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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-11-14 22:35:44
看板 Gossiping
作者 fffffff4 (使用者在線上)
標題 [新聞] 中國一帶一路倡議遭受嚴重阻礙
時間 Tue Nov 14 16:00:59 2017

Al Jazeera

China's global Silk Road revival hits obstacles

>From a stalled Indonesian rail project to an insurgency-threatened economic corridor in Pakistan, China's push to revive Silk Road trade routes is running into problems that risk tarnishing the economic crown jewel of Xi Jinping's presidency.


The "One Belt, One Road" initiative, unveiled by Xi in 2013, envisages linking China with Africa, Asia and Europe through a network of ports, railways, roads and industrial parks.


Xi, the most powerful Chinese leader in decades, has pushed the infrastructure drive that is central to his goal of extending Beijing's economic and geopolitical influence.


The initiative was enshrined in the Communist Party's constitution at a key congress last month, and some estimates say more than $1 trillion has been pledged to it, with projects proposed in some 65 countries.


But, on the ground, it has run into problems. Projects traverse insurgency-hit areas, dictatorships and chaotic democracies, and face resistance from both corrupt politicians and local villagers.


"Building infrastructure across countries like this is very complicated," said Murray Hiebert, from Washington think-tank, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who has studied some of the projects in Southeast Asia.


"You've got land issues, you have to hammer out funding agreements, you have to hammer out technological issues."


Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying, however, insisted the initiative was "moving forward smoothly".


Troubled train line


Beijing won the contract to build Indonesia's first high-speed railway in September 2015, but, more than two years later, work has barely started on the route from Jakarta to the city of Bandung.


A recent visit to Walini, where President Joko Widodo broke ground on the train line in January last year, found excavators flattening land but no track laid for the train, which is meant to start operating in 2019.


"The first year after the ground-breaking ceremony, I did not see any progress at all," Neng Sri, a 37-year-old food stall owner from nearby Mandala Mukti village, told AFP.


The central problem has been persuading villagers to leave their land on the proposed route, which is often an issue in the chaotic, freewheeling democracy.


The Indonesian transport ministry declined to give an update on the project, and the consortium of Chinese and Indonesian companies building the line did not respond to repeated requests for comment.


On another planned, high-speed line from southern China to Singapore, the Thai stretch of the railway was delayed by tussles over financing and protective labour regulations, and it was only in July that the military government finally approved $5.2bn to start construction.


Work is under way on the 415 kilometre (260 mile) part of the line in Laos, a staunch ally of Beijing.


But, even there, the project has stoked controversy due to its huge price tag - $5.8bn, roughly half the country's 2015 gross domestic product - and the question of the extent of gain that Laos, deeply poor, will make from the project.


Lopsided gains


There have been concerns in many countries about how much they will benefit from One Belt, One Road initiatives.


Gains for China, such as access to key markets and tackling overcapacity in domestic industries, are often more obvious than those for its partners.


Such worries have bedevilled projects in Central Asia, part of a potential route from western China to Europe.


These include a free trade zone at Horgos on the China-Kazakh border, notable for flashy malls on the Chinese side and relatively little on the Kazakh side, and a planned railway to Uzbekistan that has stalled in large part due to opposition in Kyrgyzstan, through which the line would run.


"I am against this railway as it stands because the financial benefits that could accrue to Kyrgyzstan accrue to (China and Uzbekistan) instead," said Timur Saralayev, head of the Bishkek-based New Generation movement.


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a $54bn project launched in 2013 linking western China to the Indian Ocean via Pakistan, has been targeted by separatist rebels in Balochistan province, who have blown up gas pipelines and trains and attacked Chinese engineers.


But the Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua insisted the One Belt, One Road initiative enjoyed broad support.


"We have seen more and more support and approval of our projects. Many projects have delivered tangible benefits to the people in these countries," she said.


The view from the ground, however, is not always so positive.


"The high-speed train ... is only for super busy people who think time is money," said the villager Sri, who lives next to the Indonesian rail project.


"We are not rushing to go anywhere."

