※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-09-06 15:00:20
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [問卦] 「我充滿台灣價值!」的英文該怎麼說?
時間 Sun Sep 6 00:24:56 2020
#正向思考! #我就帥
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VKxlR6_ (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1599323099.A.1BF.html
推 : I am DPPer1F 09/06 00:25
噓 : 五樓肛門充滿假屌2F 09/06 00:25
→ : I KEA3F 09/06 00:25
推 : i am grut4F 09/06 00:25
推 : My name is Hulk.5F 09/06 00:25
→ : I AM NTD6F 09/06 00:25
噓 : cosco7F 09/06 00:25
推 : how do you turn this on8F 09/06 00:25
推 : taiwan no 19F 09/06 00:26
→ : I'm 817 !10F 09/06 00:26
推 : Me boss, you not.11F 09/06 00:26
推 : I’m not 4%12F 09/06 00:26
推 : green power13F 09/06 00:26
推 : I voted DPP14F 09/06 00:26
推 : American pork is great!15F 09/06 00:26
推 : DPP forever!16F 09/06 00:26
推 : DPP ALL WIN17F 09/06 00:26
推 : I Vote DPP18F 09/06 00:26
推 : 1F英文真棒19F 09/06 00:26
推 : wo shi tai wan jen20F 09/06 00:26
推 : I am green21F 09/06 00:27
推 : I am Xi22F 09/06 00:27
→ : I am not China pig23F 09/06 00:27
→ : Costco should be pronounced as IKEA24F 09/06 00:27
推 : I have NT$90,000 a month25F 09/06 00:27
→ : greed is good 1000000026F 09/06 00:27
→ : I fuck american pig27F 09/06 00:28
噓 : i support dpp always and forever28F 09/06 00:28
推 : mango dry.29F 09/06 00:28
→ : 我綠色共匪幹你娘30F 09/06 00:28
推 : ikea31F 09/06 00:28
噓 : I'm five pence32F 09/06 00:28
噓 : Green lives matter!33F 09/06 00:29
噓 : 推文一堆外國跟本看不董的東西,taiwan no 1,簡潔有34F 09/06 00:29
推 : Green i am 射gin U35F 09/06 00:29
→ : 力又有台灣價值36F 09/06 00:29
推 : I am green37F 09/06 00:29
推 : 八卦板英文教室上課囉38F 09/06 00:30
推 : I always vote Dpp, no matter how corrupted they39F 09/06 00:30
→ : are, no matter they are going to relax restrict
→ : ions of fucking American poison pork.
→ : are, no matter they are going to relax restrict
→ : ions of fucking American poison pork.
推 : no 4%43F 09/06 00:31
推 : wou yuo Taiwan jazhi44F 09/06 00:31
推 : Taiwan value good good45F 09/06 00:31
推 : I have full Taiwan power46F 09/06 00:33
推 : Dpp is my god.47F 09/06 00:33
→ chirskey …
推 : I vote DPP49F 09/06 00:34
→ : I eat 爐渣50F 09/06 00:34
推 : I believe what DPP told me.51F 09/06 00:34
推 : dpp52F 09/06 00:35
噓 : 4% suck53F 09/06 00:36
→ : 96%54F 09/06 00:36
推 : are you dpper?55F 09/06 00:36
→ : I am a DPP member, here is my certificate56F 09/06 00:37
推 : I am DPPer!!57F 09/06 00:37
推 : I am not 4% guy.58F 09/06 00:37
推 : I am full of Dpp value59F 09/06 00:38
推 : I am DPPer60F 09/06 00:39
推 : DPP No.1. 4% go die. KMT bullshit61F 09/06 00:39
推 : I'm more of a DPP person!62F 09/06 00:40
→ : I like eat shit63F 09/06 00:40
推 : I’m a DPP supporter but I don’t support dpp64F 09/06 00:41
推 : you're all of my children! you're lost!65F 09/06 00:42
