※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-12-01 05:34:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 習近平訪西班牙 小熊維尼被驅離
時間 Fri Nov 30 19:53:28 2018
The Daily Telegraph(英國媒體)
'Winnie the Pooh' told to stay out of sight during Xi Jinping's Madrid visit
"Winnie the Pooh" was banished from central Madrid ahead of a visit by Xi
Jinping, the Chinese President, this week, sparing Spain from an embarrassing
faux pas.
A street performer who makes his daily living by posing for photographs in
Sol Square dressed in a furry Pooh costume has told Spanish media that police
officers asked him to stay out of view as Mr Xi's motorcade passed on the way
to Madrid's historic town hall building.
“I didn’t make a fuss about it. It was only 20 or 30 minutes,” the man
told the digital newspaper eldiario.es, adding that the police officers
explained to him that Mr Xi could be offended by the sight of his costume
because of online jibes in China comparing his appearance with that of the
rotund children's book character.
“If it’s offensive, I understand that they would ask me to step aside," he
Memes comparing Mr Xi with the Winnie the Pooh started when the Chinese
leader met Barack Obama in 2013, with the then US president cast as a
sprightly Tigger.
The following year, a meeting with Shinzo Abe, the Japanese Prime Minister,
led to the appearance of similar memes, with Pooh this time accompanied by
the more sombre figure of Eeyore the donkey.
In August, Chinese authorities denied a release to Disney’s latest Winnie
the Pooh film, Christopher Robin, apparently confirming a crackdown on the
cartoon character after references to Pooh were blocked on social media in
Chinese dissidents, NGOs including Amnesty International and opposition
politicians in Spain criticised the Spanish government for not including
human rights on the official agenda for Mr Xi’s three-day visit, the first
by a Chinese premier in 13 years.
Spain’s government signed 20 accords with China, including agreements to
allow for increased exports of Spanish grapes and pork meat on the bone,
allowing for the shipment of whole hams to a country where appetite for
Spanish ‘jamón’ has grown rapidly in recent years.
Diplomatic sources have said that Spain declined China’s offer to join the
Belt and Road Initiative in infrastructure as other EU members have done,
with Madrid stating its preference for an attempt to coordinate China’s
programme with European plans to develop connectivity and transport links
with Asia.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
'Winnie the Pooh' told to stay out of sight during Xi Jinping's Madrid visit
