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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞]加拿大總理:返國ISIS聖戰士可教化
時間 Fri Dec 22 17:29:16 2017
The Daily Wire
Justin Trudeau On Returning ISIS Fighters: They'll Be An 'Extraordinarily Powerful Voice' For Canada
In a year-end interview with one of Canada's state television networks, CTV, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed that he believes returning Jihadists — like those ISIS members headed back to Canada after losing the fight abroad — can be rehabilitated into "powerful" voices against radicalism within Canada.
To say that's wishful thinking, well, that might just be an understatement.
Now that ISIS is nearly 98% defeated — a product of an increased offensive line against the Jihadists in Iraq and elsewhere — Canada anticipates that some of their departed brethren who left to join in the fight for the Caliphate, will return to their motherland. Unlike the United States, apparently, Canada plans on welcoming the ones who claim to be reformed back with open arms.
And Trudeau thinks that's a good thing.
"We know that actually someone who has engaged and turned away from that hateful ideology can be an extraordinarily powerful voice for preventing radicalization in future generations and younger people within the community,” he told the news network.
This puts him at odds with the man in charge of rehabilitating returning radicals, Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale, who recently told the same news network that it might be nearly impossible to completely reform an ISIS fighter hardened from the battlefield. In fact, Goodale said, once a Jihadist has left to join the violent crusade, the chances of him returning with good intentions are almost zero.
加拿大公共安全部長Ralph Goodale卻持反對杜魯道的看法。他曾表示,ISIS聖戰士經過戰爭的歷練後,已經無法完全教化了。一旦成了聖戰士,悔改的機率近乎於零。
“If you want to have a good solid hope of some kind of successful intervention, it has to be at a much earlier stage. You have to prevent the problem before it exists,” Goodale said. “Once a person has been in a war zone, once they’ve been actively engaged in terrorist-related activities, the capacity to turn them around is pretty remote.”
But nevertheless, the doe-eyed Trudeau says he'll persist in turning the Islamic radicals into assets for Canada. He does say that he plans on monitoring returning Jihadists for problems, but he's ready and willing to take them back anyway.
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Justin Trudeau On Returning ISIS Fighters: They'll Be An 'Extraordinarily Powerful Voice' For Canada | Daily Wire
In a year-end interview with one of Canada's state television networks, CTV, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed that he believes returning Jihadist ...
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→ : 聽起來好耳熟1F 12/22 17:29
→ : 五樓願意當isis的肉便器2F 12/22 17:29
推 : 阿拉花瓜3F 12/22 17:29
推 : 是可幹話吧4F 12/22 17:30
推 : 可教化5F 12/22 17:30
推 : 台灣法官當總統??6F 12/22 17:30
推 : 堅持人性本善就對了 來看看幾時會後悔7F 12/22 17:31
推 : 出張嘴最快 反正死的也是一般老百姓8F 12/22 17:31
推 : XDDDD 讚 就需要這種人來證明我們左派的偉大9F 12/22 17:32
→ : ????10F 12/22 17:32
→ : 移民國家本來就比較偏向人善論了啊11F 12/22 17:33
推 : 又一個左膠要誤國了12F 12/22 17:33
推 : 台灣領先全球13F 12/22 17:33
推 : 坐等阿拉花瓜14F 12/22 17:34
→ : 這人常講幹話 說一套作一套15F 12/22 17:34
推 : 我看你是沒被炸過喔16F 12/22 17:34
→ : 上次非法移民自己也是默默停收17F 12/22 17:35
→ : 感覺危險18F 12/22 17:35
推 : 是引渡回國槍斃吧19F 12/22 17:35
→ : 可以啊 把她們頭砍掉就可以了20F 12/22 17:35
推 : 加拿大左膠,噗疵~~ 社民黨之流的最喜歡這種鬼話哈!21F 12/22 17:35
→ : 所以加拿大的女人要當聖戰士的x奴嗎22F 12/22 17:36
→ : isis可是每個聖戰士都有配x奴喔
→ : isis可是每個聖戰士都有配x奴喔
推 : isis很乖的 一定是被人帶壞24F 12/22 17:38
推 : 可教化!太好了,先拿自己國家示範,讓國際看看怎麼做25F 12/22 17:39
→ : 幫加拿大人QQ26F 12/22 17:39
推 : 阿拉花瓜27F 12/22 17:40
推 : 司法恐龍28F 12/22 17:41
推 : 1世界領袖的胸襟29F 12/22 17:42
推 : 要是可教化 這宗教就不會發展成這樣了30F 12/22 17:43
推 : 左膠:犧牲平民 換來我大左名聲 值得!31F 12/22 17:44
推 : 世界之癌要入侵北美了32F 12/22 17:44
推 : 大茂黑瓜33F 12/22 17:45
噓 : IS:用鐵(槍)與血(子宮)征服加拿大34F 12/22 17:46
推 : 可悲左膠35F 12/22 17:46
→ : 如果加拿大做不到, 就送來台灣教化吧!!36F 12/22 17:46
→ : 川普那道往加拿大的牆不知道開始蓋了沒37F 12/22 17:46
推 : 哇靠 加拿大有反悔聖戰士!!!38F 12/22 17:55
推 : 可教化eh39F 12/22 17:58
推 : 他是左膠沒錯40F 12/22 18:01
推 : 智障41F 12/22 18:02
推 : 仇恨是無法教化的42F 12/22 18:07
推 : 通通送去加拿大43F 12/22 18:18
→ : 出事就不要叫喔44F 12/22 18:19
推 : 左膠救國喔45F 12/22 18:27
推 : 他是出名的左膠沒錯46F 12/22 18:36
→ : 教化伊斯蘭極端份子...47F 12/22 18:38
( ̄︿ ̄)p darkrise1980, a0987789369, clisan, zoohoods 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2017-12-22 19:13:32 (加拿大)
12-22 19:13 CA
比起加拿大政府賠一千零五十萬加幣(約2.4億台幣)給小聖戰士Omar Khadr. 這還好啦. 相信我 很多加拿大人是很不能接受的
2樓 時間: 2017-12-22 20:10:55 (台灣)
12-22 20:10 TW
Omar Khadr, what a f*ck up piece of shit. Canadian government should just deport him with his family and revok their citizenship.
3樓 時間: 2017-12-22 21:21:25 (台灣)
12-22 21:21 TW
4樓 時間: 2017-12-22 21:29:49 (台灣)
12-22 21:29 TW