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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-19 23:44:36
看板 Gossiping
作者 Kulapica (酷拉皮卡)
標題 [新聞] (外媒)打了牛津疫苗猴子仍感染新冠病毒
時間 Tue May 19 20:16:16 2020

daily mail(英國外媒)


Doubts raised over Oxford coronavirus vaccine after ALL of the monkeys that took part in the trial are found to have contracted the disease


PUBLISHED: 18:06 BST, 18 May 2020 | UPDATED: 09:22 BST, 19 May 2020

All six rhesus monkeys given the vaccine still became infected with Covid-19
There were also warnings that they may have been able to spread the virus
Oxford University vaccine has already been steam-rolled into human trials
A professor from Imperial trial warned vaccine unlikely to be ready before 2021
Here’s how to help people impacted by Covid-19


PUBLISHED: 18:06 BST, 18 May 2020 | UPDATED: 09:22 BST, 19 May 2020

The coronavirus vaccine being developed by scientists at Oxford University may not prevent people from becoming infected with the disease after all, experts have warned.
In the latest animal trials of the vaccine carried out on rhesus macaques, all six of the participating monkeys went on to catch the coronavirus.
Dr William Haseltine, a former Harvard Medical School professor, revealed the monkeys who received the vaccine had the same amount of virus in their noses as the three non-vaccinated monkeys in the trial.
This suggests the treatment, which has already received in the region of 90million in government investment, may not halt the spread of the deadly disease.
The bombshell comes after initial reports last week suggested the vaccine offered 'some' immunity against the virus, and stopped it getting deep into the lungs, where it becomes deadly.
The vaccine, known as ChAdOx1 nCov-19, is currently undergoing its first human clinical trial, as nations accelerate their efforts to tackle the deadly virus.
(簡譯)各國仍繼續努力協助名為ChAdOx1 nCov-19之新冠疫苗於人體實驗
It is the latest setback to hopes of a cure after a professor at Imperial College London, where researchers are also studying a potential vaccine, warned earlier today a working vaccine is unlikely to be ready this year.
He said people should not have 'false expectations' of cure being ready soon despite ministers revealing they are hoping to have 30 million vaccine doses for the UK by September.




5.完整新聞連結 (或短網址):
Coronavirus UK: All monkeys in Oxford vaccine trial infected | Daily Mail Online All six rhesus monkeys given the vaccine still caught the virus, and had so much in their lungs they may have still been able to pass the virus to oth ...


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frommr: 改打哈佛疫苗ㄚ還要我教?1F 05/19 20:16
k960608: 改打劍橋疫苗阿還要我講?2F 05/19 20:17
cheetahspeed: 糞校 換台大的有名多了3F 05/19 20:17
neilisme: 文組疫苗就是個笑話 還是MIT疫苗比較有用4F 05/19 20:17
firemothra: 長春藤疫苗5F 05/19 20:17
kingfsg7326: 黃猴子:6F 05/19 20:17
Ives20130: 改打麻省理工疫苗阿還要我講?7F 05/19 20:18
popopal: 疫苗大家只看好美台德日 其他旁邊洗洗睡吧8F 05/19 20:18
aaagang: 母湯亂打9F 05/19 20:18
homerun2005: 唉10F 05/19 20:18
tyrande: 先研究不傷身體 再講究效果11F 05/19 20:19
Galm: 這根本是生化武器12F 05/19 20:19
Yuwuen: 都漲一根了 跟我講這些??13F 05/19 20:20
jerrylin: 英國人還是靠群體免疫ㄅ14F 05/19 20:21
spark12: 意思是集合人類當前所有醫學智慧的疫苗 仍無解15F 05/19 20:22
※ 編輯: Kulapica ( 香港), 05/19/2020 20:25:44
podon: 明天生技股小心惹16F 05/19 20:25
Qaaaa: 目前大約有七十多種不同方法的疫苗同步開發 其實沒有誰強17F 05/19 20:25
victoryuy: 明明有多種疫苗開發中 誰跟你集合所有醫學智慧18F 05/19 20:25
mkopin: 英國笑死19F 05/19 20:25
CYL009: 靠美國啦 英國研究哈哈哈20F 05/19 20:25
Qaaaa: 誰弱的問題 因為未知的太多 當然跟風的不會錯就另當別論21F 05/19 20:25
Ilat: 還信誓旦旦的說九月釋出疫苗咧 是有多天真22F 05/19 20:26
yafx4200p: 你找恆河猴子就不對啦 人家河恆河水基因傳承的23F 05/19 20:26
soyghcg: 這支疫苗是之前歐美最看好的吧24F 05/19 20:30
soyghcg: 這支疫苗是之前歐美最看好的吧 幾乎都是最強的研究單位合
soyghcg: 作
umano: ...............27F 05/19 20:31
AUwalker: 國光好不容易才鎖第一根QQ28F 05/19 20:31
dcoog7880: 哇29F 05/19 20:32
leocean9816: 乖乖聽川普的,吃羥氯奎寧就好ㄌ30F 05/19 20:34
dslite: 英國不行了 昨天馬多納的疫苗結果很不錯31F 05/19 20:37
potionx: 科學態度就是看結果 疫苗那麼多種 都做完再講32F 05/19 20:40
badruid: 不管怎樣,今年秋冬應該會再來一波33F 05/19 20:40
firemothra: 完了,生技股票34F 05/19 20:40
QBey: 崩崩35F 05/19 20:41
potionx: 用看好度又不是在賭賽馬  萬一跑出黑馬也不是不可能36F 05/19 20:41
kevinpc: 推文怎麼沒有吱吱崩潰37F 05/19 20:41
soria: 可憐哪38F 05/19 20:44
soria: 挨了一針還是得病
kenned: 打流感疫苗也可能會得流感阿  重點是減少重症40F 05/19 20:47
rapnose: 牛津鞋不是雕花鞋。41F 05/19 20:58
ericinttu:   怕抱42F 05/19 21:03
qwe04687: 吱吱:幹43F 05/19 21:16

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