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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2019-05-26 20:52:22
看板 Gossiping
作者 p72910 (總是有刁民想害朕)
標題 [新聞] 華為P20 Pro價崩!50收!
時間 Sun May 26 01:31:22 2019


PUBLISHED: 06:45, Sat, May 25, 2019 | UPDATED: 10:18, Sat, May 25, 2019

P20 Pro SHOCK as Huawei fans suffer most devastating news yet

Huawei's P20 Pro was easily one of the best phones of 2018.

This device won a host of awards last year with its great screen, fast
performance and triple rear camera all helping it beat its Android and Apple

However, despite this phone getting hugely positive reviews things have taken
a dramatic turn and Huawei owners aren't going to like what they read.


At launch, this phone would have set you back£799 but it seems that value
has been sent plummeting to a shock new low.


Just a few months ago you could have traded in your P20 Pro and received
around £280 but that's not the case any more.


Trade-in prices for the P20 Pro are now as low as £50 which may come as a
huge shock to owners of this device.

現在!!!      50收

If you compare that price to the Galaxy S9, which launched before the P20
Pro, you can see how bad things really are.

去比較一下比P20 Pro還早出的三星S9,華粉哭哭喔,哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈

Samsung's 2018 flagship is still worth around £235 which is considerably
more than the newer phone from Huawei.

三星的2018旗艦機二手價還有235英鎊,屌打同期的華為P20 Pro

So why has this happened?

怎麼會這樣 ?

Firstly, prices for the P20 Pro began to drop once the new P30 Pro was
launched in March.

This latest flagship brings numerous improvements to the brand including an
embedded fingerprint scanner, more power and wireless charging.

However, that may not be the biggest reason that prices have been sent

P30 Pro規格輾壓P20 Pro不是導致二手價崩盤的主因

Earlier this week Google announced that it is being forced to suspend
Huawei's Android licence.

谷歌宣布華為禁令 (這才是二手價崩盤的主因)

This was in response to the Trump administration adding Huawei Technologies
Co Ltd to a trade blacklist.


Speaking about the new ban, a Google spokesperson said: “We are complying
with the order and reviewing the implications.

“For users of our services, Google Play and the security protections from
Google Play Protect will continue to function on existing Huawei devices."

Although Huawei has confirmed it will keep updating current software on
devices it seems unlikely that phones, such as the P20 Pro, will receive any
major Android upgrades in the future and that could be hugely disappointing
for users.

即使華為會為現有的手機更新軟體,但舊的手機如P20 Pro不太可能繼續收到谷歌安卓

Google recently revealed its new Android Q operating system which is expected
to be released later this year.

But the new ban could mean Huawei users will now be stuck with the current
Android 9 Pie OS and won’t ever get to see the new features on offer with Q.

美國的新禁令就讓華腦使用者卡在Android 9,無法吃派!,更不用說今年將會發表的
Android Q,門都沒有。

This shock news seems to have created a rush of people trying to get rid of
their phones.


Website musicMagpie said it saw Huawei trade-ins increase by 154 per cent
following the news that Huawei’s use of Android is being restricted by Google


In fact, The Huawei P20 was the third most traded-in phone of the day at the

tech site – this was ahead of popular devices such as the Samsung S8, iPhone
6 and iPhone 7.

事實上,華為P20是該網站當天交易量第三大的手機,比三星S8,iPhone 6和iPhone 7等

“The trade-in value of the Huawei P20 Pro has dropped dramatically this week
following Google’s announcement,” said Jon Miller, MD of Electronics at

在谷歌宣布華為禁令後,P20 Pro的舊機換新機的價值崩盤。

“Although the company’s statement is clear that all current handsets will
retain their access to the Play Store and customers will continue to be able
to update their apps, consumer confidence has disappeared and right now,
there is a lot of uncertainty in the market.”


5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
P20 Pro SHOCK as Huawei fans suffer most devastating news yet | Express.co.uk
HUAWEI'S P20 Pro was one of the best phones of 2018 but it seems the value of this smartphone has been sent crashing to a new low. ...



