※ 本文為 Knuckles 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-11 20:56:28
看板 Gossiping
作者 標題 [新聞] 華爾街日報: 台灣防疫成功 對中造成挑戰
時間 Sat Apr 11 19:32:25 2020
Chun Han Wong
Taiwan’s Success in Coronavirus Fight Poses Challenge to China:
Taipei’s containment of coronavirus despite exclusion from WHO has
reinforced the confidence of many Taiwanese in standing up what to they see
as Beijing’s bullying
台灣防疫成功 對中造成挑戰:
The coronavirus pandemic is stoking long-simmering tensions between China and
the island democracy of Taiwan, underscoring differences between their
political systems and deepening resentment toward Beijing.
In recent weeks, Beijing and Taipei have escalated rhetoric accusing one
another of exploiting the pandemic for political ends, even as they compete
to provide medical supplies and expertise to coronavirus-hit countries in
what observers are calling “mask diplomacy.”
Beijing, which claims Taiwan as its own territory, also criticized Taipei for
allegedly pursuing independence, while sending military aircraft and civilian
fishing vessels to test Taiwanese control over its airspace and waters in
recent weeks.
While Beijing has claimed success in curbing the coronavirus after locking
down much of mainland China for two months, Taiwan has won global plaudits
for an early and less-coercive epidemic response that has limited the
contagion to 385 confirmed infections and six deaths among its nearly 24
million people.
That Taiwan achieved this despite its exclusion from the World Health
Organization—at Beijing’s behest—has reinforced confidence among many
Taiwanese in standing up to what they see as China’s bullying practices
against them.
For years, Beijing has worked to isolate Taiwan by keeping it out of
international institutions including the WHO, a United Nations agency, while
poaching Taipei’s diplomatic partners, which now number just 15 states.
Anger in Taiwan against such tactics helped President Tsai Ing-wen win
re-election in a landslide in January. Ms. Tsai had vowed to resist
authoritarian encroachment from China’s Communist Party.
For Beijing, Taiwan’s successful pandemic response poses dual challenges,
undercutting the Communist Party’s claims to superiority over liberal
democracies, and bolstering a sense of local identity among the many
Taiwanese who object to China’s efforts to isolate and assimilate the island.
For Ms. Tsai, Taiwan’s coronavirus track record offers an opportunity to
burnish the island’s global standing. Officials from the U.S., Japan and the
European Union, among other governments, have praised Taiwan’s response, and
some have said the WHO should have listened to Taiwanese health authorities,
who said they had raised concerns about human-to-human transmission of the
new pathogen long before China confirmed it on Jan. 20.
President Trump, who has blamed Beijing for mishandling the pandemic, last
month signed into law a commitment to advocate Taiwan’s participation in
international bodies like the WHO, and Washington has continued sending
warships through the Taiwan Strait in a signal to Beijing, most recently this
“This attention to Taiwan, respect for Taiwan and sudden support for Taiwan
is obviously irksome for Beijing,” said Jonathan Sullivan, director of China
Programs at the University of Nottingham Asia Research Institute. China, he
added, “is unlikely to accept this outcome graciously.”
諾丁漢亞洲研究所中國計畫執行長Jonathan Sullivan說:「台灣獲得的關注及尊敬明顯地
The pandemic has even emboldened advocates of Taiwanese nationhood. In a
March survey commissioned by Taipei’s Mainland Affairs Council, which
handles policy toward Beijing, 26.7% of respondents said Taiwan should
ultimately seek independence while keeping the status quo for now, the
highest level ever recorded in polling data released since the mid-1990s, and
up from 21.7% in October. Another 9.3% said Taiwan should declare
independence as soon as possible, the highest level since 2008 and up from 6%
in October.
As the pandemic has worsened, the WHO has become a source of friction between
the two sides. In criticisms that the Trump administration has echoed, Taipei
has accused the WHO of helping China play down the severity of its initial
outbreak—while curbing the island’s participation in international public
health at China’s behest. The WHO and Beijing deny the allegations.
