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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] BBC:中國部長為天安門鎮壓做出辯護
時間 Sun Jun 2 20:16:12 2019
Tiananmen Square: China minister defends 1989 crackdown
public acknowledgement of events.
Defence Minister Wei Fenghe told a regional forum that stopping the "turbulence"
was the "correct" policy.
In spring 1989, students and workers occupied Beijing's Tiananmen Square in a ma
ssive pro-democracy protest. Many were killed in a brutal clampdown by the commu
nist authorities.
1989年 學生與工人大規模抗議佔領了天安門廣場 但許多人在當局的野蠻鎮壓中喪生性命
Reporting on the events is heavily censored in China.
Reporting on the events is heavily censored in China.
Tuesday marks 30 years since six weeks of demonstrations ended with the Beijing
massacre of 3-4 June
持續六週的抗議 在6/4號發生的北京大屠殺 在這個禮拜二 剛好為30週年
What did the minister say?
strictly taboo in China.
公開討論1989年的鎮壓 在中國是受到嚴格禁止的
But after a wide-ranging speech about trade and security at a regional forum in
Singapore, General Wei Fenghe was asked about Tiananmen by a member of the audie
在新加坡論壇 發表關於貿易與安全的演講後 被一名觀眾問了關於天安門的事情
Mr Wei questioned why people still said China had not handled the events properly.
That incident was a political turbulence and the central government took measure
s to stop the turbulence, which is a correct policy," he told the forum.
這個事件造成了動盪 中央政府制止動盪
The past 30 years have proven that China has undergone major changes," he said,
adding that because of the government's action at that time "China has enjoyed s
tability and development".
在這三十年過去 中國經歷了重大的變革 由於當時政府的決定 中國享有了穩定性與發展性
'Acts of forgettance'
'Acts of forgettance'
There are no official acts of remembrance for the events of 1989 in Beijing. But
that statement, although factually correct, is far too neutral.
沒有公開正式紀念六四 雖然呈現的事實是正確的 但卻太過於中立
In truth, what happened in Tiananmen Square is marked faithfully each year by a
massive, national act of what might more properly be called "forgettance".
事實上 天安門所發生的事情 每年都被國家進行大規模的"遺忘"
In the weeks leading up to 4 June, the world's biggest censorship machine goes i
nto overdrive as a huge dragnet of automated algorithms and tens of thousands of human expurgators cleanse the internet of any reference, however oblique.
在六月四號的那幾週 世界上最大的審查機器會開始動起來 清除著在成千上萬的巨大網路有
Those deemed to have been too provocative in their attempts to evade the controls can be jailed - with sentences of up to three and a half years recently handed
down to a group of men who had tried to commemorate the anniversary with a prod
uct label.
那些企圖傳播六四的人 可能會被抓
最近有個例子 該男子試圖用產品標籤紀念六四 就被判三年半
What happened in 1989?
More than one million pro-democracy protesters occupied Tiananmen Square in April 1989 and began the largest political demonstration in communist China's histor
y. It lasted six weeks.
Protests spread to cities and universities across the country.
The demonstrators called for greater freedom and democracy and an end to what they called dictatorship - others complained about inflation, salaries and housing.
示威者抱怨通膨 工資 與房子並且要求中共結束獨裁統治 給與他們自由 民主
On the night of 3 June tanks moved in and troops opened fire, killing and injuri
ng many unarmed people in and around Tiananmen Square.
六月三號晚上 坦克與部隊進入天安門廣場 並且向手無寸鐵的民眾開火屠殺 造成了許多人
Afterwards the authorities claimed no-one had been shot dead in the square itsel
事後中共當局宣稱 沒有人被射死在廣場
The Chinese government has never said how many protesters were killed, although
estimates range from the hundreds to thousands.
Tiananmen Square: China minister defends 1989 crackdown - BBC News
The defence minister said the response by authorities was "correct", in a rare acknowledgement of events. ...
The defence minister said the response by authorities was "correct", in a rare acknowledgement of events. ...
六四天安門已經三十週年 2020後 這種新聞我還不知道能不能在台灣看見
在當時與1989年在廣場上拼了性命流著血爭取民主自由的學生與人們 格外諷刺與對比
台灣人 唉...
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1SyxuG51 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1559477776.A.141.html
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→ : 像四川成都天府廣場的學生估計也死了幾百個
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※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 0 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 534
5樓 時間: 2019-06-02 22:21:06 (台灣)
(編輯過) TW
流血星期日(英語:Bloody Sunday;愛爾蘭語:Domhnach na Fola)是指1972年1月30日,在北愛爾蘭德里博格賽德地區發生英國傘兵向正在遊行的市民開槍,造成14人死亡,13人受傷的事件。包括記者和旁觀者在內的很多人證明當時遭到槍擊的人都沒有攜帶武器。最終英軍向人群發射了一百餘發子彈,又造成十二人當場死亡,十二人受傷,另有兩人被 裝甲運兵車 撞傷。