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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-02-28 23:09:46
看板 Gossiping
作者 RoroyaZoro (最賤.問天譴)
標題 [問卦] 赤燭下一部作品會叫de什麼tion啊?
時間 Tue Feb 26 16:07:12 2019


第一部返校  英文名叫detention
第二部還願          devotion

照這個原則  第三部要叫de什麼tion啊?
determination嗎?  那這樣中文要叫什麼啊?

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1STFEoBw (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1551168434.A.2FA.html
tetsuya0310: IKEA1F 02/26 16:07
JackSpecial: Delusion2F 02/26 16:07
jacky82475: 我都念lkea3F 02/26 16:07
gy6543721: deWENNYtion4F 02/26 16:07
bruce1119: decostcotion5F 02/26 16:07
hogu134: detonation 爆炸6F 02/26 16:07
dklash: dx/dytion7F 02/26 16:08
GGononder: degeneration8F 02/26 16:08
CCY0927: deconvolution9F 02/26 16:08
【搞笑影片 日本節目 超爆笑影片】日本不准笑節目~英文課 1-杜拜娛樂城dbi888.net/ - YouTube 【金銀財寶滿大廳,紅包洋洋大放送】 杜拜國際娛樂城邀請您回娘家領紅包2200!!!

louis5265: dudjjughyygh11F 02/26 16:08
jorden: De beers12F 02/26 16:08
legendsleep: erection13F 02/26 16:08
jma306:   division14F 02/26 16:08
r30385: deR20tion15F 02/26 16:08
greg7575: dehydration16F 02/26 16:08
as349349: deatruction17F 02/26 16:08
emptie: 破處18F 02/26 16:08
AlphaA7M2: debug station19F 02/26 16:08
ghostl40809: 之前有人疑似破梗 連遊戲大綱都爆雷了20F 02/26 16:08
st900219: de  le  kuo chiu tion21F 02/26 16:08
lats: devolution22F 02/26 16:09
gy6543721: dealation23F 02/26 16:09
kawazakiz2: De台北24F 02/26 16:09
DarkerDuck: devastation25F 02/26 16:10
sunnywing: doraemon26F 02/26 16:10
ssiou: dechination27F 02/26 16:10
walter0914: devition28F 02/26 16:10
ddora: Deletion 中離29F 02/26 16:11
willy90597: de習tion30F 02/26 16:11
WeGoYuSheng: dexition31F 02/26 16:12
cady69: Decomposition32F 02/26 16:12
jhjhs33504: destruction33F 02/26 16:12
ymx3xc: description34F 02/26 16:13
LoveMakeLove: Despacito35F 02/26 16:13
Gestapo1121: Deja Vution36F 02/26 16:13
soonne: desection37F 02/26 16:14
andy90498: declaration 內容是出國玩38F 02/26 16:14
Initial D - Deja Vu - YouTube
Anime - Initial D Song - Deja Vu Artist - Super Eurobeat - Dave Rodgers All rights and credits go to their respective owners.

