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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-01-26 22:13:19
看板 Gossiping
作者 dinosaurian (蜜蜂把拔)
標題 [問卦] 「不能只有我看到」怎麼中翻英才對
時間 Fri Jan 26 12:22:24 2018






得到的結果是「I can not only look.」



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QQgq3GX (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1516940547.A.421.html
scelerisque: May show gun more1F 01/26 12:22
chiz2: costco2F 01/26 12:23
Hyver: this is a pen3F 01/26 12:23
ymib: By Nan Zu Yo Wo Gan Dau4F 01/26 12:23
North4use: I can’t be the only one to see this5F 01/26 12:23
Benbenyale: Try it6F 01/26 12:23
NCKUFatPork: you can't see me7F 01/26 12:23
g8330330: share8F 01/26 12:23
Benbenyale: Trust me You can make it9F 01/26 12:23
will0620: dinosaurian10F 01/26 12:23
mildshine: It can not be seen by me only.11F 01/26 12:23
godend: this can't be only seen by me12F 01/26 12:23
Mei5566: creampie13F 01/26 12:23
melissalewis: Bu nan zu yo wal kan  Dow14F 01/26 12:23
gaym19: kamehameha15F 01/26 12:23
qwerapple: over my dead body16F 01/26 12:24
yukihira: shake it off17F 01/26 12:24
slovea: Ikea18F 01/26 12:24
a402132000: IKEA19F 01/26 12:24
a402132000: 幹慢了
linceass: everyone, get in here21F 01/26 12:24
bruce511239: dont just i see22F 01/26 12:24
ifulita: Can't only I look.23F 01/26 12:24
march20: Too spectacular not to share24F 01/26 12:25
serding: MUST SHARE25F 01/26 12:25
kairi5217: Let'a cook26F 01/26 12:25
IsaacNewton: cant only i see27F 01/26 12:25
calvin0319: this is apple28F 01/26 12:26
fuhaho: how are you29F 01/26 12:27
mmmpkxabc36: I can't be the only one have seen that.30F 01/26 12:27
paca0713: 五樓正解31F 01/26 12:27
charmingpink: u can't see me32F 01/26 12:27
bigcho: you can't see me33F 01/26 12:27
yggyygy: Ah apple pen34F 01/26 12:29
ja1295: Jump35F 01/26 12:29
kuromai: these should be shared :D36F 01/26 12:29
a0980637149: Now you see  my pe***37F 01/26 12:30
klises: Share38F 01/26 12:30
WJYY: 大潤發39F 01/26 12:31
daug: I can't be the only eyewitness40F 01/26 12:31
ohrring: ikea41F 01/26 12:31
t95912: 五樓最標準42F 01/26 12:32
slimfat0202: An Apple a day, keep dicks away.43F 01/26 12:32
cphafa: I have no money44F 01/26 12:34
holybless: 孔明の罠45F 01/26 12:34
CumCumCum: ohhhhhh46F 01/26 12:34
zukidelko: a is for apple,t is for tt106947F 01/26 12:35
wangyc: 推五樓48F 01/26 12:35
fanyuzeng: hello world49F 01/26 12:36
stussypoison: You can't see me50F 01/26 12:39
amethystboy: It's good to see.51F 01/26 12:41
d8888872002: Yoooooooooo52F 01/26 12:41
DowntoC: How do you turn this on53F 01/26 12:41
power3641: Not to see only me54F 01/26 12:42
hassmetou: now you see me55F 01/26 12:45
cygnusx123: threeeeeeeeeeeee56F 01/26 12:46
dan1196: say my name57F 01/26 12:47
steven861103: 五樓果然專業58F 01/26 12:48
Jayferrari: EVERYBODY MUST KNOW!!!!!!!!!59F 01/26 12:48
zen960405: No can only have me see arrive60F 01/26 12:48
junkuo: I can't see me61F 01/26 12:50
dan1196: ポケモンゲットたせ62F 01/26 12:51
wayneh1556: Cant be the only gay suck my dick63F 01/26 12:53
qoo8892110: subscribe & share64F 01/26 12:55
willy9510: you can’t see me my time is now65F 01/26 12:56
westhaown: 公3小66F 01/26 12:57
leo1990910: I can't be only one to see this.67F 01/26 12:58
Dora5566: 一堆學店英文68F 01/26 13:00
chiguang: see that69F 01/26 13:01
yeap193: I wanna share something with you! So impressive!!!70F 01/26 13:13
Goldentoad: 五樓專業71F 01/26 13:15
s58111158: 五樓是直翻,不過用法的話MUST SHARE比較接近72F 01/26 13:16
suhs: U should see this73F 01/26 13:19
chad80722: Show me the money74F 01/26 13:23
ncsoften1625: How do you turn this on75F 01/26 13:23
YALEMY: everyone come to see see together76F 01/26 13:24
fix78: suck my dick77F 01/26 13:26
atana: winter is coming78F 01/26 13:26
morphology: 5F79F 01/26 13:27
showhere: 推五樓80F 01/26 13:28
gunfighter: can't only I see arrive81F 01/26 13:34
jfsu: What you preprae to do82F 01/26 13:35
WeAntiTVBS: 母湯機屋挖跨丟83F 01/26 13:38
WeAntiTVBS: 這是光頭哥用語
oaoa0123: 大家的英文真爛85F 01/26 13:39
SayNoToPanda: 建議你說 這東西值得更多關注86F 01/26 13:43
iamhemry: Ikea87F 01/26 13:45
kaishaochen: It's good to drink?88F 01/26 13:49
hunterw: Can’t be the only witness89F 01/26 13:50
y0707186: Fucking cuddle90F 01/26 13:54
meowchen: not only my but also you can see91F 01/26 13:57
leov72: It can not pay attention on my own92F 01/26 13:57
kmtlikeslave: I am not the only victims93F 01/26 14:11
iWatch5566: This is a pen94F 01/26 14:16
han77920: Get on the bus now!95F 01/26 14:23
dsilver: come on,hurt each other96F 01/26 14:38
Howard61313: hurt each other是要互相傷害吧XDDDDDDDDDDD97F 01/26 14:47
theophilus: you jump, i jump98F 01/26 15:21
Miralles: you cant miss it99F 01/26 15:48
mayuyuki: 僕は何を見せられているんだ100F 01/26 15:51
kennyluck: must see101F 01/26 16:24
s8900117: 推五樓102F 01/26 18:13
devicer: you should try this103F 01/26 18:20
YuanJhih: Long time no see104F 01/26 18:32
windowxp: Didn't only I see it.105F 01/26 18:49
ymx3xc: can't only me see.106F 01/26 18:51
cccc1730: Watch & learn!107F 01/26 19:06
oolontea: cant be just me108F 01/26 19:13
Lapislazuli: Awesome!109F 01/26 20:29
allen44475: Fire in the hole110F 01/26 21:09
dancing74185: Oh no ! can’t  be the  only my see about this.111F 01/26 21:16
GodOfGods: you should see that112F 01/26 21:26

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1227 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2018-01-27 08:51:56 (越南)
  01-27 08:51 VN
不二價=one price. 「不能只有我看到」=You should see it.
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