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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-07-30 09:22:40
看板 Gossiping
作者 Changyaya ()
標題 [問卦] 我宣布放棄我的碩士學位的英文要怎麼說
時間 Wed Jul 29 15:34:59 2020








※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1V8IQbxW (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596008101.A.EE0.html
G8AJ: I have no Taiwan value1F 07/29 15:35
zxnstu3104: 又在炒這話題2F 07/29 15:35
剛剛看到renounce這個單字啦 想說來問問
h2243398: may show gun more3F 07/29 15:35
KLGlikeshit: IKEA4F 07/29 15:35
j55888819: I am a lying KMTer5F 07/29 15:35
G8AJ: candy brother number 16F 07/29 15:36
christiano: I announce that I renounce my master degree7F 07/29 15:36
哎呦不錯喔 但還要加announce嗎?
ju06080719: I'm a copier8F 07/29 15:36
G8AJ: 綠共死全家9F 07/29 15:36
a6234709: may show gun more10F 07/29 15:36
christiano: or My tits will shrink11F 07/29 15:36
PTTcrazy: 7878真7812F 07/29 15:37
AstorGu: I volunteer as tribute!13F 07/29 15:37
gn01642884: I have a pen14F 07/29 15:38
Chian3675: I love China15F 07/29 15:39
DoubleA: costco16F 07/29 15:39
paulabxz123: I am gay17F 07/29 15:39
kr97123: I reject my humanity jojo18F 07/29 15:39
luckyBF: im kmter19F 07/29 15:40
PTTJCY: 我都唸IKEA20F 07/29 15:40
Shaqui11e: Yi Da Li??21F 07/29 15:40
sinyala: over my dead body22F 07/29 15:40
ainosei: 去看Taipei Times或Formosa Taiwan怎麼用23F 07/29 15:42
coolron: may sho gam mo ?24F 07/29 15:42
cychine: costco25F 07/29 15:46
ZE553KL: I am KMT lee mei-jean.26F 07/29 15:47
Toge: I fucked Ted27F 07/29 15:55
erre: I give up my master degree from Zheng  Shan28F 07/29 16:03
z2wen: dpp is good29F 07/29 16:07
Solid4: I hereby renounce my masters degree30F 07/29 16:07
odsan: I announce give up my master student position.31F 07/29 16:10
HiggsBoson: 窩懸補房啟說獅靴尾32F 07/29 16:12
emiya5352: O shun bo funchi soes shawa33F 07/29 16:13
johnny1997: I now renounce my master degree34F 07/29 16:15
lzylzy123: I renounce my master’s degree from now on!35F 07/29 16:20
O2ers: This is a 鉛筆36F 07/29 16:21
ENJA: I dont car37F 07/29 16:21
OK I got it
lzylzy123: 感覺不用特別加announce38F 07/29 16:22
yun1019: whos your daddy39F 07/29 16:22
alonenfree: si ba lu ma40F 07/29 16:31
韓文我專業內 不是lu ma 是nomma
ros: 居然沒有abandon41F 07/29 16:38
iPolo3: I don’t have money go fxxk that shxt42F 07/29 16:44
ginopun10477: I fuxked my step sister43F 07/29 16:48
OK I will tell police
victoriameow: my master degree is fake44F 07/29 16:52
※ 編輯: Changyaya ( 臺灣), 07/29/2020 16:58:35
evan1004: I throw my garbage paper45F 07/29 17:12
hw1: I suck46F 07/29 17:24
F22pilot: I declare that abandoning my master’s degree47F 07/29 17:24
eemail: I am KMT.....48F 07/29 17:49
EndeNeu: Abu49F 07/29 17:51
Automatic620: NMSL50F 07/29 18:19
realmiddle: I oraled my oral exam committees, then I passed.51F 07/29 19:36

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