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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-08 16:07:26
看板 Gossiping
作者 jay251935 (J.)
標題 [問卦] 不稱呼習近平President,要叫他什麼?
時間 Fri Aug  7 15:40:17 2020






如果不叫他President Xi



※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VBGLZ-9 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596786019.A.F89.html
visda: DADA1F 08/07 15:40
SupCat: papa2F 08/07 15:40
Roooz: Panda Xi3F 08/07 15:40
RS44: DADA4F 08/07 15:40
littlejackbr: motherfucker5F 08/07 15:40
VortexSheet: Winnie the pooh6F 08/07 15:40
qq0101889: Winnie7F 08/07 15:40
s820912gmail: 樓下都怎麼稱呼自己的懶覺8F 08/07 15:40
stin: xihit9F 08/07 15:40
boogieman: Winnie the Pooh10F 08/07 15:40
Roooz: Poo Xi11F 08/07 15:41
pooxi 有諧音xDD
VVizZ: winnie the poo12F 08/07 15:41
johnwu: Xibaozhi13F 08/07 15:41
fenix220: pooh14F 08/07 15:41
AllenHuang: Winnie the Pooh15F 08/07 15:41
greenmiracle: bear16F 08/07 15:41
walkmancat: Winnie the King17F 08/07 15:41
※ 編輯: jay251935 ( 臺灣), 08/07/2020 15:42:05
kilof: the pooh18F 08/07 15:41
king761209: WinnieXi the Pooh19F 08/07 15:42
hmcedamon: 匪頭  FETO20F 08/07 15:42
a2334436: 總書記啊21F 08/07 15:42
linfon00: Emperor22F 08/07 15:42
Simakui: xidada23F 08/07 15:43
prwsme: winnie the pooh24F 08/07 15:43
XDDDpupu5566: Dictator Xi25F 08/07 15:44
kenyun: 大頭目啦  山寨國當然要用山寨叫法26F 08/07 15:44
GGrunrundela: xidada27F 08/07 15:44
panzerbug: chairman28F 08/07 15:45
funkD: Emperor29F 08/07 15:45
WeGoYuSheng: Xitler30F 08/07 15:45
brad0104: General Secretary Xi or Emperor Xi31F 08/07 15:46
bighorse0: 總書記32F 08/07 15:46
iMANIA: Dictator Xi33F 08/07 15:46
cuteSquirrel: Chairman34F 08/07 15:47
piliwu: 笑死XDDD35F 08/07 15:47
eusebius: F梶rer36F 08/07 15:48
cc02040326:   xi dada37F 08/07 15:48
eusebius: fuhrer38F 08/07 15:48
yoyo095235: poo xi  笑死39F 08/07 15:48
AAaaron: King Xi40F 08/07 15:48
Neve5566: pornstar41F 08/07 15:48
jychu1132: faggot42F 08/07 15:49
DIDIMIN: Seafood Xi43F 08/07 15:50
bbflisky: Chancellor Xitler44F 08/07 15:50
Baggio1125: 包子45F 08/07 15:50
Baggio1125: Bun
bbflisky: Poo Xi47F 08/07 15:51
jorden: 包子48F 08/07 15:51
NTULioner: winnie the pooh49F 08/07 15:52
bee12: jinping the pooh50F 08/07 15:52
BF109Pilot: Lord Xi51F 08/07 15:53
GGrunrundela: 幹你娘poo xi XDDDDDDDDDDDDD52F 08/07 15:53
archgon: Pooh53F 08/07 15:53
bill0129bill: Your majesty54F 08/07 15:53
dangercat5: 噗洗哈哈哈55F 08/07 15:53
lolipopo: 包子56F 08/07 15:54
rapnose: Emperor Xi57F 08/07 15:54
isco: 大頭目,大當家58F 08/07 15:54
tf010714: 感恩xi fu 讚歎xi fu59F 08/07 15:55
ArEsDD: POO XI好好笑www60F 08/07 15:55
Aurorra: Pooh Xi61F 08/07 15:55
whiteflora6: 長官好62F 08/07 15:55
lpoijk: 國小程度只聽得懂king啦63F 08/07 15:58
randykaku: Fatty Xi 很可愛吧64F 08/07 15:58
sjclivelo: Xi the pooh65F 08/07 15:59
JER2725: emperor慶豐66F 08/07 15:59
tzuanliu: DADA67F 08/07 16:00
somefatguy: 同志 Gay Xi68F 08/07 16:01
giaour: birch69F 08/07 16:01
smilefred: Winnie the Pooh70F 08/07 16:02
seal998: faget, bitch, ashole71F 08/07 16:02
lozupomelo: 叫回去chairman啊72F 08/07 16:02
asas1asas200: Winnie the Xi73F 08/07 16:02
AVR0: 習阿肥74F 08/07 16:03
MagicSword: Winnie the Xi75F 08/07 16:04
AceCash: Winnie76F 08/07 16:04
littlebeebee: winnie77F 08/07 16:08
forsakesheep: Xi the pooh78F 08/07 16:09
kenny830724: 習 精 瓶79F 08/07 16:10
Oisiossos: Poo Xi80F 08/07 16:12
omg6999: winnie the poor81F 08/07 16:13
koduck10: pooh Xi82F 08/07 16:14
papaganono: 支那畜牲83F 08/07 16:15
mackulkov: 叫他chairman啊84F 08/07 16:15
j55888819: Pooh Xi85F 08/07 16:16
justeat: Xi the great86F 08/07 16:16
awenracious: 韭菜王87F 08/07 16:16
StBeer: syuki88F 08/07 16:16
StBeer: 總書記習千花
CoffeeTea: Winnie Xi90F 08/07 16:19
