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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-04-30 08:49:09
看板 Gossiping
作者 micky5689 (顆顆)
標題 [問卦] 說一句英文來證明你英文很猛
時間 Mon Apr 29 20:11:00 2019


This girl is never give up
這個女孩從 不給 上

Sent from JPTT on my iPhone

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自:
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SnkdMkR (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1556539862.A.B9B.html
Skydier: fuck me1F 04/29 20:11
※ 編輯: micky5689 (, 04/29/2019 20:11:25
NewShiisDog: Antetokumbo2F 04/29 20:11
tearness: shu me the 錢3F 04/29 20:11
ATSEVEN: taiwan girl is good4F 04/29 20:11
NuCat: China forever !!!5F 04/29 20:11
Jeff9453: Pen6F 04/29 20:11
showdoggy: This is a book.7F 04/29 20:11
Hankie66: i dot car8F 04/29 20:11
mr955258: Is it good to drink?9F 04/29 20:12
bibico0206: may show gun more10F 04/29 20:12
z842657913: My English is very dick11F 04/29 20:12
derrick1220: would you please suck my dick12F 04/29 20:12
kosha: My English hen mum13F 04/29 20:13
PePePeace: the power of down to earth!14F 04/29 20:13
tose4433: me say eng so good15F 04/29 20:13
ptgeorge2: fuck me16F 04/29 20:13
aaa83926: Sit down please.17F 04/29 20:13
hipab: my english is very english 菜18F 04/29 20:13
moy5566: sup my nigga19F 04/29 20:13
heinse: entschuldigen20F 04/29 20:14
serding: 咩21F 04/29 20:14
ganbatte: wo IN wei wu22F 04/29 20:14
hawaii987: I would fuck her anus all day23F 04/29 20:14
caesarh: May show gun more?24F 04/29 20:14
wz70403: people mountain people sea25F 04/29 20:14
Mendess: 二樓一定沒有900分名字還拼錯4Antetokounmpo26F 04/29 20:14
vodkalime607: All money pay me home27F 04/29 20:15
ILNARA: uvwewewewe onyetenyevwe uvwewenum osas29F 04/29 20:18
junki8957: How aer you30F 04/29 20:19
junki8957: How are you怎麼是你 How old are you 怎麼老是你
kisusu: how do you turn this on32F 04/29 20:21
kohanchen: Nothing is to be feared, only to understand33F 04/29 20:22
t81511270: who is your super crazy daddy34F 04/29 20:22
pohj: say my name35F 04/29 20:22
a30142299: costco36F 04/29 20:22
silentence: Vox Populi, Vox Dei  人民之聲即為上帝之語37F 04/29 20:25
wynne556699: what I have done, cannot be undone38F 04/29 20:25
piece1: My English is very broken!39F 04/29 20:25
taotzu: masturbation40F 04/29 20:25
LiberalDog: I Engleshs is good.41F 04/29 20:25
allenatptt: may show gun more42F 04/29 20:25
OrangeBay: you know nothing, Jon Snow43F 04/29 20:25
OrangeBay: not today
IDZ27: you reap what you sow45F 04/29 20:27
motop7689: 7-1146F 04/29 20:28
mafeyabob: 我說三句 英文英文英文47F 04/29 20:29
xymmter683: This world is Fucked48F 04/29 20:30
linchihsiang: How are you49F 04/29 20:30
psycho01123: 英文來證明你英文很猛50F 04/29 20:31
rwr: IKEA51F 04/29 20:31
scott112: 小熊維尼吃包子 請翻譯52F 04/29 20:32
q5228859: Is beach is not bitch53F 04/29 20:33
ciaadya: What is done cannot be undone.54F 04/29 20:33
piloliq: Hello, World!55F 04/29 20:34
gj94ek: I'm your father.56F 04/29 20:35
jacky1205: Refs suck57F 04/29 20:37
ponglanpa: I say what what in the butt58F 04/29 20:39
isay: ABC 狗咬豬59F 04/29 20:42
ksco: 怎麼會沒有AAAAAAAAA 呢?60F 04/29 20:44
sasa789: I am iron man61F 04/29 20:44
anita79979: Avengers Assemble62F 04/29 20:45
qaz214536: 台灣南波萬63F 04/29 20:45
jeffboy: How do you turn this on64F 04/29 20:46
bbo9527: 花Q 花Q花Q 花~Q~65F 04/29 20:46
wkya: People mountain people sea66F 04/29 20:47
x6073123: Ya you know67F 04/29 20:48
rhox: this is a pen.68F 04/29 20:49
funster: jo jo!69F 04/29 20:49
iamasoldier: Han fan dou shi 8770F 04/29 20:49
tim2468x: This girl never give up 這女還從不給上71F 04/29 20:49
