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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-02 14:32:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 rutw (Formosan)
標題 [新聞] 反擊星巴克:YouPorn 將禁止喝星巴克的咖啡
時間 Sun Dec  2 12:22:19 2018


YouPorn hits back at Starbucks' porn crackdown by banning Starbucks from its offices | Daily Mail Online YouPorn, which hosts free adult videos, said it will no longer allow Starbucks products to be used in its offices. The site informed its employees of  ...


YouPorn hits back at Starbucks' porn crackdown by banning Starbucks from its

反擊星巴克:YouPorn 將禁止在自家辦公室喝星巴克的產品

A popular porn site is retaliating against Starbuck's move to ban porn from
its stores.

你知我知天下知的迷片網站打算反擊星巴克在店裡 WiFi裡 ban 他們的網站這件事。

YouPorn, which hosts free adult videos, has announced that it will no longer
allow Starbucks products to be used in its offices.

網路烏托邦 YouPorn 將禁止他們的辦公室裡出現任何星巴克的產品。

The site informed its employees of the move in an internal email on Thursday.

上禮拜四,網路烏托邦 YouPorn 副總裁 Charlie Hughes 寄給全員工的公開信裡表示:

'Dear YouPorn Team, In light of the news that Starbucks has blocked customers
from searching and viewing adult content within their establishments,
Starbucks products will officially be banned from the YouPorn offices,
effective January 1st 2019,' Charlie Hughes, vice president of YouPorn, wrote
in the letter, according to Forbes.

'See your direct manager for any questions.'

「大家安安,有鑑於星巴克宣布不讓他的客人在他們店裡搜尋或是看 A 片,

還把我們的網站 ban 掉,所以從明年的元旦開始,辦公室不准再出現星巴克的產品。」

A YouPorn spokesperson confirmed to Forbes that the letter is real.

YouPorn 發言人告訴 Forbes(本篇新聞最原始的來源) 這是真的。

However, it isn't yet clear how or if YouPorn employees will actually be
reprimanded if they walk into the offices carrying a grande frappuccino.


Entrepreneur reported that YouPorn is really trying to hit Starbucks where it
hurts most by urging its employees to buy coffee from Dunkin' instead.

企業人指出,YouPorn 真的認真試圖要員工改買 Dunkin' 的咖啡作為反制星巴克的作戰。

It comes after Starbucks announced earlier this week that it will launch a
content-blocking tool to prevent customers from watching pornography in its


The firm plans to roll out the filter by 2019 – nearly three years after it
initially vowed to do so, and long after other chains including McDonalds,
Subway, and Chick-fil-A made the move.

星巴克計劃在 2019 年執行,距他們之前宣示要這麼做之後已經將近三年,

並且離麥當勞、Subway、Chick-fil-A 等公司早就這麼做已經很久了。

Starbucks has so-far remained tight-lipped on the solution itself, and how it
will weed out offensive content from acceptable material, but the company
says it’s tested several tools, Business Insider reports.

根據 Business Insider 的報導,



‘To ensure the Third Place remains safe and welcoming to all, we have
identified a solution to prevent this content from being viewed within our
stores and we will begin introducing it to our US locations in 2019,’ a
Starbucks representative told Business Insider.

星巴克的一位代表告訴 Business Insider:

「為了確保這樣的第三場所(Third Place)[^1] 能保持安全、並且歡迎所有人,


我們將在 2019 年開始將其應用到美國各地的分店。」

Advocacy groups have been putting the pressure on Starbucks for years to
block explicit content on its free, public WiFi.

多年來,倡議團體一直在向星巴克施壓,以阻止他們在公開 WiFi 裡提供這些東西。

In addition to pornography, some argue it allows patrons to access illegal
content such as child pornography without fear of repercussion.


Just days ago, Enough is Enough launched a petition demanding Starbucks take
action. And, it’s already been signed by more than 26,000 people.

就在幾天前,Enough is Enough(EIE) 這個 NGO 組織已經發起請願,


同時,這也已經已經有超過 26,000 人支持。

While Starbucks told CNN back in 2016 that it was working on a solution, no
such filter has appeared in the time since.

星巴克曾經在 2016 年跟 CNN 說他們正在研究解決方案,然後就沒有然後了。

‘Apparently, Starbucks cares more about providing paper straws to protect

the environment than protecting kids and patrons on its public WiFi,’ EIE
wrote in the petition.