→ : Lin bei DPPer la gun66F 09/06 00:42
推 : Xi Ing-wen is my God.67F 09/06 00:43
推 : 我都唸ikea68F 09/06 00:45
推 : I'm a green communist cockroach69F 09/06 00:46
推 : 推三樓70F 09/06 00:46
→ : FOREVER DDP71F 09/06 00:47
推 : 捷克議長都開示了: I am a Taiwanese72F 09/06 00:47
推 : I have full value of taiwan73F 09/06 00:47
推 : I am idiot74F 09/06 00:48
推 : Ko shiter eat shit75F 09/06 00:48
推 : I am 145076F 09/06 00:49
推 : Hail DPP!!77F 09/06 00:49
推 : ===========I'm Double Principle Partier. 林北DPPer啦78F 09/06 00:51
推 : 捷克參議院議長韋德齊:I am a Taiwanese79F 09/06 00:51
推 : Gggggggi....蟑螂是這樣叫沒錯吧80F 09/06 00:51
推 : 4%、Ko fans eat shit81F 09/06 00:51
→ : us pig82F 09/06 00:53
推 : 捷克議長韋德齊: I am a Taiwanese83F 09/06 00:55
→ : Money Papa is very important84F 09/06 00:56
噓 : I am 96%85F 09/06 00:56
推 : DDP NO.186F 09/06 00:57
推 : 捷克議長韋德齊: I am a Taiwanese87F 09/06 00:57
→ : DPP88F 09/06 00:57
推 : I am DPPer89F 09/06 00:58
推 : Fight for Taiwan no.1.90F 09/06 00:58
推 : 捷克議長韋德齊: I am a Taiwanese91F 09/06 00:58
推 : I am not DPPer, but l vote DPP92F 09/06 00:58
→ : DPP always right93F 09/06 00:59
推 : I suck white dicks94F 09/06 01:01
推 : dpper95F 09/06 01:01
推 : All hail DPP96F 09/06 01:02
推 : 捷克議長韋德齊: I am a Taiwanese97F 09/06 01:02
推 : I support DPP98F 09/06 01:03
推 : #thisattackcomesfromtaiwan99F 09/06 01:03
推 : DPP complete me100F 09/06 01:03
推 : I like American pig101F 09/06 01:05
推 : 小英推推102F 09/06 01:06
→ : 柯糞吃屎
→ : 好了啦4%仔
→ : 柯糞吃屎
→ : 好了啦4%仔
噓 : i full of taiwan value105F 09/06 01:07
推 : Fuck you KP106F 09/06 01:09
→ : I like Gay107F 09/06 01:10
推 : Hail DPP! (手掌攤平向前上45度伸直)108F 09/06 01:11
推 : 4% lives matter!109F 09/06 01:11
推 : The trash of DPP smells good110F 09/06 01:12
推 : DPP governance, quality assurance111F 09/06 01:12
推 : I voted DPP112F 09/06 01:16
推 : 浩克 尻槍114F 09/06 01:17
推 : I am fully filled with the holy spirit - DPP.115F 09/06 01:18
→ : ┌───────┐116F 09/06 01:20
推 : │捷克議長韋德齊│ I am a Taiwanese
→ : └───────┘
推 : │捷克議長韋德齊│ I am a Taiwanese
→ : └───────┘
推 : I am DPPer119F 09/06 01:23
推 : My DDP value is now fully charged.120F 09/06 01:35
→ : mother Fucker Chinese121F 09/06 01:36
推 : China is the SHAME of the world!122F 09/06 01:37
推 : 喔係抬彎仁123F 09/06 01:38
推 : You are full of shit124F 09/06 01:39
噓 : 廢文125F 09/06 01:40
推 : wo shi taiwan ren126F 09/06 01:40
推 : Hail DPP127F 09/06 01:40
噓 : 四趴仔的廢文128F 09/06 01:41
推 : I love englixi129F 09/06 01:42
推 : DPP good!!130F 09/06 01:43
推 : 推推 哈哈 蟑螂仔噓我就推131F 09/06 01:43
推 : America value132F 09/06 01:44
推 : Holly shit!134F 09/06 01:46
推 : ko fan eat shit,i love English Xi135F 09/06 01:47
推 : DPP is right136F 09/06 01:47
推 : full of TW value137F 09/06 01:58
推 : I like chicken droppings.138F 09/06 02:04
推 : 一樓正解139F 09/06 02:05
→ : I belong to 817.
→ : I belong to 817.