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kiminocodo: 真正的50收1F 05/26 01:31
popy8789: 50歐元耶2F 05/26 01:31
Neverfor: 慟!3F 05/26 01:32
nzxc: 50收垃圾4F 05/26 01:32
cattgirl: 50我都不收5F 05/26 01:32
ionchips: 真50收6F 05/26 01:32
alog: 50收做測試機好像行7F 05/26 01:33
crystal0504: 50收一台大陸相機8F 05/26 01:33
cattgirl: 不能上谷歌商店 有個屁用9F 05/26 01:33
KCKCLIN: 糞機100台幣收10F 05/26 01:33
kyozwhie: 假新聞 我大中共吃草都能活11F 05/26 01:33
louis0210: 想收12F 05/26 01:33
huskysaga: 更改新聞標題13F 05/26 01:35
yy222499: 改賣R2014F 05/26 01:35
s874279: 那天排隊買的應該都很幹吧15F 05/26 01:37
abadjoke: 50歐拿來拍照很爽啊 我也想收一台16F 05/26 01:37
tonyselina: 手機板業配帳號:17F 05/26 01:37
KCKCLIN:                          排隊工讀生:18F 05/26 01:38
budalearning: ....不是快要消失了  應該是漲價才對?19F 05/26 01:39
dick929: 逢低買進才會發大財~傻傻der~20F 05/26 01:39
BlackBass: P30 500收21F 05/26 01:43
yuehyiing: £是英磅,€才是歐元吧22F 05/26 01:44
slimfat0202: 如果會刷機,買來刷第三方的韌體,便宜買來擋個一兩23F 05/26 01:51
slimfat0202: 年也不虧
luke7212: 爽啦中共吃屎啦25F 05/26 01:52
cms6384: 要改賣R20了QQ26F 05/26 01:55
free120: 想要27F 05/26 01:56
SpiceKey: "讓華腦使用者卡在Android 9,無法吃派"  android9 就是28F 05/26 01:57
SpiceKey: 派阿
SpiceKey: 他是說讓華為使用者頂多卡在9 不能再升上去吧
p72910: 對 那邊有翻錯  你不錯喔 有認真看31F 05/26 01:59
oinzuka: 開心32F 05/26 02:02
sooler: 9就是pie 翻什麼啦33F 05/26 02:03
ShenVen5566: 其實買賣增加154%倒是還好 代表還是有人接 最慘是完34F 05/26 02:09
ShenVen5566: 全沒買賣 連收都沒人收
ShenVen5566: 流動性=0
selfhu: 你塞我一千我也不想要37F 05/26 02:22
watashiD: 廢到笑50英鎊還要2000台幣38F 05/26 02:23
newgpx: 50收來當玩具ok啦39F 05/26 02:24
planethell: 50收40F 05/26 02:44
jenwind: 真!50收41F 05/26 02:45
Cybershit: 真‧50收42F 05/26 02:54
Castle88654: 真的50收!43F 05/26 02:57
foxey: 中國跳水金牌真正強,隨便都屌打小日本索尼44F 05/26 02:58
Castle88654: 不過感覺對台灣影響不大 台灣人不太在意升級45F 05/26 02:59
rumirumi: 電子垃圾 送我都嫌困擾46F 05/26 03:08
kis28519: 真的50收47F 05/26 03:15
godchildtw: 台幣87收,不能再高了48F 05/26 03:20
Shichimiya: 這送我我也不收49F 05/26 03:36
b162pnq5: 我勉強一點一塊兩毛5收啦!50F 05/26 03:45
sm3bp078: 華粉崩潰氣到眼淚不爭氣的噴出來51F 05/26 03:53
halusai: 中國人以後出國得租手機?52F 05/26 04:10
clala: 真 50梗 XD53F 05/26 05:30
princeguitar: 垃圾無恥低級的廢物才用華為54F 05/26 06:03
observer0117: Android 9就是Pie,怎麼會無法吃派55F 05/26 07:03
observer0117: stuck with the current Android 9 Pie
jorden: 真!50收57F 05/26 07:13
TrollPtt: 買華為不就是買低價的高階手機嗎,怎新機還貴成這樣?58F 05/26 07:47
TrollPtt: 還不如買Google Pixel
david7112123: 華為已死 有事燒紙60F 05/26 07:59
intointo: 寶可夢  QQ61F 05/26 08:04
ironkyoater: 囧,50歐元啦!別讓人誤會62F 05/26 08:21
e86117934: 我100收。63F 05/26 08:32
shinny1206: 傻子才花2000去買塊磚頭64F 05/26 08:46
jaguars33: 買華維的有思考嗎 幹嘛用智慧型手機65F 05/26 08:47
chuikov: 爽66F 05/26 08:50
devilsaber: 高調67F 05/26 08:54
devilsaber: 高調
devilsaber: 高調
devilsaber: 高調
devilsaber: 高調
devilsaber: 高調
blackdragon: 有50我也收73F 05/26 09:22
derringer:74F 05/26 09:31
germing: 50也不收75F 05/26 09:32
asd050:76F 05/26 09:37
harddriver: 100收77F 05/26 09:37
edoggiagia: 垃圾50收剛好78F 05/26 09:42
Motor: 爽79F 05/26 09:53
daye2012: 哪裡買得到 我也要買80F 05/26 09:55
nomad888: 台幣5元收81F 05/26 10:03
hodj: 爽82F 05/26 10:18
stw0975: 垃圾83F 05/26 10:27
astrayred2L: 還真的50收wwwwww84F 05/26 10:29
AxelGod: 50收 哈哈 50收還太高 5元收85F 05/26 10:34
rayonwu: 爽86F 05/26 11:00
mystylezack: 50美金我收,站內我87F 05/26 11:22
MKIU: 台幣52收 在高受不了了 謝謝88F 05/26 11:28
chuegou: 50收89F 05/26 12:06
ojizz4u: 我收,問我90F 05/26 12:13
nedetdo: 真 50收91F 05/26 12:16
labdog: 一群小偷做出來的手機,我無法92F 05/26 12:25
mhlee: 9.2快去囤磚頭阿93F 05/26 12:27
qaz90427: 50收 P30  六月底有效   站內信94F 05/26 12:40
jajoy: 送我也不要95F 05/26 12:41
colenken: 不到2000買來當相機也好啊96F 05/26 13:12
dog990999: 拋到人家網站暫停收華為...97F 05/26 13:29
super14: 收98F 05/26 13:39
kazamitaketo: 50 NTD再叫我!!99F 05/26 13:43
robbieulb: 這些舊機不是不會影響嗎?100F 05/26 13:47
aria0520: 其實這麼便宜還真的有點想收 哈哈101F 05/26 13:51
SilverFlare: 倒貼我50我都不收呢102F 05/26 15:27
IAMST1011: 好貴的磚頭103F 05/26 15:35
songyy2003: 五十收104F 05/26 15:48
supertsao: 別說50等台灣跌到5折再說105F 05/26 17:27
itoh: 高調106F 05/26 17:42

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( ̄︶ ̄)b Greenberg, Minyi, tarbo888, ayaya520, leon999su, yhnmju 共 6 個人 說讚!
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