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BILLYTHEKID: 一帶一噓1F 11/14 16:02
TaiwanUp: 原本說要取代麻六甲海峽的克拉運河也中止開發2F 11/14 16:03
bpq302302: 怪不得會被說 大灑幣3F 11/14 16:03
WINDHEAD: 好啦 推一下4F 11/14 16:03
VXcc: 求我啊5F 11/14 16:03
WINDHEAD: 克拉運河就算建成也很難取代麻六甲吧6F 11/14 16:03
WINDHEAD: 也不過就是比麻六甲少走一小小小小段路而已....
k123amz: 射惹8F 11/14 16:04
netccl: 我們廠的中國籍很看好9F 11/14 16:05
kuramoto: 總有人裝死啊,過幾天又會見到有人在吹了10F 11/14 16:05
qaz960749: 我覺得原文跟翻譯分開會比較好看11F 11/14 16:05
rainfarmer: 辛苦了12F 11/14 16:05
kyowinner: 綠營又再恐中了 唉13F 11/14 16:05
Saaski: 五毛快護駕14F 11/14 16:06
Areso: 推15F 11/14 16:06
indium111: 從歷史來看,中國人很喜歡吹牛,尤其是那些當皇帝的16F 11/14 16:07
Keyshawn: 推推推17F 11/14 16:07
linceass: 好啦 辛苦了18F 11/14 16:07
AAQQUUAA: 推一下  原文和翻譯不要擺一起 會比較好看19F 11/14 16:08
CarisLeVert: 覺青表示:開心!!20F 11/14 16:10
fitano: 中國是用半世紀到一世紀的時間維度想打造內陸地中海的。21F 11/14 16:11
bryan21xxx: 爽啊 傻逼中國豬跟穆斯林搶屎吃實際多了22F 11/14 16:12
leochang: 屁!綠營在野雞媒體的投稿,台灣只能一帶一路,不准新南向23F 11/14 16:12
bryan21xxx: 巴基斯坦最好戰到把你路線都塞起來24F 11/14 16:12
fitano: 這篇外媒寫的又酸又見獵心喜,但才1-2年就論其成敗會不會25F 11/14 16:13
fitano: 太早了?
gowaa: 假的 泥的目珠業障重XD 要死一起死27F 11/14 16:13
Hazelburn: 繼續看戰狼培養情緒28F 11/14 16:13
ccyaztfe: 看一下風向29F 11/14 16:14
fitano: 要連結十幾億不同文化,語言國家的基建本來就不是2年就通30F 11/14 16:15
fitano: 通搞得定的。
fitano: 就算希望中國失敗,外媒要酸也多拿點料。
jayppt: 翻的加油添醋 當人看不懂英文?光標題的“嚴重”二字就是33F 11/14 16:16
jayppt: 你自己加的 內文也一堆懶得一一提
lordray1: 辛苦了35F 11/14 16:17
jayppt: “complicated”翻譯成 難?36F 11/14 16:18
大興基礎建設很複雜 vs.大興基礎建設很困難 哪個流暢?
aegis43210: 主要是內陸地區運輸成本太高37F 11/14 16:18
kuramoto: 2015年動工蓋鐵路,至今一條未鋪,別說文化,我只知道38F 11/14 16:19
kuramoto: 說要蓋未蓋,跟違約差不多了,還是一百年後有就沒差了?
fitano: 翻譯成這樣,是為了解幫近來反中士氣有些低迷的鄉民增添信40F 11/14 16:19
sank: 推41F 11/14 16:19
fitano: 心嗎?XD42F 11/14 16:19
aegis43210: 開發北極航線比較好43F 11/14 16:19
s711193: 推個44F 11/14 16:19
abadjoke: 這種東西不是本來就是給自家人洗錢用的嗎?45F 11/14 16:20
kuramoto: f大我是在問你46F 11/14 16:20
abadjoke: 怎麼會有人認真看待47F 11/14 16:20
jayppt: 原文很多文字比較中立 按你的翻法都變成偏頗48F 11/14 16:20
jayppt: 你應該是記者 無誤
aegis43210: 沒海運的國家就沒前途50F 11/14 16:20
zeumax: 克拉運河中共官方好像說那個不是他們計畫的,有可能是詐騙51F 11/14 16:22
zeumax: 要蓋沒蓋,是徵收沒做完吧?
novichok: 阿姨很早就吐嘈過了53F 11/14 16:25
MinaseNayuki: 推54F 11/14 16:25
s4552752: 推翻譯55F 11/14 16:26
wangderful04: 推56F 11/14 16:28
Whitening: 哈哈你看看你習包子大撒幣了57F 11/14 16:30
vQuQv: 推不出來?一定是錢燒不夠多 把整個國力都丟進坑看看58F 11/14 16:30
