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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-20 09:56:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 czqs2000 (青山)
標題 [新聞] 對抗美國,德國考慮讓華為進入
時間 Wed Feb 20 09:41:11 2019


In Rebuke to U.S., Germany Considers Letting Huawei In
Preliminary decision comes after probe found no evidence the Chinese tech giant
could use its equipment to spy on communications

BERLIN—The German government is leaning toward letting Huawei Technologies
Co. participate in building the nation’s high-speed internet infrastructure
, several German official said, the latest sign of ambivalence among U.S. al
lies over Washington’s push to ostracize the Chinese tech giant as a nation
al security risk.
柏林 - 德國政府傾向于讓華為參與建設國家的高速互聯網基礎設施,一些德國官員表示

A small group of ministries reached a preliminary agreement two weeks ago th
at still needs formal approval by the full cabinet and parliament, officials
 said. The final action isn’t expected for several weeks.

The Trump administration has been urging its allies for months to restrict H
uawei’s participation in their next-generation mobile infrastructure—and e
ven pull the company’s equipment from existing networks. But unwillingness
in those countries to delay the rollout of so-called 5G services, the potential additional costs of picking new vendors
 and a lack of evidence showing that Huawei can use its equipment to eavesdr
op on or disrupt communications have stymied U.S. efforts.

In the U.K., Washington’s closest ally in Europe, a review currently under
way is expected to conclude that Huawei products should still be allowed for
 less vulnerable parts of the country’s network, according to British offic
ials. And across Eastern Europe, where the U.S. has traditionally held consi
derable sway, governments have been hesitant to drastically restrict Huawei’
s access, partly out of concern about antagonizing China, a big investor in
the region.

Independent of the Huawei concerns, the German government has been drafting
changes to the country’s telecommunications laws in part to improve securit
y protections. While Berlin considered shaping the rules in a way that would
 make it hard for Huawei to bid for infrastructure contracts, officials said the stricter security requirements
for equipment vendors, including a no-spy pledge, shouldn’t be deliberately
 set so high as to rule out the Chinese company.


A recent probe by Germany’s cybersecurity agency with help from the U.S. an
d other allies failed to show that Huawei could use its equipment to clandes
tinely siphon off data, according to senior agency and other government offi
cials. An official at the Federal Office for Information Security, known as
BSI, and two cybersecurity experts at the interior and foreign ministries sa
id probes in allied countries in addition to Germany hadn’t uncovered any i
ndication ofwrongdoing by the Chinese company.

Germany lags behind the rest of Europe—and most of Asia—in internet speed,
 making a 5G rollout crucial to enabling a range of newservices such as auto
nomous vehicles and high-resolution video streaming. German industry represe
ntatives back a rapid rollout, displaying concern that Beijing could retalia
te for Huawei’s exclusion by cutting off German companies from the Chinese

德國在互聯網速度方面落后于歐洲其他地區 - 以及亞洲大部分地區 - 這使得5G的推出

“We missed the boat here in Germany with regards to the broadband internet.
 We need fast internet, we need it quickly and we need it cheap,” said one
senior government official involved in the case.

Huawei is a leading supplier of the network infrastructure components needed
 to build 5G networks, and its prices are often lower than those of rivals—
something German officials said factored into the government’s preliminary
decision not to ostracize it.
華為是構建5G網絡所需的網絡基礎設施組件的領先供應商,其價格往往低于競爭對手 -

Another official said conversations with U.S. and British services thought t
o have more insight into potential vulnerabilities built into Huawei’s equi
pment had proved inconclusive.

In Britain, government officials plan to complete their review of the teleco
mmunications supply chain by this spring. The goal is to determine whether B
ritish telecom networks are overly reliant on Huawei, said people familiar w
ith the review.

U.K. officials share the American concern that Huawei could put its Western
rivals out of business and become the only option for telecom equipment in t
he near future, the people said. But unlike their U.S. counterparts, British
 officials believe they can allow some Huawei equipment in U.K. networks, th
e people said.

