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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-05 14:18:41
看板 Gossiping
作者 mesenchymal (間葉)
標題 [新聞] 美國密西根有警衛因口罩規定被槍殺
時間 Tue May  5 12:41:50 2020


Alec Snyder, Mirna Alsharif and Theresa Waldrop,

Three family members charged in shooting death of security guard who told a cu
stomer to put on a face mask



Ramonyea Travon Bishop, 23 (兒子), Larry Edward Teague, 44 (繼父), and Sharmel
 Lashe Teague, 45( 媽媽)

然後這事是發生在上週五,一家類似連鎖百元商店的警衛Calvin Munerlyn只是在執行他

沒想到20分鐘後,同輛車子又開回來了,但這次是兩個男的下車 (繼父跟兒子),繼父怒


(CNN)Three family members have been charged in the killing of a security guard
 who told a customer at a Michigan Family Dollar store to wear a state-mandate
d face mask, officials said on Monday.

Calvin Munerlyn, 43, died at a Flint hospital after he was shot in the head Fr
iday, said Michigan State Police Lt. David Kaiser.

Ramonyea Travon Bishop, 23,㗒arry Edward Teague, 44,乸nd嚒harmel㗒ashe糍eague,
 45, have been charged with first-degree premeditated murder, along with other
 charges, the Genesee County Prosecutor's Office said in a statement on Monday

Sharmel and Larry Teague are married, and Bishop is Sharmel's son, according t
o the prosecutor's office.

"From all indications, Mr. Munerlyn was simply doing his job in upholding the
Governor's Executive Order related to the COVID-19 pandemic for the safety of
store employees and customers," Genesee County Prosecutor David Leyton said in
 the statement.

Munerlyn got into a verbal altercation with Sharmel Teague after telling Teagu
e's daughter she needed a mask, according to the prosecutor's office. Surveill
ance video confirms the incident, Leyton said.

Sharmel Teague's daughter left the store, but "Teague began yelling at Munerly
n who then told her to leave the store and instructed a cashier not to serve h
er," the prosecutor's office said.

Under an executive order from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, all retail emplo
yees and customers have to wear a mask.

Footage also shows that immediately after the altercation, the woman left in a
n SUV. But about 20 minutes later, the SUV returned.

Two men -- identified as Bishop and Larry Teague -- entered the store, accordi
ng to the statement. One of them yelled at Munerlyn about disrespecting his wi
fe, Leyton said. The other man, later identified as Bishop, then allegedly sho
t the security guard, the statement said.

This is senseless. Over a mask. Over a mask?" Munerlyn's cousin, Tina James, t
old CNN affiliate WJRT. "This is not the way to do things right now. We need t
o come together." Police are looking for Larry Teague and Bishop, the prosecut
or's office said. Sharmel Teague is in custody and awaiting arraignment on her
 charges in 67th District Court.

In addition to the murder charge, Bishop also faces charges of felony firearm
and carrying a concealed weapon, the prosecutor's office said.

Larry Teague also faces two felony firearm-related charges, one charge of a fe
lon in possession of a firearm, one charge of carrying a concealed weapon, and
 one of violating the governor's executive order, according to the prosecutor'
s office.

Sharmel Teague also faces a felony firearm charge, the statement said. She doe
sn't have a lawyer yet, John Potbury, deputy chief assistant prosecutor of Gen
esee County, told CNN. Randy Guiler, Dollar Tree's vice president of investor
relations, said the company is "aware of the tragic incident." "We will contin
ue to cooperate fully with local authorities on their investigation," Guiler s
aid in a statement to CNN.

 "As always, we are committed to ensuring a safe environment for our associate
s and customers. Out of respect for the family's privacy, we are not commentin
g further at this time."

5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):

Three family members charged in shooting death of security guard who told a customer to put on a face mask - CNN
Three family members have been charged in the killing of a security guard who told a customer at a Michigan Family Dollar store to wear a state-mandat ...



