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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2017-12-01 20:28:42
看板 Gossiping
作者 CobeBryant (老大-摳比布萊恩)
標題 [新聞] 英國伊斯蘭學校:打拒絕做愛的女人是OK的
時間 Fri Dec  1 17:09:43 2017


Beating wives if they refuse sex is OK, according to books in Britain’s
Islamic schools

Books that sanction domestic violence and say women should never refuse their
husbands sex are among a series of sexist materials that inspectors have
found in Britain’s Islamic schools. The education watchdog has compiled a
file of the worst examples.
The Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills
(Ofsted) discovered a book in a school library entitled ‘Women Who Deserve
to Go to Hell’, which said it was wrong for wives to show “ingratitude to
their husband” or “have tall ambitions,” according to the Times. It also
detailed “mischievous” females who are a “trial for men.” In its pages,
pupils are told: “In the beginning of the 20th century, a movement for the
freedom of women was launched with the basic objective of driving women
towards aberrant ways.”

Another school Ofsted visited encouraged children to read a text that
contrasted the “noble women of the East” who protects her modesty by
wearing a veil, while the “internally torn woman of the West” attracts men
and leaves her home to hang around in cinemas and cafés.

Other materials claimed that in a Muslim marriage “the wife is not allowed
to refuse sex to her husband” or “leave the house where she lives without
his permission.” Boys and girls were also taught that “the man by way of
correction can also beat her.” Work marked by teachers stated that women had
a responsibility “only to bear children and bring them up as Muslims.”

The social attitudes contained in the library books appear to have filtered
through to children’s work. Ofsted inspectors found a student answered on a
worksheet suggesting women have a responsibility “only to bear children and
bring them up as Muslims” while men should be “protectors of women.” In a
box headed “daily life and relationships” the pupil had written that men
are “physically stronger” and women are “emotionally weaker.” The
worksheet was covered in approving red ticks from the teacher.

Ofsted said the books and writings made for “uncomfortable reading.” It
added that the material it collected was out of step with mainstream Muslim
thinking, and came from maintained schools as well as independent faith
schools and unregistered schools.

The education watchdog took issue in particular with primary schools which
allow girls as young as four to wear the hijab. It said there is a “growing
concern” about the trend. Inspectors are now planning to question Muslim
girls who wear the hijab at primary school, because most Islamic teaching
does not require girls to cover their heads until they reach puberty.

An investigation is also being launched into a reported rise in the number of
girls forbidden from taking swimming lessons in order to preserve their


伊斯蘭學校的小孩, 英格蘭 , Global Look Press








4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Beating wives if they refuse sex is OK, according to books in Britain’s Islamic schools — RT UK News
Books that sanction domestic violence and say women should never refuse their husbands sex are among books found in Britain’s Islamic schools. ...





2017 國際齋戒月炸彈松 第8屆 Final Score  
http://imgur.com/0mZdzZN  恭喜伊斯蘭教 蟬聯八屆冠軍 八連冠!!
http://imgur.com/JU2Vb5b  各地穆斯林認為改信必須死的比率
http://imgur.com/idrg6Sq  44.85%穆斯林認為改信者該被殺死
目前穆斯林擁有改信自由的伊斯蘭國家: 0 個
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
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Howard61313: 公豬養成班1F 12/01 17:10
liwang21320: 干2F 12/01 17:10
moy5566: 支持3F 12/01 17:10
je789520: 大茂黑瓜4F 12/01 17:10
wotupset: 我要改信阿拉了5F 12/01 17:11
lupin2401: 樓下打T高手6F 12/01 17:11
diabolica: ………7F 12/01 17:11
accommodate: 是八卦版台男心目中理想的宗教?XDDDDDDDD8F 12/01 17:12
Toge: 這時候台男就會支持邪教了,嘻嘻9F 12/01 17:12
jagarandy: 是位測試新版規的朋友呢~10F 12/01 17:13
noabstersion: 台女真棒11F 12/01 17:13
liao18: 垃圾宗教的霸主12F 12/01 17:13
qaz90427: 阿拉花瓜是不是說  甲甲不算人  殺了沒有罪13F 12/01 17:13
accommodate: 不過這些智障教規卻促成穆斯林快速繁衍14F 12/01 17:13
e1q3z9c7: 八卦板教15F 12/01 17:13
morichi: 要被獨裁站方查水表了16F 12/01 17:13
我看英國人FB分享的 現在貼新聞也不行惹嗎?
這新聞好像滿熱門的 留言700多個
ams9: 支持 不然怎麼解決少子化問題17F 12/01 17:13
goetze: 如果伊斯蘭教義真的是這樣,那恐怕整個伊斯蘭都有問題18F 12/01 17:14
gt12345: 英國GG19F 12/01 17:14
LoveMakeLove: 拒絕做愛的女人20F 12/01 17:14
yjchiou: 那些教徒怎麼有辦法住在一個元首和首相都是女人的國家?21F 12/01 17:14
kducky: 這就太過了 分手就好22F 12/01 17:14
SamuraiJack: 理想宗教,支持!23F 12/01 17:14
Howard61313: 真的,元首和首相都是女子24F 12/01 17:14
qaz90427: 阿拉花瓜教義:女人想分手  可以殺25F 12/01 17:15
rv0918: 教出恐怖份子殺自己人的特殊宗教26F 12/01 17:15
morichi: 可能英國女王喜歡這種play27F 12/01 17:15
N5566: 垃圾宗教 地球毒瘤-伊斯蘭教28F 12/01 17:16
obdv: 狂29F 12/01 17:16
ohrring: 這樣的文484會被新版龜封殺呢    讓我們繼續看下去30F 12/01 17:16
lulocke: 你標題自己翻的 ?31F 12/01 17:16