The row escalated this week when WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom
Ghebreyesus accused Taiwan of being the source of racist attacks on himself,
drawing forceful protests from Taipei, which demanded the agency chief
apologize for his “baseless allegations.”
Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office voiced support for Dr. Tedros and accused
Ms. Tsai’s government of waging a smear campaign against China and the WHO.
It said issues related to Taiwan’s presence at the WHO must be handled in
accordance with the “One China” principle.
The WHO has said that “the question of Taiwanese membership in WHO is up to
WHO Member States, not WHO staff,” adding that the agency has worked closely
with Taiwanese health experts.
For many Taiwanese, Dr. Tedros’s remarks reinforced long-held perceptions
about China’s influence over the WHO.
Taiwan hasn’t been invited to the WHO’s annual policy-setting assembly
since participating as a nonvoting observer from 2009 to 2016, during a
period of relatively warm ties between Beijing and Taipei, which ended after
Ms. Tsai took office as president.
Resentment in Taiwan against its WHO exclusion has simmered since the
pandemic erupted. In the March survey commissioned by the Mainland Affairs
Council, nearly 92% of respondents said they opposed the Communist Party’s
efforts to exclude Taiwan from the WHO. Some 61.5% agreed that China’s
government is unfriendly toward the Taiwanese people, the highest level since
Taiwanese officials, media and even ordinary citizens have repeatedly
referred to the “Wuhan pneumonia” in Chinese, defying Beijing’s insistence
on using Covid-19, the official name assigned by the WHO, which says that
labeling diseases by their geographic origin causes stigma. Chinese officials
and state media had referred to the “Wuhan pneumonia” during the initial
outbreak before denouncing the name as derogatory.
“Everyone also called it ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ from the start,” Taiwanese
video blogger Chen Chia-chin, better known as “Potter King,” said in a
recent video addressed to nationalist Chinese viewers that has garnered more
than 1.7 million views on Facebook and YouTube. “The Communist Party told
you not to say ‘Wuhan pneumonia’ and you don’t dare to say it anymore.”
The anti-Beijing furor has manifested itself in online attacks against
The anti-Beijing furor has manifested itself in online attacks against
Taiwanese personalities seen as pro-China.
When Taiwanese pop star Jolin Tsai promoted a new song this month calling for
global solidarity against the coronavirus, her Facebook page was swamped with
angry comments accusing her of selling out Taiwan.
The song’s music video, produced by a Chinese state-owned broadcaster,
depicted Ms. Tsai and a Hong Kong singer performing the song—titled “Fight
as One”—and included images of children from countries like Belarus, El
Salvador and Italy displaying artwork thanking China. No overt reference to
Taiwan appeared; El Salvador switched to diplomatically recognizing Beijing
from Taipei in 2018.
該曲的MV由中國官營業者製作,蔡依林和一名香港歌手演出,標題為「Fight as One」,
“Seems like the magical powers of the renminbi is greater than everything
else,” one user wrote on Ms. Tsai’s Facebook page, referring to the Chinese
currency. “Screw your Chinese Communist Party global propaganda,” another
user wrote. Efforts to reach Ms. Tsai weren’t successful.
—Joyu Wang contributed to this article.
5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Taiwan’s Success in Coronavirus Fight Poses Challenge to China - WSJ
The coronavirus pandemic is stoking long-simmering tensions between China and the island democracy of Taiwan, underscoring differences between their p ...
Taiwan’s Success in Coronavirus Fight Poses Challenge to China - WSJ
The coronavirus pandemic is stoking long-simmering tensions between China and the island democracy of Taiwan, underscoring differences between their p ...
華爾街日報居然寫了這麼長一篇 @__@,台灣防疫外交做起來!
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UaQhCe3 (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1586604748.A.A03.html
推 : 我號召在華爾街日報上登廣告!1F 04/11 19:33
噓 : 屁話連篇2F 04/11 19:33
幹 我翻了多久 阿你是看完了膩???
