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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-17 14:10:40
看板 Gossiping
作者 khfcgmbk (三毛兒)
標題 [問卦] 印象深刻的遊戲BGM?
時間 Tue Apr 17 11:05:57 2018






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formatted: 大航海時代1F 04/17 11:06
DarenR: ToS2F 04/17 11:06
ZzERICzZ: 小一點的鄉公所應該可以給你黑這種箱3F 04/17 11:06
※ 編輯: khfcgmbk (, 04/17/2018 11:07:40
Newtype: 聖劍傳說34F 04/17 11:07
green4wo: 爐石5F 04/17 11:07
Newtype: 惡魔城6F 04/17 11:08
※ 編輯: khfcgmbk (, 04/17/2018 11:08:06
formatted: QQ 我小時候的回憶7F 04/17 11:08
orze04: RO 魔力寶貝8F 04/17 11:08
estupid: CS1.6 某版放she is my sin9F 04/17 11:08
formatted: She is my sin 是nightwish 的歌啦10F 04/17 11:10
minimio: RO 天翼之鍊 救世者之樹 這三款目前還是主要聽的11F 04/17 11:11
s88163: 大航海時代4還有online版的BGM都很好聽12F 04/17 11:11
STi2011: 影子傳說13F 04/17 11:13
zxasqw0246: 末白鎮14F 04/17 11:13
sonyabear: https://youtu.be/bgXQX-1cVB415F 04/17 11:14
pponywong: 超級瑪莉阿16F 04/17 11:15
dustree: 天翼之鍊 到現在還是會聽17F 04/17 11:16
sonyabear: https://youtu.be/3NPGJ1TKobM18F 04/17 11:17
sonyabear: https://youtu.be/5xh1ET-5TJA
asd22144: Da Da Da piano solo 超喜歡~20F 04/17 11:22
CrazyR: FFVI 超時空之鑰21F 04/17 11:22
mitzuishi: 天翼再一票 second round、魔法森林、海洞、水洞好聽22F 04/17 11:23
derekhsu: 軒轅劍23F 04/17 11:24
sonyabear: 超時空之鑰、幻想水滸傳都很不錯25F 04/17 11:24
Mega Man 2: Dr. Wily Stage 1 Music EXTENDED - YouTube
I'm happy to announce that once again this is the FIRST EXTEND EVER of this music! Chuggaaconroy says this is the best song ever! Its pretty cool but maybe n...

Ninja Gaiden - Unbreakable Determination (4-2 stage music) (extended) - YouTube Music is stereo'd thanks to Wiiguy309:  for whole OST :)

zaqmkovfr: 仙劍奇俠傳28F 04/17 11:29
newking761: 天堂阿29F 04/17 11:30
ccucwc: 超級瑪莉、影子傳說、馬戲團、12功夫30F 04/17 11:31
ugliness: 軒3,動物之森31F 04/17 11:31
layu19920414: 等燈32F 04/17 11:32
Carmelo3: FF7 Sephiroth33F 04/17 11:32
Maruku3: 瑪奇登入bgm34F 04/17 11:35
lynx: 巨商35F 04/17 11:36
holybless: dq5 還能挑老婆36F 04/17 11:37
siaopu: 瑪琪登入BGM真的經典37F 04/17 11:42
siaopu:  奇
joygo: 天堂攻城和盟戰音樂一下開打39F 04/17 11:42
nolovemore: FF系列戰鬥結束音樂40F 04/17 11:44
qron: 石器時代41F 04/17 11:48
aa23512b: 天翼超讚 都掛在那維克聽42F 04/17 11:51
dodoju: 英雄傳說系列都不錯!43F 04/17 11:51
helsinki: 打四天王44F 04/17 11:52
genovis: 楓之谷這種八年級屁孩遊戲不要提好嗎45F 04/17 11:57
PIN0602: 手遊就神魔之塔 PC的可以聽一下英雄傳說軌跡系列的46F 04/17 11:57
Baba Yetu Live | Cadogan Hall 2016 - YouTube
Watch Christopher Tin conduct “Baba Yetu” – his Grammy Award-winning theme song written for Civilization IV. Performed by the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, t...

knight0121: How哥宇宙48F 04/17 12:04
yayawoliyau: Wow旅店49F 04/17 12:07
truelife009: fha. last piece50F 04/17 12:09
sonyabear: https://youtu.be/PxlEYPdftUU51F 04/17 12:10
w9: D2剛進蘿格營地、仙劍1、流星蝴蝶劍四方陣52F 04/17 12:11
yahoomessage: 沒有世紀帝國?53F 04/17 12:11
sonyabear: PSP 的 LAST RANKER 整片OST都很好聽54F 04/17 12:11
sonyabear: https://youtu.be/TsOZaQyl6xM
ms0073542: 天翼second run還有那維克晚上BGM超好聽56F 04/17 12:13
SaGa Frontier II - Feldschlacht I (EXTENDED) - YouTube
Album: SaGa FRONTIER II Original Soundtrack Game: SaGa Frontier 2 Composer(s): Masashi Hamauzu Arranger(s): Masashi Hamauzu Original Image: by yan 36k (やん)- ...

Best VGM 315 - Romancing Saga 3 - Battle Theme - YouTube
See also: Best VGM 126 -  A collection of my favorite videogame music. Note that most of them are from games...

02 Battle 2 - from Romancing SaGa 3 ~ Re:Birth II / Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange - YouTube Battle 2 from Romancing SaGa 3, arranged by Kenji Ito for the album Re:Birth II / Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange. Tracklist: 01 Battle 1 Medley - from Romanci...

YoZoR: 楓谷上海攤跟綠水靈洞60F 04/17 12:23
Final Fantasy III - Boss Theme (NES).wmv - YouTube
Music from the boss battles in FFIII for the NES. All credit goes to Nobuo Uematsu.

joe321pig: 等燈 燈燈燈燈62F 04/17 12:24
Final Fantasy VIII - Force Your Way [HQ] - YouTube
Final Fantasy 8 - Force Your Way [HQ]

05 Four Demon Nobles Battle Medley - from R. SaGa 3 ~ Re:Birth II / Romancing SaGa Battle Arrange - YouTube Four Demon Nobles Battle Medley, a medley made of the two Four Demon Battle themes from Romancing SaGa 3, arranged by Kenji Ito for the album Re:Birth II / R...

Mahasata: 以上肥宅我都是列出戰鬥場景的配樂 遊戲音樂神的很多:)65F 04/17 12:34
fadolee: 億千萬66F 04/17 12:57
imjun: 神奇寶貝紫苑鎮67F 04/17 13:14
CF661020: 信長之野望 Online & RF Online68F 04/17 13:16
lbowlbow: RO卡登入的BGM = =69F 04/17 13:16
mm1314: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PXWJeUDvFsk天地創造 OP70F 04/17 14:01

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