※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-09 23:05:31
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 重金屬怎麼入門
時間 Mon Apr 9 20:56:06 2018
那時是聽 Symphony X
覺得 Church of the Machine 和 Revelation 不錯
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1QosBeZ_ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1523278568.A.8FF.html
推 : Babymetal1F 04/09 20:56
推 : 比較喜歡聽爵士2F 04/09 20:56
推 : Dio3F 04/09 20:56
推 : 鋼門4F 04/09 20:56
→ : 萬磁王把世界上所有金屬塞進五樓肛門5F 04/09 20:56
推 : 55666F 04/09 20:56
噓 : Helloween 七把鑰匙主人一和二仙聽完!!!!!!!!!7F 04/09 20:56
→ : 五樓肛門變重金屬8F 04/09 20:56
推 : 五樓很堅持自己的肛門塞滿金屬9F 04/09 20:57
推 : 桃園米吃多點 力求身心合一10F 04/09 20:59
推 : 我覺得槍與玫瑰很適合入門11F 04/09 20:59
推 : X Japan12F 04/09 21:00
→ : Nickelback 是您最佳選擇13F 04/09 21:00
推 : 多吃點彰化的米14F 04/09 21:00
推 : slipknot15F 04/09 21:01
噓 : 推三小nickelback啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!16F 04/09 21:02
推 : Dethklok 啦17F 04/09 21:03
推 : shadow gallery18F 04/09 21:05
推 : cradle of filth19F 04/09 21:05
推 : Dokken20F 04/09 21:05
推 : 殷維啊21F 04/09 21:06
推 : MayDay的Tenderness 超Metal的 又沒嘶吼 給你參考22F 04/09 21:06
噓 : babymetal啥小鳥屎團23F 04/09 21:07
噓 : 汞吧 溫度計就有24F 04/09 21:08
推 : Lamb of God 不騙25F 04/09 21:09
→ : 我唱的啦26F 04/09 21:09
推 : Nickelback神團27F 04/09 21:12
推 : 我都從五月天和nickelback開始入門28F 04/09 21:13
噓 : Michael Kiske根本Metal GOD!!!!!!!!!!29F 04/09 21:13
→ : XDD
→ : XDD
推 : 鳥屎團最近YouTube剛超過1M訂閱31F 04/09 21:13
→ : 才1m了不起 連五月天躺著都贏32F 04/09 21:15
→ : 速金 歌德金?33F 04/09 21:15
→ : 旋律金
→ : 你的意思應該是不要硬核吧
→ : 旋律金
→ : 你的意思應該是不要硬核吧
推 : 前衛金屬除了DT外,推shadow gallery與DGM36F 04/09 21:16
推 : 先來首mudvayne dig壓壓驚37F 04/09 21:18
推 : 旋死啊 at the gate 跟 in flames 入門38F 04/09 21:18
推 : 鈧鈦釩鉻錳鐵鈷鎳銅鋅39F 04/09 21:19
→ : 與嘶吼比起來,有些前衛金屬反而比較不好入口40F 04/09 21:21
推 : 曼森算是哪一種金屬?41F 04/09 21:22
→ : 彰化的米聽起來很brutal42F 04/09 21:23
推 : Opeth43F 04/09 21:23
→ : 曼森工業金屬吧44F 04/09 21:23
推 : 曼森馬臉金屬吧45F 04/09 21:26
→ : 謝謝各位 來聽聽46F 04/09 21:28
→ : 用發錢改謝ㄅ47F 04/09 21:30
→ : 工業48F 04/09 21:31
推 : 7-1149F 04/09 21:32
推 : 個人推薦鎘 不過汞比較容易取得50F 04/09 21:32
推 : 原po helloween七把鑰匙主人1和二必聽!!!! ><b51F 04/09 21:34
→ : 真的很爽
→ : 快歌強到爆 抒情歌更是一絕
→ : Helloween最愛的抒情歌是a tale that wasn't right
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P2xx5cs7o8
→ : 真的很爽
→ : 快歌強到爆 抒情歌更是一絕
→ : Helloween最愛的抒情歌是a tale that wasn't right
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P2xx5cs7o8
Helloween - Live in Tuttlingen, Germany 1987 (Full Concert) - YouTube Setlist: 00:00 - Intro 01:38 - Initiation 02:41 - I'm Alive 06:06 - Judas 11:40 - A Little Time 16:10 - Cry For Freedom 18:05 - Victim of Fate 26:00 - Guardi...
