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看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] Excel問題致英國遺漏16000例確診病例
時間 Tue Oct 6 11:21:35 2020
Alex Hern
How Excel may have caused loss of 16,000 Covid tests in England
Public Health England data error blamed on limitations of Microsoft
A million-row limit on Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet software may have led
to Public Health England misplacing nearly 16,000 Covid test results, it is
The data error, which led to 15,841 positive tests being left off the
official daily figures, means than 50,000 potentially infectious people may
have been missed by contact tracers and not told to self-isolate.
PHE was responsible for collating the test results from public and private
labs, and publishing the daily updates on case count and tests performed.
But the rapid development of the testing programme has meant that much of
the work is still done manually, with individual labs sending PHE
spreadsheets containing their results. Although the system has improved
from the early days of the pandemic, when some of the work was performed
with phone calls, pens and paper, it is still far from automated.
In this case, the Guardian understands, one lab had sent its daily test
report to PHE in the form of a CSV file – the simplest possible database
format, just a list of values separated by commas. That report was then
loaded into Microsoft Excel, and the new tests at the bottom were added to
the main database.
But while CSV files can be any size, Microsoft Excel files can only be
1,048,576 rows long – or, in older versions which PHE may have still been
using, a mere 65,536. When a CSV file longer than that is opened, the bottom
rows get cut off and are no longer displayed. That means that, once the lab
had performed more than a million tests, it was only a matter of time before
its reports failed to be read by PHE.
Microsoft’s spreadsheet software is one of the world’s most popular
business tools, but it is regularly implicated in errors which can be costly,
or even dangerous, because of the ease with which it can be used in
situations it was not designed for.
In 2013, an Excel error at JPMorgan masked the loss of almost $6bn (4.6bn),
after a cell mistakenly divided by the sum of two interest rates, rather
than the average. The news led James Kwak, a professor of law at the
University of Connecticut, to warn that Excel is “incredibly fragile”.
“There is no way to trace where your data comes from, there’s no audit
trail (so you can overtype numbers and not know it), and there’s no easy
way to test spreadsheets, for starters. The biggest problem is that anyone
can create Excel spreadsheets – badly. Because it’s so easy to use, the
creation of even important spreadsheets is not restricted to people who
understand programming and do it in a methodical, well-documented way,”
Kwak wrote.
Errors from the spreadsheet software have even changed the very foundations
of human genetics. The names of 27 genes have been changed over the past
year by the Human Gene Nomenclature Committee, after Microsoft’s program
continually misformatted them. The genes SEPT1 and MARCH1, for instance,
have been changed to SEPTIN1 and MARCHF1 after they were repeatedly turned
into dates, while symbols that were common words have been altered so that
grammar tools didn’t autocorrect them: WARS is now WARS1, for instance.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Covid: how Excel may have caused loss of 16,000 test results in England | Politics | The Guardian
Public Health England data error blamed on limitations of Microsoft spreadsheet ...
