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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2018-04-23 03:34:56
看板 Gossiping
作者 LastDinosaur (LastDino)
標題 [新聞] 沙烏地阿拉伯砍頭人數飆高70%
時間 Sun Apr 22 23:38:56 2018

Number of Beheadings in Saudi Arabia Rises by 70%
Amid mounting criticism of Saudi Arabia over its human rights record, a new report by a nonprofit organization shows that the number of beheadings in  ...


美國新聞 我翻譯der

In its latest report published Saturday, the European Saudi Organization for
Human Rights (ESOHR) said executions by the Saudi government in the first
quarter of 2018 increased by 72% compared to the corresponding period last


According to the report, a number of foreign nationals also face capital
punishment in Saudi Arabia.


The report came against a backdrop of widespread criticism of the kingdom
over its terrible human rights record, including the censorship of free
speech, indiscriminate incarceration of citizens with no due process, or the
lack of basic freedoms for women and girls.


Although the Riyadh government does not disclose any official statistics for
people on death row, ESOHR has confirmed that 42 people are facing imminent
execution, including 8 people who were minors at the time of the offence.


The report has also decried the Saudi regime’s move to execute people for
alleged offenses that do not even cross the serious crimes threshold defined
by the international law, noting that the convicts have simply attended
peaceful demonstrations, exercised freedom of speech, or practiced their
religious rites.


Since 2008, Saudi Arabia has rejected all requests for visits by special
independent rapporteurs of the United Nations, who are concerned about the
kingdom’s human rights violation, the report added.


In March 2017, Michel Forst, a UN special rapporteur on the situation of
human rights, expressed serious concerns about the situation of human rights
defenders in Saudi Arabia.

在2017年3月,一個聯合國人權報告員Michel Forst提到他對沙國人權捍衛者的強烈關注

Also in a report in September 2017, the UN Secretary General deplored Saudi
Arabia for practicing intimidating acts such as travel bans, freezes on
assets of people, and the use of torture against individuals or groups that
collaborate with the UN institutions or programs.


Figures show that 146 people were decapitated in Saudi Arabia in 2017, of

whom 56 were foreigners.


Only in one day in July 2017, Saudi Arabia killed four people charged with
attending demonstrations.



靠北,沙烏地阿拉伯有夠兇 = =

lianpig5566: 感謝開文09/26 21:32
slove4699: 一樓帥哥09/26 21:32
lianpig5566: 謝謝09/26 21:32
slove4699: 更正三樓09/26 21:32
slove4699: 幹

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james732: 五樓被砍龜頭1F 04/22 23:39
bonfferoni: 五樓被甲甲咬斷龜頭2F 04/22 23:39
kutkin: 真主保佑!!3F 04/22 23:39
shevchen: 一樓帥哥4F 04/22 23:39
roy0075430: 五樓砍六樓龜頭5F 04/22 23:39
shevchen: 改六樓6F 04/22 23:39
yyc2008: 怎麼會翻成砍頭? 翻得很差7F 04/22 23:39

Number of Beheadings in Saudi Arabia Rises by 70%

我這樣翻 應該還可以吧 ㄅ過算惹 鄉民真嚴格 我道歉

kmtlikeslave: 示威遊行要被砍頭喔?8F 04/22 23:40
pikakami: 同性戀會被處死  鄉民的理想國9F 04/22 23:40
HAHAcomet: 一定是蜂蜜不純10F 04/22 23:40
goodman5566: 有油就是屌11F 04/22 23:41
kmtlikeslave: killed four people charged with attending demons12F 04/22 23:41
kmtlikeslave: trations.支那豬表示羨慕
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/22/2018 23:43:06
kmtlikeslave: 美國:他們是王八蛋,但他們是美國養的王八蛋14F 04/22 23:42
SamuelLuo:  這時候廢死人士哪裡去了?15F 04/22 23:44
coollfd: 支持撲殺愛滋帶原病蟲16F 04/22 23:45
a2334436: 人家有石油又有美國罩 無能韓國人領導的組織誰鳥啊17F 04/22 23:46
SonyXperiaZ3: 沙國就跟恐甲屁民一樣野蠻18F 04/22 23:47
kmtlikeslave: 沙烏地阿拉伯死刑都是公開,斬首算仁慈的,其他還19F 04/22 23:47
kmtlikeslave: 有火刑跟石刑
kmtlikeslave: 跟清末菜市口差不多
jason21510: 政教合一就會變這種鬼樣子22F 04/22 23:51
descending: 笑死,覺青不是最愛說阿拉伯人是人類文明起源?怎麼23F 04/22 23:57
descending: 跟清朝差不多?
hysw: 這三小野蠻落後國家25F 04/23 00:00
kmtlikeslave: 支那畜牲又在幻想喔?穆罕默德幾梯的,還文明起源26F 04/23 00:00
kmtlikeslave: 什麼時候我講過阿拉伯人是人類文明起源這種笑話了?
sincere77: 嚴厲執行死刑不是鄉民的理想國度嗎?28F 04/23 00:04
peterwu4: 沙烏地阿拉伯的態度動搖了… 所以美國要對付他們了…29F 04/23 00:07
LOVEMS: 前面抱美國大腿抱到連中東股神都被關起來了 現在還搖擺是30F 04/23 00:14
LOVEMS: 嫌活太長嗎?
max5401: 台灣割包皮人口創新低32F 04/23 00:17
arceus: 沙烏地可是人均排世界前幾的先進國家 爵卿要怎麼嘴?33F 04/23 00:19
kmtlikeslave: 這時候又人均囉? 台灣人均高還是中國人均高?34F 04/23 00:23
kmtlikeslave: 自打嘴巴喔?
kmtlikeslave: 哪支那豬在吹三小?輪到13億賤畜嘴台灣人?
kmtlikeslave: 講個沙烏地行刑方式在公眾場所斬首,頗有支那古風,
LYS5566: 好38F 04/23 00:27
kmtlikeslave: 突然被扣了一頂穆斯林粉的帽子Zzz39F 04/23 00:27
kmtlikeslave: 參加示威遊行要被砍頭問支那豬羨不羨慕就好了,一
kmtlikeslave: 個胡扯文明起源秀下限,一個又有石油人均高不能嘴,
kmtlikeslave: 到底在公殺洨
togmogo: 不純43F 04/23 00:44
unicorn222: capital punishment= 死刑......44F 04/23 00:58
嗚嗚 這太丟臉了 謝謝你糾正
※ 編輯: LastDinosaur (, 04/23/2018 01:05:41
gigisteve: 垃圾國家,要不是有石油,你們比北韓還不如45F 04/23 01:06
Leika: 這個國家比史瓦濟蘭還不如 至今還把宗族冠在國家之前46F 04/23 01:12
Leika: 賓拉登生前以沙烏地為恥是很明智的 阿拉伯世界因為有這樣的
Leika: 領導國家 所以不可能恢復興盛
Leika: 以收入看這個國家的文明 是錯的
gigisteve: 真的,這種國家真的很可恥,白痴都看著出來50F 04/23 01:20

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