darknote: Double penetration feel so good72F 04/29 20:50
antivenom: people mountain people sea73F 04/29 20:52
wei2291: Kaohsiung fa da tsai74F 04/29 20:54
autokey: apple  bird car dog75F 04/29 21:00
color3258: 外國咖OPEN76F 04/29 21:02
teaball: May show gun more 多益1000 托福200都靠這句77F 04/29 21:05
ENJA: I was so tight yesterday78F 04/29 21:13
allenwu79: 3Q79F 04/29 21:13
uubbabb8: orgasm creampie80F 04/29 21:14
wadechen666: I dot car81F 04/29 21:19
Sixigma: duh82F 04/29 21:25
lostguy: I'm Iron Man.83F 04/29 21:30
pipiayin: 三摳齁哩買麻吉84F 04/29 21:33
cwind07: 用英文講中文諺語才厲害 blue who say, and who's85F 04/29 21:34
cwind07: 不入虎穴 焉得虎子
done1011: How are you ?87F 04/29 21:42
b93510015: Day day open heart88F 04/29 21:42
titus13: 看到蔡英文就是要推89F 04/29 21:43
rickieyang: This girl is not never give up, she just never giv90F 04/29 21:49
rickieyang: e you up.
red722: 怎麼都沒有 taiwan no.192F 04/29 21:50
red722: hold the door <3
Ghamu: my head is full of grava94F 04/29 22:00
ACLwarrior: AAAAAAAAAAA95F 04/29 22:14
Orangeer: the rule of thumb96F 04/29 22:14
Rainover1997: Nani shiteru no?97F 04/29 22:17
harden13usa: I saw a saw that saw a saw98F 04/29 22:17
Rainover1997: Iron Man died in the end game99F 04/29 22:20
ExpoEmblem: Taiwan NO.1~~~~~~~100F 04/29 22:21
lavenderelf: hi siri101F 04/29 22:22
Eric0605: Who is your dad102F 04/29 22:24
shitboy: 教大家說便秘:My shit,no out,three days.103F 04/29 22:24
hokilah: Once you go black, you never go back104F 04/29 22:28
max913: 背出火山矽肺症就很猛了105F 04/29 22:48
acy0930: who cares106F 04/29 22:50
teamox9: sit down please107F 04/29 22:58
vasia: Gay Focker108F 04/29 23:07
AtenWang: How do you turn this on110F 04/29 23:21
futakinohi: 花Q111F 04/29 23:45
Trulli: What time is it?112F 04/29 23:48
oops66: i am iron man113F 04/29 23:51
qwe04687: how to english114F 04/30 00:00
dageegee: QQ115F 04/30 00:08
jily: how do you turn this on116F 04/30 00:29
alitey: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!117F 04/30 00:30
PoppinKyle: Say my name118F 04/30 00:43
winghope: wakanda forever119F 04/30 00:55
pumpkinnn: 波 東 賴120F 04/30 01:00
YuanJhih: quid pro quo121F 04/30 01:00
angus1230: who cars122F 04/30 01:09
mechanic1205: Hail hydra123F 04/30 01:20
zxp910608: save the cheerleader,save the world124F 04/30 01:21
chiguang: this is a book125F 04/30 01:34
liudwan: WALL EYE KNEE!126F 04/30 01:37
cp296633: pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis127F 04/30 01:58
scientist520: not today128F 04/30 03:49
FRANCO11: How is you129F 04/30 05:16
pp3435: pretty tight130F 04/30 06:35
fkmt: Mi casa, su casa131F 04/30 06:36
KH91: give me chocolate132F 04/30 06:52
kiminocodo: life is chocolate133F 04/30 07:34
kobelakers:  whos your daddy134F 04/30 07:59
k33536: 火山矽肺病終於出來惹135F 04/30 08:03
saskuran: tight tight tight136F 04/30 08:04
snoopysleepy: Go fuck yourself137F 04/30 08:31
ahaha777: ahaha138F 04/30 08:40
xhung: can u dig it sucka139F 04/30 08:40

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 605 
作者 micky5689 的最新發文:
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1樓 時間: 2019-04-29 21:59:47 (台灣)
  04-29 21:59 TW
1 car 2 car 碰~~ 喔咿~~ 喔咿~~ car
2樓 時間: 2019-04-29 23:27:08 (台灣)
  04-29 23:27 TW
you mother fucker nation han fish
3樓 時間: 2019-04-30 02:51:22 (台灣)
  04-30 02:51 TW
Temporarily Leak.Temporarily FUCK
continuously  Leak.continuously FUCK
4樓 時間: 2019-04-30 05:23:22 (台灣)
  04-30 05:23 TW
u motherfxcker
5樓 時間: 2019-04-30 06:34:35 (台灣)
  04-30 06:34 TW
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