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作者 標題 [新聞] Canadian held in China questioned dail
時間 Sun Dec 23 08:11:25 2018
※ 例如蘋果日報、奇摩新聞
路透社 Reuters
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Canadian held in China questioned daily, no lawyer, can't turn off light: sources
※ 社論特稿都不能貼! 違者刪除(政治類水桶3個月),貼廣告也會被刪除喔!
Canadian held in China questioned daily, no lawyer, can't turn off light: sources
By Ben Blanchard
Reuters December 21, 2018
Police keep watch outside the embassy of Canada in Beijing, China,
December 12, 2018. REUTERS/Thomas Peter
By Ben Blanchard
BEIJING (Reuters) - A former Canadian diplomat detained in China is being
denied legal representation and is not allowed to turn the lights off at
night, people familiar with the situation said, offering new details on the
closely watched case.
China last week detained two Canadians - Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat
and an adviser with the International Crisis Group (ICG) think-tank, and
businessman Michael Spavor - after Canadian police arrested Huawei
Technologies Co Ltd's [HWT.UL] chief financial officer, Meng Wanzhou, on
Dec 1.
Canada arrested Meng at the request of the United States, which is engaged
in a trade war with China. Meng faces extradition to the United States to
face fraud charges which carry a maximum sentence of 30 years jail for each
China has given only vague details of why they have detained the two
Canadians, saying they are suspected of engaging in activities that
endangered China's security, and has not drawn a direct link to Meng's
Canada has said the detentions are unacceptable and U.S. Secretary of State
Mike Pompeo has said China should free the men. ICG President Robert Malley
has also called for Kovrig's release.
The sources familiar with Kovrig's case said he was taken away at around
10 p.m. (1400GMT) on Monday last week while on a street in Beijing.
China formally notified the Canadian government of Kovrig's detention two
days later, at 4 p.m. (0800GMT) on Wednesday last week.
Canada only gained consular access to him at a police station on Friday
last week, when he was visited for half an hour by the Canadian ambassador
and two other Canadian diplomats, the sources said.
"He's not allowed to apply for bail and not allowed to see a lawyer," said
one source, adding Kovrig was being held at an undisclosed location,
questioned every morning, afternoon and evening and not allowed to turn the
lights off at night.
He is also only allowed one consular visit a month and is not allowed to see
family or loved ones.
"He is physically all right but tired and stressed," the source said.
"Physically he does not appear mistreated."
Two other people familiar with the case corroborated the details.
A third person said Kovrig was being confined to a single room, but despite
the stress remained lucid.
"Our previous comments on this case stand," said Adam Austen, a spokesman
for Canadian Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland, when asked about Kovrig.
The comments on Kovrig from the sources were made in recent days. All the
sources requested anonymity citing the sensitivity of the situation.
Under Chinese criminal procedure law, special forms of detention and
interrogation can be used for state security suspects.
Rights groups say conditions in Chinese detention facilities are often basic
and can be harsh, with lack of legal representation and due process
compounding worries about treatment.
In 2015, a British corporate investigator accused Chinese officials of
deliberately withholding medical treatment while he was in jail to try to
force him to confess to a role in a scandal involving drugmaker
GlaxoSmithKline Plc.
While details are unclear, it is possible Kovrig is being held in a form of
detention known as "residential surveillance at a designated location",
according to Hong Kong-based Amnesty International East Asia Research
Director Joshua Rosenzweig.
Previous reported experiences of individuals held under this measure have
included prolonged questioning, close and constant monitoring and sleep
deprivation, Rosenzweig said.
Both the United Nations and Amnesty have singled out this form of detention
as "creating a potent environment for abuse aimed at extracting confessions,
which are highly prized in China's criminal justice system", he said.
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Friday the details of
Kovrig's detention and treatment needed to be checked, and referred specific
questions to the "relevant authorities".
The Ministry of State Security, which is leading the investigation into
Kovrig, has no publicly available contact details.
"We have already said that China has in accordance with the law guaranteed
Michael Kovrig's lawful rights and humanitarian treatment," Hua told a daily
news briefing.
Canada has been provided "necessary help" to get consular access, she said.
"I don't know whether you paid attention to the treatment or the human rights
of the Chinese citizen who was illegally detained in Canada at the request of
the United States?" Hua said, referring to Huawei's Meng.
A Canadian court last week granted Meng bail. Among conditions of her bail,
the 46-year-old executive must wear an ankle monitor and stay at home from
11 p.m. to 6 a.m.
The Canadian government has said several times it saw no explicit link
between the arrest of Meng, the daughter of Huawei's founder, and the
detentions of Kovrig and Spavor.
But Beijing-based Western diplomats and former Canadian diplomats have said
they believed the detention of the Canadians were a "tit-for-tat" reprisal
by China.
If a Canadian judge rules the case against Meng is strong enough, Canada's
justice minister must next decide whether to extradite her to the United
States. If so, Meng would face U.S. charges of conspiracy to defraud multiple
financial institutions.
No details have been revealed about Spavor's detention.
China on Thursday said a third, female Canadian was undergoing "administrative
punishment" for working illegally, after Canada's government confirmed the
(Reporting by Ben Blanchard; Additional reporting by Christian Shepherd, and
David Ljunggren in Ottawa; Editing by Michael Perry, Robert Birsel)
4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
※ 當新聞連結過長時,需提供短網址方便網友點擊
Canadian held in China questioned daily, no lawyer, can't turn off light: sources
Michael Kovrig, a former diplomat and an adviser with the International Crisis Group (ICG) think-tank, and businessman Michael Spavor - after Canadian ...