muki0177: dehydration40F 02/26 16:14
FuYen: depletion41F 02/26 16:15
Neptunus: woh cares42F 02/26 16:15
RaverIan: dedelongtion43F 02/26 16:15
s981242121: Deletion44F 02/26 16:15
sunkiss5566: destruction45F 02/26 16:16
wate5566: Defloration 和 illusion合作46F 02/26 16:16
timtdsas: de obob tion47F 02/26 16:16
timtdsas: *obov
wolver: The Division49F 02/26 16:17
proletariat: Defloration 讚50F 02/26 16:18
qwer880506: differential equation51F 02/26 16:19
iqeqicq: 和諧:Deletion52F 02/26 16:19
photoshark: destination53F 02/26 16:19
pitaya13: Destabilization 支那大暴怒54F 02/26 16:19
bbo9527: 當然是LBJ的Decision 描述一個體育明星轉隊後球迷崩潰的55F 02/26 16:20
roccqqck: E De Bong Bong56F 02/26 16:20
ffreakk: decision 抵習巡57F 02/26 16:20
bbo9527: 城鎮恐怖悲劇58F 02/26 16:20
weilsea: defloration59F 02/26 16:20
SantaNM: Decolonilization60F 02/26 16:21
slb19930308: deikeation61F 02/26 16:21
mikepopkimo: Define Winnie Xi62F 02/26 16:22
Afro5566: deja vu tion63F 02/26 16:24
JOHNJJ: democratization64F 02/26 16:24
littleaoc: Repent ion65F 02/26 16:25
snoopy2832cc: decostcotion66F 02/26 16:25
twmacaron: de#維%尼#tion67F 02/26 16:26
iam0718: desolation68F 02/26 16:27
psycho01123: demonetization69F 02/26 16:27
royli: dejucalation70F 02/26 16:27
royli: 拼錯  dejaculation
abcyting: Decision 籃球國手的故事72F 02/26 16:30
winiS: Desection 手撕何老師73F 02/26 16:30
theservant: Decision LBJ主演,燒球衣等等巫毒儀式74F 02/26 16:30
abcyting: Dislocation 講的是珠寶商的故事75F 02/26 16:30
ccjj8: deja vu76F 02/26 16:31
stuxxv: 當然是一二集合併阿detenvotion77F 02/26 16:31
randolph80: Destruction78F 02/26 16:32
mushroomface: dehydration79F 02/26 16:33
ingenii: decision80F 02/26 16:34
verydolungbe: DE小熊維尼遜81F 02/26 16:34
th11yh23: Delete Playstation 中文 = 任豚82F 02/26 16:35
DFTT: dicktion83F 02/26 16:35
LBruce: desaturation84F 02/26 16:38
cat380015: DeFlowertion85F 02/26 16:38
peter96301: deflation恐怖上映86F 02/26 16:40
Davie0817: degeneration87F 02/26 16:40
toinnd: Determination88F 02/26 16:42
toinnd: Demethylation
ayrtonvitas: defloration90F 02/26 16:47
willie7878: Dejavution91F 02/26 16:49
h73o1012: degeneration92F 02/26 16:50
GGINDOWBOW: definition93F 02/26 16:53
jeans1020: DebugStation 竹北站94F 02/26 17:00
aasdqwe: defucktion.  慰安婦95F 02/26 17:01
gaddafi: Detention96F 02/26 17:01
jasonlin2100: Dicktion97F 02/26 17:02
XDDDpupu5566: detoxification 排毒98F 02/26 17:03
gaddafi: Detration99F 02/26 17:03
yang1990603: DeTANKtion100F 02/26 17:03
f99999993: debug101F 02/26 17:06
xtiger: deportation102F 02/26 17:07
chvkzzll: Dejavo103F 02/26 17:07
vcooter: Decision104F 02/26 17:10
ajemtw: degeneration 暗喻某國使一個世代的年輕人消失105F 02/26 17:10
diamondss: Dechination106F 02/26 17:10
mynewid: IKEA107F 02/26 17:12
seth582025: Deduction108F 02/26 17:15
nckukath: Devocalization109F 02/26 17:18
hjch0601: Dedication 奉獻110F 02/26 17:21
jetcoco: de64tion111F 02/26 17:23
s58111158: 靠腰推文有哆啦A夢亂入112F 02/26 17:24
steven56138: demolition113F 02/26 17:24
sumo: DDerection114F 02/26 17:28
flarecutter: dedeinin-tion115F 02/26 17:30
gugugaga: Delution116F 02/26 17:31
gugugaga: 幹拼錯 delusion
hihisusu: Debugtion118F 02/26 17:36
Dire Straits - Walk of Life - YouTube
Walk of Life by Dire Straits with lyrics! Please comment and rate! LYRICS: Here comes Johnny singing oldies, goldies Be-Bop-A-Lula, Baby What I Say Here come...

