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※ 本文為 MindOcean 轉寄自 ptt.cc 更新時間: 2020-05-20 14:50:00
看板 Gossiping
作者 shiuping (peter)
標題 [新聞]美軍一架F-35A失事 飛行員彈射獲救
時間 Wed May 20 13:04:20 2020

來源: The Drive

F-35 Out Of Eglin Air Force Base Has Crashed, Second Aircraft Loss For The Base In Five Days - The Drive The aircraft was on a routine night training mission when the incident occurred. ...


F-35 Out Of Eglin Air Force Base Has Crashed Just Days After F-22 Based There
Was Lost

美軍一架F-35A戰機失事 飛行員彈射獲救

上週一架F-22失事的美國空軍Eglin基地,於美國當地時間5/19 晚間9:30左右



夜航訓練,詳細原因待調查,這是F-35 A/B/C機隊成軍以來,第三架失事的F-35。

前兩架失事的F-35 分別是美軍海軍陸戰隊的F-35B和日本航空自衛隊的F-35A。

etails remain scarce at this time, but an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter that was
flying out of Eglin AFB, which is located on the Florida panhandle, has
crashed. Thankfully, the pilot was able to eject and is safe. The incident
occurred at around 9:30 pm local time and the F-35A was on a routine night
training mission when the mishap occurred. This is the second crash of an
aircraft operating out of the base in less than a week, with an F-22 Raptor
going down on Friday, May 15th. Thankfully, in that incident, the pilot was
able to eject and survive the mishap. If the aircraft is destroyed, it would
be the third crash of an F-35 that resulted in a total write-off of the

※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(ptt.cc), 來自: (臺灣)
※ 文章代碼(AID): #1UnBfMNG (Gossiping)
※ 文章網址: https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/Gossiping/M.1589951062.A.5D0.html
panzerbug: 貴森森1F 05/20 13:04
deann: 還好台灣買的比F35-A好太多了 才沒有墜機2F 05/20 13:05
hateOnas: 鋼鐵人?3F 05/20 13:05
Marino: 還好解放軍失事都不會公布4F 05/20 13:05
su831118: 八毛表示殲20屌打5F 05/20 13:05
richjf: 哪像台灣人命不值錢  總長都送給它6F 05/20 13:05
wsx26997785: 一棟豪宅就這樣沒了7F 05/20 13:05
prelight: happy day8F 05/20 13:07
lianpig5566: 是不是有不明飛行物?9F 05/20 13:07
woo5566: 1天噴掉30多億台幣10F 05/20 13:07
gz: 二樓智商正常發揮11F 05/20 13:08
flare5566: 別鳥二樓12F 05/20 13:10
bom30433: 二樓八卦爆文王阿13F 05/20 13:13
js52666: 笑死!學學祖國的姦20好嗎14F 05/20 13:15
morgan13: 被一個光頭打的15F 05/20 13:16
ericinttu:   怕抱16F 05/20 13:18
Pheromone: 納稅人的錢隨便摔17F 05/20 13:20
orze04: 機瘟 前幾天才噴F2218F 05/20 13:21
needmmmoney: 少騙人了 明明就是撞到鋼鐵人19F 05/20 13:23
kissa0924307: 這部我看過 鋼鐵人是吧~20F 05/20 13:25
Tchachavsky: 鋼鐵人又調皮了21F 05/20 13:25
seal998: 又是你,史塔克!22F 05/20 13:40
ajemtw: 美爹全面中猴23F 05/20 13:45
ElrosHsun: 一億鎂飛了24F 05/20 13:49
abasqoo: F22 F35...zzz25F 05/20 13:56
OObaga: 他們訓練強度真的很高26F 05/20 13:57
mlb99551155: 哪有不掉下來的飛機27F 05/20 13:58
tin123210: 紅酒大師正常發揮28F 05/20 14:45
marquelin: 前陣子噴22比較傷吧 限量保育類29F 05/20 14:46

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