推 : 坐等爆氣仔3F 04/11 19:33
→ : 寫這麼長有屁用,人家廣告又不給你4F 04/11 19:33
有用啊 這篇比一般廣告還要更有內容
推 : 居然有統神XD5F 04/11 19:33
推 : 統神跟蔡依林上報了耶!!!6F 04/11 19:34
推 : 樓下五毛柯糞見不得台灣好崩潰怒噓7F 04/11 19:34
噓 : 什麼垃圾野雞報紙 甘願淪為民進黨側翼8F 04/11 19:34
推 : 我覺得蔡10無辜啦 她應該沒想那麼多9F 04/11 19:35
→ : 五毛崩潰 耿爽又要不爽啦10F 04/11 19:35
→ : 黃安們又新增一個病例11F 04/11 19:36
推 : 感謝示範12F 04/11 19:36
→ : 不過那個是統神嗎 為啥英文看起來是波特王
→ : 不過那個是統神嗎 為啥英文看起來是波特王
推 : 蔡依林的部分寫錯了吧,她直接引用大外宣照片欸14F 04/11 19:36
推 : 那是波特王 不是統神 你翻錯了15F 04/11 19:36
感謝 已更正
噓 : 26.7 跟9.3 是跟老人做來的民調嗎?16F 04/11 19:37
推 : 五毛超急17F 04/11 19:37
推 : 英文說波特王 所以是波特王還是統神?18F 04/11 19:37
→ : 怎麼會有統神19F 04/11 19:37
推 : Chen Chia-chin是波特王本名陳加晉 這個音怎麼唸都不會20F 04/11 19:38
→ : 是張嘉航
→ : 是張嘉航
推 : 靠 統神上華爾街報阿22F 04/11 19:38
推 : 推翻譯23F 04/11 19:39
推 : 我看完了,感謝翻譯24F 04/11 19:39
推 : 推25F 04/11 19:39
推 : 想說哪裡有統神勒26F 04/11 19:39
推 : 二樓也看太快27F 04/11 19:40
推 : 柯粉:一天一片口罩呢28F 04/11 19:40
噓 : Jolin Tsai, shame on you!29F 04/11 19:40
推 : 哪來的野雞報紙30F 04/11 19:40
推 : 推31F 04/11 19:40
推 : 2樓也崩潰的太快了32F 04/11 19:41
推 : 繼布丁加泡麵之後 台灣再次登上華爾街日報33F 04/11 19:41
→ : 調查統計那個比例要看命題跟在哪調查吧34F 04/11 19:41
→ : 柯P:中國官員素質比台灣好35F 04/11 19:41
→ : 剛看英文也想說張嘉航念起來不太對36F 04/11 19:41
推 : 阿滴尷尬了??37F 04/11 19:42
→ : 爛嘴柯現在還是整天扯後腿,當初嗆盲目擴產不敢面對惹38F 04/11 19:42
推 : 看完了 整個情勢轉變整理的不錯39F 04/11 19:43
推 : 蔡依林也被捲進來XD40F 04/11 19:43
推 : 柯粉:野雞41F 04/11 19:43
推 : 感謝翻譯42F 04/11 19:43
推 : 其實台灣就是生於憂患死於安樂的例子43F 04/11 19:44
推 : 欸等等potter king是波特王吧,統神???44F 04/11 19:44
推 : 看完了 感謝翻譯!45F 04/11 19:45
推 : 扣掉蔡依林和波特王特別的部分,整篇清晰透徹!46F 04/11 19:46
推 : 推47F 04/11 19:46
推 : 有看有推48F 04/11 19:46
推 : 野雞小報搏點閱啦49F 04/11 19:46
噓 : 蔡跟波的不需要,根本路人甲50F 04/11 19:47
推 : 五毛 小粉紅 上工了 7元不能白領51F 04/11 19:47
→ : 所以中國才在那邊哭鬧啊52F 04/11 19:47
推 : 推翻譯53F 04/11 19:48
推 : 柯譚韓粉:野雞小報54F 04/11 19:48
推 : 統神:你要幫我改名你要先講 那我也要睡啦55F 04/11 19:48