EIE 在請願書中提到:


‘By breaking its commitment Starbucks is keeping the doors wide open for
convicted sex offenders and patrons to fly under the radar from law
enforcement and use free, public WiFi services to view or distribute graphics
or obscene pornography, child pornography (an illegal crime), or engage in
sexual predation activity,’ the petition adds.


讓他們在法網之下遊走,並使用免費的公共 WiFi 來看那些糟糕又壞壞的東西,


‘EIE is once again calling on all concerned to sign our new petition calling
on Starbucks to follow through on its promise to filter.’

「EIE 再次呼籲有關各方簽署支持我們的請願書,呼籲星巴克說到做到。」

While the firm admitted as recently as this summer that it hadn't yet found
the solution, according to BI, Starbucks now says the tool will roll out
across the United States next year.

雖然星巴克在今年夏天承認還沒找到解決方案,但根據 BI 的說法,


[^1]:第三場所 (Third Place):

由社會學家雷歐登伯格 (Ray Oldenburg) 在《最好的場所 (The Great Good Place)》




[^2]:性掠奪活動(sexual predation activity):



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※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1543724544.A.EBE.html
akway: 員工:幹1F 12/02 12:22
gamania10000: 應比照街口30%回饋2F 12/02 12:23
gary360: XDDD3F 12/02 12:23
※ 編輯: rutw (, 12/02/2018 12:23:53
bicedb: 他們應該 關閉網站 直到星巴克道歉4F 12/02 12:23
a1467171: 自備杯子就認不出來了啦zz5F 12/02 12:23
estupid: TT1069也該響應6F 12/02 12:23
iphone55566: 公開場合不是本來就不能播那東西哪 = =7F 12/02 12:24
makimakimaki: 中華電信業務:何不使用我們的色情守門員8F 12/02 12:24
iphone55566: 更何況處理的只是他們提供的wifi9F 12/02 12:25
buke: 喝85度c啦10F 12/02 12:25
hkcdc: 戰起來11F 12/02 12:25
pillliq: 誰會在星巴客看A片啦12F 12/02 12:25
buke: 看過有阿伯在咖啡店看片的13F 12/02 12:26
crimson11: 笑死14F 12/02 12:26
sober716: 所以員工是有多少?自以為會影響星巴克業績?15F 12/02 12:27
em4: 美式咖啡變拿鐵16F 12/02 12:27
gamania0515: ====以下都看NYKD系列17F 12/02 12:29
ShitHappens: 又一個智障組織18F 12/02 12:31
JinJoy: xvideo表示:該我說話了嗎?19F 12/02 12:37
fagatwater: 這三小 666620F 12/02 12:37
williambox: dunkins coffee tastes like shit21F 12/02 12:38
wwe4s: 哈哈哈哈22F 12/02 12:44
baddad: 當純出來鬧一下的啦 ,其實整篇很溫和 ,也知道是團體施23F 12/02 12:45
baddad: 壓 ,不然其實不必特別提起xD
k1400: 只是美式幽默吧,腦充鄉民又認真了25F 12/02 12:45
baddad: 對啊 ,他也說員工就算拿星冰樂也沒皮條,就真的出來鬧一26F 12/02 12:46
baddad: 下的
q9154336: okla28F 12/02 12:48
ivon852: 用公共wifi就不怕被查ip喔?29F 12/02 12:50
ComeThrough: pornhub30F 12/02 12:51
henryyeh0731: Starbuck wifi powers by china31F 12/02 12:55
takoQAQ: 超鬧32F 12/02 13:01
s37166117: 笑死 還業績咧 動腦拜託33F 12/02 13:05
mjonask: 嘴回去而已 XD34F 12/02 13:15
keyman2: 小孩子吵架膩35F 12/02 13:22
iwinlottery: 打廣告 哈哈36F 12/02 13:23
tp6ful6: 屌37F 12/02 13:29
ttn851227: 星巴克根本懶的鳥 還不是平常在店裡偽潮蠢左覺青在該38F 12/02 13:46
ttn851227: 該叫
tkc7: 好奇youporn多少員工 又多有錢40F 12/02 13:55
notneme159: 國外衛道人士真的很煩41F 12/02 13:55
xinh: 笑死42F 12/02 13:59
tiuseensii: Starfucks表示43F 12/02 13:59
t048520: 滿好笑的44F 12/02 14:06
fragmentwing: 關閉直到道歉XDDDD45F 12/02 14:14
rusty8091: 4樓XDDD46F 12/02 14:29

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