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newchina: 一定是黑人1F 05/05 12:42
ericinttu:   怕抱2F 05/05 12:42
oz5566: 美國賤畜3F 05/05 12:42
rockon15: 不要戴口罩不就好了 黑人警衛太過份了4F 05/05 12:42
piyobearman: 思覺失調5F 05/05 12:42
ilw4e: 智障太多的國家6F 05/05 12:42
※ 編輯: mesenchymal ( 美國), 05/05/2020 12:44:46
ah937609: 反觀台只要罰款7F 05/05 12:42
flymyfinger: 思覺失調吧8F 05/05 12:42
wuyiulin: xDDDDD9F 05/05 12:42
Dreampen: 美國腦殘真不是普通的少10F 05/05 12:43
rainylife: 美男真的智障11F 05/05 12:43
ryanworld: 槍枝氾濫12F 05/05 12:43
brad001: 智障一家人13F 05/05 12:43
deer8dog9: This is America14F 05/05 12:43
zainc: 一定是黑人,黑人何苦為難黑人15F 05/05 12:43
HMKRL: 被管制搞到發神經的吧16F 05/05 12:44
kingtama: 警衛是黑人?那沒事了17F 05/05 12:44
ruokcnn: 正常美國人18F 05/05 12:44
trohlens: 優質美國人19F 05/05 12:44
alittlestar: 還好台灣只是刀光劍影 不是槍林彈雨  該慶幸嗎@0@20F 05/05 12:44
yuechen: 還敢叫人戴口罩啊美國人21F 05/05 12:44
Gold740716: 先猜保守教徒22F 05/05 12:44
lee2tc: 又是flint, Michigan.....23F 05/05 12:44
yuechen: 直接請你吃子彈24F 05/05 12:44
davideason: 黑人 雙方都是25F 05/05 12:44
shadow0326: this is america26F 05/05 12:45
Bainite: 智障一家人27F 05/05 12:45
s01714: 智障28F 05/05 12:45
citizen5566: 直接請你吃土豆...29F 05/05 12:46
dan5120: 尼哥真兇30F 05/05 12:46
coldsheep: 好扯31F 05/05 12:46
vwwv: thug life32F 05/05 12:46
dinosd2: 敢開槍就不要跑啊......跑啥小33F 05/05 12:47
Moratti: ?34F 05/05 12:47
jinzhu: 這個在台灣有小菸闢護就沒事了35F 05/05 12:47
zero00072: 日常,隨便都能送你登出。誰再叫開放槍枝的出來喊聲。36F 05/05 12:47
sheagia: 廢死綠畜:可教化37F 05/05 12:48
leamaSTC: 遇到低智商人口 是沒辦法溝通的...唉38F 05/05 12:48
yeh10jp: 這個國家到底...39F 05/05 12:48
guanting886: 這就能知道 為什麼美國警察這麼神經質了 幹 要你戴40F 05/05 12:48
guanting886: 個口罩還會遇到被槍擊
foolwind: 這樣的美國玩得贏支那嗎.....42F 05/05 12:49
sunnyyoung: 一家神經病43F 05/05 12:49
leocean9816: 川粉:CNN又在造假了44F 05/05 12:49
cck525: 阿彌陀佛45F 05/05 12:49
kurtsgm: 殺人的兩個是黑人沒錯46F 05/05 12:49
firemothra: 擁槍是人民的自由47F 05/05 12:50
larry890122: 擁槍派:警衛就是沒槍才會死48F 05/05 12:50
yoyodio: GTA都是真的49F 05/05 12:50
kenfu0402: 美國智障一堆50F 05/05 12:50
miracle1215: 川粉:不自由毋寧死51F 05/05 12:50
2 at large after murder of Flint security guard who told woman to wear mask
A security guard at a Flint Family Dollar was shot to death Friday after telling a woman she needed to wear a mask inside the store, authorities said. ...