推 : 蔡10被菸粉出征了?56F 04/11 19:49
→ : 台灣做的好 不只中國不滿 八卦柯粉也很不滿阿57F 04/11 19:49
推 : 極權政治本來就一推貪腐58F 04/11 19:49
推 : 台灣這次真的被各國媒體狂報導59F 04/11 19:49
推 : 記者文章內容大半都不錯 感謝翻譯60F 04/11 19:49
推 : 推推 感謝翻譯61F 04/11 19:49
推 : 感謝翻譯62F 04/11 19:49
推 : 猜依林登華街日報ㄟ,雖然是很負面63F 04/11 19:50
推 : 二樓哈哈哈哈uccu64F 04/11 19:50
推 : 推65F 04/11 19:51
推 : 被阻絕在CHO結果死最少人好諷刺啊66F 04/11 19:51
→ : 中國就是笑話跟Lier
→ : 中國就是笑話跟Lier
→ : 簡潔翻譯,中國超不爽啦68F 04/11 19:51
推 : 認真給推69F 04/11 19:51
推 : 七毛氣噗噗70F 04/11 19:51
推 : 謝謝翻譯 推文有人崩潰XD71F 04/11 19:52
→ : 五毛說台灣不檢測.但死亡人數就擺在那能假?又不是中國72F 04/11 19:52
推 : 推73F 04/11 19:53
推 : 蔡依林算了吧,真的對她很失望74F 04/11 19:53
推 : 2F連這篇屁話的5%程度都寫不出來75F 04/11 19:53
推 : 七毛:這什麼野雞報 7噗噗76F 04/11 19:53
推 : 五毛進來拉個屎就走了 很忙的啦!77F 04/11 19:53
推 : 推78F 04/11 19:54
推 : 挑釁!!79F 04/11 19:55
推 : 推80F 04/11 19:55
推 : 左膠報轉性?81F 04/11 19:55
推 : 才61%認為中國霸凌台灣???82F 04/11 19:56
推 : 推83F 04/11 19:56
推 :84F 04/11 19:56
推 : 發文不到30秒就知道屁話連篇也是厲害85F 04/11 19:57
→ : 感謝翻 整篇看下來只有1句話 爽!!!86F 04/11 19:58
推 : 民調是台灣民調, 猛然只看中文以為是美國民調87F 04/11 20:00
推 : 翻譯給推88F 04/11 20:00
推 : 推一個!89F 04/11 20:00
推 : 2樓秒崩潰 XDDDDDDDD90F 04/11 20:01
※ 編輯: johnruby ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 20:03:04推 : 近年最高數據XD 民調看起來超親中的啊 難怪...91F 04/11 20:02
推 : 推92F 04/11 20:02
推 : 支那豬可憐啊93F 04/11 20:02
推 : 辛苦了94F 04/11 20:02
推 : 統神在直播FF7 很忙95F 04/11 20:04
推 : 推96F 04/11 20:04
推 : 2樓氣噗噗97F 04/11 20:06
推 : 什麼鳥蛋小報,聽都沒聽過98F 04/11 20:07
推 : 推99F 04/11 20:07
推 : 國家機器動的很厲害100F 04/11 20:07
推 : 推101F 04/11 20:08
推 : 噓超快的102F 04/11 20:09
推 : 推一個103F 04/11 20:09
推 : 推104F 04/11 20:09
→ : 二樓才是愛講屁話
→ : 二樓才是愛講屁話
推 : 推106F 04/11 20:09
推 : 記者觀察很入微 應該在台灣很久了?107F 04/11 20:11
推 : 蔡E0還被cue喔,過氣大媽108F 04/11 20:13
推 : 感謝翻譯 最好驅逐中時糞報109F 04/11 20:15
推 : 那個馬德里不是蔡依林本人唱的吧?110F 04/11 20:15
推 : 看到有人崩潰 就幫你推111F 04/11 20:15
