※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-02-15 19:09:01
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 荷蘭新法通過所有國民都將成為器官捐贈者
時間 Thu Feb 15 14:29:35 2018
New Dutch law makes every adult an organ donor | News | DW | 14.02.2018
The Netherlands has passed a controversial new law making everyone a potential organ donor unless they specifically opt out. Similar donation laws alr ...
The Netherlands narrowly passed new legislation on Tuesday that will register
every citizen aged 18 and over as a potential organ donor, unless they
explicitly choose to opt out.
Senators in the Dutch upper house of parliament voted 38 to 36 to pass the
draft bill put forward by the progressive D66 party.
Under the new law, every Dutch adult who has not yet registered as an organ
donor will receive two letters asking them to indicate whether or not they
want to become donors. If they don't respond after the second mail they will
automatically be added to the list, but are free to amend their status at any
The bill was already approved by the Netherlands' upper House of
Representatives in September 2016, albeit by a narrow vote of 75 to 74.
Critics of the bill complained that it put too much authority in the hands of
the government over what happens to a citizen after their death.
The drafter of the legislation, D66 MP Pia Dijkstra, said she made a number
of changes in a bid to ease its passage through the lower house. As part of
the changes, authorities must consult with the deceased's relatives. The
family will also have the final say over whether the procedure goes ahead,
according to Dijkstra.
修法的起草者,D66黨的Pia Dijkstra說她在力拼通過下議院時就對草案做了很多改變。其中一些改變為,官方一定要對過世者的親屬諮商協調。家人有對該過程決定的最終權利。
Organ donor shortages have long been a problem in the Netherlands. According
to Dutch public broadcaster NOS, some 57 people died waiting for a new organ
during the first half of 2016.
"Hopefully that number will decline under the new system," it said.
The Netherlands follows the likes of Spain, which has had its own opt-out
organ donor system since 1979, and France, which introduced similar
legislation in January 2017.
In Spain, which is widely viewed as a world leader in organ donations, there
were an average of 43.4 individual donors per million people in 2016,
markedly more than that year's EU average (19.6) and US average (26.6).
Germany, which has an opt-in registration system, continues to lag behind,
partly thanks to a 2012 organ donor scandal.
A Göttingen doctor was accused of attempted manslaughter and grievous bodily
harm after he allegedly falsified medical documents to speed up the process
for receiving organs transplants for his patients. Prosecutors argued his
actions cost the lives of others who needed the transplants more urgently.
The doctor was acquitted in 2015 after the judge ruled it could not be proven
exactly who had died as a result. It subsequently became apparent that the
practice was far more widespread than initially thought.
Read more: Organ scandal forces rethink of donor system
German Health Minister Hermann Gröhe said then the number of organ donations
had dropped in the aftermath of the scandal, as people have felt increasingly
discouraged to participate in the program.
推 : 前幾天我開電腦玩fallout 4 玩了半小時就突然吐了11/15 20:20
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
→ : 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
→ : 結果十分鐘後 我爸跟我媽也突然跑去吐了@@
→ : 最後發現.....是晚餐時吃的貢丸壞掉了
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QXIZJNk (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1518676179.A.5EE.html
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 02/15/2018 14:30:10
推 : 讚比紅十字會更強1F 02/15 14:30
→ : 那得愛滋的也是器捐者ㄇ 有點可怕2F 02/15 14:30
推 : 大麻吸太多3F 02/15 14:30
→ : 活摘器官4F 02/15 14:30
推 : 祖國真先進5F 02/15 14:30
→ : 我們懷念她6F 02/15 14:31
→ : 這是好做法 但是東方的傳統下推行會阻力很大7F 02/15 14:32
→ : 中國就沒這問題8F 02/15 14:33
推 : 台灣應該也要強制修法9F 02/15 14:33
→ : 採取不想捐贈才登記的制度。
→ : 每個人都會有需要的時候
→ : 採取不想捐贈才登記的制度。
→ : 每個人都會有需要的時候
→ : 可以跟中國買啊12F 02/15 14:34
推 : 反觀台灣13F 02/15 14:43
推 : 推14F 02/15 14:48
推 : 讚15F 02/15 14:49
推 : 中國果真是先進國家16F 02/15 14:49
推 : 推17F 02/15 14:50
推 : 推18F 02/15 14:51
推 : 國民都是國家的,但我都沒收到簡訊QQ19F 02/15 14:53
推 : 還是輸對岸20F 02/15 14:53
推 : 好政策 (?)21F 02/15 14:55
噓 : 這太過分了 做好事要心甘情願22F 02/15 14:57
推 : 推23F 02/15 14:58
→ : 不能說好或不好 只怕因此延遲3D列印人工器官的演進~24F 02/15 14:59
推 : 推25F 02/15 14:59
→ : 畢竟器捐還是有排斥性問題~26F 02/15 15:00
推 : 推27F 02/15 15:00
推 : 好28F 02/15 15:00
→ : 被器捐29F 02/15 15:01
推 : 好啊30F 02/15 15:07
推 : 推一個31F 02/15 15:08
推 : 全民斗內32F 02/15 15:09
推 : 愛滋病應該也會爭取器捐33F 02/15 15:09
推 : 錢34F 02/15 15:16
推 : 好35F 02/15 15:20
推 : 不爽不要捐~36F 02/15 15:20
噓 : 台大愛滋器官捐贈事件五人受捐者無人驗出病毒37F 02/15 15:30
→ : 不錯啊38F 02/15 15:38
推 : 不錯啊 我以後也要捐贈ㄚ39F 02/15 15:40
推 : 推啊 台灣應該跟進 省得被慈x佔便宜 捐器官的人只有「40F 02/15 15:45
→ : 福報」 慈x驚社愈蓋愈多 愈大間 醫院椅子原木 高級的咧
→ : 福報」 慈x驚社愈蓋愈多 愈大間 醫院椅子原木 高級的咧
推 : 怪怪42F 02/15 15:54
推 : 錢43F 02/15 15:59
推 : 錢44F 02/15 16:00
推 : 德政45F 02/15 16:11
→ : 有人捐器官捐骨髓周邊血傻傻分不清...跟慈濟有啥關係46F 02/15 16:15
推 : 中國可以活摘47F 02/15 16:27
推 : 推48F 02/15 16:36
推 : 中國:49F 02/15 16:40
推 : 低能 新加坡30年前就通過的法案 荷蘭現在才學50F 02/15 16:53
推 : 推51F 02/15 16:58
推 : 中國:嫩52F 02/15 17:02
推 : 推推53F 02/15 17:15
→ : 讚54F 02/15 17:17
推 : 很好55F 02/15 17:18
推 : 推56F 02/15 17:25
推 : 臺灣不可能 留全的概念太深了57F 02/15 17:29
推 : 推 支持58F 02/15 17:34
推 : 覺得不錯59F 02/15 17:38
推 : 我覺得很好 全力支持60F 02/15 17:51
推 : 西班牙不是早就61F 02/15 17:58
推 : 這不是道德綁架嗎?62F 02/15 18:00
推 : 中國:嫩,我們都直接拿63F 02/15 18:06
推 : 推64F 02/15 18:16
→ : 這系統真的不錯
→ : 這系統真的不錯
推 : 推66F 02/15 18:30
推 : 真不愧是真祖國67F 02/15 18:43
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 442
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1樓 時間: 2018-02-16 02:02:29 (台灣)
02-16 02:02 TW