※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-07 18:42:27
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 叫出Michael Jackson哪首歌 算骨灰級粉然
時間 Thu Feb 7 16:00:58 2019
偉大的歌手 慈善家
更被金氏世界紀錄 認證為最成功的藝人
叫得出Michael Jackson哪首歌
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SM-Mzpr (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1549526461.A.CF5.html
※ 編輯: flower42 (, 02/07/2019 16:01:21
※ 編輯: flower42 (, 02/07/2019 16:01:41
※ 編輯: flower42 (, 02/07/2019 16:01:41
噓 : 筆勒?1F 02/07 16:01
→ : 我難過2F 02/07 16:01
→ : 快樂崇拜3F 02/07 16:01
→ : who bad4F 02/07 16:01
→ : 我難過5F 02/07 16:01
推 : 七辣6F 02/07 16:02
推 : MJ哪一首歌不算老阿 拜託7F 02/07 16:02
→ : u r not alone8F 02/07 16:02
推 : Baby baby baby oh~9F 02/07 16:02
推 : 呱呱呱10F 02/07 16:03
推 : 誰是老大11F 02/07 16:03
推 : they don't really care about us12F 02/07 16:04
→ : 還真的很多粉絲已經變骨灰了13F 02/07 16:04
推 : man in mirror14F 02/07 16:05
→ : smooth criminal, remember the time, jam15F 02/07 16:05
※ 編輯: flower42 (, 02/07/2019 16:06:01Michael Jackson - In the Closet (Official Video) - YouTube
The "In The Closet" short film was a stunning departure from Michael Jackson's previous work-a sensual dance in Salton Sea, California with supermodel Naomi ...
The "In The Closet" short film was a stunning departure from Michael Jackson's previous work-a sensual dance in Salton Sea, California with supermodel Naomi ...
→ : 逼哩禁17F 02/07 16:06
推 : 公牛隊 巫師隊18F 02/07 16:06
→ : in the closet 這首不是很有名,但很不錯19F 02/07 16:07
→ : Ben20F 02/07 16:07
推 : earth song, scream21F 02/07 16:07
→ : Ben22F 02/07 16:07
推 : 黑與白24F 02/07 16:08
推 : 逼哩盡25F 02/07 16:08
→ : 鐵粉才知道in the closet這首,卡帶反覆聽的人才會知道26F 02/07 16:09
推 : Jackson 5時期吧27F 02/07 16:10
Working With Michael Jackson and Herb Ritts on "In The Closet" Music Video - YouTube Memories I will cherish... Michael Jackson and Herb Ritts, thank you. #BeingNaomi SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW: Instagram:
→ : 這個當年跟他拍片的黑妹29F 02/07 16:14
推 : 小時候看這MV會勃起 正常嗎30F 02/07 16:15
→ : Ben31F 02/07 16:17
→ : abc32F 02/07 16:18
推 : 你是看到麥可才硬的嗎?33F 02/07 16:21
推 : Gan Woo Pee 434F 02/07 16:24
→ : I'll be there35F 02/07 16:24
推 : in the closet 明明算有名了= =36F 02/07 16:26
推 : speed demon 有點奇怪的MV37F 02/07 16:29
推 : ben...38F 02/07 16:30
推 : 我只會beat it39F 02/07 16:38
推 : Google不就好了40F 02/07 16:57
推 : I want you back41F 02/07 17:08
推 : I want you back44F 02/07 17:21
推 : Ben45F 02/07 17:27
The Jacksons - Blame It On the Boogie - YouTube
The Jacksons' official music video for 'Blame It On The Boogie'. Click to listen to The Jacksons on Spotify: As feat...
The Jacksons' official music video for 'Blame It On The Boogie'. Click to listen to The Jacksons on Spotify: As feat...
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 285
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