→ : 1987 live a tale that wasn't right在56F 04/09 21:36
→ : 48;49這邊 可以先聽 抒情到炸
→ : 48;49這邊 可以先聽 抒情到炸
推 : 要鬱卒滄桑你可以聽doom甚至funeral metal59F 04/09 21:40
推 : dethklok 讚60F 04/09 21:43
推 : 鋁也很容易入門,比汞更好取得,效果又不會太強61F 04/09 21:44
推 : 是真的要鬱卒的金屬嗎?還是金屬抒情歌?62F 04/09 21:44
→ : 原po應該要金屬團的抒情歌吧?! XDDD63F 04/09 21:45
→ : 鬱卒的金屬吧64F 04/09 21:45
→ : 如果是喜歡吸入式的朋友,可以考慮含鉛的銲錫,用焊槍65F 04/09 21:45
→ : 點著就可以享受
→ : 點著就可以享受
→ : 其實應該都可以XD67F 04/09 21:45
→ : 原po 你可以先接受金屬的抒情歌之後了 在挑戰快歌68F 04/09 21:47
→ : 快歌其實更爽..
→ : 其實很多metal團的抒情歌 都很讚!!!!!!
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUfZBS13k6c
→ : 快歌其實更爽..
→ : 其實很多metal團的抒情歌 都很讚!!!!!!
→ : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUfZBS13k6c
→ : Wash away the poison72F 04/09 21:50
→ : Babymetal73F 04/09 21:53
推 : Ozzy開始74F 04/09 21:55
Amorphis - The Black River - YouTube
Last song from the album Silent Waters, concluding the tale of Lemminkäinen whose mother rescues and resurects him from the the river of death in Tuonela, th...
Last song from the album Silent Waters, concluding the tale of Lemminkäinen whose mother rescues and resurects him from the the river of death in Tuonela, th...
Stratovarius - 4000 Rainy Nights - YouTube
These empty days are filling me with pain After I left it seems my life is only rain My heart is longing to the better times When everything was still so fin...
These empty days are filling me with pain After I left it seems my life is only rain My heart is longing to the better times When everything was still so fin...
推 : 去專版問會比較快...77F 04/09 21:57
推 : 正在聽tool78F 04/09 21:57
Ghost Brigade - In The Woods - YouTube
Band: Ghost Brigade Song: In The Woods Album: Until Fear No Longer Defines Us Release Date: August 18th 2011 Lyrics: Trying to remember the names of the plac...
Band: Ghost Brigade Song: In The Woods Album: Until Fear No Longer Defines Us Release Date: August 18th 2011 Lyrics: Trying to remember the names of the plac...
推 : 先喝愛河80F 04/09 22:02
→ : ozzy也超讚阿!!!!!!!!!!!!!!81F 04/09 22:02
→ : 怕你一次吸收不了太多..XD
→ : 怕你一次吸收不了太多..XD
Stratovarius - 4000 Rainy Nights - YouTube
These empty days are filling me with pain After I left it seems my life is only rain My heart is longing to the better times When everything was still so fin...
These empty days are filling me with pain After I left it seems my life is only rain My heart is longing to the better times When everything was still so fin...
Stratovarius - Liberty - YouTube
Sun is shining Sky is so blue I'm filled with hope It's promising The course my life is taking Searching of my truth has brought me here Facing things with c...
Sun is shining Sky is so blue I'm filled with hope It's promising The course my life is taking Searching of my truth has brought me here Facing things with c...
→ : 樓上有人推騰雲了..85F 04/09 22:04
推 : 先去背元素週期表86F 04/09 22:07
推 : 安格拉阿,新專不錯87F 04/09 22:09
推 : 聽led Zeppelin就夠了,後面走火入魔夠難聽88F 04/09 22:11
推 : 多喝一些鉻酸89F 04/09 22:12
推 : 從食物開始 力求身心合一90F 04/09 22:18
推 : 7-1191F 04/09 22:19
推 : 吃溫度計92F 04/09 22:19
推 : 我想推Angra雖然是速金 但rebirth這首帶悲壯成熟93F 04/09 22:31
→ : 但其實我猜你是想要黑暗系金屬,聽聽Lacrimosa你會愛
→ : 但其實我猜你是想要黑暗系金屬,聽聽Lacrimosa你會愛
推 : slipknot95F 04/09 22:33
推 : 或是辜狗類似Doom Metal的抑鬱黑 自殺黑 氛圍黑96F 04/09 22:35
推 : 彰化米是什麼樂團 我沒聽過97F 04/09 22:37
推 : 先聽過大東poker face再來談重金屬98F 04/09 22:45
Slumber ~ Fallout [album] - YouTube
2004 saw the release of this masterpiece. Sadly, Slumber is no more but, thankfully, Fallout remains. Deep love always for this album. Slumber was: Mikael Br...
2004 saw the release of this masterpiece. Sadly, Slumber is no more but, thankfully, Fallout remains. Deep love always for this album. Slumber was: Mikael Br...
推 : 試試opeth100F 04/09 22:48
推 : Rammstein101F 04/09 22:49
推 : 多吃綠石蚵102F 04/09 22:52
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 938
( ̄︶ ̄)b calvin6666 說讚!