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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-08-07 20:10:40
看板 Gossiping
作者 shuhao233 (代課你先)
標題 [新聞] 中國開始郵寄使用過的口罩.襪子包裹
時間 Thu Aug  6 22:39:48 2020

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1.媒體來源: WBNG NEWS

2.記者署名: Robyn Hearn


Some Broome County residents are receiving masks, random packages from China


Some Broome County residents have received mail from China that they didn't orde

One Southern Tier resident posted to Facebook Monday night saying they received
a package of masks from a Chinese company.

In the comments, other people chimed in saying they also received masks or other
 items like socks or jewelry in the mail addressed from China.

Dawn Proctor, an Endicott resident, says she received a package of socks from Ch
ina that was address to her but it was sent to her job.

"No invoice attached," Proctor said. "No note attached. The socks looked like th
ey were used. We all kind of laughed about it. Thought it was odd and threw them

We reach out to the Broome County Sheriff's office about these complaints. They
say they haven't gotten any reports.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Some Broome County residents are receiving masks, random packages from China
BROOME COUNTY (WBNG) -- Some Broome County residents have received mail from China that they didn't order. One Southern Tier resident posted to Facebo ...


6.備註: 文章簡短, 簡單來說,在毒種子






※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VB1OuZG (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1596724792.A.8D0.html
wuyiulin: 這是生化武器81F 08/06 22:40
melissalewis: 幹,超噁2F 08/06 22:40
sl11pman: 70歲憨粉青年繼續感恩中國防疫貢獻3F 08/06 22:40
tooeasy: 好棒 原味臭襪子 五樓興奮4F 08/06 22:40
sleepyrat: 胎哥郎!!!5F 08/06 22:40
CYL009: 幹XDDDDD  越來越迷6F 08/06 22:41
Georgebuy: 真不愧是垃圾國家呢7F 08/06 22:41
dlam002: 我朋友收到不明包裹都直接爆破8F 08/06 22:41
QAQer: 怕9F 08/06 22:41
tom77588: 有迪麗熱巴用過的嗎?10F 08/06 22:42
nicholaslee: 中国人真的很誇張11F 08/06 22:42
qday: 中國人不意外12F 08/06 22:42
rapnose: 垃圾支那人。13F 08/06 22:43
baddad: 乾,xdddd14F 08/06 22:44
gigibouz: 支那賤畜死全家15F 08/06 22:45
panyn: 說真的 支那人一直在全世界刷仇恨是不是有自毀傾向 XD16F 08/06 22:45
userpeter: 哇... 0.017F 08/06 22:45
wastetheone: 21世紀生化戰 猛喔18F 08/06 22:45
※ 編輯: shuhao233 ( 臺灣), 08/06/2020 22:47:02
scu96: 太髒了吧 有病毒怎辦19F 08/06 22:47
HELLDIVER: 可能有中國病毒喔20F 08/06 22:48
nat50601tw: 活該被歧視21F 08/06 22:49
maxboy06: 到底有啥意義 傳染武漢肺炎?22F 08/06 22:49
WeGoYuSheng: 他媽的真的有夠賤23F 08/06 22:50
who5566: = =24F 08/06 22:50
NT500: 支那賤畜還一堆人舔25F 08/06 22:51
basketkdash: 這國家到底在發什麼神經阿26F 08/06 22:52
divaxxxx: 德國非洲國家的最愛27F 08/06 22:54
tatair: 噁不噁心啊這些人......28F 08/06 22:54
rapnose: 剛剛看了相關新聞,還有寄太陽眼鏡、哨子。29F 08/06 22:56
rapnose: 真噁心。
linweijie: 柯糞的家人不EY31F 08/06 22:56
w45452515: 生化戰?32F 08/06 22:58
lpsobig: 三小33F 08/06 23:02
x9420214: 這到底是在衝三小34F 08/06 23:04
harvey0487: ㄏ  噁心支那35F 08/06 23:04
catwithptt: 三小 這真的新聞嗎36F 08/06 23:05
aa0968: 現在是當垃圾桶在丟嗎37F 08/06 23:07
ccc055226: 也太噁心了吧38F 08/06 23:07
※ 編輯: shuhao233 ( 臺灣), 08/06/2020 23:10:31
yl3218: 一直秀下限 出國被歧視也是你們啊...39F 08/06 23:13
ymuit: 太噁心..40F 08/06 23:16
bybe: 太噁了吧41F 08/06 23:19
david0129: 該禁運支那包裹了吧42F 08/06 23:23
ims531: 被罵賤畜是自找的43F 08/06 23:32
lyircpoety: 等到民眾失去戒心、網紅開始發開箱文,再來就真的寄44F 08/06 23:33
lyircpoety: 細菌、病毒(?
yujin: 支那也太噁心 地球毒瘤46F 08/06 23:41
deutyi: 再鬧下去真的是會出大事47F 08/06 23:42
deutyi: 對岸到底在想什麼啊
Lucienne1001: 太噁了吧49F 08/06 23:45
runronrun: 神經病50F 08/06 23:48
MJJ: 無恥支那豬51F 08/06 23:52
GanKer: 感覺對岸很不對勁,應該快有大事要發生了~52F 08/07 00:01
foolfighter: 支那賤畜53F 08/07 00:07
sbthans: 有夠噁!生化攻擊54F 08/07 00:10
Bansar: 郵件不用錢膩55F 08/07 00:12
yashiro: 支那寄美國比美國寄支那便宜啊!56F 08/07 00:15
tgbkkk: 美國還補貼中國寄出物的郵資,真傻57F 08/07 00:16
yashiro: 況且是國家出錢當然拼命寄58F 08/07 00:16
ccharles: 生化戰59F 08/07 00:20
HayaSan: 到底想幹嘛啦 這個國家煩不煩60F 08/07 00:26
plusonezero: 支那人真D噁心61F 08/07 00:41
soria: 想幹嘛?62F 08/07 01:06
farseer7: 讚63F 08/07 01:36
qazwsx1029: 越來越奇葩了64F 08/07 01:42
OoJudyoO: 恐怖分子65F 08/07 02:52
kickthewall: 總有一天寄炭疽66F 08/07 04:22
nptrj: 還在偷吃郵盟的豆腐67F 08/07 05:26
ericinttu:   垃圾阿共仔國68F 08/07 07:29
susu1028: 太噁了吧,到底想幹嘛啦69F 08/07 09:20
abbag: 生化攻擊 怕70F 08/07 09:51
mmnnm: 幹 真的生化攻擊..你娘..71F 08/07 09:52
yaotz5065: 幹 噁爆垃圾國72F 08/07 09:57

※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 760 
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1樓 時間: 2020-08-07 21:42:58 (台灣)
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