British officials are considering allowing U.K. wireless carriers to use onl
y cellular-tower equipment from Huawei, the people said. Such equipment, as
opposed to “core” network equipment that transfers calls and data, present
s minimal risk because a hacker would have access to only limited data, the people said. U.K. officials are also consid
ering requiring wireless carriers to use multiple suppliers, the people said

Huawei already cooperates closely with the German government. Last fall, the
 company opened a security lab near the BSI headquarters in Bonn, in which g
overnment officials can review the company’s products and source codes. A H
uawei spokesman said the company supported tougher telecom security rules an
d would sign a no-spy agreement.

This could put Huawei at odds with Chinese legislation. A 2017 Chinese law s
tipulates that all Chinese companies must cooperate with the country’s inte
lligence services upon request, something U.S. Vice President Mike Pence war
ned in a speech in Germany last weekend could compromise the security of com
munications in markets that accommodate Huawei.
這可能使華為與中國立法不一致。 2017年中國法律規定,所有中國公司都應該根據要求

Addressing the same event, Yang Jiechi, a Chinese foreign affairs official,
rejected the claimsand said Huawei was cooperating with European companies.

“Chinese law does not require from companies to install backdoors…or spy,”
 Mr. Jiechi said,referring to system access granted to authorities.

Berlin’s inclination to allow in Chinese vendors has sparked some pushback
from a small group of politicians and civil servants who think the governmen
t is underplaying the security risks because of short-term economic consider

The group is also concerned about opening another dispute with the Trump adm
inistration, adding to a list of flashpoints ranging from trade to the Iran
nuclear deal and Nord Stream 2, a German-Russian gas-pipeline project Washin
gton is determined to stop.
該組織還擔心與特朗普政府開啟另一場爭端,增加了從貿易到伊朗核協議以及德國 - 俄
羅斯天然氣管道項目Nord Stream 2問題的摩擦,華盛頓決心停止這一項目。

U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard A. Grenell said that German policy makers
 should consider the extraordinary scale of Beijing’s efforts to gather and
 exploit data.
美國駐德國大使理查德· 格雷內爾表示,德國政策制定者應該考慮北京收集和利用數據

“They leverage an array of legal tools and other mechanisms to exert contro
l and influencecompanies to cooperate with Chinese intelligence and security
 services. This applies to both state-owned enterprises and ostensibly priva
te firms,” Mr. Grenell said.

Huawei’s founder, former Chinese army engineer Ren Zhengfei, told the Briti
sh Broadcasting Corp. on Monday that “there is no way the U.S. can crush us
…The world cannot leave us because we are more advanced. Even if they persu
ade more countries not to use us temporarily, we can always scale things dow
n a bit.”

“If the lights go out in the West, the East will still shine,” he added. “
And if the North goes dark, there is still the South. America doesn’t repre
sent the world. America only represents a portion of the world.”
“如果西方的燈光熄滅,那么東方仍會閃耀,”他補充道。 “如果北方變黑,那么南方

—Stu Woo in London and Dan Strumpf in Hong Kong contributed to this article
倫敦的Stu Woo和香港的Dan Strumpf為本文做出了貢獻。

4.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
In Rebuke to U.S., Germany Considers Letting Huawei In - WSJ
Germany is leaning toward letting the Chinese tech giant participate in building its high-speed internet infrastructure despite U.S. warnings. ...



A recent probe by Germany’s cybersecurity agency with help from the U.S. an
d other allies failed to show that Huawei could use its equipment to clandes
tinely siphon off data, according to senior agency and other government offi
cials. An official at the Federal Office for Information Security, known as
BSI, and two cybersecurity experts at the interior and foreign ministries sa
id probes in allied countries in addition to Germany hadn’t uncovered any i
ndication ofwrongdoing by the Chinese company.