"Winnie the Pooh" was banished from central Madrid ahead of a visit by Xi Jinping, the Chinese President, this week, sparing Spain from an e ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1S0II-Wq (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1543578814.A.834.html
→ : 笑死1F 11/30 19:53
推 : 蜂蜜 !2F 11/30 19:54
推 : 正版的來了 盜版還不快滾3F 11/30 19:54
→ : 西班牙就是快破產的國家,靠習近平資源 哈哈4F 11/30 19:54
推 : 昔日的白銀帝國真的有夠廢XDD5F 11/30 19:54
※ 編輯: hchstw (, 11/30/2018 19:54:56推 : 西班牙也舔中?6F 11/30 19:54
推 : 好可憐,明明維尼那麼可愛7F 11/30 19:54
推 : 西班牙都是中國的形狀了?8F 11/30 19:54
推 : 2F XDDD9F 11/30 19:55
→ : 歐盟的言論自由碰到習大大就緘默了 可悲10F 11/30 19:55
推 : 西班牙人自我審查11F 11/30 19:55
推 : 識相點啊 別惹咱們支那最偉大的習大大12F 11/30 19:56
→ : 歐洲真的很廢 最愛嘴人權 又愛舔中共 噗13F 11/30 19:56
推 : 不只有中國台北,現在還有 ~中國馬德里~14F 11/30 19:56
推 : ...15F 11/30 19:57
推 : 歐盟這垃圾遇到支那就會自動轉彎16F 11/30 19:58
推 : 笑死17F 11/30 19:59
推 : 說個笑話:自由民主19F 11/30 20:03
推 : XDDDDD20F 11/30 20:04
推 : 國旗收起來 維尼跑出來21F 11/30 20:05
推 : 等我22F 11/30 20:05
→ : 小熊維尼臭了嗎?23F 11/30 20:06
推 : 習大大皇威震懾西班牙24F 11/30 20:08
推 : 習近平都是維尼~25F 11/30 20:09
推 : Gracias Espana26F 11/30 20:09
→ : 有正版的,盜版的當然要滾蛋!27F 11/30 20:09
推 : 誰翻譯一下什麼是the Chinese President?28F 11/30 20:15
推 : 就是支那皇帝的意思29F 11/30 20:17
→ : 我以為是Emperor30F 11/30 20:17
推 : 習大出征,維尼不生31F 11/30 20:18
推 : XDDDDD32F 11/30 20:18
推 : 小熊維尼只能有一個33F 11/30 20:19
推 : 等下會來一個跟你接班的34F 11/30 20:21
推 : XDDDDD35F 11/30 20:23
推 : 包子進得來,維尼得出去,西班牙發大財36F 11/30 20:25
推 : 可撥 遇到主席必定聞風而逃37F 11/30 20:27
→ : 改扮跳跳虎啊38F 11/30 20:32
推 : XDDDDDDD39F 11/30 20:32
推 : 哈哈 這個好笑40F 11/30 20:33
推 : 笑死 歐盟就是歐盟41F 11/30 20:34
推 : 這有好笑到42F 11/30 20:44
推 : 告死歐盟啦43F 11/30 20:45
推 : 習包子可悲44F 11/30 20:48
→ : 說好的自由民主呢?自我審查到維尼了45F 11/30 20:51
推 : 笑死46F 11/30 20:51
推 : 請不要在本人面前Cosplay47F 11/30 20:57
→ : 沒有比習大大還像就不要出來丟臉了48F 11/30 21:04
推 : 正版的要來了 盜版閃邊站49F 11/30 21:05
推 : XDDDDD50F 11/30 21:05
推 : 本尊來了52F 11/30 21:15
推 : 一山不容二維尼53F 11/30 21:21
推 : XDD54F 11/30 21:21
推 : 人家就混口飯吃 有必要這樣嗎55F 11/30 21:23
177ee6aceeab5e7c0a5caabada6f4ad9 — imgbb.com
Image 177ee6aceeab5e7c0a5caabada6f4ad9 hosted in imgbb.com ...
推 : 西班牙:保護維尼的智財權57F 11/30 21:29
推 : 一個維尼政策58F 11/30 21:29
推 : 正版來了,山寨貨滾59F 11/30 21:33
推 : 山寨60F 11/30 21:46
→ : 正版來了XDDDD61F 11/30 21:51
→ : 快笑死62F 11/30 21:52
推 : XDDD63F 11/30 22:18
推 : 一個維尼 各自表述64F 11/30 22:59
推 : 遵守一個維尼原則是全球的共識65F 11/30 23:30
推 : 西班牙超窮的 南歐四國都很慘66F 11/30 23:52
推 : 我們習主席最高67F 12/01 00:01
→ : www68F 12/01 00:07
噓 : 果然豬隻疫情延燒,還要跟西班牙進口豬肉69F 12/01 00:51
推 : 維尼或成最大贏家70F 12/01 01:16
推 : XDDD71F 12/01 02:17
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 13 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1966
( ̄︶ ̄)b Sifox, darkrise1980, hahagod23, chalahachala, ntt12369, a0987789369, sin8143, ayaya520, sandy1108, n4tp6, leon999su, PK8941, love1807, klin1 共 14 個人 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p op20181115 說瞎!
2樓 時間: 2018-11-30 20:52:24 (台灣)
11-30 20:52 TW
the Chinese President 哈哈 還不簡單就是中華總統習禁評 中華民國人的最愛