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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-31 23:28:27
看板 Gossiping
作者 GYLin (Lynx)
標題 [新聞] reddit鄉民用AI將AV女優的臉換成Gal Gado
時間 Wed Jan 31 21:03:14 2018

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The AI creating fake PORN: 'Deepfakes' algorithm puts Gal Gadot's face onto
the body of an adult movie star

Reddit鄉民用AI將AV女優的臉換成Gal Gadot

※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
A troubling new video that appears to show Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot
performing in a short adult film has shed startling light on what could
happen when machine learning falls into the wrong hands.

The video, created by Reddit user deepfakes, features a woman who takes on
the rough likeness of Gadot, with the actor’s face overlaid on another person
’s head.

It was made by training a machine learning algorithm on stock photos, Google
search images, and YouTube videos of the star – and experts warn the
technique is ‘no longer rocket science.’

The unsettling new video spotted by Motherboard might not fool anyone, but it
is a stark reminder of the growing concerns over the ease with which machine
learning could be used to create fake porn starring a particular person
without their consent, along with other malicious content.

And, it’s not the first.

Deepfakes has made similar videos of other stars, too, including Taylor Swift
and Game of Thrones’ Maisie Williams, according to Motherboard, which says
it has notified the management companies and publicists of those affected.

The Redditor relied on open-source machine learning tools to create the fake
porn videos.

The algorithm was trained on real porn videos and images of Gal Gadot,
allowing it to create an approximation of the actor’s face that can be
applied to the moving figure in the video.

Read more:
Algorithm puts Gal Gadot's face onto porn star's body | Daily Mail Online The unsettling video, created by Reddit user deepfakes, features a woman who takes on the rough likeness of Gal Gadot, with the actor’s face overlaid  ...

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他已經用這套開源的演算法將A片中的人物換成Taylor Swift, 冰與火之歌演員Maisie Williams等.

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Algorithm puts Gal Gadot's face onto porn star's body | Daily Mail Online The unsettling video, created by Reddit user deepfakes, features a woman who takes on the rough likeness of Gal Gadot, with the actor’s face overlaid  ...


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cena0605: 很棒阿1F 01/31 21:03
james732: 五樓把AV女優的臉換成蔡英文2F 01/31 21:03
chocoball: 之前都是改艾瑪花生阿3F 01/31 21:03
abc12812: 五樓把加藤英的手指換成自己的屌4F 01/31 21:03
kairi5217: 腿了5F 01/31 21:04
OyAlbert: 真的是偉大發明XD6F 01/31 21:04
gn02118620: 大爆射時代來臨7F 01/31 21:04
abellea85209: 已知用火8F 01/31 21:04
gn02118620: 生育率又要下降囉9F 01/31 21:04
akira00150: 才能的有效活用10F 01/31 21:04
zzz4414: 啊 專題就來做這個11F 01/31 21:04
whathefuc: 誒好棒,科技真的會讓人類絕種12F 01/31 21:05
tfoxboy: 肛13F 01/31 21:05
TyuzuChou: 科技存在於人性14F 01/31 21:05
DarkIllusion: 之前看都艾瑪華森 大家都想幹死愛瑪華森15F 01/31 21:05
icps: 難怪有看過  好久的新聞16F 01/31 21:05
Camderela: 飛鴿傳書17F 01/31 21:05
ak77now: 好舊的新聞18F 01/31 21:07
secret1414: 還有看過汪可盈的19F 01/31 21:08
sevenny: 以後都不需要真人演員了啦20F 01/31 21:11
omx: 親眼見證人類科技樹點歪的瞬間21F 01/31 21:14
power41: 火22F 01/31 21:16
LoMing1021: 浪費天賦XDDD23F 01/31 21:21
eooe: 艾瑪華森的關鍵字是? 我還真沒看過24F 01/31 21:26
cookieli: 大意淫時代開始25F 01/31 21:29
whatbb123: 這片很久了 鴿子封包新聞? google "AI made porn"一26F 01/31 21:29
whatbb123: 堆
hahahank: 陳菊.avi28F 01/31 21:33
cavitylapper: 全球最大寒假作業 快去買張1080ti加入創作吧29F 01/31 21:34
abc194555: 剛看到結衣耶30F 01/31 21:35
liz0401: 讚讚讚 Gal比Emma那死魚臉正多了31F 01/31 21:46
jefe: 坐等大家上傳作業32F 01/31 21:53
Turas: 果然色情都走在科技的最尖端33F 01/31 21:53
chrisnt: 可以換成松島楓和蒼井空了欸           疑?34F 01/31 21:57
tzouandy2818: 一個月前的新聞了 八卦是作者有把自己開發的軟體放35F 01/31 22:14
tzouandy2818: 出來
Soros1989: pornh*b就有啊37F 01/31 22:16
yuinghoooo: 先進技術都是從AV開始的38F 01/31 22:22
stu25936: 科技尖端就是軍事和色情 沒有別的39F 01/31 22:30
chanceiam: 推8樓40F 01/31 23:03
gowaa: 這新聞很久了吧41F 01/31 23:13

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