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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1VU-B20e (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1601954498.A.028.html
推 : 微軟:怪我囉==1F 10/06 11:22
推 : 蓋茲:關我屁事 不買新的 怪我囉2F 10/06 11:22
→ : 英國人連EXCEL都不會用3F 10/06 11:22
推 : 還在用office 2003?!4F 10/06 11:22
→ : 不檢驗就沒陽性啊~ 母豬政績+8+9!5F 10/06 11:22
噓 : 不會買access嗎?6F 10/06 11:23
推 : 你已成為舊版軟體的受害者7F 10/06 11:23
推 : 舊版軟體的受害者 讓我們繼續用xp8F 10/06 11:23
→ : 直接試驗集體免疫?9F 10/06 11:23
噓 : 啊我就怕被罵阿10F 10/06 11:23
推 : 不去下載OFFICE 2007版,怪我囉?11F 10/06 11:24
推 : 舊版最多才65535列而已12F 10/06 11:24
推 : 你已成為舊版軟體的受害者13F 10/06 11:25
推 : 英國人太廢了吧14F 10/06 11:25
推 : .....不會用資料庫?15F 10/06 11:26
推 : 英國是多窮...買不起最新版喔16F 10/06 11:26
推 : 廢到爆..這也能當理由17F 10/06 11:27
→ : 不要邊喝下午茶邊編輯excel好嗎18F 10/06 11:27
→ : 這種不是要用資料庫嗎?19F 10/06 11:27
推 : 32/64位元的好像也有差20F 10/06 11:27
推 : 不會裝 office 97 嗎?還有迴紋針小幫手21F 10/06 11:28
推 : 還在用舊版?22F 10/06 11:28
噓 : 可憐 這過保了怪誰??23F 10/06 11:29
推 : 天才24F 10/06 11:29
→ : CSV file 一直都很難用啊25F 10/06 11:29
推 : 應隔離未隔離 包有點大26F 10/06 11:30
噓 : 正版軟體的受害者27F 10/06 11:30
推 : CSV那裡難用了 簡單又有效率28F 10/06 11:30
→ : 笑死29F 10/06 11:30
推 : 英式老派 讚啦30F 10/06 11:31
推 : 用excel笑死,沒DB team請文組的管資料嗎31F 10/06 11:31
推 : 還在excel 沒錢寫軟體?32F 10/06 11:31
→ : EXCEL問題????哈哈哈哈ㄏ哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈33F 10/06 11:32
推 : 人多必有白痴,疫情過後會好轉的<--對地球來說。34F 10/06 11:33
推 : 用舊版的 怪我羅35F 10/06 11:33
推 : 廢到笑36F 10/06 11:33
推 : 這個夠廢37F 10/06 11:35
推 : 都0202了不更新怪誰38F 10/06 11:35
推 : 2003才有這限制,2007以後就大很多39F 10/06 11:35
→ : 原來有限制40F 10/06 11:36
推 : 英國人再搞笑嘛,記得郵輪確診放人也有英國41F 10/06 11:36
→ : 看起來跟新舊版本沒關係,是 CSV 行數超過一百萬42F 10/06 11:36
感謝修正推 : 那個已經沒用了43F 10/06 11:36
推 : 啊我就怕被罵44F 10/06 11:37
推 : 這真的會45F 10/06 11:38
推 : 微軟:就叫你換O365吼= =46F 10/06 11:38
推 : 還以為是溢位47F 10/06 11:39
噓 : 都改版改多久了,怪別人勒48F 10/06 11:39
噓 : 廢到笑49F 10/06 11:40
推 : 正版軟體的受害者XDDDD50F 10/06 11:40
推 : 真D扯.................51F 10/06 11:42
推 : 我記得英國要改用openoffice省預算 然後四月和微軟合52F 10/06 11:46
→ : 作用365做一些公衛的用途 然後爆炸
→ : 作用365做一些公衛的用途 然後爆炸
→ : 再不升級啊笑死54F 10/06 11:49
→ : 365沒這麼爛阿.會有這問題用的是2007以前的版本吧55F 10/06 11:49
→ : 乾這個當時上課沒有努力學是錯的56F 10/06 11:50
→ : 英式幽默57F 10/06 11:52
推 : 可以 這很英國58F 10/06 11:52
→ : Office 6553659F 10/06 11:54
推 : 笑了60F 10/06 11:54
推 : 微軟:現在是怎麼樣 甩鍋膩?61F 10/06 11:55
推 : 笑死 微軟出乃面對62F 10/06 11:56
推 : 65535筆是2003.xls才有的限制 之後2007的xlms就沒限制63F 10/06 11:58
噓 : spreadsheet 叫試算表 不是什麼工作單64F 10/06 11:58
感謝修正推 : 其實台灣2月初也是用excel回報65F 10/06 12:01
推 : 這很英國 XD66F 10/06 12:03
※ 編輯: xFANx ( 臺灣), 10/06/2020 12:07:37推 : 還好我都用記事本67F 10/06 12:05
噓 : 你在偷洗產地68F 10/06 12:06
推 : 推7樓XD69F 10/06 12:14
推 : 還真的很多人把 excel 當 access 使用70F 10/06 12:16
→ : 怪微軟囉71F 10/06 12:16
推 : 英國也漠落了72F 10/06 12:19
推 : 一開始就不該拿excel當資料庫…73F 10/06 12:24
推 : 哇靠 這波夠猛74F 10/06 12:27
推 : 代表他們沒IT負責這塊,那些病歷是由苦命的公務員手動75F 10/06 12:27
→ : 複製貼上,全國的資料就在一張試算表裡,中毒就完了…
→ : 複製貼上,全國的資料就在一張試算表裡,中毒就完了…
→ : 2007也有限制是 1048576 吧?77F 10/06 12:36
推 : 北七78F 10/06 12:39
推 : 竟然沒有用SQL79F 10/06 12:40
推 : 用excel??80F 10/06 12:42
→ : CSV怪excel?81F 10/06 12:46
推 : XDDDDDD 智障嗎82F 10/06 12:48
→ : 這樣開起來不會很慢嗎 弄個軟體很難嗎83F 10/06 12:48
噓 : 這招習包子早會了 不要被拉清單84F 10/06 12:48
推 : 2016版的也還是104857685F 10/06 12:56
→ : 可以 這很英國86F 10/06 13:07
推 : .....是不是窮到聘不起DBA?!87F 10/06 13:08
→ : 有夠智障88F 10/06 13:24
噓 : 微軟都0202年了還有104萬限制。連64bit版都一樣89F 10/06 13:50
推 : 用CSV ????90F 10/06 13:52
推 : XD 其實這種事情很常發生在沒有IT支援的辦公室91F 10/06 14:00
推 : 這麼大的紕漏推給Excel?92F 10/06 14:09
推 : ......93F 10/06 14:41
推 : 超過10萬筆不要用excel不是常識嗎……94F 10/06 15:21
→ : 寫錯104萬筆
→ : 寫錯104萬筆
推 : Excel:這鍋我不背哦96F 10/06 15:53
推 : Excel新版64位元 上限也是百萬筆 超過請用Access或DB97F 10/06 16:20
推 : 超過10萬筆檔案根本打不開吧98F 10/06 16:40
→ : 是多窮99F 10/06 17:25
推 : ......慘100F 10/06 19:32
推 : 還敢扣死當啊不更新程式也不請專業的做101F 10/06 20:11
→ : 真的有廢到102F 10/06 20:39
推 : 高調103F 10/06 20:53
推 : 超過100萬行,用 excel 開的了嗎...?104F 10/06 21:37
推 : 3小阿105F 10/06 21:55
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