※ 編輯: mesenchymal ( 美國), 05/05/2020 12:53:36
idam1983: 偉大美利堅52F 05/05 12:52
raxxar82: 看來武漢肺炎 美國死太少 還不夠多53F 05/05 12:52
ff704: 他兒子也太腦衝了吧...54F 05/05 12:52
polestar0505: 一級謀殺喔 準備死刑吧 反觀台灣55F 05/05 12:53
Hydelarc: 美國低端智障真多56F 05/05 12:53
hdotistyle: This is America57F 05/05 12:54
whitecygnus: 美國日常58F 05/05 12:54
shiauji: ......59F 05/05 12:54
ScottBrooks: 美國就標準的天才多智障也多60F 05/05 12:55
sadoshy: ......61F 05/05 12:55
stussy170: 可控可防緊張什麼62F 05/05 12:57
twmacaron: 低端人口日常63F 05/05 12:57
oyaji5566: 這些美國低能收入是你的好幾倍64F 05/05 12:57
skywalker019: 柯韓粉五毛逮到機會黑美國了 也不先看看支那有多慘65F 05/05 12:59
octopus4406: 扯爆66F 05/05 12:59
zizek: 黑人水準真的很低 不要懷疑 這次重災區和人種比例關係很大67F 05/05 13:00
je789520: 這家也太北七了吧68F 05/05 13:00
chivale: 應該死刑吧.....69F 05/05 13:00
zizek: 社經地位影響的公衛常識落差太大 富人區幾乎沒啥案例70F 05/05 13:00
zizek: 口罩也帶得好好的
Carrarese: 美國鄉下真的很恐怖72F 05/05 13:01
boogieman: jinzhu五毛滾回你的牆內分骨灰罈去73F 05/05 13:01
帶槍闖進州議會示威!美國密西根「反封鎖」民眾武裝抗議 警察試圖阻攔未果-風傳媒
全球新冠肺炎(武漢肺炎)疫情重災區──美國,絕大部分地區仍處於封鎖狀態,然而近日十幾個州爆發「反封鎖抗議」,數十至數千不戴口罩的人擠在公眾場所吶喊口號,活動背後的組織者大多來自力挺總統川普的保守、擁槍陣營。抗議規模最大的密西根州4月30日有數百名示威者闖入州議會大廈示威,其中幾名 ...