推 : American pork please141F 09/06 02:11
→ : 柯黑崩潰了,2024讓柯總統教訓小菸142F 09/06 02:13
推 : DPP is Taiwan143F 09/06 02:15
推 : 87er144F 09/06 02:16
推 : I LIKE USA PIG145F 09/06 02:18
推 : DPP>>>>>>>>Everything146F 09/06 02:22
推 : DDP!147F 09/06 02:24
推 : Dirty Pigs Party148F 09/06 02:25
→ : I'm green149F 09/06 02:26
推 : 1樓100分 dpper150F 09/06 02:27
→ : 英文最棒151F 09/06 02:32
推 : I have a 30cm bonbon152F 09/06 02:33
推 : Make America Great Again153F 09/06 02:34
推 : I'm green154F 09/06 02:37
推 : dpp is god155F 09/06 02:40
推 : a cockroach156F 09/06 02:46
推 : ddp no.1157F 09/06 02:56
推 : DPP is right158F 09/06 03:15
→ : I’m DPPer159F 09/06 03:16
推 : full in taiwanese160F 09/06 03:19
推 : Taiwan can eat161F 09/06 03:46
推 : There's no democracy without DPP162F 09/06 03:58
噓 : 菜英文163F 09/06 04:01
→ : 上AIT網站問比較快164F 09/06 04:14
→ : I love American pork165F 09/06 04:19
推 : my name is 蔡英文166F 09/06 04:34
→ : USA beef and pork, I love very much167F 09/06 04:58
→ : Chinese five cents sucks168F 09/06 05:13
推 : Chinese bastard
推 : Chinese bastard
推 : yo mama so fat170F 09/06 05:25
推 : Girls from China are easy to fuck.171F 09/06 05:57
推 : 1f多益滿分172F 09/06 05:59
推 : welcome to join cockroach173F 09/06 06:00
推 : 一樓正解174F 09/06 06:08
噓 : 台灣價值就是硬生生被故意五毛們搞爛了175F 09/06 06:24
推 : You PROC176F 09/06 06:28
推 : TW can help177F 09/06 07:14
推 : Dpp178F 09/06 07:42
推 : I am DDP179F 09/06 07:47
推 : hail DPP180F 09/06 07:49
推 : full of shit181F 09/06 07:50
推 : I love licking big whitebcock182F 09/06 08:01
推 : I fool Taiwanese183F 09/06 08:13
推 : I love dpp.184F 09/06 08:24
推 : Green is right color!185F 09/06 08:32
噓 : I cover with Taiwan shit186F 09/06 08:33
推 : Thank you Daddy America187F 09/06 08:34
推 : knee down and suck dpp's lp188F 09/06 08:39
推 : dpp is god189F 09/06 08:40
推 : I am dpper190F 09/06 08:42
推 : 笑死191F 09/06 08:46
推 : I support DPP and I am 817192F 09/06 08:57
推 : Fuck the shit hole 4%er.193F 09/06 08:58
→ : I have Taiwan pay!194F 09/06 09:02
推 : I love DPP195F 09/06 09:06
推 : I am DPPer196F 09/06 09:17
推 : 咩修幹謀197F 09/06 09:27
→ : I am dpper and I hate 4% guys198F 09/06 09:32
推 : I'm an idiot.199F 09/06 09:36
推 : DPP forever!200F 09/06 09:38
推 : I’m 96%201F 09/06 09:39
推 : DPP foreverrrrrrr!!202F 09/06 09:44
推 : i am green203F 09/06 09:46
推 : My blood is green.204F 09/06 09:48
推 : xi so cute!xi so good! ^^205F 09/06 09:51
推 : full of Taiwan value206F 09/06 10:06
→ : Dpp w赋n su践207F 09/06 10:07
推 : I am DPPer208F 09/06 10:16
噓 : fk chinese209F 09/06 10:17
推 : Make american pig great again210F 09/06 10:18
推 : You are 4%211F 09/06 10:19
→ : AntiChina212F 09/06 10:19
噓 : I am DPPer.嫩213F 09/06 10:21
推 : Dpp is good214F 09/06 10:45
→ : Taiwan women easy215F 09/06 10:46
推 : make DPP great again216F 09/06 11:04
→ : I am full of shit217F 09/06 11:23
推 : Green218F 09/06 11:33
噓 : shut up 4%219F 09/06 11:45
→ : Just love eat 美豬220F 09/06 11:58
推 : Ape do not killl ape.221F 09/06 12:04
推 : Just Green222F 09/06 12:06
推 : I eat American pork223F 09/06 12:20
推 : I have green power224F 09/06 12:20
推 : I was full of Taiwan value.225F 09/06 12:53
推 : I’m full amount Taiwanese value226F 09/06 12:59
推 : Green,green everywhere227F 09/06 13:03
→ : I can green this all day
→ : I can green this all day
推 : I'm DPP Dog229F 09/06 13:13
推 : i am cockroach230F 09/06 13:14
推 : DPP spirit231F 09/06 14:07
推 : I am DPPer232F 09/06 14:42
※ 看板: Gossiping 文章推薦值: 1 目前人氣: 0 累積人氣: 1040
( ̄︶ ̄)b JosephC0227, darkrise1980 說讚! ( ̄︿ ̄)p Minyi 說瞎!
1樓 時間: 2020-09-06 01:08:13 (台灣)
09-06 01:08 TW
I support DPP, but I am not DPP proponent. 這個可能有些走後門高職生看不懂,改一下好了。 I support DPP, but I am not DPP supporter. 這樣應該有 87% 像啦!
4樓 時間: 2020-09-06 03:12:37 (台灣)
09-06 03:12 TW
英文我是不太會 但是我知道中文就某邏輯Free最有台灣價值 而且是連續洗兩三則推文的滿滿價值