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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-12 14:08:17
看板 Gossiping
作者 LastDinosaur (LastDino)
標題 [新聞] 阿茲海默症可以消除?科學家這樣做
時間 Thu Apr 12 01:34:35 2018

Alzheimer’s Disease Damage Completely Erased in Human Cells by Changing Structure of One Protein
This finding is an important breakthrough in Alzheimer's research. ...



覺得我農場標題可以噓我沒關係>< 但希望能夠耐心看完這新聞 我翻譯的


Scientists in California successfully changed a protein associated with
Alzheimer’s disease into a more harmless form, allowing them to erase brain
cell damage. The breakthrough is especially important because the research
was not conducted on mice but rather human cells.


Researchers from the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco took stem cells
from Alzheimer’s patients who had two copies of the apoE4 gene as well as
stem cells from healthy volunteers who also had a pair of the apoE3 gene, a
study published online Tuesday said. They then created neurons, or brain
cells, from these stem cells.


Through studying these neurons, the team was able to identify exactly why
apoE4 puts individuals at such increased risk for Alzheimer’s disease. For
example, having one apoE4 gene more than doubles the chances of developing
Alzheimer’s disease, and possessing two copies of the gene increases risk of
developing the neurodegenerative brain disease by 12-fold, a statement on the
study reported.


Now we know this is because the apoE4 gene, which creates the apoE4 protein,
increases the production of the amyloid beta protein. This finding surprised
the researchers, as the presence of the apoE4 gene in mouse models did not
increase amyloid beta production.


“What’s important from this study is that we used human cells,” Yadong
Huang, senior investigator at Gladstone and lead author of the study told
Newsweek. “The many previous studies were performed on animal models or
animal cells.”


Increased amyloid beta production is significant because in some cases, these
proteins can clump together and form plaques. These plaques can disrupt
neuron messaging and in turn cause many of the symptoms associated with
Alzheimer's disease, such as cognitive problems.


Once the team confirmed that the presence of apoE4 promoted Alzheimer’s
disease, they then worked on a way to prevent this. They developed a way to
change the structure of the apoE4 protein in order to make it harmless. This
erased any damage of Alzheimer’s disease and helped increase brain cell
survival in the human cell model.


The results are promising, especially since they were seen in human cells and
not an animal model. Still, the research is not quite a cure, at least not
yet. The results will have to be repeated in human patients. The researchers
are now working to translate this finding into a compound that can be used on
an industrial level so that eventual human trials will be possible.


“It’s hard to predict how long it would take but we are working very hard
right now to narrow it down from many small molecule candidates to finally
focus on one or two and then hopefully move to the clinical trials,” said




looop: 前幾天我開電腦玩fallout 4 玩了半小時就突然吐了11/15 20:20
looop: 我還想說自己怎麼變得那麼沒擋頭
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jerrey: 好文,但沒附文献出處25F 04/12 02:21
YAHO0: 這不叫人體實驗 只是細胞實驗 離真正的人體差距超遠26F 04/12 02:25
DCHC: 這個基因療法仍只是臨床實驗27F 04/12 02:25
horizondrift: 你的第一段翻譯,人體細胞的實驗跟人體實驗完全不同28F 04/12 02:28
感謝感謝 已修正~~
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/12/2018 02:29:21
horizondrift: 請搞清楚in vitro跟in vivo不是相等的,這樣翻譯很29F 04/12 02:29
horizondrift: 像記者標題殺人,有誤導之嫌
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/12/2018 02:30:54
horizondrift: 修正補推31F 04/12 02:32
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winfredx: 感謝翻譯。蚵p&9.2超期待解藥der37F 04/12 06:36
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gxlin: 再30年看看有沒有機會啦39F 04/12 08:44
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