我都看不懂32F 台灣 08/22 21:07
mizys: 幹你媽 這個垃圾考試33F 台灣 08/22 21:11
hydronephros: 好棒棒34F 美國 08/22 21:12
Luks: 中華民國=republic of China35F 台灣 08/22 22:10
bhbbbbb: 多益好像也是同一家,這樣只能考雅思36F 台灣 08/22 22:21

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 2 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1488 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
( ̄︶ ̄)b Kirov, umiumiumi 說讚!
1樓 時間: 2018-08-22 22:27:49 (台灣)
  08-22 22:27 TW
2樓 時間: 2018-08-22 22:53:09 (台灣)
  08-22 22:53 TW
改名 92托福 更威風...
3樓 時間: 2018-08-22 23:36:17 (台灣)
  08-22 23:36 TW
4樓 時間: 2018-08-23 01:24:04 (台灣)
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5樓 時間: 2018-08-23 07:32:24 (台灣)
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6樓 時間: 2018-08-23 11:11:23 (台灣)
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7樓 時間: 2018-08-23 15:45:20 (美國)
  08-23 15:45 US
哦豁 这下又要抵制托福了
8樓 時間: 2018-08-23 17:14:25 (台灣)
  08-23 17:14 TW
9樓 時間: 2018-08-23 17:16:58 (台灣)
  08-23 17:16 TW
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