Ghad: 辛苦了59F 11/14 16:32
ams9: 推60F 11/14 16:32
LordOfCS: 推,支那賤畜再吹啊!61F 11/14 16:33
hw1: 中國有一帶一路 不要怕 我們有一例一休跟他拚了!62F 11/14 16:33
gna239: 不是要蓋高鐵來台灣63F 11/14 16:34
linceass: 四年後看成效 不過我猜某些人會說為何不等八年後64F 11/14 16:34
leehenry: 武力鎮壓就好了65F 11/14 16:34
linceass: 不過我評估你等30年都看不到成果66F 11/14 16:35
Joey452: 錢灑得不夠多67F 11/14 16:40
medlife0830: 又高潮了?68F 11/14 16:41
medlife0830: 為什麼台灣人這麼容易高潮...
xzsawq21: 推翻譯70F 11/14 16:42
chivalry70: 一兆XDDDD71F 11/14 16:42
chivalry70: 運河也是笑話一則
cms6384: 想法不錯 但是推動太困難73F 11/14 16:44
jay484848200: 推翻譯XD74F 11/14 16:47
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 11/14/2017 16:49:46
menshuei: 台灣的南向政策是大展手腳的好機會,路上不行,就走海上75F 11/14 16:48
menshuei: 貿易。
Georgetree: 推 翻譯辛苦ㄌ77F 11/14 16:48
koxinga: 解放軍進去就會有解78F 11/14 16:50
twmarstw7758: 50年有成果就不錯了,換個總統就要撒幣一次79F 11/14 16:51
lu3210153: 人家做事有決心 反觀台灣…80F 11/14 16:51
jimshow2001: 計畫是好的,可惜地點不是中國81F 11/14 16:51
iphone5c: 一帶一路就是國家際版的南寧詐騙手法,支那又在自欺欺人82F 11/14 16:51
silentence: 想辦法把過剩的鋼鐵用掉而已  ㄏㄏ83F 11/14 16:52
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 11/14/2017 16:54:10
siangkeith: 翻譯人才84F 11/14 16:53
※ 編輯: fffffff4 (, 11/14/2017 16:56:04
MONMONGA: 中國好棒棒 灣灣別高潮 習大大萬歲萬歲萬萬歲!85F 11/14 16:55
xiaohan85298: 一個只有一張嘴總是在說,一個一句話都沒有總是在做86F 11/14 17:03
xiaohan85298: ,幾年以後再來看誰對誰錯,實踐是檢驗真理的唯一標
xiaohan85298: 準
david8840505: 推推推89F 11/14 17:08
knight77: 一帶一路中就只是個夢想 別國不爽是要蓋個屁鐵路90F 11/14 17:09
maxian30201: 抱歉 孤陋寡聞 這是哪國媒體…91F 11/14 17:10
bobsonlin: 推92F 11/14 17:15
Ghostchaos: 嫩 這樣才能多剪幾次彩啊 笨93F 11/14 17:21
Fari: 爬帶一路94F 11/14 17:21
Rollnmeow: 半島電視台的報導95F 11/14 17:24
rexyeah: 一die 一lose96F 11/14 17:25
u304027: 因為困難,其他國家不願意幫忙的,中國扛了,一帶一路本97F 11/14 17:26
u304027: 來就是全球戰略,不是經濟策略
meimei2016: 謝謝翻譯,辛苦了~99F 11/14 17:27
OAO5566: 阿六仔要來噓惹100F 11/14 17:30
NDSLite: 吹牛101F 11/14 17:30
KINMENKING: 所以習近平一統天下,中美俄聯手後,還有什麼問題102F 11/14 17:32
KINMENKING: 習近平話說完,誰贊成、誰反對?
KINMENKING: 習近平根本懶的一個個解決,直接大戰略搞定通殺
cww7911: 翻譯辛苦105F 11/14 17:34
KINMENKING: 連澳洲反中大將的總理,都跑去跟 習近平 川普合照了106F 11/14 17:34
KINMENKING: 越南人氣的要命,但又能如何?
KINMENKING: 當美國選擇跟中國合作時,誰會去對抗未來的第一強權?
KINMENKING: 大概剩台灣藍綠買辦吧...
antivenom: 9.2表示: 肛門已用清潔劑洗好了 請支那爺盡情插入110F 11/14 17:41
e04man: gg111F 11/14 17:43
chivalry70: 第一?????????支那夢112F 11/14 17:43
bomei: 靠戰爭人海戰術淹過去啊,全世界都中國人113F 11/14 17:46