harryjimmyw: General Secretary Xi  習總書記呀   代表美國已經把91F 08/07 16:19
harryjimmyw: 中國跟中共分開看待了
UDK0821: Xi dada93F 08/07 16:20
histing: Pooooh: Call me dada94F 08/07 16:20
deankiller: xi dick95F 08/07 16:22
Szss: 兩百斤麥的96F 08/07 16:24
WTF55665566: garbage97F 08/07 16:24
WTF55665566: 啊抱歉 我不是針對習維尼 我是說在場的支那人都是垃
WTF55665566: 圾
Szss: Miss Xi100F 08/07 16:25
et134226: Shit101F 08/07 16:25
Szss: 馬克斯猴王102F 08/07 16:26
jacky40383: Xi DaDa103F 08/07 16:27
SinPerson: Call me XiDaDa104F 08/07 16:27
karta0681608: call me Xi dada105F 08/07 16:29
eeccms: 菸粉稱他為爸爸106F 08/07 16:38
pyps50202: Yellowbrother107F 08/07 16:39
curesiii: 吸精瓶 我要進來了108F 08/07 16:42
songyy2003: 笑翻109F 08/07 16:42
Alexei: Xi Da-Da110F 08/07 16:43
jason770301: 什麼是poo Xi? 不懂111F 08/07 16:43
Gandalf: Pooh Xi112F 08/07 16:43
ayrtonvitas: 念起來像pussy 懂?113F 08/07 16:44
ayrtonvitas: 小熊維尼就是winnie the pooh 所以叫他poo Xi
sherryjeng: 會笑死115F 08/07 16:46
riverkid20: chef,韭菜料理大師116F 08/07 16:48
cty78221: Chairman or General-Secretary117F 08/07 16:48
ash9911911: 肛交惡徒118F 08/07 16:49
Brinkley: Pupil119F 08/07 16:53
gustavvv: anal evil guy120F 08/07 16:53
pyrochlore: 書記就是"會議記錄員" 所以是meeting recorder121F 08/07 16:56
pyrochlore: Meeting Recorder Xi
jcshie: 來福123F 08/07 16:59
alumican: Xi DaDa, 縮寫XDD124F 08/07 17:02
kinyubi: Masturbated Xi125F 08/07 17:04
Akhenaten: Xi the Pooh126F 08/07 17:06
peiring: 維尼127F 08/07 17:06
mballen: teddy bear128F 08/07 17:09
uelx: 共匪習129F 08/07 17:10
senma: tyrant或emperor130F 08/07 17:12
FANGIN: pooh131F 08/07 17:13
jiusishuai: an elementary school student132F 08/07 17:20
sky093851248: poo133F 08/07 17:22
Asce: Shit134F 08/07 17:25
Paravion: Chairman Xi135F 08/07 17:27
hqu:  king136F 08/07 17:29
nihow78: Sabi137F 08/07 17:32
kuria610478: Producersan Xi138F 08/07 17:34
CTTSAI: Xi da da阿不然耶139F 08/07 17:35
OoJudyoO: pooh140F 08/07 17:37
andy19960820: pussy141F 08/07 17:37
flowersuger: DADA142F 08/07 17:38
GGinler: 獨裁者啊143F 08/07 17:39
flowersuger: 奇怪 原來他們不是用書記這個詞喔?144F 08/07 17:40
yufat: Head Clerk145F 08/07 17:46
q10242: xi dada pooh146F 08/07 17:47
larry90605: Chair man147F 08/07 17:54
violegrace: Winnie-the-Pooh148F 08/07 17:59
behati: Pooh149F 08/07 18:00
q12341234: 包子150F 08/07 18:01
k1988771028: The pooh151F 08/07 18:09
ohrring: pooh xi 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈152F 08/07 18:10
p2p8ppp: pooh153F 08/07 18:20
Ycosmos: Pooh154F 08/07 18:22
AaronCross: 包子155F 08/07 18:26
homerunball: Motherfucker156F 08/07 18:31
kqalea: chairman?157F 08/07 18:35
gidin: Poo xi笑死158F 08/07 18:36
pp3435: baoz159F 08/07 18:36
biaw: pooh160F 08/07 18:39
DCSHK: speeder161F 08/07 18:39
Renaud: Poop xi162F 08/07 18:41
Renaud: Pooxi or pussy
fissive: Call me xi da da164F 08/07 18:49
iconicotrico: pooxi.......XDDDDDDDDDD165F 08/07 18:51
ssccg: XiDaDa啊166F 08/07 18:57
t0kyohot: xi da da167F 08/07 19:02
andrew777: 支那賤畜168F 08/07 19:04
dyrus: son of bitch169F 08/07 19:06
uranus013:  bitch170F 08/07 19:19
togmogo: Xi virus171F 08/07 19:26
dreamsmaker: Xi Dick172F 08/07 19:32
imsphzzz: Chairman Xi173F 08/07 19:38
mosuni971: Xi Dada174F 08/07 19:58
iqeqicq: Satan175F 08/07 20:00
yzmk: poo xi 很可以!笑死176F 08/07 20:29
x52013: Mr.Shit hole177F 08/07 20:32
yasin0918: 幹poo xi 笑死XD178F 08/07 20:35
gocn: Emperor the Pooh179F 08/07 21:21
G12134: Winnie the Pooh180F 08/07 21:23
kkb512sk: god,dog英文真奇妙181F 08/07 21:51
Koibito: Preschool child. 李克強比他優秀多了182F 08/07 22:22
EricTao: winnie the poop183F 08/07 23:38
nerv7779: Chief accelerator184F 08/07 23:46
f11IJ: Dog185F 08/08 00:25
akasen: DADA XI186F 08/08 00:29

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