推 : 那MV愛怎麼後製,10會知道嗎?112F 04/11 20:16
→ : 喔喔,原來是另外一首新歌113F 04/11 20:16
推 : 蔡依林的醜竟然被報了 真丟臉 晚節不保114F 04/11 20:16
推 : 推 這篇比廣告強w115F 04/11 20:17
推 : 支持獨立的怎麼這麼少 QQ~116F 04/11 20:17
推 : 5毛快滾去領你媽的雙色骨灰啦!117F 04/11 20:17
推 : 推翻譯118F 04/11 20:18
推 : 五毛崩潰119F 04/11 20:19
推 : 感謝翻譯120F 04/11 20:19
→ : 維持現狀佔4成2的樣子,贊成獨立都快追上維持現狀了121F 04/11 20:20
推 : 53%維持現狀
推 : 53%維持現狀
推 : 感謝翻譯,去你的武漢肺炎123F 04/11 20:23
→ : 五毛崩潰 耿爽又要不爽啦124F 04/11 20:24
推 : 推125F 04/11 20:26
噓 : WSJ公信力其實沒很好,看看pews跟這媒體的恩怨吧126F 04/11 20:26
推 : 感謝翻譯127F 04/11 20:27
推 : 謝翻譯 感謝爸爸128F 04/11 20:27
→ : 不愧是台獨教父習近平129F 04/11 20:27
推 : 推130F 04/11 20:27
噓 : 柯粉:綠共;柯師傅:跟中國一個染缸出來的131F 04/11 20:29
推 : 第7頁,台灣在09至16年期間那段翻譯有點錯誤132F 04/11 20:29
推 : 七毛閉嘴133F 04/11 20:29
推 : 五毛別崩潰了 快去排隊領你媽骨灰134F 04/11 20:29
推 : 推135F 04/11 20:34
推 : 推翻譯136F 04/11 20:35
推 : 七毛,加薪之後有比較賣力喔137F 04/11 20:36
推 : 波特王上報了耶138F 04/11 20:43
推 : 推139F 04/11 20:43
推 : 怎麼哪一篇都有人在扯空氣柯粉w140F 04/11 20:44
推 : 五毛別只崩潰啊! 爸媽妻小姐妹骨灰先領.141F 04/11 20:44
推 : 不過原文連結怎麼沒有?142F 04/11 20:45
推 : 這篇是今天記者會完才登的 385是最新數據143F 04/11 20:45
※ 編輯: johnruby ( 臺灣), 04/11/2020 20:46:14推 : 可以用來加強英文閱讀能力XD144F 04/11 20:46
推 : 跟二樓暴怒害我噴笑 辛苦了145F 04/11 20:49
噓 : 新冠???中國人還在洗產地= =146F 04/11 20:52
推 : 推147F 04/11 20:52
推 : 推148F 04/11 20:52
推 : 推149F 04/11 20:52
推 : 感謝分享 翻譯辛苦了 推推150F 04/11 20:54
( ̄︶ ̄)b polo1230, NJPUZ, hahagod23, anbbdd39645, huzc0606, AyawayTaiwan, a0987789369, kevin1959, klin1, tetris2, AS2000, yhnmju, Han_Sen, ayaya520, sin8143, shinra0815, Minyi, FormosaUSAgi, erinchien, clisan, Uggyy 共 21 個人 說讚!
2樓 時間: 2020-04-11 20:32:29 (台灣)
04-11 20:32 TW
口罩外交有目的不好聽, 台灣政府及台灣鄉民應該廣為宣傳, 用“mask Aids”「口罩援助」來取代“mask diplomacy.”「口罩外交」.
11樓 時間: 2020-04-12 00:35:14 (台灣)
04-12 00:35 TW
應該廣為宣傳,用“mask Aids”「口罩援助」來取代“mask diplomacy.”「口罩外交」+1