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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SRB0y_j (Gossiping)
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※ 編輯: czqs2000 (, 02/20/2019 09:41:50
※ 編輯: czqs2000 (, 02/20/2019 09:42:09
kent: 簡體字滾1F 02/20 09:41
XDDDD5566: 德國早就中國的形狀惹2F 02/20 09:41
excia: 德國輸得不夠慘3F 02/20 09:42
TWkiller: 良心警察跟黑心銀行的對決4F 02/20 09:42
VVizZ: 哈哈 智障歐洲要死透了5F 02/20 09:42
kps1247: 哈哈歐洲哈哈6F 02/20 09:43
iam0718: 哈 德國就某些人最愛的現實烏托邦7F 02/20 09:43
bg00004: 應該是說德國也不相信美國~因為美國也有竊聽的紀錄8F 02/20 09:43
jab: 德國對美國退出中導很反感吧9F 02/20 09:43
iam0718: 你不要說吱吱阿 多少假聖人最愛這國家10F 02/20 09:43
Moratti: 德國這種智障是歐盟領袖 英國脫歐入美長期是有利的11F 02/20 09:43
liskenny: 以後德國的資安軟硬體可以先刪除名單了(咦?)12F 02/20 09:44
heci1941: [url=http://imgur.com/v49p2CB]http://i.imgur.com/v49p2CB.jpg[/url]13F 02/20 09:44
KangSuat: 中國又不像美國蘇聯二戰瓜分德國 並沒有歷史仇恨14F 02/20 09:44
jab: 現在德直接暴露在俄中導射程裡 爽歪歪15F 02/20 09:44
jorden: 梅克爾最近很不爽吧16F 02/20 09:44
bg00004: 但是英國對於華韋也有同樣的看法17F 02/20 09:44
ob962: 賭自己的國家安全來對抗美國,聰明!18F 02/20 09:44
jorden: 要下台了 還被美國搞一堆毛19F 02/20 09:44
s9414h: WW杯每次都輸的國家還這麼智障20F 02/20 09:45
jorden: 再加上中美貿易戰對汽車業重傷害  難怪德國會反了21F 02/20 09:45
laba5566: 川普眾叛親離 美國要垮惹 哈哈22F 02/20 09:45
chadhsieh: 總算有明理的人了 推德國23F 02/20 09:45
yuaso: 對手的敵人就是朋友 寧自己危險也要挺對手的敵人24F 02/20 09:46
BaRanKa: 軸心國再起25F 02/20 09:46
dgdgevil: 北約國家在中導議題上大多都挺美國 俄國已經違約十幾年26F 02/20 09:46
dgdgevil: 了 9M729
amos30627: 白左跟毛左互相都是友善的28F 02/20 09:47
versailles94: 嗨 來自北京的2629F 02/20 09:47
widec: 哈哈哈 智障德國30F 02/20 09:47
wjv: ......31F 02/20 09:48
heci1941: 英國,跟德國...都說沒找到證據。美國被英國,德國..打臉32F 02/20 09:48
heci1941: 囉
xxxzxcvb: 反正也被美國竊聽 多一個也沒差?34F 02/20 09:48
m50205811: 樓上一堆崩潰仔35F 02/20 09:49
baliallin: 新軸心國形成XD36F 02/20 09:49
GGundam: 一 二戰的教訓還不夠嗎,德國真的是很M37F 02/20 09:51
neilisme: 用了華為的東西 美國就沒辦法監控了 所以才會氣成這樣38F 02/20 09:51
excia: 德國連續錯兩次 第三次也要站錯喔XD39F 02/20 09:51
arcred: 這國家也放了一堆難民進來自討苦吃40F 02/20 09:51
wolve: 真搞不懂德國  剛回來明明很明顯排華人阿 我還被肥婆靠北 X41F 02/20 09:51
VVizZ: 沒差啊 都被中國監控就好惹42F 02/20 09:51
neilisme: 歐洲這些大國也知道這情況 只是沒辦法跟美國撕破臉而已43F 02/20 09:51
VVizZ: 自取滅亡 呵呵44F 02/20 09:52
krthree: 德國第三次世界大戰還是戰敗國...沒救了45F 02/20 09:53
JHNJHNJHN: 只要能制定足夠的安全規範 用華為有何不可?但是資安人46F 02/20 09:53
JHNJHNJHN: 員的專業就很吃重
neilisme: 真正最安全的做法是美中設備都用這樣兩邊都想監控48F 02/20 09:53
birdy590: 最好笑的就是 歐盟還有大廠在做這塊 要也是優先用自己的49F 02/20 09:53
neilisme: 但是美中兩國都只能拿到雙方加密過的資料50F 02/20 09:54
chinhan1216: 德國是幹嘛要對抗美國?51F 02/20 09:54

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