Beating wives if they refuse sex is OK, according to books in Britain’s
Islamic schools

Kevin1164: 台女就是過太爽32F 12/01 17:16
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/01/2017 17:19:31
a2156700: 合法打老婆33F 12/01 17:18
wangray1769: 爽 好羨慕34F 12/01 17:19
Becuzlove: 邪教就該死35F 12/01 17:20
a103232: 連英國的都這樣教,其他各地也… …36F 12/01 17:21
Moratti: 伊斯蘭37F 12/01 17:21
Zombieslayer: 難怪這麼會生38F 12/01 17:21
AddictoBear: 這樣會引起人仇恨 我們台灣應該跟上潮流39F 12/01 17:21
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/01/2017 17:24:15
sole772pk37: 台男快改信伊斯蘭教40F 12/01 17:23
voyhanxu: 鬼島仇女肥它根本是IS化身41F 12/01 17:23
superlighten: 台男唯一支持宗教42F 12/01 17:23
angellll: 前幾天才一個強暴10歲女孩 無罪的43F 12/01 17:24
siangkeith: 所以現在不能批評宗教???44F 12/01 17:24
BAR21: 打T比較合理45F 12/01 17:24
archon: 肥宅信什麼教都一樣交不到女友,只能回家打初音出氣46F 12/01 17:25
※ 編輯: CobeBryant (, 12/01/2017 17:27:42
x168o: 伊斯蘭教到底在想啥啊47F 12/01 17:29
djcc: 哈哈哈哈  英國48F 12/01 17:30
rumirumi: 阿拉花瓜49F 12/01 17:30
ayane801x: 上次還在該該叫 看你們宗教怎麼教小孩50F 12/01 17:32
Andebull: ....51F 12/01 17:32
color3258: 阿拉花瓜 伊斯蘭教 邪教52F 12/01 17:35
gox1117: 台女就是過太爽53F 12/01 17:37
gouran: 讚54F 12/01 17:38
tfoxboy: 哈哈55F 12/01 17:39
tyifgee: 快笑死 穆斯林根本女權終結者56F 12/01 17:39
Ramon325: 誰他媽再跟我扯一次阿拉花瓜邪教徒是溫和的看看57F 12/01 17:43
northwater: ok58F 12/01 17:44
LeonardoChen: 女權:...59F 12/01 17:45
color3258: 阿拉花瓜不順我意就炸到你家開花~~~~~~~~~~60F 12/01 17:45
Ycosmos: 滾  廢物邪教61F 12/01 17:46
dragonne: 可悲,這種宗教還受宗教自由保護呢,歐洲人被炸上天剛好62F 12/01 17:47
versace: RT?...俄羅斯跟伊斯蘭教是同等級的63F 12/01 17:49
andrew40907: 笑死64F 12/01 17:49
Kenqr: ...65F 12/01 17:50
blackcat666: 八卦恐同反智人的天堂國家,可惜要改信伊斯蘭教,同66F 12/01 17:53
blackcat666: 拜耶穌加阿拉 嘻嘻
garman0403: 某around快出來反駁阿68F 12/01 17:54
keric7: 邪教69F 12/01 17:56
shanpinlo: 操70F 12/01 17:59
ARPG: 哈哈,這樣不算邪教嗎?71F 12/01 18:03
ndtoseooqd: 台灣邪教協會還不出來護航?72F 12/01 18:04
grandzxcv: 滿好笑的73F 12/01 18:05
Refauth: 難怪伊斯蘭教在台灣根本沒有辦法壯大XD74F 12/01 18:05
s961234: 真的是邪教75F 12/01 18:06