※ 一個人一天只能張貼一則新聞,被刪或自刪也算額度內,超貼者水桶,請注意
1. 第一名被中國逮捕的加拿大人不被允許請律師,睡覺不可關燈甚至不被允許睡眠.
2. 被逮捕的人只允許一個月見加拿大政府人員一次.
3. 拘留環境惡劣.
4. 逮捕的罪名是模糊不清的”危害國家安全”.
5. 第二名被逮捕的加拿大公民目前中國方面沒有釋出任何資訊.
6. 第三名被逮捕的是加拿大籍女性,理由是非法就業,目前是被行政當局拘留.
7. 雖然加拿大政府否認這三個人是跟加拿大逮捕華為有關,但美加外交圈認為中國這種
8. 如果孟被引渡到美國受審,罪名很重,相關罪名會是30年有期徒刑.
9. 相比之下,孟在加拿大是獲得相當合乎人道的處遇.
10. 華春瑩還在胡說八道說中國會對居留的人人道對待.
1. 這三個都是親中派,中國政府專門柿子挑軟的吃.台灣一堆親中的請自己罩子放
2. 去跟中國交流合作呀!中國是個連律師都不讓你請,抓你也不給你睡覺的國家.
3. 繼續”兩岸一家親,九二共識”嘛!中國會在跟台灣交流之後成為民主自由國家?
4. 最近一堆台灣政客搶著舔中國懶叫,看起來西方國家應該可以放心制裁舔中派,我
5. 前幾天加拿大的偵察機還在靠近北朝鮮的國際海域執行任務時被中國軍機騷擾,看
6. ”危害國家安全”真是中國政府萬靈丹,不論抓誰都可以用這個理由.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1S7jAnWX (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1545523889.A.821.html
→ : ㄕㄨㄛㄓㄨㄥㄨㄣ1F 12/23 08:11
→ : 死好2F 12/23 08:11
推 : 推3F 12/23 08:13
※ 編輯: Pegasus170 (, 12/23/2018 08:15:43推 : 第一項想到阿扁4F 12/23 08:16
推 : 這讓我有點懷疑李明哲... 是說 還有人記得這人嗎?5F 12/23 08:19
推 : 推6F 12/23 08:19
→ : 加拿大自己都親中 活該好嗎 超爽的7F 12/23 08:21
推 : 為啥台灣人都以為喊九二共識經濟會變好8F 12/23 08:22
推 : 厲害了你的國 讓國際看看這畜牲國家如何蠻橫的也不錯9F 12/23 08:23
推 : 支那共匪黨這群匪類 都已經擺明他們就是匪了 還這麼10F 12/23 08:23
→ : 愛貼過去 肏
→ : 愛貼過去 肏
→ : 加拿大人12F 12/23 08:24
→ : 再匪也沒像美國在各國殺人13F 12/23 08:26
推 : 经典的反智反帝国主义的言论又来了14F 12/23 08:27
→ : 世界警察到处杀人 哈哈哈
→ : 世界警察到处杀人 哈哈哈
推 : 還有加國抓了百餘位中國非法移民 而中國也抓了許多加拿16F 12/23 08:30
→ : 大華裔 中國讓倒霉的人幾乎都是華裔 這就是支那
→ : 大華裔 中國讓倒霉的人幾乎都是華裔 這就是支那
推 : 推文賤畜出沒18F 12/23 08:31
→ : 外媒報導是中國已經抓了200多位加拿大人(許多是華裔)19F 12/23 08:31
推 : 請先制裁中國台北、中國台中、中國高雄20F 12/23 08:36
推 : 呵呵21F 12/23 08:36
推 : 李明哲也是親中派22F 12/23 08:37
推 : 乃哥暫時千萬不要去中國啊,不然就真的blue了23F 12/23 08:37
噓 : 爸爸救我24F 12/23 08:37
→ : 危害國家安全全世界都在濫用好嗎
→ : 美國用這個理由非法侵略過多少國家
→ : 危害國家安全全世界都在濫用好嗎
→ : 美國用這個理由非法侵略過多少國家
→ : 共產黨治國不力,讓國家處於崩潰邊緣27F 12/23 08:40
→ : 所以才會動不動國家安全就被威脅
→ : 所以才會動不動國家安全就被威脅
→ : 推29F 12/23 09:16
→ : 加拿大人享受新疆待遇 老共真把台灣當兄弟善待多了XD30F 12/23 09:18
推 : 總結可以放第一頁嗎31F 12/23 09:34
推 : 韭菜們快去你們最愛的中國樂土32F 12/23 09:35
推 : 啥時抓台灣人,等好久了33F 12/23 09:40
推 : 快快 粉粉們快舔中共那有錢的腳34F 12/23 10:11
推 : 推35F 12/23 10:14
→ : 台灣不是已經有一個李明哲?36F 12/23 10:24
→ : 韭菜要有韭菜的樣子…
→ : 韭菜要有韭菜的樣子…
推 : 說實在話台灣親中的想要讓不乖的進集中營 巴不得配合老38F 12/23 13:49
→ : 共 只是它們認為火燒不到它們(排除可以移民的)
→ : 共 只是它們認為火燒不到它們(排除可以移民的)
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 196
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