drmit: Distribution120F 02/26 17:41
minigg: 底西孫121F 02/26 17:43
FormulaKing: destruction122F 02/26 17:43
XDDDpupu5566: Deportation 出國 (民運人士)123F 02/26 17:44
g204094: detention 留校124F 02/26 17:50
kinomon: Detention是返校齁==125F 02/26 17:56
heatlion: Degeneration X126F 02/26 17:58
tim32142000: depression127F 02/26 18:03
tim32142000: Democratization
a40006: Destination129F 02/26 18:05
tim32142000: Did-you-buy-it-tion130F 02/26 18:06
Uingu: deprivation 剝奪131F 02/26 18:07
weboau: dejavution132F 02/26 18:08
hsnujuju: demyelination133F 02/26 18:10
arthur0919: the decision134F 02/26 18:13
arthur0919: 描述LBJJJJJJJJJ
tim32142000: deletion136F 02/26 18:15
zzff92: DDP nation137F 02/26 18:25
Daedolon: deletion 刪除138F 02/26 18:25
smallgary: defecation139F 02/26 18:28
aqrt66558: de-owen140F 02/26 18:34
apteekki: Defecation 笑死XDDDDD141F 02/26 18:35
DevilEnvy: Destination 剛好三部曲  GG惹142F 02/26 18:36
tyifgee: Destructuin143F 02/26 18:38
qilar: de ptt tion144F 02/26 18:44
royyy: 之前有人爆卦detection145F 02/26 19:03
Prano: Detection146F 02/26 19:08
aliangC: deikeation147F 02/26 19:16
Anchara: Division-全境封鎖中國篇148F 02/26 19:17
tiuseensii: destruction149F 02/26 19:20
ssivart: de-election150F 02/26 19:28
nakabin: defamation/defalcation151F 02/26 19:34
jeremytsai: Depolarization152F 02/26 19:41
kendiv: Destination153F 02/26 19:44
p2p8ppp: de64tion154F 02/26 19:50
wiseco: Deviation155F 02/26 19:53
ldeathkiller: decomposition KMT156F 02/26 20:03
pudge: Devil may cry action!157F 02/26 20:08
tnk7613: Disney Action158F 02/26 20:21
nedetdo: Destination159F 02/26 20:24
route22: detonation160F 02/26 20:32
Vernashih: deoxygenation161F 02/26 20:36
poloshirt: DeKMTion162F 02/26 20:36
aghgna: deduction163F 02/26 20:39
a904472000: detestation 肥宅164F 02/26 21:36
gzliu: 當然是LBJ的Decision 描述一個體育明星轉隊後球迷崩潰的165F 02/26 22:08
kent0398: 狄西訓 遊戲隱涵著不要盲目崇拜偶像的寓意166F 02/26 22:48
ohrring: de de how da tion167F 02/26 22:58
boy526: defection 背叛168F 02/26 23:03
jeter8695: discrimination169F 02/26 23:44
ambitious: deoxygenetion170F 02/27 00:10
bowyaya: Desymmetrization171F 02/27 00:11
r10896: Differentiation 微分  看到考卷分數就是恐怖遊戲了172F 02/27 00:54
chijim: decolonization 去殖民啦173F 02/27 01:33
pttislife: dehumanization去人性化,賣隊友沒人性174F 02/27 03:50
aronpan2: Deletion175F 02/27 07:09
liudwan: Desinolization176F 02/27 08:04
ironboy1996: Defloration177F 02/27 08:28
boy80421: deIKEAtion178F 02/27 10:09
fishsolo: Dyson179F 02/27 10:32
aegis91086: 推 Differentiation180F 02/27 11:47
poi36926: 統計系推個deviation181F 02/27 12:14
sgg25981393: Deresolution182F 02/27 15:18
killermax: Depletion 因為創意與文彩都被你們搞垮了183F 02/27 22:01

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1191 
分享網址: 複製 已複製
1樓 時間: 2019-02-26 17:21:03 (台灣)
  02-26 17:21 TW
2樓 時間: 2019-02-26 18:34:32 (台灣)
  02-26 18:34 TW
3樓 時間: 2019-02-27 06:45:47 (台灣)
  02-27 06:45 TW
醫學詞典裡 應該有不少 de什麼tion 的名詞
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