rickcoo: 邪教 垃圾76F 12/01 18:08
ubike5566: 哇靠 原來八卦版這麼多留學英國回來的77F 12/01 18:09
Shakerzero: 拿宗教來鞏固私慾78F 12/01 18:09
orton417: 花瓜!!79F 12/01 18:10
cynthiajul: 優質宗教適合優質台男80F 12/01 18:20
Aquariussoul:81F 12/01 18:22
mikoto1007: 伊斯蘭素質就是這麼棒82F 12/01 18:25
umano: 八卦-183F 12/01 18:26
ppc: 英國還不出手管?太誇找84F 12/01 18:27
MADAOTW: 邪教科科男人的天堂85F 12/01 18:27
afu4869: 這什麼腦殘教科書...86F 12/01 18:29
polestar0505: 左膠女權挺到底的宗教 到底比較爽對八87F 12/01 18:31
dororo1:88F 12/01 18:32
gfhnrtjpoiuy: 瓜起來!89F 12/01 18:37
gigigaga747: 是有多恨伊斯蘭啊......90F 12/01 18:43
ltjfw2012: 要怎麼報名入學?91F 12/01 18:43
DLHZ: 你知我知 邪教素質有什麼好說92F 12/01 18:48
godrong95: .93F 12/01 18:48
dendrimer: 信教要割包皮94F 12/01 18:50
DarkHolbach: 伊斯蘭協會出來指責一下啊95F 12/01 18:51
swallow510: PTT母豬教的最愛96F 12/01 18:54
Forthelife: 沙文豬都不足形容97F 12/01 18:54
shinkiro: 支持屁,還是拉基教98F 12/01 18:58
Forthelife: 母豬教打打嘴砲,伊斯蘭教徒實際犯罪99F 12/01 18:58
bobo8bobo: 李敖:男人都不該打老婆 除了連戰 因為他老婆該打100F 12/01 19:06
luxaky: 臺灣伊斯蘭邪會: zzz101F 12/01 19:08
PBlumer: 測試版規的時候到了 邪會崩潰仇恨言論102F 12/01 19:09
TheDragonBug: 這不就是比較有種的母豬教嗎  ????103F 12/01 19:11
rkb84: 所以台灣女權不只要亞洲第一,更要世界第一,才能拉高水平104F 12/01 19:17
tin123210: 阿扁巴巴大俠輸了105F 12/01 19:17
enthusiasm12: 不能游泳 好慘喔106F 12/01 19:21
hank11235813: 那我只好打死他老媽了107F 12/01 19:26
lin961213: 女拳團體又噤聲了不愧4自助餐108F 12/01 19:28
taylorabc: 台男理想國度109F 12/01 19:38
qama: 多報導讓所有人更了解伊斯蘭~110F 12/01 19:41
fishkingz: 如果女權團體把檢討男性的時間拿去對付伊斯蘭教世界感111F 12/01 19:42
fishkingz: 覺會和平點...
Forthelife: 母豬教永遠在嘴砲範疇,難道教主單身?113F 12/01 19:43
dxxxb: 大家不要這樣 要多多包容 政府快設立更多祈禱室114F 12/01 19:44
ErROrGG: 阿拉花瓜115F 12/01 19:44
mimimoumou: 八卦台男的天堂116F 12/01 19:50
rebai: 沒有母豬亂告的理想國度117F 12/01 19:58
offish: 可受公評的新聞啊 很好 這很清真118F 12/01 20:00
Tapqou: 請問如何入教119F 12/01 20:05
gin10791: 中國黨校:可以趕走你認為低端的死老百姓120F 12/01 20:13
goldflower: 哈哈依素懶叫根本糞121F 12/01 20:20

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1413 
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