aduijjr: 收入高又怎樣,智障就是智障75F 05/05 13:02
ice2240580: 至少不會判精神障礙隨便放出來 比智障還比不過台灣76F 05/05 13:04
dslite: 一定是尼哥77F 05/05 13:05
GyroZep: 泥疙就是賤78F 05/05 13:06
ab4daa: 建議送來台灣教化79F 05/05 13:06
eudamonia4u: 南無阿彌陀佛80F 05/05 13:06
kcbill: 怕81F 05/05 13:07
cs005337: 誰叫美國一開始說戴口罩沒有用,蝴蝶效應啦82F 05/05 13:07
Seemeagg: 哇...美國擁槍的真的好恐怖83F 05/05 13:07
HyperPoro: 黑人不意外84F 05/05 13:08
cstease64: 來台灣無罪85F 05/05 13:08
HRyan: 智障五毛. 黨有沒有跟你說倒底死多少狗奴才?86F 05/05 13:08
TZUKI: 來台灣說思覺失調就沒事了87F 05/05 13:08
Kapenza: 20分後叫上兒子帶槍開車回來,這擺明來殺人的88F 05/05 13:09
ggian123: 唉90F 05/05 13:11
mo42: 台灣只是沒有槍 不然智障跟美國一樣多93F 05/05 13:13
nostar:  r e s p e c t94F 05/05 13:13
gwenwoo:   防疫優先  共體時艱  武漢肺炎=中國特色之冠狀病毒95F 05/05 13:14
reiraku: 那家人真是什麼鍋配什麼蓋…96F 05/05 13:15
matlab1106: 警衛智障吧 污辱人被開槍不是剛好?97F 05/05 13:16
moneyguy: 絕對不能開放槍隻98F 05/05 13:16
moment168: 黑人為難黑人 沒事99F 05/05 13:17
crazypeo45: 一級謀殺罪人生就GG了100F 05/05 13:18
demitri: 密西根封城非常嚴格 衝突也特別激烈101F 05/05 13:21
myyalga: 擁槍自重是他們美國的立國根本,除非理性專家跟感性川普102F 05/05 13:23
myyalga: 一致認同口罩能阻絕病毒,產能不夠慢慢提升。以南韓為例
myyalga: ,防疫成績做好,對連任絕對有幫助。但還是必須防範中國
myyalga: 假消息攻擊美國。
centralperk: 極刑吧106F 05/05 13:24
meRscliche: <This is America> 這首歌太貼切107F 05/05 13:24
kenji047: 在台灣很可能因為有病 而無罪108F 05/05 13:25
naker: 低端人口做亂109F 05/05 13:26
phoinixa: 幹這根本神經病吧110F 05/05 13:28
ppc: 黑人警衛很多人都很好 RIP111F 05/05 13:28
sunnydragon7: 美國警衛通常也有佩槍,應該是沒想到會被殺112F 05/05 13:29
rebuildModel: 就說美國白痴沒有比較少113F 05/05 13:30
zwxyzxxx: 很意外嗎?  你是對歐美人有什麼好的幻象?114F 05/05 13:31
shashayou: 美國人疫情爆炸不是沒原因 智障一堆115F 05/05 13:31
LoserLee: 人渣...台灣女孩該醒醒了別再好浪漫了...116F 05/05 13:33
hellodio: 沒什麼,連戴口罩這事都忍耐不住,美國就等著被武漢肺炎117F 05/05 13:33
cccc1730: 美國…怕118F 05/05 13:33
hellodio: 肆虐罷了,白人死絕,全國智商就提昇了。119F 05/05 13:33
ginsengwolf: 有啥沉重 你還好嗎?120F 05/05 13:34
a856445: 又是黑人,整天怪人種族歧視怎不好好檢討自己人121F 05/05 13:36
notneme159: 美國不意外一堆擁槍的垃圾122F 05/05 13:36
a856445: 是罪犯的比例有多高123F 05/05 13:36
※ 編輯: mesenchymal ( 美國), 05/05/2020 13:37:51
zwxyzxxx: 順便說一個提外話 當疫情發生 大家都在補物資的時候124F 05/05 13:37
s13914080: 悶太久,壓力鍋爆炸,知覺失調無罪125F 05/05 13:37
zwxyzxxx: 美國槍店的生意好的不得了,還要排隊才能買槍126F 05/05 13:38
mudee: 美國9.2127F 05/05 13:39
cat05joy: 美國日常128F 05/05 13:40
mudee: 跟統促黨那堆鬧事的垃圾差不多 只差臺灣不能擁槍129F 05/05 13:42
serding: 美好,自由的國度130F 05/05 13:42
jerrylin: 神經病喔  還特地拿槍回來殺警衛131F 05/05 13:42
kaku5217: 這次疫情就算美國死個上百萬人也不意外132F 05/05 13:44
x6urvery: 菸糞最崇尚的美國自由民主精神133F 05/05 13:47
huikmn: 擁槍大國的日常134F 05/05 13:50
alligator176: 美國青番135F 05/05 13:52
IFeelSoAlive: 米國日常136F 05/05 13:54
mc0204: 覺青理想國137F 05/05 13:54
r124193767: 美國低端人口真的很多138F 05/05 13:56
o0kk0ogreen: 智障一家人139F 05/05 14:04
liudwan: 紅脖子140F 05/05 14:05
flowersuger: 太扯141F 05/05 14:05
bluehttp: 美國槍大賣就是用在這種時候142F 05/05 14:08
alvis000: 媽的智障143F 05/05 14:09
pengrass: 靠 好慘...144F 05/05 14:11
twmarstw7758: 美國人真的智障145F 05/05 14:12
euruing: 真的智障= =146F 05/05 14:13
utahraptor: 所以米國警察看到尼哥直接打死很合理啊147F 05/05 14:15

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