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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-04-28 09:46:33
看板 Gossiping
作者 tomkobe (tomkobe)
標題 [新聞] 紐約市一名治療新冠醫生自殺身亡
時間 Tue Apr 28 08:37:15 2020




Corky Siemaszko


E.R. doctor on 'front lines' of coronavirus fight in N.Y. dies by suicide


A New York City emergency room doctor who was on the “front lines” of the fi
ght against the coronavirus has died by suicide, police said Monday.

Dr. Lorna Breen, 49, who worked at NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital, was in
 Virginia when she died on Sunday, said Tyler Hawn, a spokesman for the Charlo
ttesville Police Department.

“The victim was taken to U.V.A. Hospital for treatment, but later succumbed t
o self-inflicted injuries,” Hawn said.

It was her father, Dr. Phillip Breen, who revealed the first details about his
 daughter's tragic death.

“She tried to do her job, and it killed her,” he told The New York Times. “
She was truly in the trenches of the front line.”

He said his daughter seemed very detached of late and that she had described s
ome of the horrors she had witnessed at the hospital while battling the virus.

“Make sure she’s praised as a hero, because she was,” Phillip Breen said.
“She’s a casualty just as much as anybody else who has died.”

The hospital confirmed Lorna Breen’s death in a statement released by chief s
pokesperson Lucky Tran, but gave few other details.

“Words cannot convey the sense of loss we feel today,” the statement said.
“Dr. Breen is a hero who brought the highest ideals of medicine to the challe
nging front lines of the emergency department. Our focus today is to provide s
upport to her family, friends, and colleagues as they cope with this news duri
ng what is already an extraordinarily difficult time."

NewYork-Presbyterian Allen Hospital has 200 beds, is in northern Manhattan and
 is one of the seven hospitals that make up NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital.

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):



紐約市一名從新冠中康復並繼續治療新冠患者的急診室醫生Lorna Breen,昨天上午在弗
染了新冠病毒 ,休息了一周半才恢復。當返回工作崗位後,她發現自己連12小時的輪班

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※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UftgzIb (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1588034237.A.4A5.html
jetalpha: 跟中國武漢肺炎有關的死亡案例又多一個。1F 04/28 08:38
yu1111116: 垃圾支那武漢肺炎2F 04/28 08:41
jasonpig: 中國人真的害慘全世界3F 04/28 08:42
supisces: RIP4F 04/28 08:47
yulunyeh: 崩潰了5F 04/28 08:48
zxc17893: 蟈還要殺死多少人==6F 04/28 08:49
funkyfly: 垃圾中國人7F 04/28 08:49
s13914080: 太輕忽了,被川普流感化又沒禁歐洲8F 04/28 08:50
xman262: 中國人沒有一個是無辜的9F 04/28 08:50
countryair: 只休息一周半又回去工作...10F 04/28 08:51
countryair: 身體心裡都累壞了吧
jason222333: 遺憾12F 04/28 08:52
demitri: 然後還有一堆川粉在抗議不解封13F 04/28 08:53
demitri: 每天看著一堆人在眼前死亡 還要決定誰生誰死
AVR0: 是的,中國武漢肺炎15F 04/28 08:55
imdog: 好慘....16F 04/28 08:55
elec1141: 草莓17F 04/28 08:56
CostDown: 生命很可貴 不要放棄希望 自殺前想想家人 生命專線救你18F 04/28 09:03
CostDown: 螻蟻尚且偷生 自殺不能解決問題 世界上還有比你更慘的人
horse2819: 辛苦了..20F 04/28 09:12
juyac11: 其實染病痊癒後可以休息一下的21F 04/28 09:14
REDF: 不要自殺  放棄別人讓別人死沒差跟自己的命比起來毫不重要22F 04/28 09:19
REDF: 我認為這些醫護人員都要更想著自己一點
wadashi1: 有時候社會的道德壓力會逼得人只想自殺,同情24F 04/28 09:21
cama: 疫情慘重吧 覺得少休息一天可以多救幾個人 壓力太大25F 04/28 09:22
panzerbug: 慘,中國人高潮了26F 04/28 09:22
Joybena: 那種恐慌感不是身在台灣的我們能理解的....27F 04/28 09:24
falcon11: R.I.P.28F 04/28 09:26
demitri: 每天面對一堆人死亡 身心俱疲 還要擔心自己染病29F 04/28 09:27
douge: 有那種州長跟市長 怪誰?30F 04/28 09:27
XDDDpupu5566: 垃圾支那用武漢肺炎殺死一位良醫31F 04/28 09:28
pinebox: https://youtu.be/xfLVxx_lBLU  封城封成那樣到底有必要?32F 04/28 09:32
pinebox: 第一線醫生很懷疑目前作法不科學33F 04/28 09:33
s72005ming: 慘34F 04/28 09:39
s72005ming: 難怪歐洲醫護直接離職
Aurorra: 天哪36F 04/28 09:40
NiMaDerB: 壓力太大 QQ37F 04/28 09:42

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