FlynnZhang: 一帶一路=笑話114F 11/14 17:49
realitysida: 推115F 11/14 17:50
Drizzle: 推116F 11/14 17:51
benothing: 推117F 11/14 17:51
shadowmirror: 過度期待下場就是這樣,再過度吹捧啊118F 11/14 17:56
jack506: 推 翻譯辛苦了119F 11/14 18:00
ScorpioMars: 半島傷害中國人民民族情感120F 11/14 18:03
mc3308321: 中國自我感覺良好之路121F 11/14 18:11
cca1109: 只有智障屎蛆在捧 笑死122F 11/14 18:15
Herojojo: 一o一x123F 11/14 18:17
celebleaf: 翻譯辛苦了124F 11/14 18:19
Posaune: 死好  看到支那人吃噴就是爽125F 11/14 18:20
ALUMIUM: 推126F 11/14 18:21
HCG10G8bear: 推127F 11/14 18:24
rayonwu: 巨嬰國或成最大贏家128F 11/14 18:25
cradredtade: 推129F 11/14 18:29
cocota: 當初喊著一帶一路多好多好的人還不來看看喔130F 11/14 18:29
cchua: 以為每個國家都給你這樣愛蓋什麼就蓋什麼?131F 11/14 18:31
vingfing: 養套殺怎麼人都不來?132F 11/14 18:35
exile4sih: 只要是聰明人都知道國家重大運輸不能被別國掌握133F 11/14 18:40
exile4sih: 就9.2不知道
gene51604: 大灑幣135F 11/14 18:42
Bigcookie2: 我拔草測風向136F 11/14 18:45
attis: 推137F 11/14 18:57
Miralles: 推翻譯138F 11/14 19:13
po3d: 好,推一下139F 11/14 19:46
goldflower: 肯定是沒用支付寶付款  落後東南亞糞國還不快跪下140F 11/14 19:53
imjun: 推141F 11/14 19:53
adifdtd: 一帶一路牽涉太多國家  中國可能未必如此dominant142F 11/14 19:55
adifdtd: 感覺有點像督更  想起來很美好  實行起來寸步難行
jay0215: 爽啦  支那吃屎!144F 11/14 20:18
cheng31507: 推翻譯145F 11/14 20:24
kenlin0105: 我ㄅ看好146F 11/14 20:28
bake088: 席不行就換個行的啦147F 11/14 20:39
stormcrow: 幫推翻譯啦148F 11/14 20:40
gwenwoo:  一帶一路+亞投行=詐騙行為149F 11/14 20:52
edward13: 推一下150F 11/14 21:05
peterhuo: 推151F 11/14 21:05
Forthelife: 等中國統一世界就沒人反對了,奴才們說好不好啊?152F 11/14 21:08
tuaotuao: 翻譯推153F 11/14 21:12
toshizo: 不響應的都是反動分子154F 11/14 21:21
Alexei: 一帶一帶 亞美帶155F 11/14 21:39
gipo776: 翻譯辛苦了156F 11/14 21:44
GGSHICK: 錢跟利益蛋糕分不平的問題阿。157F 11/14 21:45
k145: 翻譯辛苦惹158F 11/14 21:48
pcizj: 不可質疑黨的精神159F 11/14 21:51
randolph80: 五毛來護駕喔160F 11/14 22:20
totogood: 一下161F 11/14 22:21
yunyun0507: 推162F 11/14 22:21
tomchow76: 5毛如果不滿意這篇的翻譯  自己發一篇不就得了~163F 11/14 22:30
tomchow76: 需要躲在推文裡帶風向嗎XD
melike671: 早就有人說過一帶一路會讓中國破產了165F 11/14 22:33
mdkn35: 好啦推推166F 11/14 22:34

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1樓 時間: 2017-11-14 16:33:26 (台灣)
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7樓 時間: 2017-11-15 12:26:10 (越南)
  11-15 12:26 VN
呵 92 老人覺得中國好棒棒
8樓 時間: 2017-11-15 14:29:56 (台灣)
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12樓 時間: 2017-11-16 08:44:19 (台灣)
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