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※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-10 09:23:49
看板 Gossiping
作者 morgankhs (豪哥)
標題 [問卦] 美劇有什麼台詞很經典的?
時間 Sat Feb  9 23:01:01 2019



想到之前看的絕命毒師 Say my name

或是冰與火的 shame shame shame




※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SNkimIz (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1549724464.A.4BD.html
XperiaZ6C: Hi, have you met Ted?1F 02/09 23:01
akila08539: winter is coming2F 02/09 23:01
noreg0393933: You know nothing3F 02/09 23:01
mjj90138: Redwood Original4F 02/09 23:02
k220647252: oh daddy fuck me5F 02/09 23:02
noreg0393933: 一樓那部很好笑,不過拖太長才結尾6F 02/09 23:02
seuil: I'm coming!!7F 02/09 23:02
j870123: hodor8F 02/09 23:02
mmmimi11tw: motherfucker9F 02/09 23:03
ChiehKuo: Haha Have~you met Ted?10F 02/09 23:03
ChiehKuo: ET go home
Leicaca: 絕命六龜葡萄12F 02/09 23:03
scemoorso: hodor13F 02/09 23:03
ChiehKuo: 啊這4電影14F 02/09 23:03
holydc: may show gun more15F 02/09 23:04
killermax: How you doing?16F 02/09 23:04
Zombieslayer: ikea17F 02/09 23:04
cafeole: We were on a break!18F 02/09 23:04
rrrivz: I did not hit her!19F 02/09 23:05
luciffar: The more people you love, the weaker you are.20F 02/09 23:05
ChiehKuo: Better call Saul21F 02/09 23:05
derrick1220: would u please suck my dick22F 02/09 23:06
kianwei: But23F 02/09 23:06
hipab: suck my dad body24F 02/09 23:06
cafeole: Legen - wait for it - dary25F 02/09 23:06
akko76815: Get down !26F 02/09 23:06
seuil: I'm pregnant27F 02/09 23:06
ChiehKuo: Legendary xd28F 02/09 23:06
noreg0393933: Suit up29F 02/09 23:06
luciffar: OVER MY DEAD BODY!30F 02/09 23:07
s930036: over my dead body31F 02/09 23:07
theeht: 這世上最奢侈的娛樂,就是原諒他人--美國20人連續殺人犯32F 02/09 23:07
apple7433922: tight tight tight33F 02/09 23:07
r0ck123: Say my name34F 02/09 23:07
v7q4: 帥啊!老皮!35F 02/09 23:07
WolfTeacher: I'm not in danger, I'm the danger36F 02/09 23:08
yeay: Bazinga!37F 02/09 23:08
ChiehKuo: life is like a box of chocolates38F 02/09 23:08
gg889g8: Say my name39F 02/09 23:08
joe10337: Say my name40F 02/09 23:09
joe10337: I am the danger
sclbtlove: Suit up42F 02/09 23:09
ariadne: 呦~~ 必~牙~取~~43F 02/09 23:10
sanshin: Hodor!44F 02/09 23:10
hipocritos: I'd fuck her.45F 02/09 23:10
rickcoo: you had failed this city~~46F 02/09 23:11
HANAXALICE: lets cook47F 02/09 23:11
blackkeyss: There there48F 02/09 23:11
HANAXALICE: jesse49F 02/09 23:11
agogoman: It takes courage to admit fear.50F 02/09 23:14
al53796: Hi everybody~ (罐頭歡呼聲)51F 02/09 23:14
powernanasi: what the fuck52F 02/09 23:14
Sammingy: Winter is coming53F 02/09 23:15
fish10241: My fee is way too good...really... Damn~ Good54F 02/09 23:17
allenwu79: My name is bond, James Bond55F 02/09 23:17
j9966330k: I could do this all day56F 02/09 23:17
centuryboy: 媽的法克57F 02/09 23:21
clying10: Aren’t you the horse from horsing around?58F 02/09 23:26
smalldata: say my name59F 02/09 23:26
yuechen: Hodor!60F 02/09 23:31
mig: valar morghulis61F 02/09 23:31
yuechen: winter is coming62F 02/09 23:31
vinousred: tonight's the night by Dexter63F 02/09 23:32
hcc570910: Who's your Daddy???64F 02/09 23:34
stlevi811101: that's what she said65F 02/09 23:37
adad48362: Ko no dio da66F 02/09 23:41
dayenxx: I will be back67F 02/09 23:47
CYCUTalker: Yo science68F 02/09 23:48
greed2192: Six season and a movie69F 02/09 23:54
sdyy: You know nothing70F 02/09 23:55
eric6210: Jesse , we need to cook71F 02/09 23:56
Levesque: I like it, let's go exactly the opposite.72F 02/10 00:00
newnewcow: 太太太73F 02/10 00:00
peterw: NYPD!74F 02/10 00:05
ffreakk: I will be back75F 02/10 00:05
yulinmp316: Bazinga77F 02/10 00:11
uptotheair: Violent delights have violent ends78F 02/10 00:20
yangboxx: penny penny penny79F 02/10 00:28
Kelvinchen: Shame!Shame!Shame!80F 02/10 00:28
jjrdk: I I'm not in danger I'm the danger81F 02/10 00:34
cartoonss: NYPD! To the 99!82F 02/10 00:36
waitu0526: Say my name83F 02/10 00:48
jazzprozac: Tight tight tight84F 02/10 00:50
amoe1210: i can do this all day.85F 02/10 00:59
liulen: have u met Ted XDDDDDD86F 02/10 01:01
smpian: Everybody lies.87F 02/10 01:22
joaoko37967: We all go a little mad sometimes88F 02/10 01:40
scheiss: It’s gonna be legend ~wait for it~dary!!!!!!89F 02/10 01:58
yichundo: Save the cheerleader, save the world.90F 02/10 02:06
s8800892000: Sheldon Sheldon Sheldon91F 02/10 02:17
ptt80357: I will be back.92F 02/10 02:20
tony0223tw: i need your help93F 02/10 02:24
candy88512: How you doing!94F 02/10 02:25
ARHAN: yoyoyo bitch95F 02/10 02:29
len53: surprise motherfucker96F 02/10 02:37
juncat: Who's your daddy? I don't know (cry)97F 02/10 02:51
peterchou: 我怎麼覺得冰與火是winter is coming98F 02/10 03:09
KCSonfire: Haste la vista baby99F 02/10 03:19
attpp: 谷辣渴100F 02/10 03:38
iillai: save the cheerleader, save the world.101F 02/10 03:48
fluffyradish: Penny penny penny102F 02/10 03:54
xinni: Legendary!! Barney太好笑了!103F 02/10 04:03
qqpbpp: king of north104F 02/10 04:18
XDDDpupu5566: tight tight tight105F 02/10 07:00
monicayuan: motherfucker106F 02/10 07:30
bightw24261: Tight tight tight107F 02/10 08:41
nashboy:  Jessie,we need to cook.108F 02/10 08:46
nashboy: Shut up and take my money
aa85ss20: Winter is coming.110F 02/10 09:08
AfuX: 7,7,7,7~(高潮樣)111F 02/10 09:15
lucas323: Za warudo!112F 02/10 09:15

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 401 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2019-02-09 23:57:07 (台灣)
  02-09 23:57 TW
you know nothing
2樓 時間: 2019-02-10 03:39:42 (台灣)
  02-10 03:39 TW
show me your hands !
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